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Sheryl And Pattayatony Appreciation Thread.


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What can I say about Sheryl and Pattayatony that most do not already know? These 2 great people saved my life and their selfless, unwavering kindness and generousity continues to this day.

I know I am not the only one who has been effected by their powerful aura of goodness and hope anybody else who appreciates their help will post in thanks also.

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i read that thread , and am happy that stevenjm is back on track now after a very difficult period in his life.

i dont know how i would have coped with a situation like that , we all like to think we are strong enough to deal with the things that life throws at us , but often we cant.

(my wifes serious illness a few years ago nearly sent me over the edge , but help from unexpected sources helped me through it , and my wife is fine now.)

so i am full of admiration for sheryl and pattaya tony and anyone else who were there for stevenjm when he most needed it.

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good thing there is a thread like this. Sheryl has been a great help to the family of my friend Jojie who was hospitalized in Chulalongkorn last June . She was comatozed for 2 months and is now in the Philippines recovering. If not for Sheryl, the family would not have any idea on how to start bringing her back home. Sheryl has talked to the family as I post Jojie's condition on one of the forum.She contacted me and offered to help. The family didn't know what to do that time and Sheryl gave a perfect suggestion as to how to start bringing her back.She woke up after 2 months in the hospital.

Thanks Sheryl, for the goodness you shared to the family.


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This thread, as well as the two subject members get a 5 star rating from me.


never heard of these people before ,but anyone who get posts of thanks like this get my admiration ,hope i never need them ,but it is nice to know that there are people out there that really care ,keep up the good work ......

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I haven't followed the travails here, but I've gotten to know Tony fairly well over the past year or so, and am a better person for this new friendship. My thanks go to Tony absolutely.

(sheryl, I don't know you at all, but I'll say thanks anyway! :o )

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