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Finding true love caring partner

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:
11 hours ago, jaywalker2 said:

There are plenty of women in their 50's. and 60's looking for companionship and a stable relationship.

Perhaps, but they ain't sexually attractive and probably don't want sex.

Right on!

I've met many attractive 50s and 60s women but lack of interest in sex was a big turn-off.

I won't date any of them.


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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You need to learn women only love and nurture their children.

 I already have been here 68 years and know full well what women do. A woman will love and nurture you if you in reality do the same for her. Ignoring them, expecting them to act a certain way because they're women doesn't see them as people but as slaves to do your bidding. If you haven't learned how to listen to a woman, they will turn away from you, thinking you don't understand them or really don't care. A smart woman who was treated with love by her dad knows how to give and receive love. A smart woman also knows her children will only be in the house for about 18 years, and then it's just you and her. If she neglects you, or you neglect her, what's left of the relationship? Kids cannot fill all of a woman's needs. They take more than give, are selfish and demanding, and are there temporarily. The most important people in a family are the wife and husband to each other. You put kids first, the relationship loses. This doesn't mean you neglect them but more should be given to the partners, as the children also benefit from seeing the love between their mom and dad. You meet the kids needs, but also the partners, as they came first and will be there last. You neglect your wife, of course she will turn away from you and put all her attention on those kids.

Edited by fredwiggy
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13 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

I should of out this in the Pattaya section but I didn't.

So don't harp on about it what's done is done !!

Anyway I was in a bookshop cafe today a few expat farangs were telling me that they lived alone ,let me say it again ,lived alone in a room ,by themselves 

I asked them if they were lonely all denied it of course, except one who went on to tell me he would love to have a REAL partner but living in Pattaya is not the place to look for REAL Relationship.

So...the moral of the story is...these men retire from other countries to come to Thailand for a MORE exciting life 

Several months later they are actually LONELY 


They go back to their rooms after a day out or night out ...and ...as one said to me ...he has no one 

I wanted to HUG him ..I started to have tears in my eyes as were the only ones left in the book shop cafe 

He invited me back to his room in the FLY BIRD Condo 

I declined  but decided to go after he was crying ,he said he wanted to show me pics of his now grown up children who are hard to contact .

Don't answer there WhatsApp 


His wife died of cancer in the UK , 71yo now lives alone in the Flybird Condo 

I went back a small room type like a motel room only longer 

No air conditioning 

I said what do you do after you come back here to the Flybird after a day of drinking ,he said Watch TV then sleep 



I told him to leave Thailand and go to the PHILIPPINES to find a partner,I said I will arrange his flight

He didn't look to keen ,I said you are LONELY in Pattaya right ,you won't find a partner here !


He then asked if he could bring a Filipino partner to Pattaya to live ,I said yes you must for your health 

He looked happy 

He wanted someone to be waiting for him at home each night when he came back to cook for him ,to care for him 

He wanted LOVE and someone to CARE for him 

I have and will help him to go to the Philippines 

You can't find love in Pattaya 



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14 minutes ago, GypsyT said:

Right on!

I've met many attractive 50s and 60s women but lack of interest in sex was a big turn-off.

I won't date any of them.


I haven't found that to be the case. You do need to approach sex in a different way from when you were younger however.

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I just wonder why you consider all old expats are drunks. Just easy to label? It would be like me saying all male floor moppers are homosexuals. It's insulting and ridiculous. Your claim to caring is lip service methinks.

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9 minutes ago, jaywalker2 said:

I haven't found that to be the case. You do need to approach sex in a different way from when you were younger however.

Like how?

I've tried may ways but when they themself see and say; "sex belongs to young" what can be done?

One reason is Thai men see 35 yrs "too old!" In a way it's good for us farangs.

Edited by GypsyT
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14 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

So...the moral of the story is...these men retire from other countries to come to Thailand for a MORE exciting life 

Several months later they are actually LONELY 

Lots of these guys in Thailand. 


You can blame Dan about Thailand, he's always broadcasting how cheap it is to live in Thailand. 

Thailand is cheaper than the west but you just can't move here and expect a good life living of an aged pension. 


You need money to enjoy yourself, go out to restaurants, travel, shopping. This is what you need and much more to have a healthy, liveable life. 


Hopping on and off a baht bus to get to the bar for a few beers and fish and chips for dinner would be a miserable existence. 


BTW, Flybird condo is an awful dull, spooky place for an elderly guy, it's got heaps of beautiful, young bar girls living there but these guys are not looking for a teenager. 



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14 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

I wanted to HUG him


He invited me back to his room


He wanted LOVE 

Crikey, you've got some energy. 


