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Callan/walen Ed Visa

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Hi everyone!

Just to let you know that the Walen school in Pattaya is as of tomorrow, 1st September, open for business! It is located in soi Yune on the side of Carrefour in Central Pattaya, about 20 meters from 7/11. It took as some time to finish that project but now it is completed.

For those interested in studying in Pattaya we invite you to come and visit our school, our lovely staff will show you around.

I also have some good news for those living in Chiang Mai, we will soon be starting work on our new school there and soon after that also in Phuket.

Walen School, Mac

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I am Candian, 56, planning on returning to Thailand where I have visited several times before, hoping to stay for about 4 months when I go there in December. Eventually in a few years I am hoping to live 6 months there and 6 months in Canada. I am considering enrolling in the Walen school in BKK this next trip. At some point in the future, I may also set up Thai company to buy/start up a business there which would allow me a work permit. I have the means to be able to retire there but I understand that the visa for retirees does not allow one to work or partake in any business affairs. I have several questions related to all of this.

1) To get a 90 day ED visa, renewable for up to 360 days, do I first have to enter the country, enroll in the school then leave the country to apply for the visa? If YES, is Cambodia an option to get the visa?

2) After obtaining the visa, can I make any re-entries back into Thailand if I chose to visit neighbouring countries during my 4-month stay there?

3) Is it reasonable to assume that one can complete the 180 lessons within a 4-month period (or slightly longer) by taking the 9-lessons a week schedule?

4) If I am in Thailand on an the ED visa, and I decide to start up the Thai company during that period, is it possible to switch to whatever visa I would need/be entitled to without having to leave the country and apply from outside?

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Looks like those who are able to make it to Hull are in a privileged position as obtaining visas is almost too easy to believe but I agree with Tropo that it can change overnight. Till then enjoy!

Still did not get any verification on the possibility of obtaining a non-ED 1 year multiple entry from Hull just by asking for it, without presenting any paperwork. Anybody was able to get it?

Walen School, Mac

Why don't you email or telephone the consulate in Hull.

Then you will have verification from the horses mouth to see if you need paperwork to support a Multi Non 'ED' visa application.

They even listed on thier website they will consider studying Scuba diving for ED.

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Getting a Non-Immigrant Type- ED (education) visa from Hull seems pretty straight forward.

This link is to their "Additional Pack for Education Visa":


They DON'T require a letter from the Ministry of Education, ONLY a sponsor letter from whatever school you are enrolled in on their letterhead. They even post a sample sponsor letter so you get the wording right. It looks as if they will also issue multi-entry visas if it is requested in the sponsor letter.

From my experience they are currently the most "user-friendly" consulate in the world. The only 'down side' is; if you post your application it must originate & return to an address in the UK, but show up in person and you're out in under an hour nearly 100% of the time. They don't seem to care overly much what your nationality is. I'm American and got a Non-O there before, although NOT for education.

(Although as previous posters have stated; the fickle winds of fate in issuing visas could change at any time.)

*edited for spelling*

Edited by tod-daniels
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  • 4 weeks later...
I am Candian, 56, planning on returning to Thailand where I have visited several times before, hoping to stay for about 4 months when I go there in December. Eventually in a few years I am hoping to live 6 months there and 6 months in Canada. I am considering enrolling in the Walen school in BKK this next trip. At some point in the future, I may also set up Thai company to buy/start up a business there which would allow me a work permit. I have the means to be able to retire there but I understand that the visa for retirees does not allow one to work or partake in any business affairs. I have several questions related to all of this.

1) To get a 90 day ED visa, renewable for up to 360 days, do I first have to enter the country, enroll in the school then leave the country to apply for the visa? If YES, is Cambodia an option to get the visa?

2) After obtaining the visa, can I make any re-entries back into Thailand if I chose to visit neighbouring countries during my 4-month stay there?

3) Is it reasonable to assume that one can complete the 180 lessons within a 4-month period (or slightly longer) by taking the 9-lessons a week schedule?

4) If I am in Thailand on an the ED visa, and I decide to start up the Thai company during that period, is it possible to switch to whatever visa I would need/be entitled to without having to leave the country and apply from outside?

Does anyone know the As to these Qs? I'm interesting to know the answers too! :o

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I am Candian, 56, planning on returning to Thailand where I have visited several times before, hoping to stay for about 4 months when I go there in December. Eventually in a few years I am hoping to live 6 months there and 6 months in Canada. I am considering enrolling in the Walen school in BKK this next trip. At some point in the future, I may also set up Thai company to buy/start up a business there which would allow me a work permit. I have the means to be able to retire there but I understand that the visa for retirees does not allow one to work or partake in any business affairs. I have several questions related to all of this.

1) To get a 90 day ED visa, renewable for up to 360 days, do I first have to enter the country, enroll in the school then leave the country to apply for the visa? If YES, is Cambodia an option to get the visa?

