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3 Estonian men involved in violence on Pattaya Walking Street


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I also want to point out that in Estonia when a fight would break out, it wasn't uncommon for someone to pull out a mobile phone and call for back-up. I think the diff here is that while in the West they might call for help to kick your butt, here they call help to kill you.

Care to clarify what you mean by "here they call help to kill you" :o

Sure. I've been reading this forum on a daily basis for one year and one thing is clear - life is cheap in Thailand. Sadly, it's a common story of foreigners being attacked by groups of locals who are usually carrying weapons. Two that come to mind off the top of my head, the Israeli who was stabbed to death at the Full Moon Party in a big fight and those guys from Singapore who were being chased down the street buy a group of Thais with machetes. They said they didn't even know what it was about.

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If you asked a decent educated middle class Thai if they'd like to spend some time down at walking street, or any other red light sleaze hole for that matter, you'd get a look as though you'd asked a trully awful question. Walking street is not Thaland - it's a shithole, just like all the other sleaze bag shitholes that a lot of foriegners seem to be attracted to. And, just like others' like it around the world, it attracts locals who are at the lowest rung of societies ladder to work/ply their trades there - prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers and petty criminals. For those of you that haven't worked it out yet, places like walking street continue to exist because the powers that be know that if they were closed/shut down over night, there would be an immediate massive increase in the jail populations.

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LOS= land of stabbings,shootings,scams,sleaze,but all with a smile.

thailand is the lowest stupidest filthiest most corrupt third world basketcase on the planet.

but,hey it's cheap...and the women are too...


With that kind of attitude I hope you leave Thailand soon and the 'sleaze' factor will be improved a bit. I haven't been to Pattaya for several years but, even then, rowdy & drunken behavior was not treated kindly...as is the case in just about any "late hours entertainment areas" in just about any country in the world. I think a lot of you posters and too many tourists forget that WE are the foreigners here!

This kind of incident is indeed sad and unfortunate, especially for the Estonians, but I think it maligns Thailand unjustly. I've visited a lot of foreign countries on all of the continents and I still regard Thailand as one of the most receptive and the Thai people as likely the most friendly of them all. The falangs in this case were stupid. They were also likely a bit drunk with too much testosterone flowing; always a dangerous combination. That something like this could happen out on a 'walking street' with police nearby and hundreds of people around IS the fault of the police & bar owners. Gang elements should be cleaned up and people of any nationality walking around obviously 'drunk' or 'stoned' or bouncing off lightpoles on Ya-Ba (sp?) should be transported to their hotel, home, or a friendly cell (with a small fine to cover expenses).

I also think the "headline" of this thread is incorrect. This should not be treated as a "murder", it is a case of "manslaughter" and should be a homicide investigation. The guy was stabbed in the leg and bled to death; should not have happened but hardly seems the 'intent' was to kill him!

Thailand is different from many Western countries in that many Thais actually believe it is okay to "rip off" (take, steal, borrow without return, etc.) from falanges because they think we are all rich and should be sharing in the first place. But, most of them do not think that way and are genuinely kind, friendly, and trustworthy.

Just my opinion! Condolences to the family & friends of the deceased...

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The following is not all relevant to Walking Street and it's surrounds, but it does help to highlight the sort of life lived by many farangs in Pattaya.

I lifted this from Pattaya Today, and is a list of some recent headlines:

“Norwegian man beaten into coma by 4 Thai men”, “Body of missing Japanese found - nurder suspected” “thieves break into Danish owner’s home”, “Swedish Tourist assaulted and robbed on Beach Road”, “Indian tourist killed in fire in Soi Post Office”, “Australian arrested for alleged attempted rape”, “Chinese tourist drowns off Koh Larn” “Korean man drunk drive accident”, “Finnish man arrested for groping woman” “Death sentence for murder of Dutch journalist”, “German tourist in bike crash” “Norwegian dies in beer bar” “10 Russians rescued from yacht” “Chinese narcotics dealer arrested”, “Swedish tourist hurt in Thappraya Roadworks”, “Dutch tourist crashes into taxi bike” , “Irishman found dead in condo”.

Certainly has a nice international flavour :o

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jdinasia Today, 2008-01-22 13:52:19

umm did we read the same article? the THREE Estonians went back to deal with the ONE Thai guy, that's 3:1 ... THEN the numbers change the other way ...

