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J.D.Vance declines to criticize Tucker Carlson over his friendly chat with Holocaust Denier


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12 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Looking at the interview now, it's actually a very interesting interview about a number of things.  Daryl Cooper comes across as a very well read, very balanced and highly knowledgeable interview subject. He clearly did not say what some of the left wing media claim he said, but far more interesting things.


People can judge for themselves here:



Well spoken. He should take his glasses off though.

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6 hours ago, Cameroni said:


I don't think Daryl Cooper said the Wannsee conference did not happen.  What he said was that


"“In 1941, they launched a war where they were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners,” he said during the 138-minute conversation. Cooper then suggested that the murder of millions in the camps was an unintended consequence of Hitler’s unpreparedness for war"




To call Daryl Cooper a "holocaust denier" looks either a misunderstanding of his statement or a deliberate attempt to defame him because of his political views.


It is undoubtedly true that Nazi Germany did not have adequate preparations and resources to feed all its millions of prisoners. Indeed the Allies themselves faced the same issue after the war.


In 1969, Lieutenant General Leonard D. Heaton prepared and published an exhaustive report for the United States Army Medical Department that examined preventive medicine and the problems associated with housing such a large number of German prisoners after World War II. The report found a number of problems, including:


  • The army had lost track of some of the locations where POWs were held.
  • The number of prisoners greatly exceeded expectations.
  • Organization of the camps was left to prisoners.
  • Food and water supplies were insufficient during April and May 1945, though they later improved.
  • The 1200 to 1500 calories ration that the Disarmed Enemy Forces were receiving in August 1945 was inadequate.[18]
  • The lack of food led in some cases to "extensive malnutrition."




And the Americans had ten times LESS prisoners of war than the Germans.


This statement Daryl Cooper made is correct. The "misunderstanding" or deliberate faleshood would be to imply that this statement applies to the extermination of the Jews. I don't think Cooper made this extrapolation, but rather various media outlets that are opposed to Cooper's political views.


The far more interesting point Cooper made was to say that Churchill was the villain of WWII because he was the one who went out of his way to turn a local Polish German war into a world war and he was the one who ensured the fighting of WWII continued after 1940 when Germany had sued for peace with Britain in a serious way, and of course he was the one who authorised the murder of civilians through "strategic bombing".



Most of the deniars are idiots. Imo your post is really bad, a reasoned defense of this atrocity with lies all over.

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20 hours ago, placeholder said:

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), the Republican vice-presidential nominee, declined to distance himself from right-wing talk show host Tucker Carlson for hosting a Holocaust distortionist who called Winston Churchill the “chief villain” of World War II, but spoke out against the crackpot guest whom he follows on his X accounts.

Carlson has drawn unusually fierce criticism from several elected Republicans over his decision to host Darryl Cooper, a self-proclaimed podcast historian, on his program. Carlson described Cooper as “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States,” and declined to push back on any of the false claims made during their conversation. 



A link that cries of for cash after 5 seconds. You can jam it.

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6 hours ago, Cameroni said:


I am looking at the Daryl Cooper and Tucker Carlson interview right now, Daryl Cooper never made the claim you state "the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis wasn't planned".


What he said was as I quoted form the Jerusalem Post article above:


"“In 1941, they launched a war where they were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners,” he said during the 138-minute conversation. Cooper then suggested that the murder of millions in the camps was an unintended consequence of Hitler’s unpreparedness for war"




Daryl Cooper was clearly talking about prisoners of war and local political prisoners. This extrapolation to imply Daryl Cooper spoke about the extermination of the Jews is obviously false and was made by people with a political axe to grind.


People can see for themselves here. The fact that Youtube has not deleted this interview is a clear indication it is in no way about holocaust denial, "nazi revisionism" and such. If it were, Youtube would long have deleted the interview.



He just 'forgot' to mention that camps were also full of Jews,  gypsies and political opponents, for the sole purpose of exterminating them! 😀

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59 minutes ago, candide said:

He just 'forgot' to mention that camps were also full of Jews,  gypsies and political opponents, for the sole purpose of exterminating them! 😀


Well, the interview was not about the extermination of the jews. Anyone who watches it will be disabused of this notion. So there was no reason for Cooper to mention this. His statement related to prisoners of war and political prisoners, it was not meant to be construed as applying to Auschwitz and other extermination camps.