I believe they provide the documents to get the 90 then a one year extension of stay after you get here.

2) After obtaining the visa, can I make any re-entries back into Thailand if I chose to visit neighbouring countries during my 4-month stay there?

Once you get the one year extension you can apply at immigration for a reentry permit single or multiple.

3) Is it reasonable to assume that one can complete the 180 lessons within a 4-month period (or slightly longer) by taking the 9-lessons a week schedule?

The intent of what they offer is to get a one year extnesion of stay based upon education so I don't think thats possible.

4) If I am in Thailand on an the ED visa, and I decide to start up the Thai company during that period, is it possible to switch to whatever visa I would need/be entitled to without having to leave the country and apply from outside?

Yes possible but not easy. You would file for a change of visa status and extension of stay

Does anyone know the As to these Qs? I'm interesting to know the answers too! :o

There have been reports that it is now possible to work and get a work permit on a retirement visa.

Advise: If you can qualify for a retirement visa go that route and enroll in some Thai language classes.

There a lot of schools that offer classes and are possibly better than the one mentioned.

If you decide to form a company then you would then drop the non-o retirement and get a non-b after you get every thing done.

Edited by ubonjoe
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If I am understanding the Callan method of teaching utilized at the Walen school, then the following paragraph I received in an email might loosely be an english example of the concept behind the Callan method (groups of letters to form recognizable words/understanding as opposed to learning each letter):

Don't delete this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not, you can read it..........

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg.

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a

wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Am I grasping the Callan method correctly?



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Regarding the reading, perhaps, as it's done very fast and the student is not supposed to try and work it out slowly but learn to do it instinctively. I've taught Callan before and it's interesting. Callan is for English and Mac has just adapted it for Thai learning and changed the name. Quite ingenious, actually.

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thanks water500cc for resurrecting this and finally getting a response to all my Q's.. and thanks to ubonjoe for the A's.. I've decided to apply for the retirement visa (as soon as I get my passport renewed..) - i think it's a better all-round option for me...

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Glad I could help.

Good luck and enjoy your retirement.

Note:After reading through some of the 12 pages on this topic it appears that they are somehow extending the visa's every 90 days instead of the one year extension.

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I'm not actually fully retired.. have a pension tho so can qualify for retirement but still have a business here in Canada and want to get into another one in Thailand and split my time between the 2 countries.... about 50/50 eventually... the sooner the better..

Glad I could help.

Good luck and enjoy your retirement.

Note:After reading through some of the 12 pages on this topic it appears that they are somehow extending the visa's every 90 days instead of the one year extension.

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I'm not actually fully retired.. have a pension tho so can qualify for retirement but still have a business here in Canada and want to get into another one in Thailand and split my time between the 2 countries.... about 50/50 eventually... the sooner the better..

You can still start on a retirement visa like I said and change to a non-b. You can get the one year retirement (non-oa) at a consulate in Canada or get a 90 day non-o and extend it here. With your plans being what they are the extension here might be best for you.

The purpose of all this is to get a long term visa/extension so you don't have to make visa/border runs every 90 days. If you can't get that set up any other way then the ED visa arrangement is an option.


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...After reading through some of the 12 pages on this topic it appears that they are somehow extending the visa's every 90 days instead of the one year extension.

Yes, that’s what the immigration officers do when the applicant for an extension of stay for study is studying the Thai language at a private school.



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I've decided to apply for a 1 year retirement visa (non-oa?) with multiple entry from here in Canada, as I'm planning on travelling to neighbouring countries a bit while I am there for the 4 months... now my question is, if I can obtain a work permit, create a Thai company with that type of visa, is there anything to be gained by changing it to a non-b at that point? Also, am I correct in understanding that with a 1 year non-oa, I can get a 1 year extension if I re-enter prior to the expiry of the original visa?

I'm not actually fully retired.. have a pension tho so can qualify for retirement but still have a business here in Canada and want to get into another one in Thailand and split my time between the 2 countries.... about 50/50 eventually... the sooner the better..

You can still start on a retirement visa like I said and change to a non-b. You can get the one year retirement (non-oa) at a consulate in Canada or get a 90 day non-o and extend it here. With your plans being what they are the extension here might be best for you.

The purpose of all this is to get a long term visa/extension so you don't have to make visa/border runs every 90 days. If you can't get that set up any other way then the ED visa arrangement is an option.


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I've decided to apply for a 1 year retirement visa (non-oa?) with multiple entry from here in Canada, as I'm planning on travelling to neighbouring countries a bit while I am there for the 4 months... now my question is, if I can obtain a work permit, create a Thai company with that type of visa, is there anything to be gained by changing it to a non-b at that point? Also, am I correct in understanding that with a 1 year non-oa, I can get a 1 year extension if I re-enter prior to the expiry of the original visa?

