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Violant Thai Woman


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YES, followed up by rough sex, that is "what a real man would do"... doesn't everyone KNOW THIS?!

Yes, wife beaters and rapists know that that is what women want

I was responding to someone other than the op (I even quoted them) but everyone is horrified thinking my advice is for the op.... dont understand how that happened heh. The poster I responded to said his wife would attack him and when he didnt fight back she would snearingly (did I make up that word?! haha) call him weak. That woman ONLY respects a strong man and is DEMANDING a demonstration of strength. Bloody obvious. Doesn't mean she is altogether sane (the knife wielding). But I have seen a similar display from many of my past girlfriends (not involving violence but rather a verbal attack or even just annoying teasing over and over until I get angry and put up some barriers, followed by the rough sex I referred to. And I'm talking about the rough kind that involves her orgasming 10 times in case you misunderstood, which you did. Nothing akin to rape or wife beating. Cripes my girlfriend of 5 years would pick fights for stupid reasons just to get me angry enough to give her good sex (sometimes I'd get lazy and lose my aggressive drive to please her), then she would be happy and content until I started getting lazy again.


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Thai girls generally are viewed very diffently by westerners because most guys who have Thai girls are from the redlight districts (remember im generalising here) and there experiences with them leads them to think all Thai girls are simular. Thai girls in general are reall conservative which many farangs wont agree with due to there own experiences in Thailand around the redlight districts.

Also Thai girls that live around the redlight discrict or grew up there will tend to be alittle more aggressive then other Thai girls. Just like in all countries I guess.

And just might add, if anyone pulled a knife on me i would put them in hospital no matter what sex they are. Threaten my life and i will hurt you

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Thai girls generally are viewed very diffently by westerners because most guys who have Thai girls are from the redlight districts (remember im generalising here) and there experiences with them leads them to think all Thai girls are simular. Thai girls in general are reall conservative which many farangs wont agree with due to there own experiences in Thailand around the redlight districts.

Also Thai girls that live around the redlight discrict or grew up there will tend to be alittle more aggressive then other Thai girls. Just like in all countries I guess.

And just might add, if anyone pulled a knife on me i would put them in hospital no matter what sex they are. Threaten my life and i will hurt you

Well when I first started out with my wife, first made a few rules between us. 1. No hitting ( boxing me) as I'm much larger than her and I would in a hart beat hit her back, show her the size of my hand (fist) and that fixed that future problem. 2. I would never harm her in any way or form unless she started the dance first. 3. If she didn't like the way things are, well there are no chains on her legs she is free to come or go. Well there were a few more "rules" but we have been together now for over 30 years. Should note here that she was a former Royle Thai womens Airforce sargent as well, a real tough lady!

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Thai girls generally are viewed very diffently by westerners because most guys who have Thai girls are from the redlight districts (remember im generalising here) and there experiences with them leads them to think all Thai girls are simular. Thai girls in general are reall conservative which many farangs wont agree with due to there own experiences in Thailand around the redlight districts.

Also Thai girls that live around the redlight discrict or grew up there will tend to be alittle more aggressive then other Thai girls. Just like in all countries I guess.

And just might add, if anyone pulled a knife on me i would put them in hospital no matter what sex they are. Threaten my life and i will hurt you

Well when I first started out with my wife, first made a few rules between us. 1. No hitting ( boxing me) as I'm much larger than her and I would in a hart beat hit her back, show her the size of my hand (fist) and that fixed that future problem. 2. I would never harm her in any way or form unless she started the dance first. 3. If she didn't like the way things are, well there are no chains on her legs she is free to come or go. Well there were a few more "rules" but we have been together now for over 30 years. Should note here that she was a former Royle Thai womens Airforce sargent as well, a real tough lady!

So your saying she chooses not to beat the sh1t out of you :o

Actually I dont know any aggressive Thai girls at all, But the ones I know are medium to Hi-so and probaly been brought up differently.

But there was one Thai girl who used to work at the same place as my wife who is a money hungry girl from Isaan and she beats the crap out of her aussie bf and makes him pay her for sex. The thing is too is that she is fat and ugly. I have no idea why he sticks around

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A Firnd of ours had a domestic incident. To assert his authority he decked her, she decked him. He woke up 10 minutes later knowing just exactly who the boss is. :o

Hear , Hear!!

