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Thai Patriotism Law Seeks To Halt Cars For Anthem


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REUTERS - Friday November 23, 2:05 PM

Thai patriotism law seeks to halt cars for anthem

BANGKOK (Reuters) - A proposed new law to boost patriotism in Thailand would be "chaotic" because it would require motorists to stop when the national anthem is played twice a day, lawmakers said on Friday.

A vote on the Flag Bill proposed by a group of retired and active duty generals in the army-appointed parliament was deferred on Thursday to allow a committee to study it.

"It would be chaotic if the bill had passed as it is now. So the National Legislative Assembly decided to set up a panel to review it," NLA member Wallop Tangkananurak told Reuters.

The bill's supporters say road traffic should stop nationwide when the anthem is played during the raising and lowering of the flag "to preserve tradition and instill patriotism in Thais".

"The national anthem lasts only one minute and eight seconds, so why can't motorists stop their cars for the sake of the country?," retired General and NLA member Pricha Rochanasena, 70, told Reuters. "They already spend more time in traffic jams anyway," he said, referring to Bangkok's notoriously congested streets.

Most Thais already stop what they are doing and stand still when the national anthem is played on loudspeakers in train stations, parks and office buildings at 8 a.m and 6 p.m. Pricha said the bill, which did not propose penalties for violators, would allow motorists to be patriotic too.


Edited by Maestro
source please--sbk
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There are these idots anywhere in the world.

I've said it before, they let these idiots out of the hospital at least once a year to vent on issues like these. Sometimes, as it turns out, they let them draft a piece of legislation which immediately gets shot down. But it keeps them busy and out of trouble doesn't it?

The usual dumping ground for people like these is the Ministry of Culture (Spaghetti straps anyone??), but I guess since the coup, the NLA has been one more spot to part a few more geriatrics.

Or it could just be an Anti-Farang scam, to make all the TV punters jump up and down like somehow the world is coming to an end.

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I find it extremely worrying that the Army is taking it upon themselves "to preserve tradition and instill patriotism in Thais".
they let these idiots out of the hospital at least once a year to vent on issues like these

No, these "idiots" as you call them are generals in the Thai Army, some of whom are still serving and have very real power and influence indeed.

Certainly not the harmless old clowns you seem to think they are.

My momma used to saaayyy staoopid is as staaooopid does!

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This begs the obvious question "Don't they have anything better to do?" Reminds me of the idiots in Japan that passed a law making it illegal and very expensive to ride a bicycle while holding an umbrella. And, it gets worse.

Edited by hiromj
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Which nurse forgot to give this General his daily medicine?

On a somewhat more serious note, does this veteran soldier really belief that Thai people will love their country more if they have to endure even more, and this time artificial traffic jams?

And what happens if one car does not stop? Put the driver in jail! That will teach him to love his country.

Being from Europe, this kind of Hurray Patriotism make me feel rather uneasy. We had a bit too much of that in the 30ies and 40ies. I wasn't around then, but still, learn the History so that we can avoid it being repeated.

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I remember at 8am, the cars that pulled into my Mataysom school stopped when the anthem blared out. Eventually, that lead to a back up of cars and soon enough, there were large traffic jams in the streets that only managed to disperse by 5.59pm... thanks had to the local BiB's for their ever skillful manning the traffic lights!

As a side note, I used to chuckle when some poor kids got caught out crossing the school yard in the pouring rainjust as the anthem started.... True to form, they would stand there and get soaked. oh, those happy memories.

However, I whole heartedly agree with the 'The Emperor' - I sincerely believe a distant 'sound of thunder' may be heard... it's not quite 'burning down the Reischstag' but it is yet another brick in an ever increasingly xenaphobic/nationalistic wall.

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I'm riding my motor-bike with fully enclosed helmet and I can hear the National Anthem ?

I think not - oops crash - and another one bites the dust.

I'm starting to see a "Goons" script here.

Spare a though for all the motorists on the freeways, suddenly it's 6:00pm, I'll leave the

rest to your imaginations...........but the soundtrack goes something like this

#####%%#@!!!!***!*!*## :o:D:D

Edited by LeungKen
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You guys still haven't figured it out? This is just posturing. They were going to ban alcohol. They were going to ban this. They were going to ban that. You had to do this. You had to do that. They were going to ban movies for people under 25. Buddhism is going to be the national religion. Etc Etc Etc...

Its just posturing.

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This begs the obvious question "Don't they have anything better to do?" Reminds me of the idiots in Japan that passed a law making it illegal and very expensive to ride a bicycle while holding an umbrella. And, it gets worse.

What are you talking about?

What is your point? Is hiromj incorrect? If so provide the correction.

I think it is a good idea. :o It would give pedestrians two one minute plus slots each day to cross Sukhumwit road safely.

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