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55 minutes ago, UWEB said:

Yeah, I guess Adolf Musk will have some problems to sell his TeSSla Cars in the future.

The Chinese market is quite important to Tesla.


If Trump is slapping tariffs on Chinese EV's, why wouldn't the CCP do the same for Tesla's?


Yes, I know they are manufactured in China.

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Just now, JBChiangRai said:
1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

I will start believing ICE's are on life support when the number of recharging ports across Thailand is about 2:1 greater than the number of diesel, gasoline and LPG pumps currently in existence.


ICE cars will be around for at least another 30 years. As for any heavy haulage, batteries are uneconomic because they become part of the payload.

You don’t understand the way way EV’s charge,


Most EV drivers will never use a charging point other than the one they have at home.

Very true….   

In about 4 months ( not really sure ) of EV ownership we’ve only ‘charged’ ( quick top up ) outside of home 3 times….  
Conversely, before that we’d fill up an ICE about 6x per month. 


That’s an approximate 8 to 1 ratio….


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1 minute ago, Lacessit said:
8 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

You don’t understand the way way EV’s charge,


Most EV drivers will never use a charging point other than the one they have at home.

They will if they are 200-300 km away from home.


How often are you in a car 200-300km away from home ?

We used a public charger on a road trip, had a bite to eat while topping up (20 mins to top up from about 30% to 80%  - back up to about 400km range and more than enough range to get back ( about 800 baht).

On similar trips before we’ve done the same thing, but sat in the car while filling up with petrol, then gone to eat….  Which was 10 mins filling up…. Then going to eat for 20mins… again about 400km range… more than enough to get back…. (About 1600 baht).


When combining a stop off with bite to each….  The  EV was quicker and cheaper… though of course other scenarios can be less convenient.






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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Why did you top up with a quick charge?


Let me guess -range anxiety, and you did not have a jerry can full of electrons.


In the interest of honest a fair information - I'll answer you honestly without bias. 

At the same time I'll not your comment contained a heavy dose of negative bais implying you are looking for a negative rather than an honestly balanced response. 


Let me start with - I'm neither Pro nor anti EV...  we bought our car because I liked the car, not because it was an EV.... BUT, now that we've had it a while, I prefer it to an an ICE - its just easier to use all round.


So... to your question - honest answers remeber:


Why did I top of the charge of the car - was it because of 'Range Anxiety' because I dont carry a can of electrons....  100% correct..  it was range anxiety, we were getting low and I wanted to top up.


When I had an ICE, why did I top up the car with fuel - was it because of 'Range Anxiety' because I dont carry a can of Petrol...  100% correct..  it was range anxiety, we were getting low and I wanted to top up.


You see... Range Anxeity is a coined phrase but with ICE's we all have it too, we're just used to it...

... With an ICE we can top up in 10 minutes and give ourselves 500kms range again.

... With an EV we can top up in 15-20 minutes and give ourselves 400kms range again.

(noting its slower to top up the last 20% from 80% to 100%).



So...  the times I used the 'public charger'... 

A couple for times on a road trip...   Range Anxiety was the reason....  it was the very same range anxiety I get (or most normal folk would get when their fuel tank gets below 30%)...   we start thinking about charging, pull into a station and 'charge the car'... (we can use an app every easily and find free charging points nearby, usually at petrol statins and what the rating of that point is).



About a month ago in Bangkok we also dropped to about 25%...   we had things to do in the evening after picking our son up from school...  we had shopping to do and also wanted a bite to eat... 

So... we stopped off at the shopping mall, had a bite and charged the car up....


So... IF you want to call that 'Range Anxiety' for sure go ahead - but also not that very same reasons that exist to charge an ICE  ???


So... call it range anxiety - I call it not wanting to be low on fuel (either petrol or battery) for me the psychology is the same for both - but I don't see range anxiety used for petrol cars as its been 'coined' as an anti-ev phrase....    

... Its definitely real, but hardly a concern.... 


...  Another sample... last night we got home after dinner....  I asked my Wife, how much battery have we got left.... 75%... no need to charge the car then.

If we had an ICE  I wouldn't have asked that, as we have petrol statins down the road...  (which I might had we've never used since having the EV !!).


