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Farang Police Volunteers


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touchy subject, it was tried before in the pattaya forum.

i say yes they are needed in tourist places if they are doing their job description.

the problem seems to occur when they go beyond helping the tourists with their problems and start to think they have more power than they actually do.

secret bar stings and grassing up vcd sellers is NOT what i thought they were supposed to be doing.


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Personally I find these volunteers to be the absolute lowest form of Pond Life!.

I can think of no excuse for their actions, they are not needed!

The Thai Tourist Police can speak very good English and are fairly helpful so why the need of these fools, what benefit to anyone are they? :o

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There are foreigners employed by Thai police to do what?

1. Catch the drug dealers, Thai and farang

2. Catch the Paedo's and the people who peddle it.

3. Anything to make Thailand a better place!

There are certain doors that open for a farang face that will not open to a Thai face and visa versa, it makes sense for the Thai police to employ Farang.

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I know nothing about the subject, please tell more. There are foreigners employed by Thai police to do what? Help tourists with what? Grass up who? What is their legal status?

Maybe this explains the suicides.

Do they have work permits for what they do?

Even "volunteers" need a permit!!!

Time for the Labour Dept to take a look and deport these pseudo cops!!

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Do they have a special work permit or permission form the Department of Interior as required under Thai law - even when volunteering?

Who will be the first to check and demand that they present it.

Failure to produce would call for arrest and deportation after a stay at the Immigration Confinement Facility.


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I have met a few of these "volunteers". Most have some sort of dodgy history and have been recruited because it has come to the police attention and been offered as an alternative to imprisonment especially if they have no money for a bribe!.

Interesting point about the work permits. I hope immigration is made aware and these "volunteers" position is clarified.

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I think about these guys as RENT A COPS in the USA. My opinion is they are worthless after a couple of weeks because by then they start adapting to the local customs instead of thinking about where they came from and what there job should actually be...

Example: I am a Retired Marine of 44 years of age...When Marines visit Thailand for an exercise I usally know in advance and get an invitiation from both the Thai and US to go to where they are at...No I am not working for either side. However my heart still belongs tm the Marines both past and present. I have sit on walking street in Pattaya and observed these RENT A COPS talking to Thai police and Tourist Police about a Marine because he or she is loud or doesn't look right in their eyes...When I see this I usally go up to the Marines in question AND IDENTIFY MYSELF and let them know that these RENT A COPS and others are watching them. After a UH RAAH they usally just move on and try and stay away from these crooked idiot's...

Yes these so called volunteers couyld be of some use if they were on ther own in pairs with radio backup etc...But when you put rotten apples with good apples you get more rotten apples....

Let the Tourist police do their job! I don't trust any of them and I have a high ranking Police friend in the Bangkok area that even though I have drank and ate with him and we still are good friends I would never trust or want him on the other side of me..

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There are actually real western police officers in Thailand, sent on official business to help the Thai police out with drug dealers, pedophiles etc. Several european countries have officers stationed permanently in Thailand and I have met an FBI drug enforcement officer that work in Thailand sometimes.

As for busting "vcd sellers", that's could be employees of law firms that deal with intellectual property rights. It's their job to track down manufacturers and distributors of contraband even though I have been told that they are more interested in getting the manufacturers rather than some end-of-the-chain kid that sell VCDs...

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There are actually real western police officers in Thailand, sent on official business to help the Thai police out with drug dealers, pedophiles etc. Several european countries have officers stationed permanently in Thailand and I have met an FBI drug enforcement officer that work in Thailand sometimes.

As for busting "vcd sellers", that's could be employees of law firms that deal with intellectual property rights. It's their job to track down manufacturers and distributors of contraband even though I have been told that they are more interested in getting the manufacturers rather than some end-of-the-chain kid that sell VCDs...

Most foreign Embassies have an investigative police presence and they cooperate with Thai Police. They are real police unlike the pseudo's at Pattaya.

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"They really have to be a bit off to want the job in the first place. "

Well said.

To date in Pattaya their claim to fame is busting flower girls, small time knock-off retailers and a Uzbek business of ill repute. Oh, and the closing of a thai owned ST place in Jontien who must have been late with their payments?

Their stated purpose is to intercede for falang tourists in a jam, but the Tourist Police have FAR BETTER multilingual skills. They are certainly working without the proper work permits. There is nothing about this whole program which makes sense and law enforcement should be left to professionals, period.


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"They really have to be a bit off to want the job in the first place. "

Well said.

To date in Pattaya their claim to fame is busting flower girls, small time knock-off retailers and a Uzbek business of ill repute. Oh, and the closing of a thai owned ST place in Jontien who must have been late with their payments?

Their stated purpose is to intercede for falang tourists in a jam, but the Tourist Police have FAR BETTER multilingual skills. They are certainly working without the proper work permits. There is nothing about this whole program which makes sense and law enforcement should be left to professionals, period.


The boyscouts refused 'em membership as kids. And here is another opportunity to be a caped crusader.

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Is being a retired marine that important in the overall scheme of things ?

They probably tell him U Rahhh to get him away from them We just had a news report in the states that the US Military is going to come down hard on Service members that use prostitutes this was mainly in Korea but going to be military wide whereever they go So those members better keep an look out even more don't know who may be watching now.

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"the US Military is going to come down hard on Service members that use prostitutes"

There won't be any Service members left. World peace at last...

As for the pseudo cops, the 'suicides' in Pattaya make sense now, I won't say I'll donate some used Tesco shopping bags because it would be the wrong thing to say.

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"the US Military is going to come down hard on Service members that use prostitutes"

There won't be any Service members left. World peace at last...

As for the pseudo cops, the 'suicides' in Pattaya make sense now, I won't say  I'll donate some used Tesco shopping bags because it would be the wrong thing to say.

Well that's what i seen on the news but are they going to implement what they say probably been saying this for years and didn't the US military start the trend(Bars and Bargirls) that is in thailand now during the vietnam war? :o

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Is being a retired marine that important in the overall scheme of things ?

They probably tell him U Rahhh to get him away from them We just had a news report in the states that the US Military is going to come down hard on Service members that use prostitutes this was mainly in Korea but going to be military wide whereever they go So those members better keep an look out even more don't know who may be watching now.

General McArthur had a mia noi. Was that a lot different ?

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Is being a retired marine that important in the overall scheme of things ?

They probably tell him U Rahhh to get him away from them We just had a news report in the states that the US Military is going to come down hard on Service members that use prostitutes this was mainly in Korea but going to be military wide whereever they go So those members better keep an look out even more don't know who may be watching now.

General McArthur had a mia noi. Was that a lot different ?

Really Doc? :o

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