From the OP

however they decided to take matters into their own hands and went back to confront the Thai men. It is thought that more than 15 men set-upon the three Estonian Men.

Wether you think the actions of these Estonians were wrong or the Thais are being mis represented, murder is murder and should be treated seriously and without predjudice. The fact that this happened metres from the Tourist police is one of the most worrying aspects and they too should be held responsible for their inability or unwillingness to deal with with this situation from the outset.

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It seems quite natural that some Thais working in the sleaze pit of Thailand, after supressing so much anger at having to put up with incorrigible, decadent, mindless, violent - the list goes, i've been there a few times - foreigners will vent their ill feeling towards tourists when they have a chance, i.e. when they don't throw the first stone and so won't lose face.

It's easily discernible in some places, the resentment towards foreigners. Maybe if you worked in a bar - was paid peanuts - in your own country and had to put up with richer, drunker, taller foreigners with filthy mouths and hardly any respect for your culture and traditions, you might also wait for the day to give them a right kicking. I'm not accusing the Estonians of anything, just making a point that Pattaya does attract many people like this and so certain Thais are waiting for a chance to get back.

What happened is terrible . . . but sadly, it is understandable. It happnes more often than ever up here (CM) and it will keep happening. The only places i go where the old Thai smile is real is 'baan nork' . . . where we have yet to mess up, stain and tempt with gold coins. We are like a disease to them at times . . . globalisation is not welcome either, no one wants to change, but still, it won't stop happening . . . and they know they need our money, because they have come to rely on it . . . and need our western luxuries . . . they too are greedy and so like an addiction, they need us . . .but ideally - as a whole, not as singulars - we are hardly welcome by the majority, an addiction is usually not ideal . . . if it weren't for our money, we wouldnt be welcome, look at the visa stipulations, we are not welcome without cash, the provisos stuck to the office board at immigration states this.

Like i said, you need only compare this to a similar situation in your own country . . . an invasion of people with different ideals, religion, manners etc . . . shouting at you in their language that you don't understand, dragging your young girls around like dogs on a leash . . . throwing money at you to keep you quiet . . . i actually think the Thais, in general, are very tolerant . . . but maybe tolerance is just suppression and an explosion is always around the corner. I'm not making an excuse for the people that take it out on foreigners, they should know better, should adhere to some personal ethic and get over the resentment . . . but they don't and that is why this happens.

So what to do? Christ knows, ride out the wave and try and keep out of bother.

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Mark my words

There will be a time one day when the things that you fell in love with in Thailand,..... become things you hate most


If falling in love with the beautiful country side, the beaches, the nice weather, the beautiful woman and for the most part; the relaxed people become the things I hate, I doubt I'd be happy anywhere.

This incident has happened in a place that is Farang Thailand and hardly representative of the country and its people. This is a super dodgy area. It's like going to Brixton and starting a fight. Whilst this is a very tragic incident we all know you DO NOT start a fight anywhere in Thailand, you steer very clear, this is not a lesson you can learn the hard way. If you step in to the fire your'll get burnt.

Mostly what the Thais and Thai police see in this place is Farang coming over with hoards of cash, taking the woman and being abusive whilst mow mak mak, it's not a good combination for endearment. No one can condone what's happened and it is truly awful but perhaps foreigners need to be better educated on the social risks of destinations as well as the highlights.

Edited by chameleon1977
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lets be realistic... Pattaya is a den of iniquity, a brothel dressed up so families can fool themselves into feeling as if they are in some resort area. we all must take responsibility for ourselves and not put ourselves in harms way. I have been to Thailand many times, including Pattaya, and i have been threatened and nearly assaulted 5 times. 4 of those times were by Farang who were drunk. only 1 time was by a drunk Thai man. And may i point out, 3 of the 4 times i was threatened by Farang, they were of Russian decent.

