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Can Anyone Help A Pensioner?


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Don't give the goverment any more excuse to rip us off!!!!........my personal private pension which I paid into.....transfers to my wife on my death......so why not my government pension?

Because the government pension is a far better deal then any private pension, but the deal is it doesnt transfer to your wife should you die.

Besides LibLabCon voters shouldnt complain about the government.

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When she reaches pension age she can get an NI number, without going to the UK. They said this could be done purely to enable them to pay her a pension.

god bless the outstanding generosity of the selfless british taxpayer for services above and beyond.

i am sure that they will be most gratified to know that people who have never set foot in the british isles will be able to draw a pension , even as pensioners in the uk , some of whom have actually paid contributions and taxes , struggle to exist on the pittance paid out there as an excuse for a pension.

rule brittania.

Yup and bless them some more for freezing the level of our pension at the date it is first drawn for those of us in this fair (Thai)land having paid into the kitty all our lives, while they hand out our money "willy nilly" to any immigrant just arrived from Eastern Europe and other sundry assorted points of embarkation!

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Don't give the goverment any more excuse to rip us off!!!!........my personal private pension which I paid into.....transfers to my wife on my death......so why not my government pension?

Because the government pension is a far better deal then any private pension, but the deal is it doesnt transfer to your wife should you die.

Besides LibLabCon voters shouldnt complain about the government.

But she would get widows pension?........who's complaining.......Vat is reduced by 2.5 % private pensions are not increased because the RPI comes in at -1.5%.....immediately the no increase pension news is out......up the VAT goes by 2.5%......what is to complain about!!!!!

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How can anybody get anything, when in It clearly says in A Thais passport who has a settlement visa stamp inside. NO recourse to public funds, You can register for a National insurance number, by appointment. You have to have an interview, also you will have to provide Marriage certificate, proof of Abode and visa Number, Think some ones on the pop or in dream land. I have no problem with anyone sharing there pension with there none British wife as long as it is a single persons pension, If you are Married and devoiced, does your pension go down because you are paying for your ex wife, or in some cases the last 3/4 failed marriages. I supose there is a way to sort this out , just say must be collected in your local post office, or when you sign on.

Don't give the goverment any more excuse to rip us off!!!!........my personal private pension which I paid into.....transfers to my wife on my death......so why not my government pension?

it does she gets a widows pension.

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I believe that for a man who wishes to claim extra UK state pension allowance for a dependant spouse, the wife has to be pensionable age which is presently 60 years of age.

Best to check this out.

were some of you dig this info out is amazing,bet youve never set foot in uk.or wheels in your case.lol

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Ron, does your wife become entitled to a widows pension if you should die before her, even if she has never been to UK?

If that's the case, then us British guys have just become even sexier! :)

Be carefull it might be now more profitable to bump off the Brittish .. and someone with your character :D

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When she reaches pension age she can get an NI number, without going to the UK. They said this could be done purely to enable them to pay her a pension.

god bless the outstanding generosity of the selfless british taxpayer for services above and beyond.

i am sure that they will be most gratified to know that people who have never set foot in the british isles will be able to draw a pension , even as pensioners in the uk , some of whom have actually paid contributions and taxes , struggle to exist on the pittance paid out there as an excuse for a pension.

rule brittania.

Yup and bless them some more for freezing the level of our pension at the date it is first drawn for those of us in this fair (Thai)land having paid into the kitty all our lives, while they hand out our money "willy nilly" to any immigrant just arrived from Eastern Europe and other sundry assorted points of embarkation!

Well said Sir!

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BAPA has teamed-up with all the world expatriate pensioner associations with the objective of the final extinction of the frozen pension regime.

The group, led by the Canadian Alliance, comprises:

The Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

The British Pensioners' Association - Western Canada

The South African Alliance of British Pensioners

The British Australian Pensioner Association

British Pensions in Australia

The methods being used are a combination of litigation before the European Court of Human Rights, buttressed by continuing legal research, political lobbying & impacting on public opinion in the UK.


The recent appeal to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights before 17 Judges gives us hope. But we won't get the Judgement till later this year, maybe in March 2010.Even then, given the favourable ruling we trust we will receive, we will have a fight on our hands to sway the Government and Public Opinion in favour of activating the ruling of the Court.