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9 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

I’m searching the online Trump Vance official site to research the actual platform policies and positions the propose to do anything about inflation, cant find anything. 


Nothing,  other than schwag for the dupes and deplorables $24 bucks for a yard sign? $11 dollars for a sticker? They should have campaign staff canvassing neighborhoods to give this junk away gratis?


Oh, Here it is. 16 pages of promises, ie more lies. No specifics. Near 80 million likely Trump voters falling for a pile of codswallop.







Of course the coffee mug is White!

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When are Biden Harris going to apologize for their support/encouragement of Genocide. Sure outweighs radio hosts and podcasters doesnt it.?




Hey Mr. Editor, Harris/Biden gave another $1,000,000 dollars to Hamas.

Huh. Run that in our Arab language edition. Otherwise, shhhhhhh.

Hey Mr. Editor, Tucker Carlson just talked to some nobody who supposedly is a Holocaust Denier.







I feel sorry for so many of you guys here LOL


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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

"“In 1941, they launched a war where they were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners,” he said during the 138-minute conversation. Cooper then suggested that the murder of millions in the camps was an unintended consequence of Hitler’s unpreparedness for war"

There were not millions and millions of prisoners of war and political prisoners held by Germany.  However, there were millions of Jews, Communists, Homosexuals and Lunatics imprisoned by Germany in appalling camps.  Granted not all were extermination camps; some were just temporary holding camps before they were sent to the industrial scale extermination camps.  Every item of potential value was taken from them, including personal items, hair and gold teeth, so that the Nazi regime could profit from them.

To try and combine the figures and call them all prisoners of war and local political prisoners in order to suggest the Nazis hadn't prepared well enough to handle them all is despicable deflection.

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36 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Well, I have looked at the interview, which is not about the holocaust and certainly not about holocaust denial.  Cooper made a statement which is 100 per cent accurate, that the German authorities in charge of prisoners were not well prepared to deal with the large number of prisoners. This is an undisputable fact, the same issue faced the Americans after the war in Germany, when they starved German prisoners of war in the Rheinwiesenlager.


In 1969, Lieutenant General Leonard D. Heaton prepared and published an exhaustive report for the United States Army Medical Department that examined preventive medicine and the problems associated with housing such a large number of German prisoners after World War II. The report found a number of problems, including:

  • The army had lost track of some of the locations where POWs were held.[15]
  • The number of prisoners greatly exceeded expectations.[16]
  • Organization of the camps was left to prisoners.
  • Food and water supplies were insufficient during April and May 1945, though they later improved.[17]
  • The 1200 to 1500 calories ration that the Disarmed Enemy Forces were receiving in August 1945 was inadequate.[18]
  • The lack of food led in some cases to "extensive malnutrition."



And the Americans held less than one tenth of the number of prisoners the Germans held.


Interested parties with an axe to grind, who don't like Cooper's conservative politics, have been misrepresenting  this interview claiming that Cooper saying that the Germans did not have adequate plans to deal with the many millions of prisoners of war and political prisoners, which is perfectly true, equates to him saying the Germans did not have a plan for exterminating jews, which he did not say in the interview, which again, was not about the holocaust or holocaust denial or "nazi revisionism". This is simpy not true.


I have searched online if Daryl Coooper is a holocaust denier. I have found nothing but the many articles by leftist or holocaust industry parties who seek to discredit Cooper in relation to the interview with Carlson. There is nothing in his writing denying the holocaust that I could find. If you find something, feel free to post it here.


I have to say the interview with Daryl Cooper was a very enjoyable experience, he is very knowledgeable and intelligent, and extremely well read.  Anyone who actually watches the interview will come away convinced that Daryl Cooper is an engaging and interesting popular historian who is in no way a holocaust denier. I think the OP here was merely parroting some of the more hysteric accusationss by some media outlets and holocaust industry parties but OP has clearly not actually watched the interview. 



He does not deny any of the killings. He just reframes the reasons behind it. The Nazis were very erratic in their approach to.