My wife and I bark at each other all the time... But in 20 years it's never come to blows because I know that she could kick the snot out of me in a fair fight ... And she knows that I won't fight fair... And with that arrangement... Some days I'm the dog... Some days I'm the hydrant. The USA and USSR actually were on to something with M.utual A.ssured D.estruction

Whether we do it with our fists or with words or deeds... The dominance game is played out in all of our relationships... I suspect that the OP would have saved himself a ton of trouble had he immediately asserted himself at the first incidence of serious violence... It would have established a real boundary for her. Whether it's cats or crackheads or crazies... A definite pecking order is generally established in most relationships. Even in prisons and asylums... Those that make it clear that they are not victim material are rarely harrassed beyond the initial dominance squabble.

It seems that even though the female in question is unbalanced... She obviously knows and follows some limits because she seems to have enough sense not to go around attacking other folks around her... Seems to me that the lady is egged on by the OP's passivity. This lady's looking for some signal that he's tough enough for her liking.

Well... As you didn't klunk her when you had the chance... Your only hopes for respite at this point is to do one of the following:

1. Shock the living bejesus out of her the next time she comes at you by grabbing her and tossing her as far as you possibly can (preferably out the door) all the while yelling at the top of your lungs that you'll kill her dead the next time she comes near you... She may come back at you just to make sure... Then... toss her further!! But from my read ...You don't have it in you.

2. Leave!! It strikes me that you're a bit of a glutton for punishment for all of the stuff you've put up with... Have you seriously questioned your own mental status? Honestly... Who but a person that somehow felt that they "deserved" that sort of abuse would make themself readily available to it?.. Seriously... You sound like a lot of the battered women that come into where I work... "I need to be there for The Kids!" ... "He really doesn't mean it".... " But I Love Him!!"

Keep hanging around! She's already seriously hurt you by your own admission... She will kill you at some point!!... She doesn't seem to be crazy enough to hurt the kids as badly as she's willing to hurt you... That in itself tells me that a big part of what's going on is you being an enabler to her. Get away! And get yourself a sit down with a counselor yourself.

Just my 2¢ worth... But I see some very similar stuff on a regular basis... And I can assure you... That in the very rare instances that the bully is stood up to decisively... They overwhelmingly tend to back off... But why does it happen so rarely?... Because the world is full of enablers... This poster is very worried for your life...

Do Something!! :D

Edited by LucMee
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Just as a point of interest, I have a Thai gf and she has pulled a knife on me many times. She has also thrown scalding hot noodle cups at me (luckily her aim is a bit off) and also used various other things, such as rocks, as potential weapons.

It is funny for me to hear that this appears to not be an irregular thing!

I should point out that she has never actually stabbed me with the knife... she just mostly threatens to... usually after a while she calms down and everything goes on as though nothing happened.

I have been with her for about 2 years now and these situations happen on a greatly decreasing basis over time, luckily. I have now learned to just let her blow off her steam, even if it takes an hour... then, a few days later, when things are good, I'll ask her questions like, 'why do you feel you need to do that?' or 'did something happen to you in the past that makes you act this way?'... she mostly seems to be acting in a weird form of self-defense.. i say weird because I have never attacked her... but she feels as though she is being attacked by my actions and responds by 'protecting herself' with the knife/rock etc...

It has now become a joking point for us... if I do something wrong now, I'll say something like, "you going to show me knife mai?" which mostly illicits a laugh now and quickly lowers the tension.

So, I guess my point is, that I have spent a few years kinda working with her on her anger issues and she has gotten a lot better... so it is possible. But in regards to the wife of the person who started this thread, she sounds quite a bit crazier than my gf.

One last comment: one night, I was drunk, and she was going through one of her crazy episodes and i snapped and hit her (the first and only time I ever had)... Luckily I didn't break anything but her face was puffed up like a balloon for about a week... worst experience of my life... I will never hit a girl again... I'd rather be killed by her than to use my obviously far greater physical power instead of using my brain and my words to calm the situation.

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I feel slightly cheated in this thread in the sense that I, and many others, have really tried to help the OP but now I am not really sure if he wants help or is just posting to make himself feel better. OP I have your best interests at heart but show us that you are acting on some of our advice please... and also explain that pic, as another poster mentioned, on your profile... do this now and i will continue to support your cause ... if not ... forget it

I have also been a victim of abuse in a 'family' situation but if you don't respond after posting here I am afraid i personally shall lose interest

Tell me that you have contacted Barry Kenyon ... or else I stop posting and understand you don't really want help

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...."..Thai gf and she has pulled a knife on me many times. She has also thrown scalding hot noodle cups"

...."..I should point out that she has never actually stabbed me with the knife... she just mostly threatens to... "...