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  • 1 month later...
it just strikes me as somewhat strange that the uk benefit system should be paying out to support women living in a foriegn country , who are not uk citizens , who have never been to the uk , never contributed in any way whatsoever to the financing of the system and who may very well be drawing their own benefits from their own country.

the system is far too generous , to the detriment of those pensioners who have to live in the uk on a pittance after possibly contributing all their lives , and to the advantage of those who have never even been to the uk.

at a time when cutbacks in government spending are affecting hospitals , schools and public services generally , it is just one of many unfairnesses and anomalies that really should be looked at by the authorities.

but then again , the british government , like each and every government , is more interested in re election , riding the gravy train and hanging on to power than actually improving the lot of its people.

i could rant on and on , but i will spare you all.

You really do not seem to understand......

I have worked all my life....and have contributed to the National Insurance scheme during all that time...

Do you really think that my foreign ( non British) wife is not entitled to a share of a pension for which I have PAID?

Can you please explain why you think she is not eligible ......?

Agree with you.

It may incense some posters that your wife has not lived in the UK,and think your wife should not be entitled to a UK pension. But as you rightly quoted you have paid in your NI contributions for yourself and your wife.

All our Government is doing is playing the percentages game, i.e many of my friends,work colleagues,and aquaintances have paid in all their lives and died before 65,others only live a handful of years after retirement,others

get increases frozen such as Thailand based UK expats,and still others only get small extra pensions for their wives due to them being younger than the Husband etc etc.

It may be worth remembering that unclaimed pensions,for whatever reasons stay in the pot,so there is extra flexability

in the system for unusual pension circumstances for spouses,such as your claim.

Also,and it can easily be looked up at DWP website,Pensions funded by NI contributions are not classed as a Benefit.

So I for one do not blame you for trying to secure some small security for your wife especially after you have gone.

Good Luck

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When she reaches pension age she can get an NI number, without going to the UK. They said this could be done purely to enable them to pay her a pension.

god bless the outstanding generosity of the selfless british taxpayer for services above and beyond.

i am sure that they will be most gratified to know that people who have never set foot in the british isles will be able to draw a pension , even as pensioners in the uk , some of whom have actually paid contributions and taxes , struggle to exist on the pittance paid out there as an excuse for a pension.

rule brittania.

You need to get your facts right!

People have worked all of their lives to get this "PITTANCE" of a pension, it is not free, it has been worked for and paid for!

Do you hold the same opinions about people who have paid for an endowment for 25 years? would you laugh and find it funny if you had paid in to this all your working life, just to have it taken away because you no longer live there?

Good luck to them, and I hope it helps their Thai wives, as Thailand does bugger all to help them.

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one of the posters who lives in thailand with his thai wife is trying to get a pension for her , it would appear that he needs to get a national insurance number for her , even though she has never set foot in the uk.

if she has no n.i. number , then she has never worked in the uk.

that seems to me like he is trying to take advantage of , milk , squeeze , work the system etc. of an already overburdened system to increase his financial benefit.

if my understanding is wrong then please correct me.

What utter CRAP!, he has paid the NI contributions, the pension is his, and is extended to his wife.

Do you think that a married couple in the UK should be denied a pension if the wife never worked (i.e. brought up kids)? You people have a warped way of thinking.

Better just give the guy a lump sum, everything he has paid in over his lifetime + reasonable usury and let him spend it on who he wants, IT IS HIS MONEY!

People would be better worrying about all the free handouts given to the Polacks and other scroungers (Look at those from the EU that can come and get everything free, yet never paid a cent...you are barking up the wrong tree here mate.) than those that have managed to LIVE and WORK until they are 65...don't you think they are entitled to a little bit back?

Probably better to have them publicly flogged with barbed wire for daring to have their pension granted to a "NON BRITISH" person.

Edited by billythefish
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How can anybody get anything, when in It clearly says in A Thais passport who has a settlement visa stamp inside. NO recourse to public funds, You can register for a National insurance number, by appointment. You have to have an interview, also you will have to provide Marriage certificate, proof of Abode and visa Number, Think some ones on the pop or in dream land. I have no problem with anyone sharing there pension with there none British wife as long as it is a single persons pension, If you are Married and devoiced, does your pension go down because you are paying for your ex wife, or in some cases the last 3/4 failed marriages. I supose there is a way to sort this out , just say must be collected in your local post office, or when you sign on.

Yes it does indeed state on the Visa NO recourse to public funds. She/He is not the claimant The UK national is making the claim.