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54 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Well, the interview was not about the extermination of the jews. Anyone who watches it will be disabused of this notion. So there was no reason for Cooper to mention this. His statement related to prisoners of war and political prisoners, it was not meant to be construed as applying to Auschwitz and other extermination camps.

Or it could be a more subtle way than the plain negationism: attract attention on all other type of victims  than those exterminated because of their race, in particular the Jews.


Actually, there's even a racial issue about war prisoners.  Western prisoners weren't often killed. The rate of killing was higher for Slavic and/or Soviet prisoners (Hitler also had a racial stance against Slavic people, perceived as inferior)..

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1 hour ago, animalmagic said:

There were not millions and millions of prisoners of war and political prisoners held by Germany.  However, there were millions of Jews, Communists, Homosexuals and Lunatics imprisoned by Germany in appalling camps.  Granted not all were extermination camps; some were just temporary holding camps before they were sent to the industrial scale extermination camps.  Every item of potential value was taken from them, including personal items, hair and gold teeth, so that the Nazi regime could profit from them.

To try and combine the figures and call them all prisoners of war and local political prisoners in order to suggest the Nazis hadn't prepared well enough to handle them all is despicable deflection.

Try to get your quotes right. That wasn't me.

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30 minutes ago, placeholder said:

This is, of course, extremely disingenuous. Obviously, the question crying to be asked,  the elephant in the room, was What is Coopers views on the reality of the Holocaust. How could someone not ask that question as a follow up to the claims about the mass slaughter of POWs and such. Yet somehow, Tucker Carlson managed not to ask that question.

So what do we know about Darryl Cooper

"In McKenzie’s recent post about “leaning into politics,” the Substack co-founder enthusiastically and prominently recommended a lesser-known Substacker, Darryl Cooper, as among the “up-and-comers” in political writing. Cooper’s podcast featured a complimentary interview with the white-nationalist magazine editor Greg Johnson—who, incidentally, published some of Hanania’s pseudonymous, more explicitly racist writings. Cooper has also used his personal Twitter account to claim that “FDR chose the wrong side in WW2.” (That tweet and the interview with Johnson were subsequently deleted.)


Hiding his tracks much?

In addition, in the interview he claims that Churchill was under the thumbs of "financiers". Anyone with an understanding of how anti-semites work knows what "financiers" is a code word for.

And the absurdity of taking Hitler's words at face value is another strong piece of evidence that Cooper is in the tank for the Reichsfuhrer.

I don't think you will find much about Daryl Cooper and the Holocaust. I've never heard of him before the Carlson interview, and indeed never watched Carlson before, but after searching online it does not look like Daryl Cooper has a particular interest in the holocaust. Though he has done a lot of research on the history of Israel/Palestine. Since he is not a holocaust academic I don't think his views on the holocaust would be particularly noteworthy.


Carlson did not ask deep probing questions about the Holocaust because this was not an interview about the holocaust. Rather Carlson's strategy was to ask interesting questions about a whole host of topics Daryl Cooper was actually knowlegeable about, such as Jim Jones, leaders of WWII and such. In that Carlson succeeded and it was an extremely interesting interview whiich gave Cooper ample chance to shine with his preferred topics.


Thanks for the interesting article on Substack, which I read with great interest. But if the most egregious charge against Cooper is that he did an interview with Greg Johnson then you might as well claim that Louis Theroux and the BBC are holocaust deniers. You can't convict someone by association, you'd have to find something in the actual writings of Daryl Cooper that suggests he is a holocaust denier. There is nothing I have found, and I note you clearly have not either.  


Indeed Cooper has said that FDR should not have  entered the war on the side of Britain. Cooper's argument is that  it  was Churchill who ensured that the local Polish German war turned into a world war, and that it was Churchill who refused to end the war in 1940, after Germany had sued for peace with Britain. This again, does not make Cooper a holocaust denier.


Churchill was indeed under the thumb of banks, for the simple reason that he had over 4 million million USD in debt as he was terrible with money and always had banks finance his lifestyle, even after his massive inheritance.




It's a sad state of affairs when someone can't tell the truth and historical facts anymore, for fear of being bullied, and defamed as a holocaust denier.

