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Macron Warns EU Could Face Collapse Without Urgent Reforms

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4 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Of course, garbage in, garbage out. You can't expect the EU to be competent body if the home governments are full of kindergarten teachers, ravers and party girls.


This is not a video of  first year uni students high on drugs, this is the prime minister of Finland:





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1 minute ago, Cameroni said:


Yes, like in the West, inflation is high in Russia, but Russians have never been purchasing more luxury goods. The Russian economy is booming.


If we had a leader like Putin in charge of the EU, we'd be doing a lot better.


No, groceries. Fruit and vegetables. The basics. Stop peddling your pathetic propaganda here.

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7 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Of course, garbage in, garbage out. You can't expect the EU to be competent body if the home governments are full of kindergarten teachers, ravers and party girls.


This is not a video of  first year uni students high on drugs, this is the prime minister of Finland:




She must be mates with Rayner.


Rayner's ticket was a freebie of course. Labour, innit...







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13 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


You, know, these divisions in society have always been there. They exist. They existed in 1932 and they exist in 2024. It wold be a fallacy to assume we all think the same


But it seems to get worse. The atomisation of society and division into a multitude of interest groups is disintegrating the very fabric of society. People are choosing to emigrate rather than pay taxes for governments that are obviously incompetent.


What big ideas can Europeans still get behind? Even democracy itself seems like a limp towel. The European spirit has been dragged into the mud of wokery and politically correct insanity. Nobody supports the EU anymore they way they did in the past.


You could do a lot worse than choose Farage or Le Pen, indeed we have been doing worse, but sadly we don't have a Trump whom people can rally around.I used to think Merz was a smart guy, turns out he's  just like the others. But anything has to be better than those who put us into this sorry position.


Do you remember this book? An American professor predicting the coming economic war between the EU, Japan and the US? He predicted the EU would win. We held the best cards. But we had the worst players.




Of course divisions in society have always existed - and differences in opinion make for a dynamic society - but the confrontational rhetoric used by the likes of Le Pen, Farage, etc is not constructive and fuels "the atomisation of society".


I'd suggest that the vision laid out by The Treaty of Rome is still relevan and contains 'big ideas' worth aiming for, although I accept that Europe seems to have lost its' direction somewhat.


It is untrue that the US public rally around Trump; +/-50% might but the other 50% are appalled by him. It's a similar story for the likes of Farage, Le Pen, etc. Far from being unifying figures, they bring more division.

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5 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

If we had a leader like Putin in charge of the EU, we'd be doing a lot better.


At least Putin has the interests of Russia at heart.


Unlike many of the traitors currently selling out the EU (and especially the UK). Can you imagine Putin just giving away territory like Lammy just did? I'd say we are being led by donkeys but at least donkeys look after their own. Unlike our very own Mastermind, David. 

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4 hours ago, Watawattana said:

Why not let GB back in? That should help accelerate the collapse… :coffee1:

It's because GB is no longer in that is accelerating the collapse. Loss of big revenue and a player with balls to help steer the ship. It is currently rudderless.


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19 minutes ago, retarius said:

Wrong my friend....when the EU ship goes down, and it will sooner, rather than later, best not be attached to it. We will bless those great souls who voted for Brexit and saved the nation.

i was joking, it was for all those remoaners.

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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:


At least Putin has the interests of Russia at heart.


Unlike many of the traitors currently selling out the EU (and especially the UK). Can you imagine Putin just giving away territory like Lammy just did? I'd say we are being led by donkeys but at least donkeys look after their own. Unlike our very own Mastermind, David. 


Righting a wrong perhaps? Actually making good an agreement? It's on a 99 year lease.

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2 minutes ago, NowNow said:


Righting a wrong perhaps? Actually making good an agreement? It's on a 99 year lease.


Good agreement? Give someone something and then rent it back from them immediately?


I guess if you're the type of person who thinks Henry VII succeeded Henry VIII and that red leicester is a blue cheese then it might seem like a great bit of business.  😃

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41 minutes ago, RayC said:

And replace with whom? Mélenchon, Weidel, Le Pen, Farage, etc.? Individuals who sole objective appears to be to sow division within society.

Twaddle. Only a leftie who doesn't do opinion would say such a thing... their prissy policies have all our countries in a bind as a result and we have NEVER been as divided in recent times. The sole objective of the above individuals is to typically look after number one first (the indigenous populace). If that sows division then so be it. If things are not turned around soon, it will be pretty much game over.

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9 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


At least Putin has the interests of Russia at heart.


Unlike many of the traitors currently selling out the EU (and especially the UK). Can you imagine Putin just giving away territory like Lammy just did? I'd say we are being led by donkeys but at least donkeys look after their own. Unlike our very own Mastermind, David. 


