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I just collected my double entry TR visa from the Thai Embassy.

I live here in VTE and thought I would take advantage of the free visas so applied for one on the last free day (yesterday). Picked it up without incident.

It's a shame that enough people have abused the system in Thailand to make the government warrant another change in the visa waiver rules, which has a negative knock on effect for those who don't live there and only want to visit for a few days, such as myself... :D

Middle-aged male, long-stay 'Tourists', talking about 'here' as if they were still in Thailand, arriving with a Beerlao can in one hand, the young Thai girlfriend in the other on their regular 'visa run' together... yes there's not another embassy I know in VTE like the Thai one... :)

Janetdoe, have you actually stopped to consider that Thailand are not offering an alternative to the Tourist Visa for those who have there own income outside of Thailand? What exactly are you talking about when you complain that people are abusing the Thai system? If its just that you wish to have a go at middle-aged males who have young girlfriends and drink beer..well, in that case, there are plenty, on various types of visas, not just tourist visas, so its not really relevant to this thread.

edit: if you only want to visit Thailand for a few days, it is usually not necessary to obtain a visa before-hand. You can get a VOA. So..i dont really understand what you are taking issue with.

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Visa on arrival is not an option for most nationalities. Visa exempt is now being limited to four entries. There are third country nationals in bordering countries who travel often for shopping who will now have to obtain a visa to do there 3 hour shopping trips as they are not eligible for border passes.

Visa on arrival is not an option for most nationalities. Visa exempt is now being limited to four entries. There are third country nationals in bordering countries who travel often for shopping who will now have to obtain a visa to do there 3 hour shopping trips as they are not eligible for border passes.

Thanks lopburi, I didnt take that into consideration. Is this what you meant Janet? I reacted a bit too strongly in my first post to you, so I apologise, but i do feel the comments you made were not really called for, and I think I may have misinterpreted what you meant by abusing the system.

Anyway, I am personally hoping Thailand will offer a more viable alternative to the Tourist Visa for those not of retirement age who wish to stay here for a longer duration.


fabian, ive had various different passport sized photos, and all were accepted. Seems it doesnt matter too much, as long as they are regular passport style photos they can be large or small.

Even when the application form for the thai visa shows as quite small, people just paste the large sized ones onto it, myself included. Never had one rejected.


Just did the Thaivisaservice run (Claudio, from Onnut). I say just, but actually it was 10 days ago and I know a few people were asking about it so here is what transpired:

Left on Weds night (one hour later than advertised) but there were seven minivans going! and all went o.k..They stopped regularly enough for toilet breaks. 70 per cent of the (70!) were Philipinos/as and the other a motley mix of Brits/Americans aand the odd German/Dutch. Some in other vans than mine I later found out were not too happy to find that the driving was too fast and,in one case, the driver caught falling asleep at the wheel needing a big thump from the back. Overall, good job up there though the noisy and crappy movies could have been spared us, especially those of us who had prepared for this trip with expensive sedatives in order to get a few hours sleep.

Thurs am: 6.00am - Border closed! No problem - half an hours stretch of the legs was good. Now, our passports I should mention, were not saeen from the time we left BKK until clearing Nong Khai cocming back into Thailand - I mean we did not have to line up and produce it at any stage which I thought great. Into Vientiane smooth and arrived at the Consulate at about 7.45 to see.................. a million people lined up outside. Now, it was the last but one day to apply for a free double-entry so that may have had something to do with it although I am well aware that thursday is the second most popular to go.

The staff of T.Visaservice had indeed got the "low numbered" application numbers they had said they would, but I am not going to comment here as I have already stated that I do not like this practise on this forum! No, I didn't hand it back! Ha!

Thurs: 10.30 Everyone settled into reasonable guest house.........on highway number 4! In other words, out of town.Never mind a brunch meal was offered which was free (extra to the original price for them,not us). Rooms were quite good, air-con,fridge,cable,hot water and comfortable beds.Each had their own room. The day progressed with the Phillipinos/as going sightseeing in town, and the Westerners getting pissed outside the Guest House. Make of that what you will.