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1 hour ago, animalmagic said:

There were not millions and millions of prisoners of war and political prisoners held by Germany.


You are completely wrong, Germany held 5.7 million Soviet prisoners of war alone.  In addition they held American, British and other Allied prisoners of war. There were 1000 prisoner of war camps in Germany, but there were only 6 extermination camps.




https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nazi-persecution-of-soviet-prisoners-of-war#:~:text=Existing sources suggest that some,POWs remained in German custody.





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37 minutes ago, candide said:

Or it could be a more subtle way than the plain negationism: attract attention on all other type of victims  than those exterminated because of their race, in particular the Jews.


Actually, there's even a racial issue about war prisoners.  Western prisoners weren't often killed. The rate of killing was higher for Slavic and/or Soviet prisoners (Hitler also had a racial stance against Slavic people, perceived as inferior)..

People from France shouldnt comment about the Holocaust as their country were unabashed  and willing perpetrators and remain viciously antisemitic.


At least the Germans have a sense of shame

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34 minutes ago, candide said:

Or it could be a more subtle way than the plain negationism: attract attention on all other type of victims  than those exterminated because of their race, in particular the Jews.


Actually, there's even a racial issue about war prisoners.  Western prisoners weren't often killed. The rate of killing was higher for Slavic and/or Soviet prisoners (Hitler also had a racial stance against Slavic people, perceived as inferior)..


Or it could just be an accurate statement of history, Germany had over 1000 prisoner of war camps and only 6 extermination camps. Links are above.


Indeed the rate of survival of Western Allied prisoners of war was excellent,  Only 3.5 percent of the American, British, Canadian western prisoners of war did not survive WWII.  More than half of Russian prisoners of war perished. Part of the reason was that in the East the Wehrmacht struggled precisely with the issues Dary Cooper referred to such as lack of food. Ruediger Overmans has written extensively in his books on Germany's policy on prisoners of war and the lack of preparations which resulted in disastrous conditions for Soviet POWs.


https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/u/us-prisoners-war-civilian-american-citizens-captured.html#:~:text=Survival Rates in Japanese and German WWII Camps&text=POWs and internees.-,Dr.,a 40% death rate).



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40 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

I don't think you will find much about Daryl Cooper and the Holocaust. I've never heard of him before the Carlson interview, and indeed never watched Carlson before, but after searching online it does not look like Daryl Cooper has a particular interest in the holocaust. Though he has done a lot of research on the history of Israel/Palestine. Since he is not a holocaust academic I don't think his views on the holocaust would be particularly noteworthy.


Carlson did not ask deep probing questions about the Holocaust because this was not an interview about the holocaust. Rather Carlson's strategy was to ask interesting questions about a whole host of topics Daryl Cooper was actually knowlegeable about, such as Jim Jones, leaders of WWII and such. In that Carlson succeeded and it was an extremely interesting interview whiich gave Cooper ample chance to shine with his preferred topics.


Thanks for the interesting article on Substack, which I read with great interest. But if the most egregious charge against Cooper is that he did an interview with Greg Johnson then you might as well claim that Louis Theroux and the BBC are holocaust deniers. You can't convict someone by association, you'd have to find something in the actual writings of Daryl Cooper that suggests he is a holocaust denier. There is nothing I have found, and I note you clearly have not either.  


Indeed Cooper has said that FDR should not have  entered the war on the side of Britain. Cooper's argument is that  it  was Churchill who ensured that the local Polish German war turned into a world war, and that it was Churchill who refused to end the war in 1940, after Germany had sued for peace with Britain. This again, does not make Cooper a holocaust denier.


Churchill was indeed under the thumb of banks, for the simple reason that he had over 4 million million USD in debt as he was terrible with money and always had banks finance his lifestyle, even after his massive inheritance.




It's a sad state of affairs when someone can't tell the truth and historical facts anymore, for fear of being bullied, and defamed as a holocaust denier.

