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Corruption scandal hits the brakes: Thailand’s bus industry whistleblows dirty dealings


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46 minutes ago, koele2 said:

And they really don’t do anything.

It must be a lot of work to collect all that money. Who paid already and how much? What should he pay next time? How to hide all that money? How to spend it? That's a lot of work. 

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1 hour ago, harryviking said:

Thailand is a totally irresponsible place when it comes to safety! Corruption and ignorance everywhere!! And no one cares! 


I still remember what happened within 7 feet from me, 16 years ago during the Chinese New Year season.


Some idiot launched  3-inch wide fireworks only a feet away from the front door of a small internet cafe I used to use frequent.

Kaboom! and the whole building was shaken as if artillery round impacted nearby ground.


Fortunately, no one got injured or killed by that...


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For everything on this planet, there is only a market if there are buyers.
Stop the buyers to buy/rent "bribed items" and the bribery will vanish too.
Not recket science.

If the people who rent/buy a bus "DULY INSPENT" that bus and refuse it if some minimal safery standards are not followed, the bus transport industry will update their bus fleet to avoid losses.

The schools and other industries should hire people who know what inspections to carry out before allowing anybody to accept the bus(ses).

There should be also an independent institution (in Belgium exists "Test Aankoop") at the top level where goods that are not according to the safety standards can be reported and banned from sale/rent and eventually prosecuted.
Also, in Belgium, many departments have an independant "OMBUDSMAN" where users/buyers can go if the normal way offers no solution.
Social Media offers a very good tool to expose offenders.

Edited by Confuscious
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