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ThaiVisa: I'm Addicted With No Cure In Sight

Jai Dee

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Hello everyone.

My name is Jai Dee and I am a ThaiVisa forum addict.

From this website:

Here are some potential benefits of regular online forum participation:

Intellectual exchange

Learning new ideas and refining old ones

Enjoying community membership

Influencing the forum's evolution

Contributing to others

Making new friends and contacts

New business leads

Keeping up with current events

Learning about new opportunities

Here are some potential negative effects of excessive forum usage:

Reduced concentration and focus

Reduced productivity

Chronic procrastination

Increased pessimism and/or apathy

Being distracted by endless debates and idle gossip

Gradually substituting tribal group think for your own intelligence

Impaired social skills, neglected relationships, and a weakened social circle (a consequence of substituting online socialization for face-to-face conversations)

Reduced energy (forum participation is sedentary compared to more active social outlets)

Reduced self-esteem

Career and income may suffer (including loss of employment)

Forum addiction

Me, I’m into current affairs… Thailand specific. That’s why I spend so much time in the news forum. I like to be informed, and I’d like to think that my efforts are helping to keep other people informed too.

Thailand is my home now. I live here and I work here. I’m fortunate enough to have a job that I have been able to organize to an extent that I have a lot of free time… resulting in me looking around for something else to occupy my mind and my time.

ThaiVisa fills that void for me.

But… I have become addicted.

I’m a ThaiVisa junkie.

For the benefit of other forum addicts out there, I’d like to share with you a couple of tips or things to do on those rare occasions whilst the forum is down or offline that may help make your forum experience a more enjoyable one when it's back online again.

Feed the kids/pets/wife/girlfriend/<deleted>-buddy etc. This allows for a longer uninterrupted time on the forum when it's finally back up and running.

Clean out all your temporary files and cookies. Then reboot your computer. This does nothing to help the forum get back online faster, but it's always handy to be ready for when it's finally back up and running.

Now would be a good time to relocate your computer. Place it closer to the toilet so that you spend less time traveling to/from to the toilet and more time for the forum when it is back up and running. Consider the purchase of a catheter as a possible alternative option.

Clear a specific area on your desk and assign it as for snacks and junk food only. Then stock this area well. A two week supply should be the minimum amount to place here. In fact, remove your printer or scanner and place even more snacks in that area too. Printers and scanners are rarely required for forum usage. A beer fridge under the computer desk is also handy. Don’t forget that catheter option I mentioned before.

If you currently have no rubbish bin in the vicinity of your computer, clear this area of all the empty coke cans, potato chip bags and pizza boxes. Purchase a great <deleted>-off sized rubbish bin instead of the smaller office sized trash can for your computer area. This will reduce the number of times that the rubbish needs to be emptied and more time for the forum when it's up and running.

Make a sign for your front door that reads: Use back door only. Make one for your back door as well that reads: Use front door only. This will help deter unexpected and unwanted company that may cause you to miss the moment the forum is back up and running again.

Buy or otherwise make, a small padding, approx the size of 2x4 inches. Tape this to your forehead well. This helps for when the forum is back up and running and you've read / posted for sooo long getting your fix that you fall asleep at your computer and your head hits the keyboard. Also useful when you slap your head after reading posts by the Donz. Prevents trips to the hospital, hence more time for the forum.

Be sure to pause once or twice while performing the above to swear, rant, or rave at your monitor. Flipping it the bird is always a good choice, too. This does nothing to help the forum get online faster but does in some strange, weird way... help relieve tension.

By the time you perform all of the steps above, George or Huski should have fixed all the problems and the forum should be up and running. Now is the time to sit back, take a deep breath, open a fresh snack, crack open a new beer, and enjoy your forum experience.

Now… the flip side…

Can forum addiction kill?

Read this.

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To the OP, you have a staggering 20,000 Posts, are you married, does your wife know you exist?

If you live in Thailand, what are you doing stuck behind a PC all day, surely that's not the reason you went to Thailand, and doesn't your wife complain about the fact that you spend so much time online?