Please. Such an obvious question to ask. Particularly given his disapproval of Churchill's continuing the war. And according to that article he didn't just claim that FDR should not have entered the war but that he chose the wrong side. And he didn't say that  Churchill owed money to the banks, rather that Churchill was in thrall to the "financiers". "That's not the way banking is talked about But it is the way anti-semites refer to Jewish bankers. Nor does he specify what financial interests would be served by the UK standing up to Germany. And David Lough, who wrote a book about Churchill's financial problems, makes no mention of any such pressure. Obviously, anyone like Cooper with those views ought to be asked where they stood on the reality of the Holocaust.

And, by the way, according to this, that 4 million in debt was in 2019 dollars. Not what it was back then.

"In “No More Champagne: Churchill and His Money,” David Lough explains how Winston Churchill projected a seemingly extravagant image of wealth despite living on the edge of crippling financial debt. Churchill accumulated a debt equivalent to $4 million in today’s dollars by the 1930s."


Edited by placeholder
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17 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Or it could just be an accurate statement of history, Germany had over 1000 prisoner of war camps and only 6 extermination camps. Links are above.


Indeed the rate of survival of Western Allied prisoners of war was excellent,  Only 3.5 percent of the American, British, Canadian western prisoners of war did not survive WWII.  More than half of Russian prisoners of war perished. Part of the reason was that in the East the Wehrmacht struggled precisely with the issues Dary Cooper referred to such as lack of food. Ruediger Overmans has written extensively in his books on Germany's policy on prisoners of war and the lack of preparations which resulted in disastrous conditions for Soviet POWs.


https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/u/us-prisoners-war-civilian-american-citizens-captured.html#:~:text=Survival Rates in Japanese and German WWII Camps&text=POWs and internees.-,Dr.,a 40% death rate).



I may be wrong, but part of the reason Russian and other Slavic prisoners died could be that Germany did not want to spend much food for "Untermensch".

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24 minutes ago, BangkokHank said:

The Jews fabricated the "holocaust" to cover up their Bolshevik war crimes




and to gain sympathy for the creation of their own country, Israel, which, by the way, is the only entirely race-based country in the world - while Jews promote "multi-culturalism" for White countries.


Furthermore, does it make sense that the Germans would have gassed Jews with Zyklon-B, the very same gas that they used to kill lice to prevent typhus, when they had a much more lethal gas (Sarin) available? Does it make sense that they would have shipped Jews halfway across Europe – just to gas them with an insecticide upon arrival at the concentration camps – when, if they really wanted to exterminate them, they could have just shot them on the spot wherever they found them? The fact is that not a single Jew was ever gassed by the Germans. This was well demonstrated by the Frenchman Robert Faurisson in this video, and further confirmed by the Red Cross.




And how could they have cremated so many gassing victims with the limited number of crematory ovens at their disposal? Here is a conversation on the subject that the author of this article had with a chatbot:






Also, is it likely that six million Jews would have just quietly and without resistance just waltzed into gas chambers without fighting back? It is human to resist when you know you’re about to die. In fact, my Webster’s dictionary gives the following sentence as an example of the use of the word “axiomatic”: “It’s axiomatic that the instinct for self-preservation is universal throughout the animal kingdom.” There is no mention in the dictionary of this instinct being temporarily (conveniently) suspended only once in history – and by only one people, after which the instinct kicked in again – with a vengeance - turning these once meek people into the ruthless killers that they are today.


In fact the German concentration camps were essentially labor camps, not extermination camps. They were also places to segregate Germany’s enemies – the Jews – during the war, just as Germans and Japanese were put into concentration camps in the US during the war. That is not to suggest that no Jews died while they were incarcerated (some 300,000 or so Jews died in German concentration camps according to records from the Red Cross, and not six million, as claimed by the Jews), or that life was pleasant in the camps. But they DID have hospitals for the inmates, which would be a strange thing to have in an extermination camp, wouldn’t you agree?


All of the photos and videos that we see of emaciated concentration camp inmates were taken AFTER the war, after the supply lines to the camps were destroyed by Allied bombing. The Germans were no longer in a position to feed themselves, much less their prisoners. It is also interesting to note that when the Soviet Red Army was approaching as the war was drawing to a close, many of the Jewish concentration camp inmates preferred to flee westward with the Germans - rather than face their “liberators”. That’s not what you would expect from people who were being “exterminated” by the Germans, is it?