As for getting a Nat Ins number Yes you do have to show your passport with Visa that is all. Can be done at the local job Centre.

I do not know how one would obtain it from outside the UK I do know the form you fill in for adult dependent increase asks for Nat Ins No

The system has now changed local Jobcentreplus do not have anything to do with issuing NI numbers or cards anymore.

It can be done by Post to major Jobcentreplus only.where once a full blown Interview was called for, now a

postal application is sufficient.

Phone number for an application form is:0845 6043719

Website: www.dwp.gov.uk

FAX: 01983 273168

Takes 2 weeks for NI number and 6-8 weeks to send on the card.

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Don't give the goverment any more excuse to rip us off!!!!........my personal private pension which I paid into.....transfers to my wife on my death......so why not my government pension?

Because the government pension is a far better deal then any private pension, but the deal is it doesnt transfer to your wife should you die.

Besides LibLabCon voters shouldnt complain about the government.

But she would get widows pension?........who's complaining.......Vat is reduced by 2.5 % private pensions are not increased because the RPI comes in at -1.5%.....immediately the no increase pension news is out......up the VAT goes by 2.5%......what is to complain about!!!!!

I know most of you Guys on here are very helpful to Posters with queries,but unfortunately some of the advice is dated,such as the one above: there is no Widows Pension anymore,this has been replaced with a one off payment of £2,000 for the 1st year after the death of the spouse.

There are other things the surviving spouse can claim for,but that would need clarifying by the DWP.

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  • 9 months later...

I am well over pensionable age and my Thai wife is 33 years younger than I. After fighting the DSS tooth and nail and threatening to refer the matter to the Omsbudman I received a significant rise in the amount of my pension and a sum to cover the shortfall back to the date of my marriage. About a year ago I was told that my wife would be issued with a N.I. number by another department. Since this has not been received I have buckled on my armour and taken them on again. I have a written assurance that on my demise my wife will receive a Death Benefit payment (currently 3K sterling I think) and that she will draw my pension for one year. She will then not be entitled to further payment until she reaches UK retirement age for ladies when she will receive a full pension in her own right. It seems sensible to me that this will not be subject to an annual uplift.

Ex-pats must realise that they are on their own and no MP will assist. If you are not on an electoral roll you are disenfranchised and no MP gives a toss about you. I surmise that they are too busy concocting fairly tales so that they can claim for allowances that they are not entitled to. I have found that getting a reply from any Government department takes a minimum of three months. However every Government department answers to its own Ombudsman and they are pretty efficient. It is worth noting that using the services of an Omsbudman is free and all costs are met by the Government department that you may have a beef with. A threat to refer matters to them certainly gets things moving along.

The DSS has an Internet site and it is well worth going there to make yourself better informed and to assist in claiming for every last penny possible. BTW there is a section in the DSS that encourages people to try to get everything that they by law are entitled to as many an immigrant to the UK knows full well. Unfortunately this attitude does not seem to be shared by the clerk with who is dealing with your case. It seems to me that many, like BiB, do not know the law and make incorrect decisions. I would advise that any correspondence with the tax or welfare authorities be scanned into your PC and to keep a copy of any that you initiate. It is not a good idea to be caught out telling porkies. Consistency, polite aggression and obduracy are required to achieve a result.

I am not interested in the arguments of those who think that my wife is not entitled to seek financial support from the UK Government. Who I marry is my decision and not that of any panjandrum. My wife is entitled to the same benefits as those who regularly toddle down to the local Bingo hall yet complain that the Government doesn't do enough for them.

I remember going to the local office to register for my State pension. On the front door stood a scruffy, unshaven individual that I took to be Pakistani, whose uniform was in desperate need of cleaning and pressing and the whole ensemble was set of by a filthy pair of plimsolls. He curtly asked me why I wanted to enter and I snapped back telling him to get out of my freaking way. On being attended to I was asked what could they do for me and I replied that I had come to reclaim some of the money that I had been systematically robbed of over the past fifty years. Eh? was the reply. I offered the letter that had been sent to me instructing me to attend and clarified that I had come to claim my pension. Have you brought your passport I was then asked. I replied in the affirmative and offered that nobody had asked to see my passport when they were taking my money. We both chuckled over that barb.

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The good news is that it IS possible to get a National Insurance number issued to a foreign wife..WITHOUT GOING TO THE UK .

I am one of at least two people who were in the same situation.and succeeded!

