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Stealing a Federal Election


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14 hours ago, Masterton said:

Anyone who gets their information and "news" from the Democrat mainstream media will never believe that there was any impropriety in the 2020 election and they will believe until their dying day that it was the most secure election in history. It is a completely pointless debate because nobody on either side will ever change their opinion on it.  You basically have those on one side who know what happened, and those on the other side who have been lied to and gaslit by the media and think they know.


When mail in balloting was found to favour Republican votes in the past, the Dems and their dishonest media sang a very different tune. When they used it to cheat in the 2020 election then all of a sudden it was perfect. There were several factors involved in stealing the election and it was not only down to mail in ballot fraud. For example Pensylvania changed their election laws in a way that violated their constitution. And the media and social platforms deliberately supressed the Hunter Biden laptop story (which turned out to be 100% true). That alone was enough to sway the results according to research done later.


Too many on here blindly repeating nonsense they heard in the media rather than doing any credible research for themselves and informing themselves of facts. The cases filed were not all by Trump and they were not lost due to the claims being without evidence. They were declined due to standing etc. There was a ton of evidence, it was just not heard. There is a difference between evidence and proof. Trump got more votes than any sitting president in US history and he only "lost" by a few thousand votes in a few swing states (popular vote is meaningless), states that he was mostly leading the day after the election until the they started counting the mail in ballots behind closed doors which took weeks and which amazingly seemed to mostly be for Biden. Yeah not odd at all.... Way too much to go into, but if anyone thinks the 2020 election was not stolen, and if you really believe that Biden got more votes than Obama and Clinton, then you really are living in fantasy land...




Presumably all the judges that summarily dismissed claiming the election was rigged .....how many cases*?.....were all Biden plants or paid off by the msm.....you are classic fodder for Trump world and Qanon.


Just checked approx 60 cases....yes 60....many by Trump appointed judges.....OR WERE THEY????




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On 9/20/2024 at 8:52 PM, johng said:

Any Proof has long since been eradicated   

your "fact checkers" will no doubt opine that there was never any proof  without providing "proof" of no proof 😋


Did you watch the mail in ballots  the automated counting machines that were ( and still are) open to hacking  let alone not accepting slightly out out spec paper   or the printers not able to print the paper in the first place  the illegal or dead voters ???

unexplained power cuts ,flooding and Covid outbreaks at polling stations etc etc etc... :cheesy:

Trump said that voting by mail = fraud. However, in2020 the most voting by mail was done in Florida... Trump won there.

And 'Stop the Steal' was already organized by Roger Stone in 2016 (before the elections), but obviously wasn't launched because Trump won.

Trump = Fraud

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30 minutes ago, impulse said:


It's cute that some people still think that Wikipedia is a reliable source.

In your estimate, how many people have to be involved in the conspiracy that "stole" the election?


In all your research ... cough cough..... you must have done some thinking about the number required, right?

Edited by gamb00ler
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4 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

"The belief that only that is true which is proven with evidence, is a belief that cannot be proven with evidence".


Friedrich Nietzsche.

I think Nietzsche flunked math.


There is also a corollary... you can't prove anything without evidence.

Edited by gamb00ler
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3 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

I think Nietzsche flunked math.


There is also a corollary... you can't prove anything without evidence.


Why don't you go ahead and prove the premise that only that is true which is proven with evidence, using evidence, then?

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9 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

I think Nietzsche flunked math.


There is also a corollary... you can't prove anything without evidence.


He must have flunked Physics as well.....nothing is proven.....we just have, at any particular time, the best theory based on the evidence to date.

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6 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Why don't you go ahead and prove the premise that only that is true which is proven with evidence, using evidence, then?


Or closer to home, prove that the election wasn't stolen.

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22 minutes ago, Will B Good said:


I suspect one.


Almost 40% of voters in the USA no longer trust the results.


It's okay if 40% disagree on the issues. But we have big problems when 40% don't trust the outcome.

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Just now, impulse said:


Almost 40% of voters in the USA no longer trust the results.


It's okay if 40% disagree with the issues. But we have big problems when 40% don't trust the outcome.



As over 3 million US citizens also claim to have been abducted by aliens........I really don't hold any great store in claims 40% no longer trust the results?



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3 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

As over 3 million US citizens also claim to have been abducted by aliens........I really don't hold any great store in claims 40% no longer trust the results.


That's less than 1%. We're talking almost 40%.

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10 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



60 judges, many Trump appointed, have said NO it wasn't.....


That was in 2021, and those judges (including SCOTUS) didn't rule on the merits or the facts. Just the standing. It's been going mostly the other direction since then.

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Ever notice  that the proponents of the claim of a stolen election never mention;

- The Republican gerrymandering of congressional districts to facilitate the election of GOP candidates

- The efforts to prevent voting by afro americans

-  There were over 60 court cases where judges, including judges appointed by President Trump and other Republican presidents, looked at the evidence and either found that there was no evidence to support a claim of fraud or that the plaintiffs  upon realizing that they were going to lose their case, dropped the case.


Why can't the proponents of the claim substantiate the claim? Whenever they get to court they have to admit that they have no evidence or that they were  merely advocating on behalf of their client and suggesting  that there was a  possibility.

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38 minutes ago, impulse said:


That's less than 1%. We're talking almost 40%.



The point being......... if three million are mental enough to believe they have been abducted by aliens that's a good indication of the gullibility of the rest of the nation.




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37 minutes ago, impulse said:


That was in 2021, and those judges (including SCOTUS) didn't rule on the merits or the facts. Just the standing. It's been going mostly the other direction since then.



You are saying there are court cases that have found evidence of significant (8 million plus) cases of vote rigging???????.....please post their rulings.




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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Almost 40% of voters in the USA no longer trust the results.


It's okay if 40% disagree on the issues. But we have big problems when 40% don't trust the outcome.

We agree... that is a problem.... we just severely disagree on how to convince those 40% to trust science, math and government.

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On 9/20/2024 at 8:52 PM, johng said:

Any Proof has long since been eradicated   

your "fact checkers" will no doubt opine that there was never any proof  without providing "proof" of no proof

Your post is utter delusional 🐂 💩

Damn...you Trumpster cultists are totally

wow-wee WHACK-O:cheesy:

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