With a non-oa for as long as it remains valid you will get another year every time you enter country.

With all the complexities of setting up a company here and then getting a work permit you may need to eventually change to a non-b visa. Setting up and forming companis and all the legalities that go with it is a bit beyond what I prefer to make suggestions about. At the moment anwering your question about non-oa is difficult to anwer. Even getting a work permit on a retirement visa is still apoint of disscusion.

You posted this on the end of a topic with a different title than what we are discussing so you will not get the full benefit of the "experts" that are on here.

I think you would better off posting a new topic. Such as the following.

Topic header: NON-OA VISA QUESTIONS topic description: Can I form a company and get a work permit?

With that I bow out for now.


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thanks for your help, and good point.. i shall do so..


I've decided to apply for a 1 year retirement visa (non-oa?) with multiple entry from here in Canada, as I'm planning on travelling to neighbouring countries a bit while I am there for the 4 months... now my question is, if I can obtain a work permit, create a Thai company with that type of visa, is there anything to be gained by changing it to a non-b at that point? Also, am I correct in understanding that with a 1 year non-oa, I can get a 1 year extension if I re-enter prior to the expiry of the original visa?

With a non-oa for as long as it remains valid you will get another year every time you enter country.

With all the complexities of setting up a company here and then getting a work permit you may need to eventually change to a non-b visa. Setting up and forming companis and all the legalities that go with it is a bit beyond what I prefer to make suggestions about. At the moment anwering your question about non-oa is difficult to anwer. Even getting a work permit on a retirement visa is still apoint of disscusion.

You posted this on the end of a topic with a different title than what we are discussing so you will not get the full benefit of the "experts" that are on here.

I think you would better off posting a new topic. Such as the following.

Topic header: NON-OA VISA QUESTIONS topic description: Can I form a company and get a work permit?

With that I bow out for now.


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  • 5 weeks later...

For some time now it takes longer to get documents from the MOE, one of the reasons is that some roads around the MOE are blocked! (see attached pictures) It makes it a lot more difficult to get there with terrible trafic caused by this, also the MOE staff seem to take more days off which I can fully understand under those circumstances. So on average give us one more week. So instead of 2-3 weeks the procesing time of your application could be 3-4 weeks or even 5 weeks (happened). This is talking about Bangkok. In Pattaya it takes less time. So if you need the ED paperwork plan ahead.

Thank you for understanding.

Walen School of Thai






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  • 2 weeks later...

End of year school party for all Walen and Callan students on December 12! :o

Sukhumvit soi 22, Larry's Dive pub, about 50 meters into the soi on the right side, starting 8 pm till very late, 2 free drinks for all students! We expect about 200-300 people, our teachers, staff and students. Should be a great evening.

If you are one of our students you are welcome to bring along your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend or a friend. One free drink for them too. Students who used to study at our school are also all welcome, also one free drink! If you want to drink more we have a deal with the bar, all drinks from the bar will be 100 Baht all night. Don't miss it!

Walen School, Mac

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  • 4 weeks later...

One more to add to our collection, this one is from Amsterdam. Multiple entry. Stamp again looks different to others, also classification of visa is in the top right hand corner and not in the body of the visa as usually the case. This 'no extension of stay' stamp does not apply to extensions with the paperwork from the Ministry of Education.

Walen School


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I had some brief questions about the education visa (via Walen School).

(1) I have heard 2 different stories about the 90 day visa extensions. I spoke to Immigration at Sathorn, Bangkok and they told me this:

- I must have 21 days remaining on my current visa and I must apply for a non-ed 90 day visa. (2000) baht.

(in this time I have 90 days to get my documentation together from the school and apply for the ful education visa.

he said that it would be a 1 year extension and I would have to report every 90 days to immigration WHICH IS FREE!!

(I have heard other people saying that the 90 day reporting costs 1,900 baht, (but immigration told me its free)!!

my question: is there a difference between reporting every 90 days (on a 1 year education Visa) or extendning your education visa every 90 days? are they different things?

when I apply for a visa with Wallen, do I get a 90 day education visa from immigration or is it a 1 year visa?

(2) if I did enrol to a course with your school, if I didnt turn up regularly, do you inform immigration or the department of education and will I loose my visa status?

many thanks,

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I had some brief questions about the education visa (via Walen School).

(1) I have heard 2 different stories about the 90 day visa extensions. I spoke to Immigration at Sathorn, Bangkok and they told me this:

- I must have 21 days remaining on my current visa and I must apply for a non-ed 90 day visa. (2000) baht.

(in this time I have 90 days to get my documentation together from the school and apply for the ful education visa.

he said that it would be a 1 year extension and I would have to report every 90 days to immigration WHICH IS FREE!!