So, 3 men of Russian decent (Estonian) decide to fight some Thai men, ....hmmmmmm.... i cant say they deserve to die, however if they had just enjoyed themselves and moved onto the next bar rather than having a few more drinks and acting like they are tough guys and going back to fight the Thai men, maybe we would not be reading about them and all three would still be enjoying their vacation.

perhaps the reason i have never actually been assaulted in Thailand is because i dont play games and tease the girls or tease the touts, and i dont act like the rich Farang, i smile a lot, i am nice and friendly, i dont wear jewelry there, and i have learnt to understand the saying "mai pen rai khrap" (no problem), and i have learnt several polite thai phrases... "excuse me", "thank you", "no thankyou", etc... and i dont go to places that are unsafe, i dont get too drunk, i dont do drugs, and i have learnt to walk away when i see problems starting.

the fact is, some people attract trouble, they look for trouble, they create trouble... so lets not put down Thai people or Thai society because 3 men who were looking for a fight with some Thai men, found a fight with Thai men. we must accept that we will live with the consequences of our actions, so lets act more appropriately.

And one last point... one of the times i was nearly assaulted, i was in Pattaya, on soi diamond, i had just had knee surgery and was wearing a knee brace and had visible scars and over 60 stitches in my leg, and 3 very tall Farang men were wrestling and drinking at the neighboring bar (beside the carousel bar) and the three men were bumping into people and they got close to me and i asked politely with a smile, "gentlemen, please be careful, i have just had knee surgery". the biggest man, about 280lbs, 6'6" tall, decided he would slap me around and tell me to mind my own business.... and before he could actually touch me, three Thai men came to help me. i did not now the Thai men, but they had seen me walking down the street a few times and I remember smiling at them and politely saying "no thankyou" when they asked me to enter their gogo bar . the very big man backed off and left me alone once it became clear many more Thai men were just steps away from joining in to protect me. All i can say is, there are good and bad in all countries... and i have had the honour of seeing the good side of Thailand much more than i have ever seen the bad.

Good post...I agree completely. I've seen a few 'tussles' over here also and the Thais were not the ones that started it.

All of you that keep "knocking" Thailand so quickly should find someplace better to live (if possible). I feel a hel_l of a lot safer walking around in Thailand than I did in my home country, Amerika---and it has gotten even worse than when I left in Aug., 2001.

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The incident, which is now a murder investigation, occurred only meters away from the Tourist Police Unit.

So the guys didn't want to go in the bar, the Thais got hostile, the guys make a complaint and are told to take it to the police station.

Basically a big FO.

The guys get angry and return to sort it out themselves as they see that the authorities aren't interested.

They are outnumbered 5 to 1, viciously beaten and one murdered within metres of the Tourist police point and no one is held responsible.

What a f@cking sick country Thailand has turned into.

You can try and rationalise it or compare it with other countries problems, but this is an all time low.

It's always been like this here. A foreigner should NEVER get into a physical fight with a group of thais. Specially after having had a few drinks and in a night entertainment area like Pattaya or Patpong etc. When you go to bars you should refrain from getting into arguments with locals or challenge them specially if it concerns money. A foreigner is 'easy game' and can easily be outnumbered and overpowered. Enjoy the beer and the girls' company and stay away from uncalled for hassles. Very sad it turned out this way but hopefully a reminder to other tourists and farangs to know the code of conduct. Condolences to the guy's family and friends. This is no way to die...

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Estonian man dies following attack on Walking Street

PATTAYA: -- A disturbing incident occurred on Walking Street in the early hours of Sunday Morning which was initially dealt with by the Tourist Police based on the street. Three men from Estonia made a complaint at the Tourist Police Mobile Unit regarding a confrontation with three Thai Men in Soi 15. It is thought the men were being ushered into a Show Bar but decided at the last minute that they did not want to go.

The Thai men became angry and a fight ensued. The men were told to make their way to Pattaya Police Station to make a report, however they decided to take matters into their own hands and went back to confront the Thai men. It is thought that more than 15 men set-upon the three Estonian Men.

One managed to run away, a second was hit over the head with a steal pole and a third man was stabbed in the leg with a broken bottle. A major artery in his leg was severed and he was rushed to Hospital. Later on Sunday he died from the injury according to medical staff at the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

The incident, which is now a murder investigation, occurred only meters away from the Tourist Police Unit and is now being investigated by Pattaya Police and the Tourist Police as the hunt for the attackers continues. We understand that as of Monday Afternoon, no arrests had been made in connection with the attack.



Pattaya city News

monday 21st January 2008

Pattaya... What To Do... Easy Answer :D

I took SCUBA training here while stationed up country with the US Army in 1968. At that time Pattaya was a sleepy little place with just 2 bars at the South end of the beach and a US Army R & R center at the North end of the beach. I have been in Thailand a long time and understand most of what there is to understand about Thailand as my family is Thai and Thailand is my home.