Furthermore, as far as I know, the “holocaust” is the only event in the history of mankind that is illegal to question/deny. That’s right - in 16 European countries, along with Israel (of course) and Canada, it is actually illegal to deny the “holocaust”! This tells us two things: First, the Jews are not very confident of their story. If they were so sure of it, they would welcome debate on the topic. If, as they claim, it is the “best documented event in history”, it should be easy for them to prove that it happened, shouldn’t it? Making it illegal to deny it is one of the things that made me question it in the first place. So that backfired on them. And their ability to make it illegal to deny it also shows us who controls us, in case there was ever any doubt.


Odd, I had just read about Fred Leuchter, another holocaust denier, and I recalled this fact:


"Leuchter's report also made claims about the capacity of the crematoria, although he admitted he had no experience with cremation technology. When questioned in court, Leuchter admitted he had never seen a document by the Waffen-SS Commandant for construction issued when the crematoria were constructed, which estimated they had a 24-hour capacity of 4,756 people, more than 30 times Leuchter's estimate of 156.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_A._Leuchter15]"


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8 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Please. Such an obvious question to ask. Particularly given his disapproval of Churchill's continuing the war. And according to that article he didn't just claim that FDR should not have entered the war but that he chose the wrong side. And he didn't say that  Churchill owed money to the banks, rather that Churchill was in thrall to the "financiers". "That's not the way banking is talked about But it is the way anti-semites refer to Jewish bankers. Nor does he specify what financial interests would be served by the UK standing up to Germany. And David Lough, who wrote a book about Churchill's financial problems, makes no mention of any such pressure. Obviously, anyone like Cooper with those views ought to be asked where they stood on the reality of the Holocaust.

And, by the way, according to this, that 4 million in debt was in 2019 dollars. Not what it was back then.

"In “No More Champagne: Churchill and His Money,” David Lough explains how Winston Churchill projected a seemingly extravagant image of wealth despite living on the edge of crippling financial debt. Churchill accumulated a debt equivalent to $4 million in today’s dollars by the 1930s."



Yes indeed, in today's money it was 4 million USD. Still remarkable for a man who had such a gigantic inheritance. However, Churchill never chose to pay off his debt, but simply kept it even after his financial windfall.


Again, you are insinuating that Daryl Cooper is anti-semitic without any shred of real evidence, this after calling him a holocaust denier on the basis of his comment about Germany's army being unprepared about the number of prisoners of war, the same argument made by Ruediger Overmans in his academic standard work on prisoners of war in Germany. 


The accusations against Cooper seem way over the top, when examined against what he actually said.



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I usually equate Holocaust deniers with the Lizard people folk. Some folks are just not wired right.


The documents are there, so whatever. Its turned from a lesson to mankind into a political football for the remaining Jew haters to mentally masturbate and troll.


But Ill give guys like BangkokHank credit, wear it on your sleeve, have to guts to say FU to reality and still function (hopefully). Hopefully, you show up with your buddies to wave Swastika flags on the overpasses. Know your enemy.

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24 minutes ago, candide said:

I may be wrong, but part of the reason Russian and other Slavic prisoners died could be that Germany did not want to spend much food for "Untermensch".


There were a number of reassons. Ruediger Overmans describes how despite counting on 2 to 3 million prisoners of war in the first year of the war against Russia the Wehrmacht had made no meaningful provisions for this number of Soviet prisoners.


Overwhelmingly the Russian prisoners of war were kept in the open air, much like German prisoners of war after 1945 by the Americans.


There was no medical servicing to speak of so many Russian POWs perished through common diseases like dysentry and Typhus.


There was a malnutrition due to food shortage, again like the German POWs experienced after 1945. This was exacerbated by the Backe Plan which sought to ensure that available food was provided to German soldiers in the first instance. There is a debate among historians whether this Backe Plan was just a rational plan for food distribution or an ideological infused plan to starve Soviet POWs, but this debate is not settled either way.


Soviet POWs were also interned in regular concentration camps in Germany. Many were killed there, a small number in medical experiments.


About 80000 Soviet prisoners of war were murdered for being Jews.


In 2015 the German state decided to compensate the surviving Russian prisoners of war financially for their suffering.



Edited by Cameroni
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