6.00pm - Evening buffet (included in price) at hotel - not bad at all actually. I know VTE's restaurants well and was happy with the buffet (and knackered from the trip_. Those that did take a trip into town that evening suffered greatly later - this is a speedy visa trip, and I would suggest you get your rest on the one night you are there, or not even think about this service and do it your own way.

Fri: 2.00pm - Staff turn up with passports(we do not check them here! - by now everyone seems to trust the staff snd get into the sheep mode). Onto border. This is where things got a bit sticky.

Fri 5.00pm - three hours later, we are through. Pissed off and angry some. Staff say "police looking for blacklisted people".Huh? Only about 500 Westerners on similar tours (I presume) have passed us by long ago. Mood of all 70 changing drastically at this point.

On the way back the minivans stopped more regularly (drivers sensing dissatisfaction?) and we arrived back in Bangkok at,well, depending on which van you had taken and where you reqested to be dropped off, anywhere between 1.30am and 3.00am sat am.

So that was it. All in all, I'd give the service as a whole a 6 out of ten rating, but only suggest you use it if time really is of the essence.


Visa on arrival is not an option for most nationalities. Visa exempt is now being limited to four entries. There are third country nationals in bordering countries who travel often for shopping who will now have to obtain a visa to do there 3 hour shopping trips as they are not eligible for border passes.

Thanks lopburi, I didnt take that into consideration. Is this what you meant Janet? I reacted a bit too strongly in my first post to you, so I apologise, but i do feel the comments you made were not really called for, and I think I may have misinterpreted what you meant by abusing the system.

Anyway, I am personally hoping Thailand will offer a more viable alternative to the Tourist Visa for those not of retirement age who wish to stay here for a longer duration.

Yes I am referring to the fact now that because people have been living in Thailand and border hopping every 30 days then reduced to 15 days the new rules of four entries on Visa waivers means that for those of us who don't live in Thailand but want to actually visit the country for a short time, which possibly the visa waiver was brought in for, are now being penalised. The cost of a TR visa, ฿1,000, is an additional expense on a day trip to Nong Khai, a very big expense.

I also stand by my comments on people who live in Thailand on TR visas, just because the Thai system doesn't allow you to stay does not justify abusing the current system. How long before new rules are introduced limiting the number of trips on a TR? Then more innocent and legitimate tourists/visitors will be penalised for the behavior of those ABUSING, for that is what it is, the Thai visa system.

With regard to my comments on the type of western men I see at the Thai Embassy, from the conversations they openly have in the queue, these are the very types that have been and continue to be long term 'tourists' in Thailand, that is why I mentioned them in my post.

I also stand by my comments on people who live in Thailand on TR visas, just because the Thai system doesn't allow you to stay does not justify abusing the current system. How long before new rules are introduced limiting the number of trips on a TR? Then more innocent and legitimate tourists/visitors will be penalised for the behavior of those ABUSING, for that is what it is, the Thai visa system.

I think you stand by something you seem to know very little about. Ive been here for the last couple of years in Thailand under a tourist visa. I have my own independent money. I dont make money from being in Thailand, and I spend my money here. Im not 100% sure if i will remain in Thailand, but for now im here. I would like to have an alternative visa option, but there are limited choices. Might go down the route of an education visa, after this double TV runs out, but not sure yet. But, as things stand, I think its my own business how long I wish to spend time here. I certainly dont consider that im "abusing" the system. The system gives limited options. Where I wish to spend my time and money should be my own choice. Sorry janet, but its tiring hearing opinionated people who have little clue about what they are talking about when it comes to the Thai Tourist visa, in regards to the people under retirement age who wish to be here. This is also a system which will not allow people to work voluntarily, if they so wish. Thailand would be best offering a suitable alternative, to help separate the short-term tourists from those who wish to stay longer term. And, after recent events, you would think Thailand would be grateful for any vistors, short or long-term, as its tourist numbers are way down. Im here everyday, spending my money in local businesses. You, on the other hand (i gather), are just hoping over to take advantage of cheaper shopping. In your eyes, does that actually make you somehow better than me? Oh well, if that is the case, im terribly sorry I messed up your regular cheap shopping trips.

