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Moving To Hua Hin


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better to come over and view the propertys for yourself,just drive around and theres loads of developments going on.most estate agents are foreigners who have comission to add on.

can get a better deal just going to the sales office direct.

not sure about schooling...but hua hin is a great place and i would recommend it.

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better to come over and view the propertys for yourself,just drive around and theres loads of developments going on.most estate agents are foreigners who have comission to add on.

can get a better deal just going to the sales office direct.

A friend of mine tried that splitlid and ended up getting ripped off. Go see an Agent who can inform you of the pitfalls and the problems you could come up against. Good advice costs nothing from a good agent and i would rather deal with a foreigner and pay small commission than get ripped off and lose a lot more.

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thanks guys,

We,ve decided it would be best to rent for awhile.i,ve looked at some of the older messages it would seem to be the wisest thing to do.also seems like a lot of hassle to do anything ie,buy property a car unless the wifee has it all in her name.I plan to work in england through the summer (self employed) so we have cash to live there but it looks like the thai,s will tax me on this too.Any suggestions

on renting how much should i expect to pay?


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You can rent a furnished 2 bedroom house in Hua Hin (or about 2-3km out of town) for around 6,000 baht per month. You may have to hunt around though as many Thai owners have caught on to the 'farang price' and bumped houses that are only worth that to over 10k.

You can have a car in your name but not property or land.

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Theres one small soi with bars and girls, thats about it. HH is very low key compared to BKK/Pattaya/Phuket. Its never been a sex tourist desitnation and hopefully never will.

I am with you 100% with this, hopefully they may kick them all out.

Farrangs seem to be a tad more sensible in Hua Hin, perhaps its because its the King chosen residence therefore the Police are very visible.

Golf and Sea with the some of the best Resorts in Thailand.

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I am with you 100% with this, hopefully they may kick them all out.

I think that's a bit harsh.... As long as it stays at the same level as it is now, that's enough.

I enjoy the nightlife in Hua Hin because it is not "in your face" and because of it's laid back atmosphere....If you don't like the small "girly bar" area in HH then don't go there.. there's plenty of other places to go, in and around HH

totster :o

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i didn,t mean to be critical of the night life i have fond memories of soi cowboy 24 years ago and the riggers pub around the corner i,m married with a daughter now i,m also content with what i have.what i should have said is are there other social scenes in hua hin? do you expats live in the same areas?how difficult is it to set up a business?Will i learn to( play golf )its hot out there i think for a while i,d rather sit under a fan and learn some chords on a guitar till i,ve aclimatised

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i'm not sure from your post whether you have been to HH or not.... if not my best advice would be to go and check it out for yourself, different people like different things... what might be one persons paradise may be anothers nightmare :D

Regarding setting up a business try this forum Link to Business Forum

Check this link for Hua Hin News/ Events etc Hua Hin Observer

totster :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just spent 4 months in our new house in HH decided to move from the UK full time. We have 10 year old daughter who will be starting international program at Somtawin school in HH end of october at the. Anyone have any up to date info on shipping houshold goods from UK ( Thai wife 15 years in UK) Price info plus customs hassle, Door to door? Can anyone confirm or show the rumour that a car owned by a Thai in UK can be imported free of duty? I have read many times on various websites about this but I have never heard anyone doing it except for 1 year temp import. Any other pitfalls greatfully recieved.

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Been in HH for quite a number of years and various questions have been posed on this thread.

Girlie bar areas, catering to farangs, are concentrated around a few blocks. They're not in your face and generally good fun.

HH is not a big place, so to give advice about where to live - buying or renting - is difficult, if living in a "farang neighbourhood" is what you want. My experience is that most ares are good and sometimes, but certainly not always, it can be a pleasure to be living amongst mainly Thai people.

Shipping goods over from the UK is not too expensive -depending on who you use - and takes around 3 months. Bureaucracy can be a pain both ends, but generally works out OK. I'll find out more info for this poster.

Cars? I know some folk who take their vehicles to Malaysia for visa runs to get around tax situations. Best to speak to the relevent embassies in Bangkok.

Buksida is correct re owning a house/land. Personally, I wouldn't consider buying anything, anywhere in Thailand until I felt a little more sure about the authorities' intentions towards farangs.

I hope this is of some help and I will post again.

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Mr Red/Storekeeper,

Been a while since I was helping people find places (3 years), so you're probably much better off sticking with info on web pages and dealing with local farang agents who really know the situation.

However, prices are escalating and don't seem to show any sign of slowing down - for the time being.