I originally applied within two months of getting married, and was told that we had to travel to the Uk in order that a number may be issued...I then saw a thread on TV from some one who had managed to get through the beaurocracy .and re-applied....it took a further 15 months to get satisfaction........

My wife was issued with a N.I number earlier this year,and the pension increased, AND backdated to the date of the marriage....

if you need any more info.....PM me...hope this helps!!

Ron, does your wife become entitled to a widows pension if you should die before her, even if she has never been to UK?

If that's the case, then us British guys have just become even sexier! :o

As I understand it, a Thai widow in these circumstances, upon the husbands demise, is entitled to a two thousand pound one off payment to help pay for funeral expenses, and in addition a payment equivalent to 52 times the amount of pension the husband was getting in addition weekly because he was legally married. In other words is the husband was getting 30 pounds a week because he was married, on his demise the widow is entitled to 52 times 30 pounds, after that no further payments are forthcoming.

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To the best of my understanding, in order to get an NI number she will need to present herself to the benefits office with proof of entitlement to live & work in the UK (i.e. residency visa or citizenship) with proof that she has either got employment already or is actively loking for work. Not sure how a women who has never lived in the UK or has no entitlement to live & work in the UK could get an NI number as the process is all done in person with strict requirements on documentation to provide.

My pal (72), wife is 38 and has a NI number issued to her cos of marriage and his pension rights. He died recently and wife uses her NI number for a one off widows payment.

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I am well over pensionable age and my Thai wife is 33 years younger than I. After fighting the DSS tooth and nail and threatening to refer the matter to the Omsbudman I received a significant rise in the amount of my pension and a sum to cover the shortfall back to the date of my marriage.

I suspect you must have initiated the claim before April 2010, as my understanding is that it has not been possible to make a new claim for the married man's pension after that date. I don't think the death benefit element has changed.

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I am well over pensionable age and my Thai wife is 33 years younger than I. After fighting the DSS tooth and nail and threatening to refer the matter to the Omsbudman I received a significant rise in the amount of my pension and a sum to cover the shortfall back to the date of my marriage.

I suspect you must have initiated the claim before April 2010, as my understanding is that it has not been possible to make a new claim for the married man's pension after that date. I don't think the death benefit element has changed.

Correct. luckily i became 65 2 weeks before the cut off , but my wife does have an ni number from when she worked in the UK .

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I am somewhat baffled now as to this thread, as pensions has been discussed many times at length on the " job's, banking etc forum ".

There seems to be many differences of information and what people claim allegedly what they can or do get.

There maybe many changes due in the near future or even as of the coming UK April budget.

My understanding to date is :-

1. My pension will be paid directly into my Thai bank account from the UK in July 2012 at the amount for a single person + my small private pension which is tied to the government one.

2. Although legally married my wife is 20 years younger than me and because of this I am not able to claim for a marriage pension because she is a Thai resident.

3. My wife has a Tax number from the the UK Inland Revenue office and has received rebates from tax paid on joint bank account interest payments that were made.

4. If I pop me clogs while receiving my pension, my wife will get a £2000 bereavement payment and a calculated sum amount based on what my receiving of pension was.

5. This will be paid for 52 weeks.

6. After that up until the time my wife reaches, I'm told, 66yrs of age she will receive half of my private pension, and then she will receive a UK government pension based on my " N I " number.

Please enlighten me further, Regards K.

Edited by Kwasaki
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I am somewhat baffled now as to this thread, as pensions has been discussed many times at length on the " job's, banking etc forum ".

There seems to be many differences of information and what people claim allegedly what they can or do get.

There maybe many changes due in the near future or even as of the coming UK April budget.

My understanding to date is :-

1. My pension will be paid directly into my Thai bank account from the UK in July 2012 at the amount for a single person + my small private pension which is tied to the government one.

2. Although legally married my wife is 20 years younger than me and because of this I am not able to claim for a marriage pension because she is a Thai resident.

3. My wife has a Tax number from the the UK Inland Revenue office and has received rebates from tax paid on joint bank account interest payments that were made.

4. If I pop me clogs while receiving my pension, my wife will get a £2000 bereavement payment and a calculated sum amount based on what my receiving of pension was.

5. This will be paid for 52 weeks.

6. After that up until the time my wife reaches, I'm told, 66yrs of age she will receive half of my private pension, and then she will receive a UK government pension based on my " N I " number.

Please enlighten me further, Regards K.