With regard to my comments on the type of western men I see at the Thai Embassy, from the conversations they openly have in the queue, these are the very types that have been and continue to be long term 'tourists' in Thailand, that is why I mentioned them in my post.

Tbh it just comes across that you are bitter about those you dont deem suitable to receive the Tourist Visa. Your shopping trip system is messed up, so you stood in the queue eavesdropping and stewing over your overheard conversations. Yes im sure many take advantage of the system, by working illegally etc, but to spout off and put everyone in the same boat, isnt right either. Anyway, its up to the Thai Government to sort that one out. You can either get annoyed about it, or get worked up. I prefer to just take it as it comes, and its certainly no joy for me and others either.

Just did the Thaivisaservice run... snip...

So that was it. All in all, I'd give the service as a whole a 6 out of ten rating, but only suggest you use it if time really is of the essence.


I did a visa run as well, but completely different from yours. Arrived on the same day as you.

You didn't state the price of this Thurday to Saturday trip, but I assume around 5-7,000 baht.

I did my trip as follows.

1. Got a Laos visa ahead of time. 1500 Baht. 2 hour service.

2. Booked with Airasia to Udon Thani. 99 Baht ticket. Return ticket including all taxes and fees was 618 Baht. (normal price would be around 1500 baht. Got lucky with the promotion)

2.1. Taxi to airport. 200 baht. Flight left 7 am.

3. Used the airport van service to the border at the friendship bridge. 200 baht.

4. Arrived at the border about 9 am. Stamped out of Thailand less than 3 minutes later.

4.1. Crossed the border with the border bus. 15 baht.

4.2. Stamped into Laos.

5. Used a tuk-tuk service to Thai Embassy. 50 Baht.

6. Arrived at 10.30 am. Got queue number 385. Currently serving #260.

7. Out from the embassy at 12.20 pm. Hotel van picked me up free of charge.

8. Got to my booked hotel. 1100 Baht for the night in a huge suite (2 queen sized beds, 4 tables, 4 chairs), with breakfast, free internet in the room (256 kbps), fully stocked minimart nearby.

9. Next afternoon the van took me to the embassy. Arrived an hour early and got queue #20 or so. Done in 10 minutes.

10. Van took me to friendship bridge. 400 baht.

11. Stamped out of Laos in a minute. No queue at all.

11.1. Bridge bus. 20 baht.

11.2. TWO people at the Thai side of the border (HUH? 400+ people applied for visa the day before). 4 booths open. Staff looked happy and bored at the same time. Done in 4 minutes including filling in the arrival card.

11.3 Transfer service to airport. 200 baht.

12. Left Udon at a delayed time of 6.25 on Friday evening.

13. Taxi home. 220 Baht

14. Arrived at home at 8.15 pm.

Total price for my 36 hour quick trip? Less than 5000 baht+visa fee.

Edit: clarifications.

Just did the Thaivisaservice run... snip...

So that was it. All in all, I'd give the service as a whole a 6 out of ten rating, but only suggest you use it if time really is of the essence.


I did a visa run as well, but completely different from yours. Arrived on the same day as you.

You didn't state the price of this Thurday to Saturday trip, but I assume around 5-7,000 baht.

I did my trip as follows.

1. Got a Laos visa ahead of time. 1500 Baht. 2 hour service.

2. Booked with Airasia to Udon Thani. 99 Baht ticket. Return ticket including all taxes and fees was 618 Baht. (normal price would be around 1500 baht. Got lucky with the promotion)

2.1. Taxi to airport. 200 baht. Flight left 7 am.

3. Used the airport van service to the border at the friendship bridge. 200 baht.

4. Arrived at the border about 9 am. Stamped out of Thailand less than 3 minutes later.

4.1. Crossed the border with the border bus. 15 baht.

4.2. Stamped into Laos.

5. Used a tuk-tuk service to Thai Embassy. 50 Baht.

6. Arrived at 10.30 am. Got queue number 385. Currently serving #260.

7. Out from the embassy at 12.20 pm. Hotel van picked me up free of charge.

8. Got to my booked hotel. 1100 Baht for the night in a huge suite (2 queen sized beds, 4 tables, 4 chairs), with breakfast, free internet in the room (256 kbps), fully stocked minimart nearby.