My wife would go crazy if I spent all my time on a computer.

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Hello everyone.

My name is Jai Dee and I am a ThaiVisa forum addict.

Come on! Admit it - you wrote that post ages ago and have been waiting for your post count to get to 19,999 before you started this topic! :D

Excellent 20,000th post! :o

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I think most of us who have a full life are not addicted to such a waste of effort, there are far more constructive things one can do with one's time rather than idle it away here.

There is simply no excuse for 20,000 posts in less than 3 years, sad realy if you give it some thought.



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Here are some potential negative effects of excessive forum usage:

Reduced concentration and focus

Reduced productivity

Chronic procrastination

Increased pessimism and/or apathy

Being distracted by endless debates and idle gossip

Gradually substituting tribal group think for your own intelligence

Impaired social skills, neglected relationships, and a weakened social circle (a consequence of substituting online socialization for face-to-face conversations)

Reduced energy (forum participation is sedentary compared to more active social outlets)

Reduced self-esteem

Career and income may suffer (including loss of employment)

Forum addiction

The first step is to admit that you are powerless ...

We admitted we were powerless over <ThaiVisa forum absorption>, that our lives had become unmanageable....


For me, I cringe when my inbox bulges with 20 new threads every few hours or so. I feel obligated to open each one up in my email program to see if the subject is of interest. Often it is for human interest reasons if not for something that specifically might affect me. It gets to be "a bit much" sometimes, but I'll admit I'd rather have this than no input from others about living in Thailand.

I've posted questions on other expat forums with very little feedback (same on this one sometimes), but by in large the community here is so active that we generally help as much as we abuse each other. Glad TV is here.

Just a matter of being selective about what to read/respond to. :D

PS- Jai Dee, it's worth noting that for us TV members, your addiction has an upside. We appreciate your attention and contributions. :D


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Well, if you knew Jai Dee (personally), you'd probably know just how he manages to post so much, and still enjoy a great life away from the computer (even if he does mysteriously disappear right around Songkran every year). :o

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Actually I would like to thank Jai Dee for all the valuable contributions he makes to this site. His efforts on keeping us all informed on what is happening in the Thai news is worthy of a large pat on the back and more than a couple of beers (should he ever get out). :o

Well done on hitting this milestone, and thanks.

Edited by quiksilva
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Jai Dee

Star Member


Group: Super Moderators

Posts: 20,000

Joined: 2004-12-30

From: Amphur Sattahip

Member No.: 15,398

:D Congratulations, dear Jai Dee.

I hope you've time to have a beer tonight and celebrate.

Keep up the good work. You're one of the greatest on ThaiVisa.

Cheers and thanks !

ps: HOLY MOLY, you joined TV a little later than I did...how on earth did you do it...reach 20.000 posts? :o

Hmmm...I know, you just paste-and-post; never write, until today.... :D

LaoPo :D

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20000 hits ...21 per day , around 2 hours per day on and off ,not bad ,keep the good news coming mate...

I've seen higher daily post counts on some computer tech sites.

Only Dr. Pat Pong has posted more than Jai Dee at 26,422...but at an average of only 15 per day because he started posting on here 2 years earlier than Jai Dee.

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20000 hits ...21 per day , around 2 hours per day on and off ,not bad ,keep the good news coming mate...

I've seen higher daily post counts on some computer tech sites.

Only Dr. Pat Pong has posted more than Jai Dee at 26,422...but at an average of only 15 per day because he started posting on here 2 years earlier than Jai Dee.

:D Yes, but the esteemed Dr. Pat_Pong only posts this:

" :o:D " and one-liners.... :D

If I cut my posts into one-liners I reach 77.000 posts :D

LaoPo, but still with a lot of respect for both Gentlemen & George as well, of course... :bah:

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Yay, Jai Dee! Brilliant 20,000th post & you beat the bookies :o

Back to the subject in hand...

I'm not addicted anyway. I can stop anytime I want. I just don't want to, see? I don't need TV or nuffing... <sniff> Not like I don't have nuffing else... :D :D

Edited by November Rain
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