...."..I'll ask her questions like, 'why do you feel you need to do that?' or 'did something happen to you in the past that makes you act this way?'... she mostly seems to be acting in a weird form of self-defense.. i say weird because I have never attacked her... but she feels as though she is being attacked by my actions and responds by 'protecting herself' with the knife/rock etc..."..

Unfortunatey I feel a lot of this is cultural. It may be a cliche, but Thai soaps are full of this crap. What they see as four year olds when plonked in front of the Box, story lines from hel_l, mixed in with the rich dudes house and benz, a couple of mia nois screeming at the mia ruam, man of the house shagging the maid, hair pulling, scratching, knife yielding, hot soup throwing!!!!!!! It all gets played out in our own houses at one time or another........unfortunety the girlfriends often not as cute as the soap star 555555

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Just been through the Civil and Commercial Code (Law Book) here and there are a lot of things that you can do to both, help yourself and your children and, in fact, your wife.

The first thing that you really must do tho' is get yourself a Lawyer who is prepared to accept your case. I say this, because most Lawyers have a tendancy to not want to get involved in marriages especially where children are involved, because mostly they get back together and the Lawyer is left being the bad person who tried to break up the family institution. Logical thought or not. This is the way they see it!

The first thing you can do then is take all your information i.e. records of assault, police reports, whatever you have and with your Lawyer you can proceed to have your wife adjudged incompetent through the courts.

Book 1, Title 11 Persons Chapter 1 Natural Persons Part 11 Capacity.

Section 28.

A person of unsound mind may be adjudged incompetentby the Court on the application of any spouse, ascendants, descendants, guardian or curator, a person taking care of the person or of the Public Prosecutor.

The person adjudged incompetentunder paragraph one must be placed under guardianship. The appointment of guardian, power and duties of guardian, and termination of guardianship shall be in accordance with provisions of Book V of this Code.

The order of the Court under this Section shall be published in the Government Gazette.

Section 32. A person who has physical or metal infirmity, habitual prodicality or habitual intoxication or other similar causes that make him/her incapable of managing his/her own affairs, or whose management is likely to cause detriment to his own property or family, may be adjudged as quasi-incompetent by the Court upon an application by any of the persons specified in Section 28.

The person adjudged quasi-incompetent under paragraph one must be placed under curatorship.

The appointment of curator shall be in accordance with the provisions of Book V of the Code.

At the same time you can apply to the court to be yours stepsons guardian since your wife is now incapacitated. There is no guarrantee that this would be accepted especially if the family wish to have guardianship of him.

Book V Family Title 1 Marriage Chapter 111 Relationship of Husband and wife

Section 1462 Where the physical or mental health or happiness of either spouse is greatly imperilled by continuance of cohabitation, the spouse so imperilled may apply to the Court for authoriszation of live apart while the danger persists; and in such case, the Court may order such amount of maintenance to be furnished by one of the spouses to the other as may be proper according to the circumstances.

Section 1463. If one of the spouses is adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent, the other becomes guardian or curator by operation of law. Byt on apllication of any interested operson or of Public Prosecutor, the Court may on substantial grounds, appoint another operson as guardian or curator.

Chapter V1 Termination of Marriage

Section 1516 (2) one spouse is guilty of misconduct, notwithstanding whether such musconduct is a criminal offence or not, if it causes the other: © to sustain excessive injury or trouble where the condition, position and cohabitation as husband and wife are taken into consideration; the latter may enter a claim for divorce.

(3) one spouse has caused serious harm or torture to the body or mind of the other, or has seriously insulted the other or his or her ascendants, the latter may neter a claim for divorce.

Section 1520. In canse of divorce by nutual consent, the spouses shall make and agreement in writing for the exercise of parental power over each of the children. In the absence of such agreement or an agreement theron cannot be reached, the matter shall be decided by the Court.

Inn case of divorce by judgment of the Court, the Court trying the divorce case shall also order that the parental power over each of the children belongs to any party. If, in such trial, it is deemed proper to deprive that spouse of the parental power under Section 1582, the Court may give an order depriving that spouse of the same and appointing a thrid person as a guardian, by taking into consideration the happiness and interest of the child.

