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Anyone For Rat?


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I've eaten rat. My uncle puts out live traps in the fields and eats the rats he catches. It is gamey tasting and greasey. If it was the only meat available to eat I could probably get used to it but under normal conditions if offered it again I would either pass or just take a small taste as a reminder of what its like.


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They said it's taste like Chicken? I don't know, ve never tried...but some insects and one kind of cockroach that live in rice field.

BY the way, my younger brother has tried dog before when he went to Sakonnakorn. He thought it was beef :o !

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Although I have never eaten it, I believe the environment it lives in makes a difference to the taste. So a rat from the wheat fields would taste far better than one from the sewer! :o

ps Does anyone know why they drown the rats? Rather than kill them in more 'humane' way.

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Well, if you drowned a rat aren't you giving it a chance to reflect on its life and come to terms with some of the loose ends that he or she had been putting off?....where as killing them more humanely (I read this as being "quickly") would rob them of the chance for meaningful closure on these issues?


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I much prefer frog to rat.

I prefer frog too but still don't like it too much.

Frogs are great.....especially the little ones fried crispy and eaten whole!!! One of my favorites!!!! If anyone tries these and finds them to be acceptable but not inspiring I suggest they try to get some that are fairly freshly killed (wild ones seem to be the better than farmed ones) and eat them immediately after frying...let them cool down to room temperature first.


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