I don't think 1 - 1.5 would get you very much these days. Better to think double. However, "your home is as you make it".

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You can get a studio condo or a small 2 bedroom bungalow for the money your talking easy. Better watch out dealing with the local farangs here they are just as likely as the Thais are to overcharge.

Everybody like to think their property is or is going to be worth a small fortune, whatever the market will bear!

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I met my spouse in a Hua Hin bar. The place is nothing like as racey as other well known resorts. Everything is low key (including the girley bars).

Would consider moving to Hua Hin ourselves but we both think it better to leave behind completely any reminders of her previous employ.

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Many thanks for the pm's from all the locals on Hua Hin or Cha Am.

I have completed a contract for a very nice Condo in Hua Hin and have now settled in comfortably with the wife. The people here are great and helpfull. Foodland will open in about a month and Tesco already has which is a plus.

I know I have made the correct choice, the pm's just backed up the info I gathered from various sites/forums, did not like the negative vibe's from people who have visited or lived or know people from Cha Am. I have since visited Cha Am and got to know various Ex Pats in Hua Hin who have backed it all up. Cha Am is indeed where all the f-=*ed up farrang live.

Go to Cha Am at your perillllll. All hard luck stories from idiots who have nowt.

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what about crime in huahin property in particular,are there any riskier areas,should i go for 24 hour security but thats another bite out of the budget.i,ve seen a lot of properties on the local estate agents websites some with some without is it really going to make any differance or is it just for peace of mind?

all the newer properties seem to be on estates miles from town still say its huahin though.i don,t know if we want to be isolated in that kind of way or not.still will be looking in february see whats on the market then.some feedback on the crime issue would really be apprieciated.

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As a guide to property prices and what to expect for the money:

I'm going to Hua Hin in three weeks to take posession of a detached three bed bungalow with small garden on a residential estate (wouldn't call it a compound!) with shared swimming pool and security. We did the deal direct with a Thai firm and there have been some hassles (mainly lack of communication/sense of urgency on the part of the builders) but all in all we are reasonably happy..... provided that it is finished to the degree we expect when we arrive! Bungalow style, finish & size is similar to what you would get in Spain but at about 25% of the cost. Western kitchen, 4 air con units and electric shower units will push the price to around 1 and a half million baht. Contracts were signed in April 2004 and I think that since then properties will have gone up by at least 10% as the market in Hua Hin seems to be overheating. There is so much choice there at the moment that you are bound to find something within your budget that you like but you may be 3 or 4 km from the centre of Hua Hin if the property is priced under 2 to 3 million baht. The beach is so long though that most of the developments are within easy striking distance of it and I think the best (cleanest) bits are further away from the Hilton/Sofitel area, where there are, disappointingly, lots of bottle tops, plastic bags etc. from the beach restaurants nearby.

Properties where we have bought are mainly owned by farang/Thai couples (many, like us, living abroad) and middle class Thais from Bangkok along with some Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. There is also a smattering of local Thais with an eye for business who have opened up small shops on the development. From what I can gather I think this mix is fairly usual on new developments in Hua Hin (someone correct me if that is wrong!).

Hope this info is useful to those looking to buy in Hua Hin.

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  • 2 weeks later...
what about crime in huahin property in particular,are there any riskier areas,should i go for 24 hour security but thats another bite out of the budget.i,ve seen a lot of properties on the local estate agents websites some with some without is it really going to make any differance or is it just for peace of mind?

all the newer properties seem to be on estates miles from town still say its huahin though.i don,t know if we want to be isolated in that kind of way or not.still will be looking in february see whats on the market then.some feedback on the crime issue would really be apprieciated.

I would imagine Hua Hin has one of the lowest crime rates of any place where farang's congregate in Thailand for the obvious reasons of king's residence and absence of sex-tourism. It has pretty much everything you would want in terms of lifestyle and amenities are improving all the time. The new road will connect Bangkok to HH in same time as Pattaya takes now I understand. Only major disadvantage is the lack of choice of schools in particular an international school of St Andrews calibre but this must surely change as more and more expats settle in HH.

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  • 1 month later...

Hua Hin is where the upper class farrang live, those with money.  Golf gits and fancy cars.

You will pay a premium for houses or Condo's.

I live in Cha Am much cheaper, can get a house on Bungalow for 3,000 baht a month.

Can you point me to a website or suggest a point of contact for rented acommodation for around 6 months? I need a bungalow (2 beds OK) or similar, need not be furnished.

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