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Gosh, folks, I can't remember the last time I made a suggestion half tongue-in-cheek and got so much approval. :D Actually, I was maliciously making fun of his posting.....style....shame on me. :o Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead, but that never stopped me........

I know nothing about being married to a Thai, but I thought the requirement for married to a Thai says 40,000 baht per month income. He can show zero. Hull might give him a first visa, but it's the renewals that might be impossible. How would he get a work permit? If 99 year old schools in amphur muang of a certain province couldn't get me a WP as a teacher, when I was well qualified, what makes us think this guy would get one? Besides, he'd never make 40K in Outer Isaan without teaching qualifications.

Where there's a will, there's a relative, as my lawyer friend told me in 1956.

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I agree with Scott, sounds like the OP wants to do a runner just like his business partner! .... So lets get this straight... The partner went into the bank and just took the all the money??? How on earth can only ONE partner drain the whole account? Wouldnt a business partnership account need both partners consent to taking such an obsurd amount?????

Sorry OP, but you sounds dodgy to me!!

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If UK partnership laws are anything like the ones in the USA, each general partner has almost unlimited power to singlehandedly conduct the partnership business, and each has unlimited liability. But he'd have a civil and criminal case to proceed in the case of theft or absconding with business funds.

Original poster, glad to see you haven't hocked the glass yet. Think about it.

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Gosh, folks, I can't remember the last time I made a suggestion half tongue-in-cheek and got so much approval. :D Actually, I was maliciously making fun of his posting.....style....shame on me. :o Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead, but that never stopped me........

I know nothing about being married to a Thai, but I thought the requirement for married to a Thai says 40,000 baht per month income. He can show zero. Hull might give him a first visa, but it's the renewals that might be impossible. How would he get a work permit? If 99 year old schools in amphur muang of a certain province couldn't get me a WP as a teacher, when I was well qualified, what makes us think this guy would get one? Besides, he'd never make 40K in Outer Isaan without teaching qualifications.

Where there's a will, there's a relative, as my lawyer friend told me in 1956.

I totally disagree with PB here. I can get you a job in Khon Kaen if you want. You can easily get a job teaching English for 40,000++ here + wp etc. There are other ways to make enough to live a very grand lifestyle - pm me for details.

Like someone else - I came here over a decade ago with 1,000 pounds.

Stay in the UK and work hard - :D

Even living pillar to post in Thailand is much better than working in the UK.

Do it !!!

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If UK partnership laws are anything like the ones in the USA, each general partner has almost unlimited power to singlehandedly conduct the partnership business, and each has unlimited liability. But he'd have a civil and criminal case to proceed in the case of theft or absconding with business funds.

Original poster, glad to see you haven't hocked the glass yet. Think about it.

Yes with hindsight limited company with its limited liability would have been the way to go.

As fr the Op wanting to run away - he is bankrupt and is not likely to pay his creditors off anyway - that would be wiped in a few years - I really do not know the law but running away might postpone this but if there are no other options then there is not much to lose - working in the UK they would allow him a certain amount of his income I suppose then he would have to make some contribution - I really do not know about this though - anyone?

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Hey all .... so sorry just wrote an essay and it all crashed.......... :o

Have to go out for a while now but will be back soon ....

Long and the short of it was that:

I never took bankruptcy lightly... this was a last resort .. I tried everything! ... IVA's and "let us help you" companies .. but they just want your money or add to your lack of it.

My creditors in this country are all pretty much satisfied now after the use of the equity in my property and other assets.

My business partner is being hunted as we speak.... he left with £20'000 from the bank .... in cash, the rest was debt incured through the business, 10 year property lease etc, also the bank needed no counter signature!... hmmmm wise up a little springs to mind!

I have around £30,000 now and as I said my creditors are satisfied so this feels like my money....

Anyway sorry ....must fly .....

Thanks again for your replies ranging from "just do it" to "your a dodgy geezer" :D ... nothing dodgy here just a wish for a far simpler life if that exists .... just needed some feedback thats all guys.

All the best and please take care.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw of the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, & discover.

~ Mark Twain

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Hey all .... so sorry just wrote an essay and it all crashed.......... :o

Have to go out for a while now but will be back soon ....

Long and the short of it was that:

I never took bankruptcy lightly... this was a last resort .. I tried everything! ... IVA's and "let us help you" companies .. but they just want your money or add to your lack of it.

My creditors in this country are all pretty much satisfied now after the use of the equity in my property and other assets.

My business partner is being hunted as we speak.... he left with £20'000 from the bank .... in cash, the rest was debt incured through the business, 10 year property lease etc, also the bank needed no counter signature!... hmmmm wise up a little springs to mind!

I have around £30,000 now and as I said my creditors are satisfied so this feels like my money....

Anyway sorry ....must fly .....

Thanks again for your replies ranging from "just do it" to "your a dodgy geezer" :D ... nothing dodgy here just a wish for a far simpler life if that exists .... just needed some feedback thats all guys.

All the best and please take care.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw of the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, & discover.

~ Mark Twain

That is a lot clearer - your creditors are satisfied etc so nothing to worry about there.

You have 30K - that around 2 million THB - there are plenty in Thailand who never arrived with that amount, never will have that amount in one go and are living quite happily.

Try starting with 20K - put 10K somewhere you can not touch it so you have an escape ropute bak if you need it. - I guess your wife has ILR for the UK so if it all went tits up in Thailand you have 10K to set up in the UK again!

The only trhing that stops me from an out and out go for it is the child - yes he is half Thai and all that but where will it be best for him to grow up etc - I have no answers but other than that go for it!

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Thanks Prakanong, and everyone who has posted here....oh and .... none taken scousemouse, I know the feeling well!

I have been offered a little consultancy work for Pilkington Glass but in Hong Kong, much can be taken care of via the internet, so maybe an option.

My wife can return to her teaching position (qualified Mr Mouse :-)... humbling for me actually) so we have options.

Thanks again guys, will keep you posted...... one thing I will miss is the weather here, its so hot ...... 15 degrees!!! :-)

Take care all,


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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw of the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, & discover.

~ Mark Twain

I really don't know why you want some advice from us 'cause you already have the answer.

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go for it.although i would just plan on coming over here for a year to test the waters,rather than commit to anything long term.even if it doesnt work out for making money to live out here,at least life wont be dragging you down,& you can forget about certain things that have been surrounding you back in blighty :o

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