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Phuket: How Dangerous Is It?

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There has been a lot in the news lately about robberies, muggings, attacks and even murders of Westerners in Phuket. It’s easy to over-react to this sort of thing. It’s also very hard to get accurate data on the subject of crime.

I have only been on Phuket for a year so have nothing much to compare it to. But for those of you who have been here for a while, is it getting worse? Is it really a dangerous place to live? Is the term “crime wave” being over-dramatic?

Secondly, what sort of precautions are reasonable to take? Should Westerners arm themselves, not go out at night, drive around in armoured cars? Personally speaking, we have bars on our windows (as most Thais do), I have vetoed my GF’s suggestion to buy guns, but we do have personal alarms and pepper sprays. I am feeling less comfortable about going round the island on a scooter and think we may have to invest in a four-wheeled vehicle.

What do the rest of you think? What sort of precautions do you think are reasonable?

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If you want trouble, you normally find trouble. (simple as that) I think most crime can be avoided with a little common sense. Phuket isn't anymore dangerous than most places in the world.

If you want trouble, you normally find trouble. (simple as that) I think most crime can be avoided with a little common sense. Phuket isn't anymore dangerous than most places in the world.

Well yes I agree but I need to know what you mean by "a little common sense". I'm not sure that I have it:-)

So much crime reported lately has been people being kicked off their motor scootors while riding home. Sounds like they weren't looking for trouble, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Dont do business or succeed.. Dont be out on the dark roads between tourist places at deepest darkest night... Dont get a heavy insurance policy on yourself..


You can be unlucky anywhere but if you aren't showing off, being a tosser or being some where when you shouldn't be, you won't have any dramas

You can be unlucky anywhere but if you aren't showing off, being a tosser or being some where when you shouldn't be, you won't have any dramas

Well dissagree strongly..

2 mates armed robbery and gunfire last week.. Another mate armed robbery about 6 months ago.

A year or two back close mates wife abducted at gunpoint, kidnapped and drugged, nakhon hitmen hired on the mate.. All to steal land / houses as he was doing ok and was then a target to be taken down. Police reaction ?? Shes Mia farang, why bother ??

Another mate knife attack and then the whole crowd joined in (when he disarmed and disabled the attacker) ending in a wallbrick to the face and a nose flat in line with his cheekbones.

This is in a circle of close mates not just stories and bar gossip.. All of these unprovoked and for no known or obvious reasons. None were 'being a tosser'..


read the first 5 words


As in, sometimes you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, unlucky..........


Random muggings can happen anywhere in the world, so all one can do is to act in a prudent manner to reduce the risk of being a victim. In respect to other violent crimes, I think the lifestyle choices of alot of the victims contribute to their incidents. Wherever there is lots of booze and single males, there is the potential for idiocy and mob behaviour. In any case, I find the incidence of petty crime no different than my home city, except that on my soi, I never came out to see a long line of vehicles vandalized or having had their windows busted by thieves. At least the beggers here go about their business quietly and don't threaten folks like they do where I come from.

read the first 5 words


As in, sometimes you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, unlucky..........

I understand that.. But unlucky means being a statistical anomaly.. This is multiple violent crimes all within a group of 30 or so people I know.

When was the last time a mates wife had gun carrying guys come to the door, but a bag over a head, kidnap and drug, steal cash and make her sign land papers and debt cancellations (and police have 0 interest in solving it) back home ?? For me never !!

When was the last time one of my mates back home was shot at, or had a gun to the face when popping into a 7/11 for milk.. Also never..

I am not a doom and gloomer.. The sky isnt falling.. But those that think that the ratio of farang violent and armed crime isnt high here are mad. Just check the muder by firearms rate (I think last time I looked it was no 3 in the world). Then add in that in the last couple of years farangs have become a very much soft target for non island natives to hit on and run off upcountry with the spoils.

There has been a lot in the news lately about robberies, muggings, attacks and even murders of Westerners in Phuket. It's easy to over-react to this sort of thing. It's also very hard to get accurate data on the subject of crime.

