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Arrival Into Suvarnabhumi..................................

libya 115

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I arrived into Bangkok last night at 1835, there was a huge arrival of people, perhaps 4 or 5 large plane-loads of people. I headed towards Immigration: as usual the queues were ridiculous, so I carried on walking, past the first left turn to Immigration, and continued to the next Immigration posts titled 'Cabin Crew' etc.

There were just two Immigration staff here: one was clearly seeing only cabin crew, and the other was 'Thai passport holders only' so I chanced it:

I went to 'Thai Passports only' because nobody was waiting and the place was deserted. A friendly beckoning Thai immigration man stamped me in, and I thanked him a lot, picked up my luggage and got a head start on the rest.........

So; IMHO worth a go IF not busy with anyone else.

AOT limousine taxis had a special inflated fare 2900 Baht; but I don't pay, and I get a receipt. Fast though. 80 minutes to Pattaya 3rd Road.

Great to be back again for New Year.

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I arrived into Bangkok last night at 1835, there was a huge arrival of people, perhaps 4 or 5 large plane-loads of people. I headed towards Immigration: as usual the queues were ridiculous, so I carried on walking, past the first left turn to Immigration, and continued to the next Immigration posts titled 'Cabin Crew' etc.

There were just two Immigration staff here: one was clearly seeing only cabin crew, and the other was 'Thai passport holders only' so I chanced it:

I went to 'Thai Passports only' because nobody was waiting and the place was deserted. A friendly beckoning Thai immigration man stamped me in, and I thanked him a lot, picked up my luggage and got a head start on the rest.........

So; IMHO worth a go IF not busy with anyone else.

AOT limousine taxis had a special inflated fare 2900 Baht; but I don't pay, and I get a receipt. Fast though. 80 minutes to Pattaya 3rd Road.

Great to be back again for New Year.

I know a taxi driver who will charge 1400 Baht and give a receipt for 2900 Baht. :o

Happy New Year.

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