Section 1582. When the person exercising parental pwer is a djudged incompetent or quasi-incomptent, or abuses his or her parental power as regards the minor's person, or it guilty of gross misconduct, the Court may, of its own motion or on the appplication of a relative of the child or of the Public Prosecutor, order the deprivation of the parental power either partly or wholly.

Hopefully, some of this information can help you and you have had some great responses to your problems here on this forum. I'm to see you were man enough not to retaliate by hitting her back as this would definately go against you in the Courts and if you were to take your stepson back to England without your wifes written permission you would be charged with abduction.

Should you wish for any further information, please let me know.

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...."..Thai gf and she has pulled a knife on me many times. She has also thrown scalding hot noodle cups"

...."..I should point out that she has never actually stabbed me with the knife... she just mostly threatens to... "...

...."..I'll ask her questions like, 'why do you feel you need to do that?' or 'did something happen to you in the past that makes you act this way?'... she mostly seems to be acting in a weird form of self-defense.. i say weird because I have never attacked her... but she feels as though she is being attacked by my actions and responds by 'protecting herself' with the knife/rock etc..."..

Unfortunatey I feel a lot of this is cultural. It may be a cliche, but Thai soaps are full of this crap. What they see as four year olds when plonked in front of the Box, story lines from hel_l, mixed in with the rich dudes house and benz, a couple of mia nois screeming at the mia ruam, man of the house shagging the maid, hair pulling, scratching, knife yielding, hot soup throwing!!!!!!! It all gets played out in our own houses at one time or another........unfortunety the girlfriends often not as cute as the soap star 555555

Life imitating art or vice versa? :o

True though, if someone feeds their mind with <deleted> all day, don't be surprised that their personality stinks.

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And I'm talking about the rough kind that involves her orgasming 10 times in case you misunderstood, which you did.

And as a real man you know she ain't faking it :o

Q: why do woman fake orgasms?

A: because they think we care


Na - They got bored with telling you to pull their nightie down after your finished.

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Thai girls generally are viewed very diffently by westerners because most guys who have Thai girls are from the redlight districts (remember im generalising here) and there experiences with them leads them to think all Thai girls are simular. Thai girls in general are reall conservative which many farangs wont agree with due to there own experiences in Thailand around the redlight districts.

Also Thai girls that live around the redlight discrict or grew up there will tend to be alittle more aggressive then other Thai girls. Just like in all countries I guess.

And just might add, if anyone pulled a knife on me i would put them in hospital no matter what sex they are. Threaten my life and i will hurt you

Well when I first started out with my wife, first made a few rules between us. 1. No hitting ( boxing me) as I'm much larger than her and I would in a hart beat hit her back, show her the size of my hand (fist) and that fixed that future problem. 2. I would never harm her in any way or form unless she started the dance first. 3. If she didn't like the way things are, well there are no chains on her legs she is free to come or go. Well there were a few more "rules" but we have been together now for over 30 years. Should note here that she was a former Royle Thai womens Airforce sargent as well, a real tough lady!

So your saying she chooses not to beat the sh1t out of you :o

Actually I dont know any aggressive Thai girls at all, But the ones I know are medium to Hi-so and probaly been brought up differently.

But there was one Thai girl who used to work at the same place as my wife who is a money hungry girl from Isaan and she beats the crap out of her aussie bf and makes him pay her for sex. The thing is too is that she is fat and ugly. I have no idea why he sticks around

Don't you just love the posters telling us how the only mix with Hi-so girls, then going on to criticize the fat money hungry girl from Isaan with the stupid aussie BF.

Nearly as good as all the guys whose in-laws asked for a high dowry, but never accepted it because it was only a test to see if he appreciated their Thai Chinese daughter with the Masters.

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I was responding to someone other than the op (I even quoted them) but everyone is horrified thinking my advice is for the op.... dont understand how that happened heh. The poster I responded to said his wife would attack him and when he didnt fight back she would snearingly (did I make up that word?! haha) call him weak. That woman ONLY respects a strong man and is DEMANDING a demonstration of strength. Bloody obvious

I completely agree. A responsible husband gets physical to prevent further harm, primarily to the woman herself, and any kids or others.

I like the word choice in the quote above; The woman is indeed DEMANDING to be put in place. Not doing so will register as a lack of interest/love/responsibility.

This generally speaking though, the case in the OP is beyond help and needs hospitalization.