I have only been on Phuket for a year so have nothing much to compare it to. But for those of you who have been here for a while, is it getting worse? Is it really a dangerous place to live? Is the term "crime wave" being over-dramatic?

Secondly, what sort of precautions are reasonable to take? Should Westerners arm themselves, not go out at night, drive around in armoured cars? Personally speaking, we have bars on our windows (as most Thais do), I have vetoed my GF's suggestion to buy guns, but we do have personal alarms and pepper sprays. I am feeling less comfortable about going round the island on a scooter and think we may have to invest in a four-wheeled vehicle.

What do the rest of you think? What sort of precautions do you think are reasonable?

I think the crimes against falangs here are increasing. Phuket as a whole, is a target for people from other provinces to come in, do their crime and head home. There is money here, everybody knows it.

I know during low season this last year, the viewpoint road from Kata to Nai Hairn was VERY dangerous late at night. Recently in Patong there was the Downs Syndrome Danish fellow knocked off early in the morning. Common factors, bad places to be at those hours.

The problem is the police. They are terrible and there are just not enough of them.

There has been a lot in the news lately about robberies, muggings, attacks and even murders of Westerners in Phuket. It's easy to over-react to this sort of thing. It's also very hard to get accurate data on the subject of crime.

I have only been on Phuket for a year so have nothing much to compare it to. But for those of you who have been here for a while, is it getting worse? Is it really a dangerous place to live? Is the term "crime wave" being over-dramatic?

Secondly, what sort of precautions are reasonable to take? Should Westerners arm themselves, not go out at night, drive around in armoured cars? Personally speaking, we have bars on our windows (as most Thais do), I have vetoed my GF's suggestion to buy guns, but we do have personal alarms and pepper sprays. I am feeling less comfortable about going round the island on a scooter and think we may have to invest in a four-wheeled vehicle.

What do the rest of you think? What sort of precautions do you think are reasonable?

I think the crimes against falangs here are increasing. Phuket as a whole, is a target for people from other provinces to come in, do their crime and head home. There is money here, everybody knows it.

I know during low season this last year, the viewpoint road from Kata to Nai Hairn was VERY dangerous late at night. Recently in Patong there was the Downs Syndrome Danish fellow knocked off early in the morning. Common factors, bad places to be at those hours.

The problem is the police. They are terrible and there are just not enough of them.

I agree.

All countries, cities have areas to avoid, venture forth at yer own risk, I say.

Hafta have fun, but in a safe environment.

Scariest city I bin in, Vancouver.

(Bugga, neva see spelling errors till posted.......grrrrrrrrrr)


Personal friend had a gun pulled on him 2 nights ago in between Patong and Kata/Karon (Le Meridia Area) after being kicked off his scooter, motorbike and cash was stolen.

2 months ago very close friend was attacked by 2 thais in soi sansabai, beaten repeatedly in the head with 2x steel poles, many bystanders nobody did a thing, was eventually rushed to emergency with his brains almost hanging out along with massive head injuries and had 68 stitches to the back part of his head, and then put on the first plane home in the morning...Dr's back in Aus said he was lucky not to die during the flight as he had severe injuries internally.

there are numerous stabbings and shootings at Safari club that never get mentioned...i personally know of 3 stabbings in the last 3 weeks at Safari.


On another note ive lived here 3 years and i still love the place, you gotta take the good with the bad!! But it does appear to be getting somewhat worse unfortunatly


Presumably if it continues to worsen, it will have an impact on the tourist industry. At that point, they will have to do something about it. However, one improvement I have noticed is that may roads are now lit which only a year or so ago were very dark. I think a few more CCTV cameras would be a good idea.


My father and I were walking back from the beach in Kamala the other week and two guys came past on a motorbike and ripped his bag off his shoulder. Thankfully all they got were his sweaty gym shorts, but I can't remember seeing stuff like this in broad daylight here before. I hear we have problems on the road between Kamala/Surin now too.


my two bob?

patong is still incredibly safe when compared with major cities worldwide or other tourist destinations. however violent crime and targeting farang is on the increase I think, and here is why.