Assault in Pattaya seems to be a common occurrence now-days. Almost happened to me last time I was in Pattaya by some drugged up Brit :D

Guess he ran into some people a few days later who needed a bit of exercise. His departure was delayed due to hospitalization required after the encounter :D

Funny thing... I have never hear of this sort of problem between the local foreigners & the local Thais so...

Thai & Local Foreigners Tale Note: In my opinion there are some tourists who come to Pattaya now days to not only have a bit of fun but to get into fights & such.

Tourists Take Note: Come to Pattaya :D bring money & a smile :bah: enjoy :o but... Leave your aggression at home. Deciding to punch-out the locals (not all of whom are Thai by the way) may be a really bad idea :bah:

Well said Stao!

I've lived in Pattaya for years and never had a problem with the Thai community but certainly a few from falang males and funnily enough on all of those occasions the Thai people have always come to my assistance and backed me up or pulled me away, whichever, was necessary at the time.

What I would also like to say is that the 3 Thai's who were trying to get the men into a bar were probably working on commission from that bar and possibly others in the area. It is quite common freelance employment especially when the bar is up a side street. I would say that this is possibly the reason why they behaved aggressively and offensively with the three Estonians because they had lost that commission.

If the Police are looking into it, they can ask the bar staff but doubt they will be given too much information because the bar staff will probably only know the nicknames because these men are not actual employees of the bar, just touts and if they think they are in trouble they will just disappear for a few months and then come back when their pals give them the all clear and work the same again as if nothing happened.

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A very sad story. Does anyone know what bar they were being ushered into? I would have thought it would be fairly straight forward to arrest the touts at the bar concerned and get one of them to talk. It sounds like they don't want justice. I wonder how the story is being reported in Estonia.

This is exactly right. Why weren't these captains of truth Justice and the "thai way of doing things" (the Tourist police - incapably supported by Howard from PCN) running up to the fight and breaking it up before things got out of hand? This is a VERY BIG black mark on Howard's posse of Tourist police and their pathetic band of Farang volunteers. Only meters away and the guy is murdered? This was always going to happen IMHO. They need to either get serious or get out, and put some professionals in the chair. This has as much blame to be laid at the feet of the aforementioned pathetic expats trying to meddle in police and security matters as it does with the Thais and the Thai police. Surely the visitors were stupid to return to the scene but the STUPID tourist police should have made sure they did not do that. They surely know what the risks would have been under those circumstances and at least taken some care to contact the boys from soi 9 on their behalf.

Pattaya is indeed becoming a very very much more dangerous place and I have lived here for 8 years, so I am not speculating.

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And what would happen if 3thaimen would pick a fight with some doormen at a stripjoint in estonia/russia ? :o

Thailand is one of the safer places i know of, unless you act like an ass.... :D

Still sad....but this is what happens all th time...usually with only thais involved though...

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And what would happen if 3thaimen would pick a fight with some doormen at a stripjoint in estonia/russia ? :o

Either place you would deal with Russian doormen. Not a good idea. They're big, mean and are often boxers or kickboxers . They don't need to call friends since the other doormen would be enough. Now in the past they have been known to pick on foreigners but I haven't heard the story lately. The difference, again, is that they will kick your behind for sure but they won't try to stab or shoot you. If they did, they would see jail time (in Estonia at least, can't say about Russia) and it would be a big scandal. Not long ago a single security guard beat up a single tourist outside a club and it was front-page news.

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One way to get the message across to both the local Thais and farang bar owners, is to VOTE WITH YOUR FEET, and don't go there. Since the main reason why they are there is to make $$, take it somewhere else. They'll understand that quite clearly without any arguments or spilled blood. Then maybe you'll some things get cleaned up.

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A terrible incident and even though Pattaya is not a fair representative of Thailand , it is something for those who keep slagging off the UK as a hellhole, something to pontificate over.


It is a horrible thing to happen to anyone, anywhere, but to suggest that only people in Thailand get drunk or high on drugs or bloated with an exaggerated sense of their own importance and then turn to violence is ridiculous. The sole reason these bars exist is to encourage men to spend all their money getting drunk and having sex-for-pay. Whether the victims or perpetrators are tourists or football supporters or doormen or farang or Thai in Pattaya or UK is really irrelevant. If you mix booze, testosterone, drugs, money, sex and egos together and then act surprised or self-righteously indignant at the results is at least disingenuous.