Edited by TheEmperorOfTheNorth
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Thai girls generally are viewed very diffently by westerners because most guys who have Thai girls are from the redlight districts (remember im generalising here) and there experiences with them leads them to think all Thai girls are simular. Thai girls in general are reall conservative which many farangs wont agree with due to there own experiences in Thailand around the redlight districts.

Also Thai girls that live around the redlight discrict or grew up there will tend to be alittle more aggressive then other Thai girls. Just like in all countries I guess.

And just might add, if anyone pulled a knife on me i would put them in hospital no matter what sex they are. Threaten my life and i will hurt you

Well when I first started out with my wife, first made a few rules between us. 1. No hitting ( boxing me) as I'm much larger than her and I would in a hart beat hit her back, show her the size of my hand (fist) and that fixed that future problem. 2. I would never harm her in any way or form unless she started the dance first. 3. If she didn't like the way things are, well there are no chains on her legs she is free to come or go. Well there were a few more "rules" but we have been together now for over 30 years. Should note here that she was a former Royle Thai womens Airforce sargent as well, a real tough lady!

So your saying she chooses not to beat the sh1t out of you :o

Actually I dont know any aggressive Thai girls at all, But the ones I know are medium to Hi-so and probaly been brought up differently.

But there was one Thai girl who used to work at the same place as my wife who is a money hungry girl from Isaan and she beats the crap out of her aussie bf and makes him pay her for sex. The thing is too is that she is fat and ugly. I have no idea why he sticks around

Don't you just love the posters telling us how the only mix with Hi-so girls, then going on to criticize the fat money hungry girl from Isaan with the stupid aussie BF.

Nearly as good as all the guys whose in-laws asked for a high dowry, but never accepted it because it was only a test to see if he appreciated their Thai Chinese daughter with the Masters.

Hey i have only really meet my gf's friends, most of them are only middleclass, only a few are Hi-so, well there parents anyway.

Also i never said all isaan girls are that way, just this one, i have no idea what Isaan girls are like really.

My friends (more like a friend of a friend) Maori New Zealand gf hits him but im not saying all girls from there are violent, but his gf is about 150 kgs and mean looking.

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For those who wanted to know what is happening. I AM taking all your advice onboard. A solicitor is now involved. Every attack has been reported to the police here and friends are trying to intermediate in the fast deteriating relationship with my wife. (Seperated).

I have spent a lot of time in the police station lately reporting episodes.

I would have to write a book to explain what is happening but in short the biggest development is this:

Every time she has attacked me it has been either in private or only with her close friends or family around. If someone is near they restrain her. Last night it happened in a public place for the first time. I was sat outside a bar, I had been there for about one hour when she just appeared. She asked if I was enjoying myself. I said I was and she then picked up a bottle and hit me across the face with it. She then leapt at me throwing punches, pulling hair etc. The bar girls tried to pull her oiff me saying she can't do that sort of thing. Instead of just stopping the attack she bit the cashier deeply on the arm! Well that was it, she was dragged to the floor and two of the girls laid into her. She was pretty badly beaten. When I saw her being punched repeatedly in the face as she was on the floor I had the strangest of feelings, It was a mixture of relief and horror. I felt relieved she had been dragged off me, I was thankfull that at last she was getting back what she had given out for so long, she would no longer believe there were no consequenses to her actions, but I also felt horror at watching her get beaten. I tried to intervene and pull the girls off her but the owner of the bar pulled me away and said, Thai Girl on Thai Girl leave them alone, no problems. If I get involved I will have problems when the police come.

The outcome was that the girls retrained her and held her for 30 minutes until the police turned up. The police wanted to take no action at all as they felt it was a domestic and said if we want to take it further go to the police station ourselves.

I went to the police station together with the girl who hads been bit on the arm. We both filed reports about assoult. The police man knew me becasue of the other reports I had been making. Then it was off to hospital for treatment and another report of injuries to go in my file. Next morning I went to see the Lt. Col. of the police and demanded something needs to be done. HE went through the records and phoned my wife and demanded she goes to the police station then. Two hours later we had our result. He told us to try and get back together for the sake of the children. I told him no way! We wanted a divorce, she also said she wanted to divorce me. So he said OK go off and do it. I asked him about the violance and trying to kill me etc, waving the reports at him. He looked me straight in the eyes and with the Thai smile told me that she was my wife and could do what she wanted!!! (TIT)

I said what happens when I go out of the police station and that night she goes to the bar and stabs me or puts another bottle in my face. He calmly said "She won't" I asked him why not and he just smiled. I refused to leave the station without them doing something to stop her. In the end the Lt. Col. gave me his private cellphone number and said if I have a problem again I should call him directly. As this was the best I was going to get from the police I had to accept it. Oh forgot to say, they fined us 100 baht each for fighting! I said I did not fighting just sat in the chair and had a bottle in my face and a mad woman jump on me. I got the Thai smile again and told I had to pay.