1. patong attracts thais from other areas of thailand who believe there is easy money to be made. as outsiders they have less restraint in behaving criminally as they are outside there normal surroundings where they would be cultural restraints eg family. additionally a high proportion of these thais would be from the criminal lumpen elements with prior expertise in money lending, drug dealing, burglary, robbery, etc.

2. patong has an extremely high proportion of rich falang retirees who are prepared to pay crazy prices for houses and land. this in turn puts pressure on rents, which in turn puts pressure on the price of basics, which in turn puts a heavy financial pressure on the thais living here to secure money by `whatever means`. Add to that a perception that all farang are incredibly wealthy, and that the police will largely ignore attacks on farang, then farang become a target.

The solution? Send every article you find on attacks on farang to farang newspapers and the wire services. when it attracts attention and begins to effect the `face` of thailand and impacts tourism, something will be done.

my two bob?

patong is still incredibly safe when compared with major cities worldwide or other tourist destinations. however violent crime and targeting farang is on the increase I think, and here is why.

1. patong attracts thais from other areas of thailand who believe there is easy money to be made. as outsiders they have less restraint in behaving criminally as they are outside there normal surroundings where they would be cultural restraints eg family. additionally a high proportion of these thais would be from the criminal lumpen elements with prior expertise in money lending, drug dealing, burglary, robbery, etc.

2. patong has an extremely high proportion of rich falang retirees who are prepared to pay crazy prices for houses and land. this in turn puts pressure on rents, which in turn puts pressure on the price of basics, which in turn puts a heavy financial pressure on the thais living here to secure money by `whatever means`. Add to that a perception that all farang are incredibly wealthy, and that the police will largely ignore attacks on farang, then farang become a target.

The solution? Send every article you find on attacks on farang to farang newspapers and the wire services. when it attracts attention and begins to effect the `face` of thailand and impacts tourism, something will be done.

It's not a bad idea. The British papers certainly love the "Crime in Paradise" type stories.


Do you think a high proportion of farangs on Phuket are criminals?

EVERY farang I know well in Phuket is a career criminal (no exaggeration!).

That could be something about me though.

2 mates armed robbery and gunfire last week.. Another mate armed robbery about 6 months ago.

A year or two back close mates wife abducted at gunpoint, kidnapped and drugged, nakhon hitmen hired on the mate.. All to steal land / houses as he was doing ok and was then a target to be taken down. Police reaction ?? Shes Mia farang, why bother ??

Another mate knife attack and then the whole crowd joined in (when he disarmed and disabled the attacker) ending in a wallbrick to the face and a nose flat in line with his cheekbones.

This is in a circle of close mates not just stories and bar gossip.. All of these unprovoked and for no known or obvious reasons. None were 'being a tosser'..

As a public service you ought to post your photo , just so nobody inadvertently increases their risk of being subject to violent crime by becoming your mate :o


Career criminals ??

I know a few that talk like wido's.. 99% of it is pure bullshit tho..

This is very true also from my experience... who cares anyway?? Easiest thing to be bad, do drugs, steal and rip people off... isn't nothing to be proud or brag about in my opinion. In the years I've been coming to Thailand I've met a lot more <deleted> than anything else really.. Farang that come to Thailand, think 'I've got BIG money and can do what the hel_l I like'. Yeah great man... wicked, no wonder you keep getting robbed and beaten up you loon. Only problem is the ripple effect is gradually going outwards and now effecting everyone.

Sure it's dangerous in Phuket.. and probably more so than it used to be. For the many reasons stated by others above this is true, of course. Where I come from in England I wouldn't drive down the beach road on a motorbike in the early hours alone, no way.. I'd be asking for trouble. Use your common sense!

That said the world is becoming more dangerous all the time... as ever it's people turning on people. Greed and the media being responsible for a lot of it. It must be pretty gut wrenching to sit at home and watch TV to see all the advertising for houses, shiny new pickups and Fortuna's etc.. but know that you can't afford it. Then you go out to work the next day and see some rich fat Farang driving around in his Fortuna, with two young Thai girls draped in gold... how would that make you feel? ..pretty pissed off I reckon. Add to that the myth that all Farang are rich anyway, it's no wonder things are heading the way they are.

