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Extension On Single Entry Cat. O Possible? 30 Days? 60?

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I guess what I need to know is do I need to account for the income? Is this withdrawing from the ATM and putting it in my wife's bank a sticking point? If so, is this a case of getting hold of a large amount of money from my savings and arranging lumping it directly from back home into my wife's account to satsify them? I'm interested to know whether it's important where the money comes from or whether all that's needed is a whole heap of cash going through her account. I understand employment is not a requirement, surely, since a person does not necessarily need employment in order to stay here (as in retired ex-pats living here), only the money to support themselves, and in this case, a wife.

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You have to get a letter from your Embassy verifying your monthly income. Not savings.

Or , Your wife has to provide proof of tax paid on her earnings , or a combination of both.

My wife is to all intents and purposes a homemaker.

What's wrong with savings? It doesn't exactly apply here (I wish it did!), but in theory a person with millions in the bank has no income as such, but surely would not be refused the extension.

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You have to get a letter from your Embassy verifying your monthly income. Not savings.

Or , Your wife has to provide proof of tax paid on her earnings , or a combination of both.

My wife is to all intents and purposes a homemaker.

What's wrong with savings? It doesn't exactly apply here (I wish it did!), but in theory a person with millions in the bank has no income as such, but surely would not be refused the extension.

Yes they would.

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Embassy certification of income is expected for non local earnings. Local earnings will require tax payment receipts.

Millions in the bank would not get the extension.

Thanks (and to lite beer) for cutting through all my confusion once again. Ok, so Embassy certification would complete the docs I need. Now I have the issue of whether 'the internet' is local, elsewhere, or nowhere at all, lol. I've often wondered whether payments coming into my UK bank account from my UK Paypal account are taxable in the UK. I live in Thailand though. Hmmm....

Sounds like it might be better to go the tax receipt payments route and 'declare' that she is making money.

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There is a dual tax agreement between Thailand and the UK

so if you are taxed on income in the UK you will not be taxed again in Thailand.

I believe the embassy will be looking for a regular, and documented income,

payments coming into my UK bank account from my UK Paypal account

may not satisfy them, or the Immigration dept.

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  • 3 months later...

Just to update, as I think it may be useful for some, I went to immigration again with a couple of weeks left on my single entry Cat. O visa and got another 60 day extension just as I'd done on my last visa. Apparently it's not a 'one time provisional' thing if you're showing a few docs and talk with the immig. officers about your situation. I didn't have what was required to get the 1 year extension but they were happy enough to give me another 60 days extension, not bad!

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Just to update, as I think it may be useful for some, I went to immigration again with a couple of weeks left on my single entry Cat. O visa and got another 60 day extension just as I'd done on my last visa. Apparently it's not a 'one time provisional' thing if you're showing a few docs and talk with the immig. officers about your situation. I didn't have what was required to get the 1 year extension but they were happy enough to give me another 60 days extension, not bad!


The Sunbelt English translation of Police Order says it is ONE TIME ONLY.

The Immigration English translation does not say this. It says 60 DAYS AT A TIME.

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Just to update, as I think it may be useful for some, I went to immigration again with a couple of weeks left on my single entry Cat. O visa and got another 60 day extension just as I'd done on my last visa. Apparently it's not a 'one time provisional' thing if you're showing a few docs and talk with the immig. officers about your situation. I didn't have what was required to get the 1 year extension but they were happy enough to give me another 60 days extension, not bad!


The Sunbelt English translation of Police Order says it is ONE TIME ONLY.

The Immigration English translation does not say this. It says 60 DAYS AT A TIME.

It was almost like as we were trying for the 1 year she was focused on that and telling me I didn't have what was required so I'd have to make do with just 60 days, but of course I was actually really quite happy with that. I don't know whether she was distracted by the whole 1 year thing but she was helpful, polite and friendly and it all went very quickly and smoothly. I'm far from entirely convinced that I'll be able to do it a third time but I'll certainly do the same again and go down there well in advance (next time a month) and see what happens. Leaving the country every 5 months isn't so bad at all. I've had a pretty much uninterrupted last 10 months already on the back of just a couple of days in Penang. Fingers crossed for next time should I fail to get the 1 year Cat. O I'm trying for again.

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It is good to have your report of your personal experience, fauxie. I always thought the rule was intended as “one time only” per visa but there is no guarantee that all immigration officers will implement it the same way, something which incidentally applies to a large part of the extension-of-stay rules.



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