Substantially I believe your summary is correct,except I can't comment on your private pension, and in #2. the reason you won't be able to claim for the married couple's pension is because no new claims have been possible since April2010 - they moved the goalposts. Even if your wife is living in the UK at the time you become eligible for the state pension you'll just get the single pension. See this from the DirectGov website:

"If there is an adult who depends on you financially

It is no longer possible to get a new increase of your State Pension for another adult. This was called an 'Adult Dependency Increase'. It was an increase in your State Pension for a wife, husband or someone who is looking after your children, if he or she is considered to be financially dependent on you.

If you already received this increase on 5 April 2010, you will be able to keep it until you no longer meet the conditions for the increase or until 5 April 2020, whichever is first."

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It has got to be morally wrong for anyone who has not lived in the UK and paid tax, even from Europe, to get anything. If You have lived in the UK then yes, you should be entitled to What you should get, but how far does it go,People leave the UK for what ever reasons if they still pay tax then they should be able to claim, If They live Abroad from the UK then they should be offered there pension to take with them. At the rate it was when they started to pay into it ,It amazes me when people just keep milking the system for every thing they can get,because the system is wrong.To me anyone who lives abroad has money or they would not be able to do just that.I know its there choice and they have probably worked to do it. they should be offed the choice of taking there pension lump sum or at a set rate.. The NHS was set up to treat people who where on the poverty line or below.Not to treat fat people or injury's caused by smoking or Drink related self inflicted Injures, Like fighting on a Saturday night, or falling over psst and getting injured. The same goes for Druggies,and health Tourist and car accidents. When are the people who stay in the UK and work here all our lives get anything. Why should people who have moved to Spain get heating allowance when OAP here in the UK are cold and cannot get any help.Also at what stage does your contributions run out, and what about the treatment that you have already had, does that not get payed for or is it for Indefinite.I am not against people who are entitled to what they should get, just people milking our System, and then the people who the whole thing was set up to help get nothing.Strong views maybe not right but maybe some truth.

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I am somewhat baffled now as to this thread, as pensions has been discussed many times at length on the " job's, banking etc forum ".

There seems to be many differences of information and what people claim allegedly what they can or do get.

There maybe many changes due in the near future or even as of the coming UK April budget.

Please enlighten me further, Regards K.

Substantially I believe your summary is correct,except I can't comment on your private pension, and in #2. the reason you won't be able to claim for the married couple's pension is because no new claims have been possible since April2010 - they moved the goalposts. Even if your wife is living in the UK at the time you become eligible for the state pension you'll just get the single pension. See this from the DirectGov website:

"If there is an adult who depends on you financially

It is no longer possible to get a new increase of your State Pension for another adult. This was called an 'Adult Dependency Increase'. It was an increase in your State Pension for a wife, husband or someone who is looking after your children, if he or she is considered to be financially dependent on you.

If you already received this increase on 5 April 2010, you will be able to keep it until you no longer meet the conditions for the increase or until 5 April 2020, whichever is first."

Thanks " Eff1n2ret " the type of Barclay's private pension I have they have already explained quite clearly, mind you it's taken a bashing over the last three years.:annoyed:

I have been married to my Thai wife since Dec 2003 I was always led to believe she would get absolutely zero from the start.

So since I found out what I know now I am happy anyway about my wife's future after my inevitable demise.

For all those that are living in England sratching along on a pension, that was one of the main reasons on decided to retire in Thailand. B)

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one of the posters who lives in thailand with his thai wife is trying to get a pension for her , it would appear that he needs to get a national insurance number for her , even though she has never set foot in the uk.

if she has no n.i. number , then she has never worked in the uk.

that seems to me like he is trying to take advantage of , milk , squeeze , work the system etc. of an already overburdened system to increase his financial benefit.

if my understanding is wrong then please correct me.

What utter CRAP!, he has paid the NI contributions, the pension is his, and is extended to his wife.

Do you think that a married couple in the UK should be denied a pension if the wife never worked (i.e. brought up kids)? You people have a warped way of thinking.

Better just give the guy a lump sum, everything he has paid in over his lifetime + reasonable usury and let him spend it on who he wants, IT IS HIS MONEY!

People would be better worrying about all the free handouts given to the Polacks and other scroungers (Look at those from the EU that can come and get everything free, yet never paid a cent...you are barking up the wrong tree here mate.) than those that have managed to LIVE and WORK until they are 65...don't you think they are entitled to a little bit back?