Exactly. This is a man you can respect. He has the intelligence to understand what NATO and the US are doing, and is defending his country, acting in his country's best interest. 


Was it in Germany's best interest to ban Russian gas imports? And triple the gas bill for everyone, depriving industry of energy security? Clearly it was not. Was it in Germany's interest to abandon the Nordstream pipeline? Clearly it was not. Was it in Germany's interest to accept massive amounts of immigrants? Ask the people stabbed and the women gangraped, but I'd hazard a guess, it was not in Germany's interest.


Lammy is total disgrace, he just has to open his mouth and you realise this person has no backbone or brains. 


Exactly, even animals look after their own. Our politicians, they look after themselves, but not after the population in Europe.

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16 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Whataboutism aside, yes the tories let everyone down on immigration which is why we have the current shower which are far worse. 



You might not be so blase if you were a woman walking the streets of Paris.






Hardly whataboutism. You claim that immigration is a 'leftist' plot. I pointed out the obvious flaw in your contention (rant).


Wrt rapes in Paris. Maybe a bit of context is needed. 97 rapes were reported in a year in a city of 6m. Now 97 is 97 too many, but it hardly conjures up an image of a lawless city where immigrants run amok raping and pillaging the locals. Secondly, of those 97 rapes, 28 out of 36 solved cases were proven to have been committed by foreign nationals. Again, that is 36 too many rapes but the 28 is not 77% of the total as you imply.

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6 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Good agreement? Give someone something and then rent it back from them immediately?


I guess if you're the type of person who thinks Henry VII succeeded Henry VIII and that red leicester is a blue cheese then it might seem like a great bit of business.  😃


Disingenuous @JonnyF again



Sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago was disputed between Mauritius and the United Kingdom. Mauritius has repeatedly stated that the Chagos Archipelago is part of its territory and that the United Kingdom claim is a violation of United Nations resolutions banning the dismemberment of colonial territories before independence. On 22 May 2019, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a non-binding resolution declaring that the archipelago was part of Mauritius; 116 countries voted in favour of Mauritius while six opposed it.

The UK government has declared that it has "no doubt" about its sovereignty over the Chagos, yet has also said that the Chagos will be returned to Mauritius once the islands are no longer required for military purposes.




Who was in government in 2021 @JonnyF?

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7 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Twaddle. Only a leftie who doesn't do opinion would say such a thing... their prissy policies have all our countries in a bind as a result and we have NEVER been as divided in recent times. The sole objective of the above individuals is to typically look after number one first (the indigenous populace). If that sows division then so be it. If things are not turned around soon, it will be pretty much game over.


Imo there's two types of opinion: 'Informed' and 'uninformed'. Your's fall squarely into the second category.

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11 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


The problem is that the very "big ideas" of Europe are proving Europe's downfall. I'll give you an example.


Do you like Ethiopian coffee? I do. I love it in fact. For many decades the EU has been importing coffee from Ethiopia. It's really great coffee.


So, recently, the EU decided to impose new rules on the import of Ethiopian coffee. Now, to import coffee into Europe, Ethiopian farmers have to prove they do not engage in de-forestation. To save the environment in Ethiopia, the EU is making Ethiopian coffee triple the price. Because now the Ethiopian coffee farmers have to employ people to do all kinds of tests, surveys and paperwork to comply with the new EU rules.


It's insane!!! Do you think this makes the EU popular around the world? No wonder BRICS have it so easy to win hearts and minds in Africa, Asia etc. EU policies are completely insane, and ideological.




There can be over-regulation. There can be under-regulation. There can be 'good' regulation. They can be 'bad' regulation. You offer an example of what appears to be over (bad) regulation by the EU. However, there are also numerous examples of 'good' EU regulation, particularly in the field of phytosanitary affairs, animal welfare, etc. 


BRICS is little more than an acronym: I don't think that China has won too many hearts and minds in Sri Lanka and various African states with its' business practices.

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8 minutes ago, RayC said:


There can be over-regulation. There can be under-regulation. There can be 'good' regulation. They can be 'bad' regulation. You offer an example of what appears to be over (bad) regulation by the EU. However, there are also numerous examples of 'good' EU regulation, particularly in the field of phytosanitary affairs, animal welfare, etc. 


BRICS is little more than an acronym: I don't think that China has won too many hearts and minds in Sri Lanka and various African states with its' business practices.


Yes, but there are many, many examples of the EU overregulating, and effectively trying to regulate in other countries, outside the EU!  I mean with this new rule on Ethiopian coffe imports, the EU's aim is not to benefit the EU, its citizens. It is to save the forests of Ethiopia! Someone in an office in Belgium thought this would be a good regulation, I want to save the forests in Ethiopia. Now Ethiopian farmers are laughing about the stupidity because they routinely plant trees to protect their coffee plants and to provide shade. So they are actually re-foresting. But the EU bureaucrat obviously was unware of this. Net result, coffee farmers in Ethiopia have to hire more people just to deal with the ludicrous rules imposed on them by the EU. This is not a one off example, there are too many of these examples, where the EU is not benefiting itself, but trying to save some other country from itself. It's bizarre. How is our tax money paying for someone to think up rules to save forests in Ethiopia (and failing)?