9. Next afternoon the van took me to the embassy. Arrived an hour early and got queue #20 or so. Done in 10 minutes.

10. Van took me to friendship bridge. 400 baht.

11. Stamped out of Laos in a minute. No queue at all.

11.1. Bridge bus. 20 baht.

11.2. TWO people at the Thai side of the border (HUH? 400+ people applied for visa the day before). 4 booths open. Staff looked happy and bored at the same time. Done in 4 minutes including filling in the arrival card.

11.3 Transfer service to airport. 200 baht.

12. Left Udon at a delayed time of 6.25 on Friday evening.

13. Taxi home. 220 Baht

14. Arrived at home at 8.15 pm.

Total price for my 36 hour quick trip? Less than 5000 baht+visa fee.

Edit: clarifications.

Sorry matey -price 2,500 baht, visa was free, whole trip 4,500 most said.

I think its my own business how long I wish to spend time here. I certainly dont consider that im "abusing" the system. The system gives limited options. Where I wish to spend my time and money should be my own choice.

My response may not be a popular one, but I can't understand why anyone would think their "own business" would or should over-ride the laws of a nation. ("Entitelement"?!)

Thailand is well aware of the ways in which its systems are being abused; there are contradictions of multiple kinds, of course, mainly related to $'s, but I do get the general impression that Thailand is rather tired of the various undesirables hanging about.

And I agree that those exploiting the system (love to know who set up this arrangement with Laos!) are making it more difficult for people with legitimate reasons to be here.

If you are a tourist, use a tourist visa. If not, get a work permit/retirement visa or whatever is appropriate.

You can get a visa as a volunteer.

Sorry, but the world is not always our oyster :).


I dont quite see where what i said made any reference to feeling entitled to overide the laws of a nation. I said i personally find the visa set up lacking. I am also/have been staying here long term, so to consider myself a tourist seems incorrect. However, I do not have another visa option, unless I wish to go for a Education Visa (which, seeing as I study Thai in my own time with only the occasional classes, isnt particularly the way i wish to go). I could get employment here, but that again, is something i may consider in the future. Or, set up some kind of business..again, not sure yet. Of course a person can apply for a volunteer visa, but with all the hassle involved, it just seems so silly. If a person wishes to lend a helping hand, why can the system not make it easier? If a person is under retirement age, and wishes to be here longer term, then it would be most useful if there was a visa category for that, in which a person has to pay relevant fees and whatever taxes etc..

As for your finally statement seems a bit silly waiwai, sorry, but it does.

But, none of this discussion is particularly helpful in this thread, and i think its cluttering it up. If you and/or Janet wish to open up a discussion about it, why not make a separate thread? :)


I think the comments of JanetDoe & I are highly pertinent ... much as you may find them uncomfortable.

Thailand has its rules for its reasons; mostly very understanable.


Uncomfortable, not exactly. Just that I make regular(ish) trips to get a new tourist visa, thats all. You and Janets reasons are not pertinent in my (or many peoples) cases. They are making assumptions, and may be pertinent in some cases.

Anyway, its really not an issue for me, just voicing my thoughts on what I think would be a better visa option for Thailand and its guests. I will carry on doing what I like to do (within the laws of each nation i stay in :) ). I have lived in different countries, but this is the first country that i havent had family in. Im still young enough to not quite need to settle yet, so im still deciding. With all due respect you and Janets views on my situation really dont matter.

The world is what I make of it, so, it is, in a manner of speaking, my oyster.

Now, shall we moved on?


I made a recent trip to Vientiane from Fang, Chiangmai province for a Non 'O' visa for marriage to a Thai.

I started out hoping to do it cheaply...but then got lazy and ended up spending more than some others have.... :D

All down to experience.

I have a folding bicycle which i wanted to take along... I know the tuk tuks in Laos are not expensive...but wanted some freedom. Also i suffer from frequent back pains, and sometimes when a nerve has been pinched can hardly walk, but am still able to ride a bike in comfort.

Sunday 7th june 2009..

1. Woke up at 0300hrs (sorry...I'm ex-army)....brushed my teeth (not disclosing the brand of toothpaste....I could but then I'd have to.....)