/rant over

Don't worry... look forward to the surf in April!



my two bob?

patong is still incredibly safe when compared with major cities worldwide or other tourist destinations. however violent crime and targeting farang is on the increase I think, and here is why.

1. patong attracts thais from other areas of thailand who believe there is easy money to be made. as outsiders they have less restraint in behaving criminally as they are outside there normal surroundings where they would be cultural restraints eg family. additionally a high proportion of these thais would be from the criminal lumpen elements with prior expertise in money lending, drug dealing, burglary, robbery, etc.

2. patong has an extremely high proportion of rich falang retirees who are prepared to pay crazy prices for houses and land. this in turn puts pressure on rents, which in turn puts pressure on the price of basics, which in turn puts a heavy financial pressure on the thais living here to secure money by `whatever means`. Add to that a perception that all farang are incredibly wealthy, and that the police will largely ignore attacks on farang, then farang become a target.

The solution? Send every article you find on attacks on farang to farang newspapers and the wire services. when it attracts attention and begins to effect the `face` of thailand and impacts tourism, something will be done.

It's not a bad idea. The British papers certainly love the "Crime in Paradise" type stories.

Hope it works. Crime in Pattaya seems to be far worse, judging by the regular crime articles in the Pataya Mail, but years ago I would never have thought to make the comparison. Someone said on a similar thread previously that the crime in Phuket is no worse than years ago, just that it is more well known due to better media reporting and forums such as this one. I hope that's true, but I don't know that it is. The only serious (of sorts) incident I have been involved in was a drunk farang waving a pistol around in a bar about eighteen months ago. Cheating with money/short changeing from Thais occurs often enough, but always has. Of course, places such as Patong are far larger than they were 20 years ago and and bound to attract more of the wrong element, but I still find the majority of Thai people, even in the tourist precincts, to be good folk. Probably more troublemaking farang in the tourist areas than troublemaking Thais.

Career criminals ??

I know a few that talk like wido's.. 99% of it is pure bullshit tho..

This is very true also from my experience... who cares anyway?? Easiest thing to be bad, do drugs, steal and rip people off... isn't nothing to be proud or brag about in my opinion. In the years I've been coming to Thailand I've met a lot more <deleted> than anything else really.. Farang that come to Thailand, think 'I've got BIG money and can do what the hel_l I like'. Yeah great man... wicked, no wonder you keep getting robbed and beaten up you loon. Only problem is the ripple effect is gradually going outwards and now effecting everyone.

Sure it's dangerous in Phuket.. and probably more so than it used to be. For the many reasons stated by others above this is true, of course. Where I come from in England I wouldn't drive down the beach road on a motorbike in the early hours alone, no way.. I'd be asking for trouble. Use your common sense!

That said the world is becoming more dangerous all the time... as ever it's people turning on people. Greed and the media being responsible for a lot of it. It must be pretty gut wrenching to sit at home and watch TV to see all the advertising for houses, shiny new pickups and Fortuna's etc.. but know that you can't afford it. Then you go out to work the next day and see some rich fat Farang driving around in his Fortuna, with two young Thai girls draped in gold... how would that make you feel? ..pretty pissed off I reckon. Add to that the myth that all Farang are rich anyway, it's no wonder things are heading the way they are.

/rant over

Don't worry... look forward to the surf in April!



I agree with the consumerism thing. And the figures just don’t seem to add up in Thailand. Thai TV seems to be non-stop worship of wealth and consumerism, preaching a lifestyle that very few can afford.

In the UK the latest mobile phone must cost the price of a good meal. In Thailand it could be three months wages. I have no idea how or why they buy them. And as for cars, in Europe I used to pay about one months wages for a car. In Thailand it seems like 5 years wages.

Put the very rich and the very poor together and its asking for trouble.

my two bob?

patong is still incredibly safe when compared with major cities worldwide or other tourist destinations. however violent crime and targeting farang is on the increase I think, and here is why.