(I have heard other people saying that the 90 day reporting costs 1,900 baht, (but immigration told me its free)!!

my question: is there a difference between reporting every 90 days (on a 1 year education Visa) or extendning your education visa every 90 days? are they different things?

when I apply for a visa with Wallen, do I get a 90 day education visa from immigration or is it a 1 year visa?

(2) if I did enrol to a course with your school, if I didnt turn up regularly, do you inform immigration or the department of education and will I loose my visa status?

many thanks,

From reports from Walen they have not been able to get a visa changed to an ED which is what immigration is talking about. That is why the fee is 2000 baht and the 21 day rule. So you will probably have to do a visa run to a nearby consulate for your first 90 day ED visa.

You probably will only get a 90 day extension which you pay 1900 baht for.

One year extensions are not often given for ED's. If on a 1 year extension you have to report that you are staying over 90 days and it is free.

(2) That a question for Walen to answer.

Suggest you contact them via their website. Or PM macwalen.

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From earlier posts made by macwalen in this thread I understand that while the extension process could and should work the way the immigration officer explained it to easybullet3 the Ministry of Education (MoE) makes it impossible. For a new student the MoE Refuses to issue the letter needed by the immigration office and instead only issues a letter addressed to a Thai consulate for the purposes of obtaining a non-ED visa. Therefore, conversion from a tourist visa to a non-ED visa at an Immigration cannot be done. After returning to Thailand with the non-ED visa the student then can get extensions of stay every 90 days.



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I had some brief questions about the education visa (via Walen School).

(1) I have heard 2 different stories about the 90 day visa extensions. I spoke to Immigration at Sathorn, Bangkok and they told me this:

- I must have 21 days remaining on my current visa and I must apply for a non-ed 90 day visa. (2000) baht.

(in this time I have 90 days to get my documentation together from the school and apply for the ful education visa.

he said that it would be a 1 year extension and I would have to report every 90 days to immigration WHICH IS FREE!!

(I have heard other people saying that the 90 day reporting costs 1,900 baht, (but immigration told me its free)!!

my question: is there a difference between reporting every 90 days (on a 1 year education Visa) or extendning your education visa every 90 days? are they different things?

when I apply for a visa with Wallen, do I get a 90 day education visa from immigration or is it a 1 year visa?

(2) if I did enrol to a course with your school, if I didnt turn up regularly, do you inform immigration or the department of education and will I loose my visa status?

many thanks,

Seems they like to confuse people at the immigration in Bangkok! I am yet to see someone able to do it based on study at a private language school in Bangkok. Lets not confuse our school with a university. I really do not understand why they give this kind of information to people if in reality they do not allow private schools to do it. What is the purpose? In theory it is possible but only in theory. I will be the first to learn if this indeed becomes possible.

We were never able to change any type of visa to ED visa for our students without them leaving the country and I have never seen a verified case of someone who was able to do in recent times.

You will have to extend your visa every 90 days for 1,900 Baht, full stop, I wish I was able to change it. It started in September 2007. Seeing what is going on with the visa runs I don't expect them all of a sudden to start giving people one year extensions on ED visas as there will be definately a lot more students now as it is one of the best ways of staying long term in the country. Learning Thai can only benefit people who stay here. I think the situation reached a 'tipping point'. Well explained in the book by Malcolm Gladwell.

We don't have a requirement to inform the Immigration or the MOE but it does not happen often, our method is so interesting that majority of students attend their classes with great pleasure, you could even say they are looking forward to their next learning sesion.

We had two students expelled for being very rude to one of our teachers though.

Regards, Mac

Walen School of Thai

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We have some hot news! We were able to obtain FULL YEAR extensions for two of our Swedish students at our Pattaya school. They have already been studying for 3 months so total is 1 year 3 months. I have not seen this since July 2007 so there is some good report among all the complaining about fast changing rules.

I am not sure if this will be a regular thing now but we will certainly try. The fact that those two were able to get it can mean that could also receive full year extensions. Regular 1,900 Baht extension fee.

Photos of the extensions in the attachment.

Regards, Mac



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Seems readers did not notice those amazing extensions judging by the number of responses.

Anyway, hope this thread contributes something useful for those contemplating this type of visa in the future. Thanks ubonjoe for noticing.

I will keep you updated with new developments in the area of ED visas, perhaps things got much easier now!


Walen School of Thai

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Just got back from the MOE in Bangkok, processing time of student applications is usually 1 week longer now, so 3-4 weeks became 4-5 weeks. I have respectfully spoken to two officials (ladies), you always address them by 'Ajarn' at the MOE. Seems that they have more and more work so this extended processing time might not change soon.

I wish our school was able to do something about this, students who are considering ED visa are encouraged to plan a little ahead as leaving this issue to the last 4 weeks might result in a lot of stress. The good news however is that in Pattaya the processing time is shorter.

We might be able to help with some special late cases. Contact us for more information.


Walen School of Thai

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