The same people who are pontificating now also seem to get bent out of shape whenever there is a ban on the sale of alcohol or some attempt to rein in the “entertainment” industry in Thailand or impose earlier closing hours.

When bouncers overstep the mark

By Chris Summers

BBC News Online

Three bouncers, and a friend, have been jailed in connection with the murder of a man who was stabbed to death in a case of mistaken identity. Legislation, being rolled out next month, aims to bring Britain's 100,000 doormen under control.

Naresh Shah was a victim of mistaken identity

By the end of this year all bouncers will have to be properly trained, vetted and licensed. But it will be too late for victim Naresh Shah.

One Saturday night in March last year Mr Shah, a 45-year-old accountant, was stabbed to death in his own home by a gang of thugs, some of whom worked as doormen at a nearby pub.

The doormen, who left their posts outside the pub for nine minutes to carry out the attack, only later realised they had targeted the wrong house.

Eventually all bouncers and doormen in England and Wales will have to have a licence from the Security Industry Authority (SIA), which is being launched on 1 April.

Similar legislation is planned by the Scottish Executive.

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IF this article is correct and this incident is laid out as kosha.

The victims did not warrant being set upon by a gang of the local thugs we are all too familiar with.

They should definitely have been accompanied to the T. Police,s main offices well away from the incident., and at least been given time to calm down and possibly defuse the situation.

It is unbelievable how many are slagging them, dismissing the incident and the cost of at least one life as if they had been responsible for the outcome.

This really is becoming an all to common accurance and needs addressing !!!!!!!!!

How do you propose to address it? Good on you for stating your opinion but in the meantime we have to deal with reality so Im going to avoid starting fights and recommend that others do to, unless they are masochists. Strangely the only people that want to fight me in Thailand are English, I find it quite entertaining when they try it with a thai.

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These things can happen in ANY big city in the world, sometimes even when people are not looking for trouble. Just take a look at this one from NYC... http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...071atrain1.html .

Moral of the story...in Thailand, you are generally safe as long as you don't p*s* people off... avoid confrontation when you're out and about at all times.

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"So the guys didn't want to go in the bar, the Thais got hostile, the guys make a complaint and are told to take it to the police station.

Basically a big FO.

The guys get angry and return to sort it out themselves as they see that the authorities aren't interested.

They are outnumbered 5 to 1, viciously beaten and one murdered within metres of the Tourist police point and no one is held responsible.

What a f@cking sick country Thailand has turned into.

You can try and rationalise it or compare it with other countries problems, but this is an all time low."

So true - im starting to lose my patience with this country to be honest.

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I am very sad.

I have lived here about 2 years now and visited here for 15 years.

When folks asked me why I wanted to move to Thailand one of my top reasons was the people.

Now it has become one of the main reason to leave.

I have had my pocket picked and my wife has had her wallet stolen out of her purse. These were not on Walking street. One was in Carrefour.

A motorbike thief tried to grab my baht chain as I traveled on a Baht bus. Perhaps the same miscreant attempted a snatch and grab of my wife's purse while on the back of a motorbike. Baht bus drivers extort us while they drive unsafely. Thais have little or none of the concepts most westerners consider fair or just, mob beatings are just a more obvious example. The police in my experience are useless.

We no longer wear the jewelry we have felt comfortable wearing everywhere else in the world we have traveled. Workmen have stolen from us, broken things, and shown a high level of incompetence and disdain. The farangs that front all the repair and building companies that we have used acknowledge that their workers are lazy and must be constantly supervised.

The thievery of Thai maids leave us doing our own housework, not a big deal but it adds up. Part of the draw to Thailand was its affordability. That also is changing, especially if you add in all the thievery petty and not so petty. Do you wonder why it is difficult to get adequate insurance against theft in this country, I no longer wonder. Loss by theft is most often limited to 10% of the amount of insurance you buy and excludes most of the shiny things the thieves are most attracted too.

So why am I still here, I ask myself? The number one reason are the friends, farang and Thai, I have made. Another is the hope that outside of Pattaya is the other Thailand. I hope that we can find a beach area not swollen with human waste and industrial pollution. I will spend much of this new year looking for the Thailand I perhaps naively hoped to find. If not the search will continue elsewhere.