2. 0345 rode the 3km. on my bike to Fang from my village to catch the 0415 bus to ChiangMai...fold bike...store in bus with bag...buy a snack for breakfast on the bus.

3. 0720 arrive CM....unfold bike (to the amazement of many)...peddle off to the Arcade bus station.

4. The next bus to Udorn thani was leaving at 1220hrs. so i got a ticket for that THB 609 (including 200 Baht for the bike :D ).

5. Left my bag with the office and cycled casually toThapae gate area and had some brunch at the Hash Pub....rode back to the Arcade and played on the internet for a couple of hours until the bus left.

6. :D Oldest bus in the fleet :) No toilet...air struggling..... stopped to pick-up extra passengers at every conceivable occasion (condoms should be worn at every conceiveable occasion )... we broke down once before getting to Phitsanuloke...everybody left the bus (it was nice and cool outside )

7. despite delays we arrived in udorn at 0400hrs. and an old bus was leaving for NongKhai at 0415 (30 baht)....but it only went a short way and stopped on the main road .....leaving at 0500hrs. :D ...there was anice coffe stand beside the road and I sat there and chatted to the drivers and a Lao beauty :D

8. We arrived at the point where the taxis waited to take passengers to the bridge at about 0600hrs. and I shared a tuk Tuk with the beautiful lao girl...40 Baht

9. Through the Thai-out OK and onto the bus...20 baht.....

10. Unfamiliar with the lao side.....a friendly man told me where to get the forms and I handed over the forms and money for the lao visa on arrival THB 1540...then waited to get my passport back from window 3.

11. The taxi driver offered to take me into Vientiane to the consulate for 300 Baht so after I got my passport...and put my bag and bike in his car off we went.

12. Chatting upon the way he told me about the large queues and that there was an agent who would do it all for me if I wanted..... I considered this for a while. i had had a tiring journey on the bus from CM....over 15 hours ..crowded....poor A/C....and my back gives me problems if i stand for too long. I had decided to take the 1220 bus from CM instead of wait until 2000hrs for the VIP bus because that one gets in to Udorn at 0700hrs and it is more of a dash to get to the consulate on time....not really wanting to stay more than a single night in vientiane.

13. Arrived at the Consulate and gave the agent my documents plus THB 5,000 (2,000 for my visa and 3,000 his fee)

14. Taxi driver took me to a nearby hotel ...500Baht....aircon fan little fridge......water leak in bathroom...immediately moved to another room...next day the workmen had the floor up in the old room

walking distance from the consulate (500metres)

La Ong Dao Hotel 1

15. After a nice shower I went out looking for food...rode on my bike to the river (asking the way as I went.....maps of the city are not easy to find)...found a Vietnamese restaurant hiring motorbikes and had a nice breadstick tuna sandwich there...and Lao ice coffee of course 22,000 Kip (240 Kip = 1 Baht)

16. I had last been to Vientiane about 11 years ago so things have changed a bit....my first trip was before they built the bridge. I found the Lao people to be more courteous than the thais in general...... whereas in Thailand cars and trucks rulle the road and care little for those on motocycles or biycles, here they were more 'grengcai' and slowed and stopped if the way forward wasn't clear, and drove around me, wobbling along on my pusher (push-bike). I also observed that the Lao girls and women were prettier (to my eyes) and had nice slim figures (too many fat youngsters in thailand now)...and I liked the PaaSin (sarongs) which they all wear.

The younger kids are all on their long school holiday right now, so only the older students were to be seen in their uniforms.

17. On a couple of previous trips i had gone to the weaving village to the N.W. of the city Baan Nong Bua tong (I think)...so i pedalled slowly in that direction and asking my way got there quite easily.


took many pix ...see more here...http://fiveprime.org/flickr_hvmnd.cgi?search_domain=User&textinput=fabianfred&search_type=Search+User&photo_number=250&photo_type=75&sort=Date+Posted%2C+new+first&page=1&tag_mode=

18. rode around and took more pix then headed back into the city to stop at an italian restaurant for lunch...

daofaa ... setthathirath road

19. rode to the river and sat by a roadside restaurant which was setting out cushions and tables for evening customers.... had a shandy and took pix of the stormy sky before the rain came.