The other stuff that is going on is all legal stuff and boring. The solicitor says some of the stuff in the police reports is very good and can be used in court to get her help. We are waiting for affidavids from people in England, who have witnesed the violance there to arrive as well as copies of police reports from the UK. Things are progressing and we are trying to get her help as well as protect me and arrange a divorce all together. Things are happening quickly (which is unusual in Thailand) but she now has herself a solicitor and told the police that she is scared I will try to kill her!!!! She calmly sat in front of the policeman and said she had never hit me! Despite all the reports and witness statements in front of her!

For those who asked about the picture in my profile, it was originaly put there to promote my bar, I had forgot all about it. Replaced it with a family picture from happier times! And please readers don't start reading stuff into my post that isn't there, like I was in a bar, playing with girls etc etc. For one thing we have been seperated for months and if I wanted to sit and cuddle a girl that that is none of her business and does not justify the violance BUT that was not the case, I was at the bar on business. I feel I should not even have to mention that but I felt compelled to by reading a minority of the posts here.

Once again, thanks for the advice and it is being acted upon.


Edited by lor
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Hi Chris,

You really accepted the abuse for so long, that there is no saving things.

Glad to hear you are working on your exit, and hope you at least get your kid out of the process. Once complete you really should consider a move. I know you have the bar and all, but your life and sanity have to be worth something. She will always come around as long as the opportunity is there.

Also glad to hear your wife finally got some of her own. Doesn't really solve anything, but its about time.

Good Luck. Sounds like you're doing the right things.

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WOW!! That is totally insane dude! This woman sounds completely psycho and out of control!!!!!!! Good luck ending this horrible chapter of your life!!

On a side note, isn't it ridiculous that in most countries we leave our own protection up to a centralized protection authority (the police)... in most countries they disarm us and we are never trained how to defend ourselves in centralized education facilities (public schools) and have to plead with the local centralized police authority to ask them to defend us?!? Anything centralized is always a disaster.. anyway... that is my libertarian rant.

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For those who wanted to know what is happening. I AM taking all your advice onboard. A solicitor is now involved. Every attack has been reported to the police here and friends are trying to intermediate in the fast deteriating relationship with my wife. (Seperated).

I have spent a lot of time in the police station lately reporting episodes.

I would have to write a book to explain what is happening but in short the biggest development is this:

Every time she has attacked me it has been either in private or only with her close friends or family around. If someone is near they restrain her. Last night it happened in a public place for the first time. I was sat outside a bar, I had been there for about one hour when she just appeared. She asked if I was enjoying myself. I said I was and she then picked up a bottle and hit me across the face with it. She then leapt at me throwing punches, pulling hair etc. The bar girls tried to pull her oiff me saying she can't do that sort of thing. Instead of just stopping the attack she bit the cashier deeply on the arm! Well that was it, she was dragged to the floor and two of the girls laid into her. She was pretty badly beaten. When I saw her being punched repeatedly in the face as she was on the floor I had the strangest of feelings, It was a mixture of relief and horror. I felt relieved she had been dragged off me, I was thankfull that at last she was getting back what she had given out for so long, she would no longer believe there were no consequenses to her actions, but I also felt horror at watching her get beaten. I tried to intervene and pull the girls off her but the owner of the bar pulled me away and said, Thai Girl on Thai Girl leave them alone, no problems. If I get involved I will have problems when the police come.

The outcome was that the girls retrained her and held her for 30 minutes until the police turned up. The police wanted to take no action at all as they felt it was a domestic and said if we want to take it further go to the police station ourselves.