Probably better to have them publicly flogged with barbed wire for daring to have their pension granted to a "NON BRITISH" person.



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It has got to be morally wrong for anyone who has not lived in the UK and paid tax, even from Europe, to get anything. If You have lived in the UK then yes, you should be entitled to What you should get, but how far does it go,People leave the UK for what ever reasons if they still pay tax then they should be able to claim, If They live Abroad from the UK then they should be offered there pension to take with them. At the rate it was when they started to pay into it ,It amazes me when people just keep milking the system for every thing they can get,because the system is wrong.To me anyone who lives abroad has money or they would not be able to do just that.I know its there choice and they have probably worked to do it. they should be offed the choice of taking there pension lump sum or at a set rate.. The NHS was set up to treat people who where on the poverty line or below.Not to treat fat people or injury's caused by smoking or Drink related self inflicted Injures, Like fighting on a Saturday night, or falling over psst and getting injured. The same goes for Druggies,and health Tourist and car accidents. When are the people who stay in the UK and work here all our lives get anything. Why should people who have moved to Spain get heating allowance when OAP here in the UK are cold and cannot get any help.Also at what stage does your contributions run out, and what about the treatment that you have already had, does that not get payed for or is it for Indefinite.I am not against people who are entitled to what they should get, just people milking our System, and then the people who the whole thing was set up to help get nothing.Strong views maybe not right but maybe some truth.

Then put your efforts into the foreigners that are trying everything to get into the UK just to be looked after, which they will, and are and have never paid a cent into the system.

A UK guy gets a married pension even if his UK wife has never worked, whats the difference.:rolleyes:.

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It has got to be morally wrong for anyone who has not lived in the UK and paid tax, even from Europe, to get anything. If You have lived in the UK then yes, you should be entitled to What you should get,

Are you saying you consider it morally right for someone who has lived in the UK and not paid tax or NI to get a pension?

And please bear in mind that when you pay NI is is not simply for your own pension but that of your spouse.

With this in mind why do you consider it wrong for a man to pay full contributions for 30+ years and not get full benefits for him and his spouse?

Without doubt the UK has more than it's fair share of low loves milking the system but this is simply not a case of milking the system.

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It has got to be morally wrong for anyone who has not lived in the UK and paid tax, even from Europe, to get anything. If You have lived in the UK then yes, you should be entitled to What you should get, but how far does it go,People leave the UK for what ever reasons if they still pay tax then they should be able to claim, If They live Abroad from the UK then they should be offered there pension to take with them. At the rate it was when they started to pay into it ,It amazes me when people just keep milking the system for every thing they can get,because the system is wrong.To me anyone who lives abroad has money or they would not be able to do just that.I know its there choice and they have probably worked to do it. they should be offed the choice of taking there pension lump sum or at a set rate.. The NHS was set up to treat people who where on the poverty line or below.Not to treat fat people or injury's caused by smoking or Drink related self inflicted Injures, Like fighting on a Saturday night, or falling over psst and getting injured. The same goes for Druggies,and health Tourist and car accidents. When are the people who stay in the UK and work here all our lives get anything. Why should people who have moved to Spain get heating allowance when OAP here in the UK are cold and cannot get any help.Also at what stage does your contributions run out, and what about the treatment that you have already had, does that not get payed for or is it for Indefinite.I am not against people who are entitled to what they should get, just people milking our System, and then the people who the whole thing was set up to help get nothing.Strong views maybe not right but maybe some truth.

You are absolutely right and much of what you say that goes on really irritates me too.

Then there is the other side of the coin, the farangs who own acres and acres of land here in Thailand in Thai names to hide the fact that they bought the land even though it`s a against Thai law but everyone knows who the true owners are, yet these laws are hardly ever enforced.

I 100% agree that someone who has never lived, worked or holds any allegiance to the UK should not be entitled to any UK state benefits even if their spouse has been paying in to the system. The whole thing is a farce and a sham.

But we don’t live in a perfect world. Most countries seem to be governed by morons that tailor make these laws and policies to suit them. We are only the little people of small significance and do not have the powers and say to change anything and so the ridiculous continues.