Stay well and stay safe


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One way to get the message across to both the local Thais and farang bar owners, is to VOTE WITH YOUR FEET, and don't go there. Since the main reason why they are there is to make $$, take it somewhere else. They'll understand that quite clearly without any arguments or spilled blood. Then maybe you'll some things get cleaned up.

Hmmm. How about a special section in the tourist guides/maps that come out every month? Have a list of clubs/bars/whatever where tourists have been attacked over the past 12 months and include details. So a bar knows it will be 12 months of image tarnishing advertising if they let something get out of hand. Well, at least until the publisher gets shot or run out of town. Or, to avoid offending a bar owner and pressing your luck, have a map of the popular areas with little different colors stars placed where the action took place. Red for a bloody attack, blue for brusies, etc. Skull & crossbones for death. That way tourists can avoid those areas without having to name a specific business.

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If you asked a decent educated middle class Thai if they'd like to spend some time down at walking street, or any other red light sleaze hole for that matter, you'd get a look as though you'd asked a trully awful question. Walking street is not Thaland - it's a shithole, just like all the other sleaze bag shitholes that a lot of foriegners seem to be attracted to. And, just like others' like it around the world, it attracts locals who are at the lowest rung of societies ladder to work/ply their trades there - prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers and petty criminals. For those of you that haven't worked it out yet, places like walking street continue to exist because the powers that be know that if they were closed/shut down over night, there would be an immediate massive increase in the jail populations.

A lot of the Pattaya bashers have probably never been there. At times of celebration like Christmas and New Years Eve a lot of decent educated middle class Thais come to Pattaya. It's Thailand's most cosmopolitan city. Just because some prudes are offended by gogo bars doesn't mean the law shouldn't be enforced.

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The incident, which is now a murder investigation, occurred only meters away from the Tourist Police Unit.

So the guys didn't want to go in the bar, the Thais got hostile, the guys make a complaint and are told to take it to the police station.

Basically a big FO.

The guys get angry and return to sort it out themselves as they see that the authorities aren't interested.

They are outnumbered 5 to 1, viciously beaten and one murdered within metres of the Tourist police point and no one is held responsible.

What a f@cking sick country Thailand has turned into.

You can try and rationalise it or compare it with other countries problems, but this is an all time low.

No need to attack Thailand. It has always been this way. Don't try and use violence on a Thai unless you are prepared to die. This applies to a Thai using violence on another Thai. If you don't understand this basic idea, and don't accept it, then you don't belong here, and you are light years from understanding Thai thinking. Its the Thai way. Either love it or leave it cause isn't going to change to suit your ethics you brought here with you.

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Cowards indeed. A few months ago my buddy played pool in a bar off Walking St, he beat a Thai guy and his mate and won 500 bht. The Thai was so angry he had lost face and wanted to fight, my buddy obliged and bashed the Thai guy up in a one to one fare fight, we then were told by the boss of the bar to get away quick or die,( his words.) We returned a week latter and the boss told us, three minutes after we left, 10 guys came to the bar all armed with sticks and wanted FARANG BLOOD. Scum Bags or what. I told this to the boss of the George and he said a similar thing happened to him but the Thai guy returned with a cop and demanded 50,000 plus 20 for the cop, John refused and was taken to the cop shop where they took his passport and was charged with assalt. He went to court and was fined 2000,000 +++

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Cowards indeed. A few months ago my buddy played pool in a bar off Walking St, he beat a Thai guy and his mate and won 500 bht. The Thai was so angry he had lost face and wanted to fight, my buddy obliged and bashed the Thai guy up in a one to one fare fight, we then were told by the boss of the bar to get away quick or die,( his words.) We returned a week latter and the boss told us, three minutes after we left, 10 guys came to the bar all armed with sticks and wanted FARANG BLOOD. Scum Bags or what. I told this to the boss of the George and he said a similar thing happened to him but the Thai guy returned with a cop and demanded 50,000 plus 20 for the cop, John refused and was taken to the cop shop where they took his passport and was charged with assalt. He went to court and was fined 2000,000 +++

Why didn't your friend just walk away and save face himself? You go looking for trouble in any walk of life don't be surprised to find it, it's not that well hidden!

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