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Save the planet.  Support the best solution to concerns about emissions. 


Public transport.


A long time ago , lead added to petrol was seen as a good thing. A long way down the road it was discovered it wasn't. 


It will be the same with EVs. Now they are still in the minority when compared to ICE engines but if we ever get to the stage where every poor man in every 3rd world country has some kind of EV...?


Why must we each have our own personal transport ? For convenience. 

But with massive investment in public transport this might not be necessary.


I'm not talking about busses etc but private vehicles owned by the public.

You want to go somewhere you just go to an app , call up a pod car which will pick you up within a few minutes and deposit you anywhere you want to go. No need to share your ride , buy a vehicle , worry about parking , worry about repairs etc. You just get to where you want to go whilst reading news on your phone. Drunk drivers killing people a thing of the past.


It's already here with ride hailing apps. If massively expanded, with automated vehicles the need for personal transport would be minimal.




Ok ok....I'll get my coat.



13 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I usually refuel going back at Doi Saket. There are about a dozen fuel pumps at the station, and a single EV charger.



... again, please stop post completely wrong facts .... between chiang mai and chiang rai are probably more than a dozen charging stations ... you really don't have a clue ...

  • Thanks 1
2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


In the interest of honest a fair information - I'll answer you honestly without bias. 

At the same time I'll not your comment contained a heavy dose of negative bais implying you are looking for a negative rather than an honestly balanced response. 


Let me start with - I'm neither Pro nor anti EV...  we bought our car because I liked the car, not because it was an EV.... BUT, now that we've had it a while, I prefer it to an an ICE - its just easier to use all round.


So... to your question - honest answers remeber:


Why did I top of the charge of the car - was it because of 'Range Anxiety' because I dont carry a can of electrons....  100% correct..  it was range anxiety, we were getting low and I wanted to top up.


When I had an ICE, why did I top up the car with fuel - was it because of 'Range Anxiety' because I dont carry a can of Petrol...  100% correct..  it was range anxiety, we were getting low and I wanted to top up.


You see... Range Anxeity is a coined phrase but with ICE's we all have it too, we're just used to it...

... With an ICE we can top up in 10 minutes and give ourselves 500kms range again.

... With an EV we can top up in 15-20 minutes and give ourselves 400kms range again.

(noting its slower to top up the last 20% from 80% to 100%).



So...  the times I used the 'public charger'... 

A couple for times on a road trip...   Range Anxiety was the reason....  it was the very same range anxiety I get (or most normal folk would get when their fuel tank gets below 30%)...   we start thinking about charging, pull into a station and 'charge the car'... (we can use an app every easily and find free charging points nearby, usually at petrol statins and what the rating of that point is).



About a month ago in Bangkok we also dropped to about 25%...   we had things to do in the evening after picking our son up from school...  we had shopping to do and also wanted a bite to eat... 

So... we stopped off at the shopping mall, had a bite and charged the car up....


So... IF you want to call that 'Range Anxiety' for sure go ahead - but also not that very same reasons that exist to charge an ICE  ???


So... call it range anxiety - I call it not wanting to be low on fuel (either petrol or battery) for me the psychology is the same for both - but I don't see range anxiety used for petrol cars as its been 'coined' as an anti-ev phrase....    

... Its definitely real, but hardly a concern.... 


...  Another sample... last night we got home after dinner....  I asked my Wife, how much battery have we got left.... 75%... no need to charge the car then.

If we had an ICE  I wouldn't have asked that, as we have petrol statins down the road...  (which I might had we've never used since having the EV !!).


I am not pro or anti EV either, although I have been labeled as a hater by some of the more fervent EV supporters. I have no problem in accepting EV's have considerable advantages in performance and fuel costs, whether it's at a public charger or home. Having solar is icing on the cake.


The only time I have had real range anxiety was when I traveled between Nymagee and Cobar (77 km ) in a Ford with a 4 litre engine that consumed petrol like an alcoholic with free booze, and the tank was showing a quarter full. No aircon, and 40 C heat. I probably got there on tank fumes.

9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

About every 2-3 months, I travel between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai to visit friends. About 200 km.


I usually refuel going back at Doi Saket. There are about a dozen fuel pumps at the station, and a single EV charger.