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it just strikes me as somewhat strange that the uk benefit system should be paying out to support women living in a foriegn country , who are not uk citizens , who have never been to the uk , never contributed in any way whatsoever to the financing of the system and who may very well be drawing their own benefits from their own country.

the system is far too generous , to the detriment of those pensioners who have to live in the uk on a pittance after possibly contributing all their lives , and to the advantage of those who have never even been to the uk.

at a time when cutbacks in government spending are affecting hospitals , schools and public services generally , it is just one of many unfairnesses and anomalies that really should be looked at by the authorities.

but then again , the british government , like each and every government , is more interested in re election , riding the gravy train and hanging on to power than actually improving the lot of its people.

i could rant on and on , but i will spare you all.

You really do not seem to understand......

I have worked all my life....and have contributed to the National Insurance scheme during all that time...

Do you really think that my foreign ( non British) wife is not entitled to a share of a pension for which I have PAID?

Can you please explain why you think she is not eligible ......?

I don't agree with what taxexile is saying but i understand the point he is trying to make,i fully understand that a UK national who has contributed his or hers worth to the system for the recomended period should be allowed to claim for his/her wife/husband regardless of nationality,and regardless of where they live when retired,as i also have no problem with people returning home to take advantage of the NHS which also happens,My problem lies herein where i am told that i shall have to work until 67 before i retire,thus working longer and under no impressions that the spoils will be the same for me,the money in the pot will all be gone,people living longer = claiming longer,there is currently more money coming out than is going in, if i can see it why can't the people in charge.

Good Luck in your claim i hope you get what you are entitled to. :jap:

Edited by stoneyboy
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I am well over pensionable age and my Thai wife is 33 years younger than I. After fighting the DSS tooth and nail and threatening to refer the matter to the Omsbudman I received a significant rise in the amount of my pension and a sum to cover the shortfall back to the date of my marriage.

I suspect you must have initiated the claim before April 2010, as my understanding is that it has not been possible to make a new claim for the married man's pension after that date. I don't think the death benefit element has changed.

Before 2010? Shit yes. It took nearly three years before they stopped stonewalling.

I may stand corrected on death benefit. I thought, but didn't investigate whether it was true or not that, this had been raised to 3K from 2K. Ten years ago even a Co-op funeral cost over a thousand pounds. I once read a lovely story about two old 'uns who agreed to make their own funeral arrangements. When the old fella died his widow told friends that she was going to collect his corpse from the hospital and bring it home on the roof rack of their Morris Minor Traveller. She explained that she thought it a trifle undignified to put him inside as his feet would be sticking out the back. A friend who owned a Volvo estate (station wagon) offered to provide transport and when they arrived home she buried him at the bottom of the garden.

My terak has been instructed to take me up to Lomsak and have me go up the chimney at the village wat. Since I am not Buddhist avaricious chanting monks should be dispensed with. When an acquaintance died some years ago his body was dispatched at the large wat on Pattaya Tai. After paying off the monks and for the spread she put on for mourners she was 40K baht out of pocket.

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You are absolutely right and much of what you say that goes on really irritates me too.

Then there is the other side of the coin, the farangs who own acres and acres of land here in Thailand in Thai names to hide the fact that they bought the land even though it`s a against Thai law but everyone knows who the true owners are, yet these laws are hardly ever enforced.

I 100% agree that someone who has never lived, worked or holds any allegiance to the UK should not be entitled to any UK state benefits even if their spouse has been paying in to the system. The whole thing is a farce and a sham.

But we don't live in a perfect world. Most countries seem to be governed by morons that tailor make these laws and policies to suit them. We are only the little people of small significance and do not have the powers and say to change anything and so the ridiculous continues.

Oh dear. You really are confused aren't you? Land purchased with farang money has to be registered in a Thai natives/company name. I had to sign an undertaking that said that I fully understood that I had no claim on the land. It is not true that Thai names are used to hoodwink any UK institution. From my experience the law is rigidly enforced. If, God forbid,my wife died, ownership reverts to me by Will, but I have 3 months to transfer ownership to a Thai legal entity.

State pension is paid to all irrespective of how much they have in the bank. Why would anybody work and progress to high salary levels just to finance the old age of those who just couldn't be bothered? What is more to the point is why should I have to pay N.I. contributions at all if I offer to take care and provide for myself?

So you think that the Gurkhas should not be looked after by the UK Government and granted domicile rights? After all the Gurkhas are foreign are they not? They were paid for their time. Thankfully the general populace soon sort ed the Government out over that.

That people got themselves into Parliament to make laws to protect those with wives or husbands from other countries is, to say the least, risible.

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