I went to the police station together with the girl who hads been bit on the arm. We both filed reports about assoult. The police man knew me becasue of the other reports I had been making. Then it was off to hospital for treatment and another report of injuries to go in my file. Next morning I went to see the Lt. Col. of the police and demanded something needs to be done. HE went through the records and phoned my wife and demanded she goes to the police station then. Two hours later we had our result. He told us to try and get back together for the sake of the children. I told him no way! We wanted a divorce, she also said she wanted to divorce me. So he said OK go off and do it. I asked him about the violance and trying to kill me etc, waving the reports at him. He looked me straight in the eyes and with the Thai smile told me that she was my wife and could do what she wanted!!! (TIT)

I said what happens when I go out of the police station and that night she goes to the bar and stabs me or puts another bottle in my face. He calmly said "She won't" I asked him why not and he just smiled. I refused to leave the station without them doing something to stop her. In the end the Lt. Col. gave me his private cellphone number and said if I have a problem again I should call him directly. As this was the best I was going to get from the police I had to accept it. Oh forgot to say, they fined us 100 baht each for fighting! I said I did not fighting just sat in the chair and had a bottle in my face and a mad woman jump on me. I got the Thai smile again and told I had to pay.

The other stuff that is going on is all legal stuff and boring. The solicitor says some of the stuff in the police reports is very good and can be used in court to get her help. We are waiting for affidavids from people in England, who have witnesed the violance there to arrive as well as copies of police reports from the UK. Things are progressing and we are trying to get her help as well as protect me and arrange a divorce all together. Things are happening quickly (which is unusual in Thailand) but she now has herself a solicitor and told the police that she is scared I will try to kill her!!!! She calmly sat in front of the policeman and said she had never hit me! Despite all the reports and witness statements in front of her!

For those who asked about the picture in my profile, it was originaly put there to promote my bar, I had forgot all about it. Replaced it with a family picture from happier times! And please readers don't start reading stuff into my post that isn't there, like I was in a bar, playing with girls etc etc. For one thing we have been seperated for months and if I wanted to sit and cuddle a girl that that is none of her business and does not justify the violance BUT that was not the case, I was at the bar on business. I feel I should not even have to mention that but I felt compelled to by reading a minority of the posts here.

Once again, thanks for the advice and it is being acted upon.


At least now you are going in the right direction and hopefully you will be able to see a brighter future for you and your children soon.

One thought though, if you are going to some bars why don't you check and see if they have video camera's in situ.

At least this way, if your wife does come and attack you again you would have video evidence of all that happened without any input from either you or your wife and the Police, Lawyers and Court can then see for themselves what is actually going on.

Best of luck anyway

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"You make me mad I boxing you!"


A reoccurring theme that i seem to notice in posts and situations like this is that the female always seems to be a bit uneducated and from the North Eastern region of Thailand.

A lot of the time it is easy to make a guess to how these relationships started.

On another note i know lots of educated, rich Thai people who also spin out of control and have violent anger problems.

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...."..Thai gf and she has pulled a knife on me many times. She has also thrown scalding hot noodle cups"

...."..I should point out that she has never actually stabbed me with the knife... she just mostly threatens to... "...

...."..I'll ask her questions like, 'why do you feel you need to do that?' or 'did something happen to you in the past that makes you act this way?'... she mostly seems to be acting in a weird form of self-defense.. i say weird because I have never attacked her... but she feels as though she is being attacked by my actions and responds by 'protecting herself' with the knife/rock etc..."..

Unfortunatey I feel a lot of this is cultural. It may be a cliche, but Thai soaps are full of this crap. What they see as four year olds when plonked in front of the Box, story lines from hel_l, mixed in with the rich dudes house and benz, a couple of mia nois screeming at the mia ruam, man of the house shagging the maid, hair pulling, scratching, knife yielding, hot soup throwing!!!!!!! It all gets played out in our own houses at one time or another........unfortunety the girlfriends often not as cute as the soap star 555555

Life imitating art or vice versa? :o

True though, if someone feeds their mind with <deleted> all day, don't be surprised that their personality stinks.

Strongly disagree. Soaps are just reflections of daily lives, so which came first, Chicken or Egg? And also TV is TV. I have been watching soaps here in HK(similar to thai) and movies all my life and I don't see the problem. Is there a western movie called Superman? Could it be the reason for farangs falling off balconies in Thailand?

Stop moaning about thai soaps they are good entertainment.

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One last comment: one night, I was drunk, and she was going through one of her crazy episodes and i snapped and hit her (the first and only time I ever had)... Luckily I didn't break anything but her face was puffed up like a balloon for about a week... worst experience of my life... I will never hit a girl again... I'd rather be killed by her than to use my obviously far greater physical power instead of using my brain and my words to calm the situation.

What was your gf's comment? Just curious.

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