So what do you do in that situation if a couple of EV's are waiting there before you to be charged? Drink coffee for an hour?


Charge over night in your accommodation with a granny charger (which also comes with the car usually)... 


I'd use PlugShare and find an EV charger nearby...  A quick look at PlugShare shows about 10 CCS2 chargers within 10kms..  (and plenty in Chiang Mai to stay topped up).



9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I have no doubt EV's are much cheaper to run, and most owners refuel at home. However, on the road, permit me to doubt they are as convenient to refuel as an ICE.


I used the think the same whatifery...     thats 'range anxiety' - I don't have it...   It would be like going to a new area and qustioning if they have enough gas / petrol stations in the area...   they all do now.


BUT... all add a facet to the discussion, because there is a certain bias being hung on to... 

Do we worry about having a flat tyre when we go somewhere ???  (because my last series of cars have no spare - just a puncture kit - so back to this later)...    


9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

If I did run out of fuel on the road, a jerry can solves the problem. An EV, the only option is a tow truck, unless you want to cart a portable generator around with you.


Have you ever ran out of fuel ????...   or did you 'solve that' through managing your 'range anxiety' and ensuring you had sufficient fuel....   Yep... IF it happens, the recovery to top up is much much simpler and a re-charge....  Or is it, can 'they' (someone whoever they are, tow a generator to recharge your car - I'm sure its been done !!! - perhaps part of the next gen recovery services ! where recovery vehicles carry 30kWh batteries to top up our cars)...   all part of development. 



9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Life support for gas guzzlers? Not in my lifetime.


Gas guzzlers is also a loaded phrase and one used by the Pro-EV crowd to shine negative light on ICE's... 



The issue with these discussions is that the intelligent balance is often overshadowed by the bias and noise... so that the genuine and balanced first hand experiences are 'just somewhat boring' becasue they are 'normal' and that neither attracts the drama or the 'attention' that the extreme voices with the false and outrages claims attract... 


IMO (and this is just my own personal opinion) In reality - neither EV's or ICE's are far apart in what the the bring to our lives - the quliaty of live, added convenience or inconvenience has really not been noticed...   we can dig down into a saving here, an inconvenience there, buts its negligible.... 


..... they still ALL get you from A-B (ICE's are generally lot faster off the mark thats about it though).....  they can all easily be topped up with fuel wither electrical energy or gasoline... 


EV's have aspects that are more convenient, ICE's have other aspects that are more convenient - but in balance, both are as good as each other 'in my opinion'... 


I'd advice anyone to just get the car you like - don't worry if its an EV or an ICE - as the inpact on your live is extremely mininal...   


... the Caveat to that is if you are driving more than 500kms on a daily basis and need to get 'toped up quickly before getting on the go again...  but then the caveat to that is the 'saving' of cheaper electricity even at the public chargers to compare to fuel.... 


So... its still very much a personal choice and no one thing is really any better than the other IMO.


... And that, is truly the hones opinion of someone who's owned an EV for 4 months... IMO its better, but if I have a BMW M4, that would be better - so a lot of it is about the actual car too.


8 minutes ago, Denim said:

Save the planet.  Support the best solution to concerns about emissions. 


Public transport.


A long time ago , lead added to petrol was seen as a good thing. A long way down the road it was discovered it wasn't. 


It will be the same with EVs. Now they are still in the minority when compared to ICE engines but if we ever get to the stage where every poor man in every 3rd world country has some kind of EV...?


Why must we each have our own personal transport ? For convenience. 

But with massive investment in public transport this might not be necessary.


I'm not talking about busses etc but private vehicles owned by the public.

You want to go somewhere you just go to an app , call up a pod car which will pick you up within a few minutes and deposit you anywhere you want to go. No need to share your ride , buy a vehicle , worry about parking , worry about repairs etc. You just get to where you want to go whilst reading news on your phone. Drunk drivers killing people a thing of the past.


It's already here with ride hailing apps. If massively expanded, with automated vehicles the need for personal transport would be minimal.




Ok ok....I'll get my coat.



China has thousands of kilometres of high speed rail criss-crossing the country.


Japan has just under 3000 km of the Shinkasen network.


America has 80 kilometres, the Boston-Washington line.


America needs more than investment, it needs committed leaders.



