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Foreign Election Interference in the US 2024 Election!

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4 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

How many people are in jail for insurrection?

what you cant use google to look it ? Pathetic on your part. Want argue a point and have no facts to support yourself!


 1,240 people had been arrested in connection with the attack, accused of crimes ranging from trespassing, a misdemeanor, to seditious conspiracy, a felony. More than 350 cases are still pending. 378 people have been convicted at trial, while only two people have been fully acquitted. 

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On 10/19/2024 at 12:32 AM, riclag said:

Reminds of when the Russia hoax started about Russian Hookers p’ing on beds .

Remember the never Trumpers started it as opposition research, than Hillary ‘s 

crew stepped it up a notch and hired the former foreign British spy , scumbag christopher  steele who was part author of the Steele dossier.

The intel agencies ,msm chorines , dem party, took the ball and ran with it. Nothing ever was done about Steele except for her campaign getting 




If you check the history and facts your commenting on you'll find that the whole debacle started with Republican funded Fusion GP group trying to prevent trump from running and then later morphed into the Steel dossier

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14 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Involved how? 


You mean like Hillary violating campaign laws by hiring a foreign national to work on her campaign? 


Or do you mean like Obama taking illegal campaign donations from foreign nationals? 


I am against it, you? 


Oh, how do you feel about the Biden administration suing Viginia to keep non-citizens on voter rolls, for or against? 

google is your friend .  It's not against campaign law for foreigners to work on campaigns:



is it against campaign law for foreign nationals to work on us campaigns


Foreign nationals can volunteer for U.S. political campaigns, but there are strict rules. They can participate as unpaid volunteers, but they cannot donate money, spend funds, or make decisions related to election activities


How do you feel about the GOP's trying to remove overseas voters from their ability to vote in the election claiming they have no rights to vote in several states with more palnned????

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1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

You forgot how Trump will

lower prices, magically end wars and not start any new ones. While he ever explains how any of this is to be accomplished 
—-I prefer your one droll one liners


The Boilerplate GOP propaganda is getting tedious.  

Just like here in Thailand you can claim anything during campaigning that sounds to the voter like a positive for them in an attempt to buy votes. Actually coming through with legislation to do those things is something quite different.

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10 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Do you think non-citizens should be allowed to vote? 

Non citizens are not allowed to vote already

There is no voter fraud of any significance 


Those who tell you they  are gaslighting and duping you. So let’s make a plan. Before 2028 everybody on the US with a right to vote will be led by the hand and provided suitable identification free of charge 


That won’t happen because GOP don’t want to lose their favorite tropes and  racist lies 


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3 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Yeah, Harris is claiming she's tough on immigration and owns a "Glock". 


How funny is that? 

What the F does that have to do with anything? No facts to support yourself so you post random non-connected crap just to post something

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2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Yes, but Hillary was fined for hiring foreign nationals and Obama for accepting donations from foreign sources, wink wink nudge nudge...

Again you try to deflect from what you claimed and what I posted because you were quoting mis-information and got caught.


Now let's see,  what has Trump been convicted of already and what is he charged with and waiting trial on? And you want to point our dems campaign violation?  

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24 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Just like here in Thailand you can claim anything during campaigning that sounds to the voter like a positive for them in an attempt to buy votes. Actually coming through with legislation to do those things is something quite different.

What the F does that have to do with anything? No facts to support yourself so you post random non-connected crap just to post something

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5 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Again you try to deflect from what you claimed and what I posted because you were quoting mis-information and got caught.


Now let's see,  what has Trump been convicted of already and what is he charged with and waiting trial on? And you want to point our dems campaign violation?  

I know that one! He was convicted of a bookkeeping charge. 


What did I win? 

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15 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Do you agree that foreigners should not be involved in US politics?

 Do you agree that the USA should not be interfering in Ukraine, Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest?  or do you just like it one way?

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9 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

Just providing an example of the suppression your GOP friends have been playing for decades. LASER TARGETED against non likely republican voters for decades 


Why is it that a hunting license is OK but a valid college student Id is not?  Yep. Blatant  suppression, voter fraud is near nonexistent.

Probably because you have to show a state ID to get a hunting license, not so with a college ID. 


Oh, and the state issues hunting licenses, the college issues college IDs

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1 minute ago, frank83628 said:

how does anyone know if voter fraud is non existent if there is no way to verify it against votes cast


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55 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

What kind of id is acceptable to you? 

You do not  know some people have to travel a long way to get a state id or drivers license, that they do not need.
Do you know these ids do not prove citizenship? The only  real  proof of citizenship is a Passport  and  the cost of this is out of the question for many people.

You just do not want these

people to vote. Voter suppression !



you know it's 2024, not 1824, there are cars, public transport, internet, postal services its not horses & cowboys.

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45 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

The same gun laws a rational country like Japan, Norway or Germany has or even your motherland  Yellowtail  🇷🇺 

I love those rational German gun laws where wrong think disqualifies you from having a weapon

  • Haha 1

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