20. Went back to hotel and got an early night.... rose early 0500 hrs. and cycled to That Luang for pix


21. Collected at hotel by the taxi driver at 1200hrs. we stopped at the Consulate and got my passport with visa from the agent then carried on to the bridge..... 300 baht

22. crossed over OK.... got a taxi to the bus station in nongkhai 100 baht....bus leaving for Udorn

23. got to udorn in time for the 1415 bus to Chiangmai....this one had a toilet...not VIP...air still not very good...no standing passengers...... :P into ChiangMai at 0500hrs. 526 baht (no extra for the bike...more costly than the first because of the toilet I presume)

24. Pedalled to Thapae gate and enjoyed a 12Baht coffee from 7-eleven whist waiting for breakfast (pea soup at the Bierstube...delicious)

25. Bus from ChangPuak to Fang....pedalled home :D

I could have sold my bike many times both in Laos and thailand :D


I think its my own business how long I wish to spend time here. I certainly dont consider that im "abusing" the system. The system gives limited options. Where I wish to spend my time and money should be my own choice.

My response may not be a popular one, but I can't understand why anyone would think their "own business" would or should over-ride the laws of a nation. ("Entitelement"?!)

Thailand is well aware of the ways in which its systems are being abused; there are contradictions of multiple kinds, of course, mainly related to $'s, but I do get the general impression that Thailand is rather tired of the various undesirables hanging about.

And I agree that those exploiting the system (love to know who set up this arrangement with Laos!) are making it more difficult for people with legitimate reasons to be here.

If you are a tourist, use a tourist visa. If not, get a work permit/retirement visa or whatever is appropriate.

You can get a visa as a volunteer.

Sorry, but the world is not always our oyster :).

This thread was started in December 2007 to supply factual information about obtaining tourist visas in Vientiane. This is the wrong place for your moralistic posturing...take it elsewhere....PLEASE!


Just got back from Lao with a tourist visa, a couple of points:

It has been said on this thread that there is no accommodation close to the Thai Embassy, wrong.

There are at least 3 hotels within a few hundred metres of the embassy, when you come out of the road the embassy is in turn left, the road has an S bend then there is a soi on the right (about 250m) on the corner is a new building with a hotel sign.

Down that soi there is another building with a sign hotel and night club, continue to the end of that soi and turn right into Dongpalane Rd, about 200m along you will find the Budchadakham Hotel where we stayed, not new but comfortable enough, air, double bed ,TV, frige full of drinkings as the sign said, has a dining room with a good looking inexpensive menue, food to the room if you want it,2 people 700b night. Also a small supermarket in the same building with a fair bit of farang food, cheese, ham, cornflakes, stuff like that.

Could see the embassy roof from our room about 300m in a streight line and about 3 min walk from the embassy and 10min walk in the other direction to the bus depot.

Getting there: There are direct buses from Udon (old depot), Nong Kai (60B) and BKK (Swanny) to Vientiane much cheaper and more efficient than doing the taxi, bus, taxi or train thing. However you need to have a Lao visa (get it in BKK) to use these buses and be in early as they are usualy full.

And the process of getting the visa, no problem other than some inconsiderate bar stewards who must feed their smoking addiction while standing in line...............but that rant should be another thread


Hello, I guess this have been asked 100 times before so sorry if I didnt have the patience to look around..

Is the Thai tourist visas still free or does it cost 1k/entry bht like before ?



Anyone been to Vientiane lately?

We'd love to hear a report about what's happening there. Are they charging full price for double entry tourist visas?

Just did the Thaivisaservice run... snip...

8. Got to my booked hotel. 1100 Baht for the night in a huge suite (2 queen sized beds, 4 tables, 4 chairs), with breakfast, free internet in the room (256 kbps), fully stocked minimart nearby.

Edit: clarifications.

What was the hotel name and any good booking website for it ?

i like stay in room with internet.


We're in the fourth day of the new free tourist visa program (valid until 4 Mar 2010), and I'm a day away from making a run up to Vientiane myself... Any reports on the success of free single and double entries since the 25th?

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