  • Agree 1
32 minutes ago, motdaeng said:


... again, please stop post completely wrong facts .... between chiang mai and chiang rai are probably more than a dozen charging stations ... you really don't have a clue ...

Probably because I have never bothered to look for them, or fuel pumps either.


There's no charging station between Doi Saket and Mae Kachan, and that's a lot of hill climbing.


Stations between CR and CM have one purpose only for me, servicing my bladder.

16 minutes ago, Denim said:

Save the planet.  Support the best solution to concerns about emissions. 


OK - the most environtmentally friendly car to get is a 20 year old ICE...  

From the day you pirates it YOUR Carbon footprint is lower than any other vehicle... because its starts from 'zero'...   Other cars have a huge carbon footprint when starting from scratch zero miles. 



16 minutes ago, Denim said:

Public transport.


A long time ago , lead added to petrol was seen as a good thing. A long way down the road it was discovered it wasn't. 


It will be the same with EVs. Now they are still in the minority when compared to ICE engines but if we ever get to the stage where every poor man in every 3rd world country has some kind of EV...?


We already know hydrogen is better....   but is it economically viable... 


The EV push is not really an EV push, its an 'anti-oil push'... its politics and... and a lot deeper than we and can know - vote buying, while all the oil stuff goes on anyway because its impossible to live without out !!! 




(I know it a movie - but there plenty of facts out there - some adulterated, some more realistic a fair)




16 minutes ago, Denim said:

Why must we each have our own personal transport ? For convenience. 

But with massive investment in public transport this might not be necessary.


'convenient and persona' transportation is the key and also the problem... 



16 minutes ago, Denim said:

I'm not talking about busses etc but private vehicles owned by the public.

You want to go somewhere you just go to an app , call up a pod car which will pick you up within a few minutes and deposit you anywhere you want to go. No need to share your ride , buy a vehicle , worry about parking , worry about repairs etc. You just get to where you want to go whilst reading news on your phone. Drunk drivers killing people a thing of the past.


You mean like 'Grab Taxi' with EV's and drivers who will not rib you off...   

Yep, thats a future than can easily be seen...   especially in conjested cities... 


The quite from the Mayor of Bogota Gustavo Petro — 'A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation.'


16 minutes ago, Denim said:


It's already here with ride hailing apps. If massively expanded, with automated vehicles the need for personal transport would be minimal.


Ok ok....I'll get my coat.


Agreed with all  on EV transport (taxis) - even autonomies - maybe in the near future...

Until drunks try and steel them....     the human future still has to take into consideration the human nature and that involves considering the lowest common denominators. 

5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:





Have you ever ran out of fuel ????...   or did you 'solve that' through managing your 'range anxiety' and ensuring you had sufficient fuel....   Yep... IF it happens, the recovery to top up is much much simpler and a re-charge....  Or is it, can 'they' (someone whoever they are, tow a generator to recharge your car - I'm sure its been done !!! - perhaps part of the next gen recovery services ! where recovery vehicles carry 30kWh batteries to top up our cars)...   all part of development. 




A Polestar EV has crossed the Nullabor, traveling between Perth and Sydney. Just under 4000 km.


It was accompanied by a truck with a diesel generator on board, for recharging when necessary.


It was quite environmentally friendly, both the truck and generator were fueled with recycled frying oil.

2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


OK - the most environtmentally friendly car to get is a 20 year old ICE...  

From the day you pirates it YOUR Carbon footprint is lower than any other vehicle... because its starts from 'zero'...   Other cars have a huge carbon footprint when starting from scratch zero miles. 





Oh goody, my Vios is 19 yo.

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

A Polestar EV has crossed the Nullabor, traveling between Perth and Sydney. Just under 4000 km.


It was accompanied by a truck with a diesel generator on board, for recharging when necessary.


It was quite environmentally friendly, both the truck and generator were fueled with recycled frying oil.

Wouldn't it be more environmentally friendly to use a diesel car running on cooking oil and leave the truck/generator at home?

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1 minute ago, Kinnock said:

Wouldn't it be more environmentally friendly to use a diesel car running on cooking oil and leave the truck/generator at home?

Probably, but this exercise was for publicity purposes, where rationality is suspended.

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