I thought you'd be all hugged out after spending all that time at Jomtien Complex 


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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

You need to learn women only love and nurture their children.

They can also love their man. However, the man definitely takes second place behind their children.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Who called you a narcissist? You referred to me as one, when I'm the opposite. I know exactly how a narcissist operates, and where they come from, as I've been the victim of a few, especially here with my ex. Narcissists don't always shed relationships. Some stay with their partners because they give them what they need, especially finances, sex and a house to live in. This doesn't stop them from cheating or degrading. The difference between a narcissist and a normal person is the narcissist will always look at their partner as a thing to use, and maybe discard when they find "better". A normal person looks at their partner as exactly that. Not to use but to cherish and do whatever they can for to make them comfortable with them. 


I'm sure most relationships here between foreigners and local women start off with the woman thinking their man will take better care of them than the local men here do, which is partly true but not always. Greed drives the women here, here and in other poor countries, especially ones where the men aren't held accountable for the children they help create. One woman hears what the farang husband does for her friend, and she wants the same, so the fantasy grows. That still doesn't take away from the fact these women are still women, with needs, desires and wants. Attraction can still be there, although the first thing in many minds is still that money they might receive. I think it all depends on how old a woman is, and if she's in her lat 30's or older, she might now be looking for companionship more than financial gain, especially if she has her own money.


Again, yes, I think most relationships here between us and them start out as the financial kind, and then could grow into something more "normal", where the more important things are companionship, care and love. In other countries where women are more independent, they look more for someone to treat them with respect and loyalty, less so financial, but I think most women still want to be taken care of. Mutual respect, love, a sense of comfort, and loyalty are still the most important things a woman needs, and when they want these things, it isn't a transaction if he also does. There are millions of women and men in the world who would love to have someone to grow old with, as partners and not looking for what they can get out of the deal. Going into a relationship looking at it as a transaction is wrong. People aren't object to use or gain from. Some want companionship more than anything else.



"Narcissists are the ones that look at relationships as transactional. There are many that look for trust, companionship, care, shared times and a future together as partners and not someone to use or gain from. If yours were all transactional, maybe you should look inward and ask yourself why. "


IMO that is tantamount to calling me a narcissist.


Personally, I think all relationships start as transactional, in Thailand or elsewhere.


Men are evaluating whether the woman they have met is worth the time and trouble of bedding. Women are attracted to power, intelligence, looks and money. There are very few places on the planet where women earn the same amount of money as men. You may think in more purist terms, but that's just your cockeyed Christian morality at work.


Have you ever wondered why some very attractive women end up with complete sleazebags and criminals? It's doubtful it's for love, trust, or even companionship.


"Again, yes, I think most relationships here between us and them start out as the financial kind, and then could grow into something more "normal", where the more important things are companionship, care and love."


So in effect, you are now agreeing with me.

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Just now, Lacessit said:



"Narcissists are the ones that look at relationships as transactional. There are many that look for trust, companionship, care, shared times and a future together as partners and not someone to use or gain from. If yours were all transactional, maybe you should look inward and ask yourself why. "


IMO that is tantamount to calling me a narcissist.


Personally, I think all relationships start as transactional, in Thailand or elsewhere.


Men are evaluating whether the woman they have met is worth the time and trouble of bedding. Women are attracted to power, intelligence, looks and money. There are very few places on the planet where women earn the same amount of money as men. You may think in more purist terms, but that's just your cockeyed Christian morality at work.


Have you ever wondered why some very attractive women end up with complete sleazebags and criminals? It's doubtful it's for love, trust, or even companionship.


"Again, yes, I think most relationships here between us and them start out as the financial kind, and then could grow into something more "normal", where the more important things are companionship, care and love."


So in effect, you are now agreeing with me.

No, it's saying there are also others who look at relationships as transactional because that's all they've ever had. I made bad choices in partners and admit this, because I went too fast without getting to know them better. Some look at women as those who are all only out for whatever they can get. Women sometimes look at men this way also. This doesn't mean they are narcissists. It means that's all they've experienced so far.  Everyone has some minor narcissistic tendencies. Some have a narcissists personality they were taught as children. Some very attractive women end up with criminals because of wrong thinking. They think the bad boy is a catch because he's exciting, not understanding it's dangerous. They might have had dull, boring relationships not thinking it might have been them that was the boring one, not knowing how to initiate things which could add excitement, and blamed it on others. I agree that many look at relationships as transactional, especially in poor countries or areas. You said 99% are transactional. I think it's a lot less than that, especially in countries with more independent women. Here, it's a lot more. I don't think with a cockeyed Christian morality. I see things how they are.

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