Everyone knows the EU bureaucracy is overbloated, you need to ask Musk to trim it, and trim it hard.





Edited by Cameroni
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55 minutes ago, johng said:

What a great decision  that'll show the "Evil Hitler Putin Orks"

we cut off our nose to spite our face  we willingly pay huge premiums for our energy needs  our heavy manufacturers  relish the challenges  of having no supply of cheap energy

everyone else excepts and understands that prices must rise 2-4 x  to save the Ukrainian democracy  after all "War is Peace"

Thank you Vlad! 😃

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47 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Of course, garbage in, garbage out. You can't expect the EU to be competent body if the home governments are full of kindergarten teachers, ravers and party girls.


This is not a video of  first year uni students high on drugs, this is the prime minister of Finland:



Is it ok for straight middle aged white guys?



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Just now, josephbloggs said:

Is it ok for straight middle aged white guys?




This is what I'm saying, the whole corrupt class of party animals should be put down.


Not Farage, because that was not a real party, that was just celebration.

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2 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Yes, but there are many, many examples of the EU overregulating, and effectively trying to regulate in other countries, outside the EU!  I mean with this new rule on Ethiopian coffe imports, the EU's aim is not to benefit the EU, its citizens. It is to save the forests of Ethiopia! Someone in an office in Belgium thought this would be a good regulation, I want to save the forests in Ethiopia. Now Ethiopian farmers are laughing about the stupidity because they routinely plant trees to protect their coffee plants and to provide shade. So they are actually re-foresting. But the EU bureaucrat obviously was unware of this. Net result, coffee farmers in Ethiopia have to hire more people just to deal with the ludicrous rules imposed on them by the EU. This is not a one off example, there are too many of these examples, where the EU is not benefiting itself, but trying to save some other country from itself. It's bizarre. How is our tax money paying for someone to think up rules to save forests in Ethiopia (and failing)?


Everyone knows the EU bureaucracy is overbloated, you need to ask Musk to trim it, and trim it hard.






As I said before. There is good regulation and there is bad regulation. Individuals can make up their own minds which category this particular regulation falls into




I wouldn't disagree about the EU bureaucracy being bloated.

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1 hour ago, Cameroni said:


Yes, like in the West, inflation is high in Russia, but Russians have never been purchasing more luxury goods. The Russian economy is booming.


If we had a leader like Putin in charge of the EU, we'd be doing a lot better.

Ridiculous B.S.! Putin is incompetemt and corrupt!

Thanks to Putin, Russia 'enjoyed' 0% GDP growth between  2012 and 2921! 😀



And the growth from 2022 is o ly fuelled by military expenses, while the civil sector is deteriorating!

Screenshot_20240725_221354_Samsung Internet.jpg

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4 minutes ago, candide said:

Ridiculous B.S.! Putin is incompetemt and corrupt!

Thanks to Putin, Russia 'enjoyed' 0% GDP growth between  2012 and 2921! 😀



And the growth from 2022 is o ly fuelled by military expenses, while the civil sector is deteriorating!

Screenshot_20240725_221354_Samsung Internet.jpg


Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF

An influential global body has forecast Russia's economy will grow faster than all of the world's advanced economies, including the US, this year.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Russia to grow 3.2% this year, significantly more than the UK, France and Germany.




It's false to say that Russia's current stellar economic performance is due to it being a war economy, Russia is primarily a civil economy, only a small part is dedicated to the war.


Russia is defeating Ukraine in eco modus so to speak.


Edited by Cameroni
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8 hours ago, JonnyF said:


Macron is right for once. Although I'd give it 5 years before the real collapse starts. 

Of course there will be no collapse even Brits would like to see that.

However, Macron is right. Many rules and laws are not working properly.

"Dublin 2" is one of them.

A reform is urgently required.

Unfortunately VDL is the wrong person for a change.

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The Prime Minister of Finland:


The leader of 5.5million people, she was raised in challenging circumstances by her mother, who had split with Mrs Marin's alcoholic father Lauri at a young age.

Her mother's next partner was a woman, meaning Mrs Marin grew up in an all-female environment - or a 'rainbow household', as she herself later put it."


These are the people in charge of Europe.



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When it was formed ,it was a good idea ,a common market,

Countries been able to trade with each other with less restrictions

but then it morphed little by little into what it is today ,making

rules for all members ,letting members from the poorest countries

flood into the richest ,that was a very bad idea.....


regards worgeordie

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