1. patong attracts thais from other areas of thailand who believe there is easy money to be made. as outsiders they have less restraint in behaving criminally as they are outside there normal surroundings where they would be cultural restraints eg family. additionally a high proportion of these thais would be from the criminal lumpen elements with prior expertise in money lending, drug dealing, burglary, robbery, etc.

2. patong has an extremely high proportion of rich falang retirees who are prepared to pay crazy prices for houses and land. this in turn puts pressure on rents, which in turn puts pressure on the price of basics, which in turn puts a heavy financial pressure on the thais living here to secure money by `whatever means`. Add to that a perception that all farang are incredibly wealthy, and that the police will largely ignore attacks on farang, then farang become a target.

The solution? Send every article you find on attacks on farang to farang newspapers and the wire services. when it attracts attention and begins to effect the `face` of thailand and impacts tourism, something will be done.

It's not a bad idea. The British papers certainly love the "Crime in Paradise" type stories.

Hope it works. Crime in Pattaya seems to be far worse, judging by the regular crime articles in the Pataya Mail, but years ago I would never have thought to make the comparison. Someone said on a similar thread previously that the crime in Phuket is no worse than years ago, just that it is more well known due to better media reporting and forums such as this one. I hope that's true, but I don't know that it is. The only serious (of sorts) incident I have been involved in was a drunk farang waving a pistol around in a bar about eighteen months ago. Cheating with money/short changeing from Thais occurs often enough, but always has. Of course, places such as Patong are far larger than they were 20 years ago and and bound to attract more of the wrong element, but I still find the majority of Thai people, even in the tourist precincts, to be good folk. Probably more troublemaking farang in the tourist areas than troublemaking Thais.

As for your comments about “Phuket is no worse than years ago” I have also heard this. My gf, who grew up in Phuket but then moved to BKK, says that when she was young people would not go to Patong. "There were Mafioso on the hill who would kill you and steal your motor scooter. Everywhere was very dark and very dangerous."

But its so hard to know whether this sort of thing is in any way objective or meaningful.

At the end of the day I am just trying to decide, if I were to start a family here in Phuket, would I be being irresponsible.


Perhaps, you should consider the traffic situation.

More people I know have been hurt in traffic accidents than have been victims of crimes.

I think the two things most people agree on are 1) Phuket is more crowded and 2) its traffic is worse now than before.

But, sure, lots of other things have improved: cinemas, hospitals, hotels, entertainment, and so on.

But, then again, the traffic injuries and fatalities are very, very real and plentiful. Don't just look at the statistic (which are pretty bad), look around when you go out.

Perhaps, you should consider the traffic situation.

More people I know have been hurt in traffic accidents than have been victims of crimes.

I think the two things most people agree on are 1) Phuket is more crowded and 2) its traffic is worse now than before.

But, sure, lots of other things have improved: cinemas, hospitals, hotels, entertainment, and so on.

But, then again, the traffic injuries and fatalities are very, very real and plentiful. Don't just look at the statistic (which are pretty bad), look around when you go out.

Agreed. I only have to ask about my gf's fmaily. Father dead and eldest brother dead from "traffic accidents", I just never know if traffic accidents in Phuket are genuine accidents or foul play. In any case, I'm not sure I want to add to the list of fatalaities.


Hope I'm not wandering off topic here, Ade, but I have to make the observation that more money (locally) = more cars and less m/bikes. The infrastructure is already struggling - there is no way it could cope with more of the locals being able to afford four wheels. I shudder to think what the traffic situation will be like in ten or fifteen years, especially in Phuket Town.


In my view its getting worse full stop from bangkok down, Pattaya , Phuket, Samui any major tourist center. Before was different in that to attack kill a foreigner was taken more seriously, now its seen as nothing at all. Agree many come down for a quick smash and grab but in general more and more crimes are commited by ever younger thai males with weapons. Believe the authorities never had much control but now far less and definately a "don't care less attitude". If people can come back so fast after the tsunami what's the loss of a few foreigners, same principal that no life guards in a place where tourism is so important. Would not cost much, but they dont care, after all you can just come back in next life.

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