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Money To The Thai "family"


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Lioness the book you mention cannot be highly enough praised highly enough. I pity the people who read

it too late, best time would be on plane to Thailand for the first time. However the more people who recognise themselves

in the book the less they will part with their money and dignity and the more grateful they will feel to be still standing.

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Just let it runs it's course. Dissaster will be inevitable no matter what you tell him. By the way. His GF doesn't go by the nickname of pep, pepsi or jade. That's the nick name before anyone jumps down my throat. The story sounds very similar to a collegue, but I guess they all do.

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Lioness the book you mention cannot be highly enough praised highly enough. I pity the people who read

it too late, best time would be on plane to Thailand for the first time. However the more people who recognise themselves

in the book the less they will part with their money and dignity and the more grateful they will feel to be still standing.

Private Dancer is a good book to pass the time on the beach or the train but is not and should not be a bible for visitors to Thailand!!

To think that most farang / Thai relationships end like the idiot in the novel is madness!!

You might as well recommend reading Cujo before buying a dog or reading Hostel before travelling in Eastern Europe!!

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Lioness the book you mention cannot be highly enough praised highly enough. I pity the people who read

it too late, best time would be on plane to Thailand for the first time. However the more people who recognise themselves

in the book the less they will part with their money and dignity and the more grateful they will feel to be still standing.

Private Dancer is a good book to pass the time on the beach or the train but is not and should not be a bible for visitors to Thailand!!

To think that most farang / Thai relationships end like the idiot in the novel is madness!!

You might as well recommend reading Cujo before buying a dog or reading Hostel before travelling in Eastern Europe!!

I would recommend Cujo to anyone buying a rabid St. Bernard, and I would recommend Private Dancer to anyone getting seriously involved with a Thai Prostitute.

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Scotwumman, yes I agree, I think it should be read by everyone visiting Thailand for the first time, Highlander says it shouldn't be used as a bible, and Huey reccomends it for anyone getting involved with a Prostitute.

It's not a case of using it as a bible, and on the other side of things people don't always know if the girl is a prostitute or not.

I think it is a good read and anyone reading it would have an awareness of how things work, down the track this would give you warning bells i.e. Mother, father seriously ill in hospital, sister needs an organ transplant, house about to be repossessed as can't pay the mortgage etc.

I know not everyone is the same, however having an awareness of how things can turn out, well forewarned, is forearmed so to speak.

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I think it is a good read and anyone reading it would have an awareness of how things work, down the track this would give you warning bells i.e. Mother, father seriously ill in hospital, sister needs an organ transplant, house about to be repossessed as can't pay the mortgage etc.

Yeah, it's amazing how poor people wanna get as much as they can from people who travel across the world to exploit their poverty, whatever next !

Maybe you think that the Thai Women who work in Bars should reimburse Farangs their airfares, poor innocent souls that they are.

There are winners and losers in the P4P game all over the world, I could tell you some stories about Girls from UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Sweden etc etc working in Hostess Bars in Tokyo that would make your hair curl.

Some of them make the few fortunate women that actually do strike it lucky in Thailand look like rank amateurs. :o

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I think it is a good read and anyone reading it would have an awareness of how things work, down the track this would give you warning bells i.e. Mother, father seriously ill in hospital, sister needs an organ transplant, house about to be repossessed as can't pay the mortgage etc.

Yeah, it's amazing how poor people wanna get as much as they can from people who travel across the world to exploit their poverty, whatever next !

Maybe you think that the Thai Women who work in Bars should reimburse Farangs their airfares, poor innocent souls that they are.

There are winners and losers in the P4P game all over the world, I could tell you some stories about Girls from UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Sweden etc etc working in Hostess Bars in Tokyo that would make your hair curl.

Some of them make the few fortunate women that actually do strike it lucky in Thailand look like rank amateurs. :o

andthank you maigo. lol lol lol

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Maigo6 I don;t believe for one second that people travel across the world to exploit other peoples poverty. Well maybe you did, you seem to think you have the answers. Grow up.

Wow lioness if you TRUELY believe that then you have lead a blessed and sheltered life, and apparently one with little time spent learning much about history. Some people will travel any distance if they think they can exploit another man's (or woman's) poverty to their advantage.

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Maigo6 I don;t believe for one second that people travel across the world to exploit other peoples poverty. Well maybe you did, you seem to think you have the answers. Grow up.

What Planet are you on ? :D

And you ask me to grow up, 5555555555.

I would suggest that you read far too many works of fiction. :o

P.S. What did Father Christmas bring you last year ?

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Huey, you said it yourself " some people".

Definately not all, and yes there are genuine people out there.

Maigo 6 I am on planet Earth and no, I don't read works of ficton, unfortunately of late I have got into the habit of reading s--- from people like you. Fortunately there are some good intelligent posts too and that is why I will keep reading. I wonder why people like you are attracted to this, is it a way to express your self, vent frustrations, or maybe it makes you feel like a big macho man. Whatever, very little of what you say has any real intelligence behind it, more joke value than anything.

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If the guy finds a few months of happiness and it costs him 6,000 Baht a month for that happiness, who are you to try to tell him otherwise ?

At least he is happy at the moment, you could actually read a few of the threads on Thai related forums like this one and see all the miserable bitter unhappy Farangs in Thailand, how on earth you can get good advice from this lot heaven knows, look how happy they are!! Always bleedin' moaning. If they knew how to be happy, they wouldn't be so bleedin miserable would they? :o

So for 6000 per month his happiness is cheap. ( Hardly a kings ransom is it )

Leave the guy alone, he will not thank you for interfering, he is probably big enough to make his own decisions in life, so let it be.

Last thing you wanna do is listen to all the ' Experts' here, including me. :D

Let him be.

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If the guy finds a few months of happiness and it costs him 6,000 Baht a month for that happiness, who are you to try to tell him otherwise ?

At least he is happy at the moment, you could actually read a few of the threads on Thai related forums like this one and see all the miserable bitter unhappy Farangs in Thailand, how on earth you can get good advice from this lot heaven knows, look how happy they are!! Always bleedin' moaning. If they knew how to be happy, they wouldn't be so bleedin miserable would they? :o

So for 6000 per month his happiness is cheap. ( Hardly a kings ransom is it )

Leave the guy alone, he will not thank you for interfering, he is probably big enough to make his own decisions in life, so let it be.

Last thing you wanna do is listen to all the ' Experts' here, including me. :D

Let him be.

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Huey, you said it yourself " some people".

Definately not all, and yes there are genuine people out there.

Maigo 6 I am on planet Earth and no, I don't read works of ficton, unfortunately of late I have got into the habit of reading s--- from people like you. Fortunately there are some good intelligent posts too and that is why I will keep reading. I wonder why people like you are attracted to this, is it a way to express your self, vent frustrations, or maybe it makes you feel like a big macho man. Whatever, very little of what you say has any real intelligence behind it, more joke value than anything.

lioness sounds like a woman. maigo, more joke valiue than anything. again sounds like a woman. stop thinking sexist. think with the education you are gifted with. drop the feminin bit i can agree with you. and yes maigo doesn,t take himself too seriousely. you nearly got there by yourself now didnt you. well done.

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Maigo6 I don;t believe for one second that people travel across the world to exploit other peoples poverty. Well maybe you did, you seem to think you have the answers. Grow up.

You've never been to Pattaya then?

Everyones trying to exploit each other there though, so whats the prob? The only loosers are those that get sucked in by it all, the subject of the opening post for example.

Fair enough there are a small percent of genuine guys there not just to slam as many hoez as possible, but the chances of them actually getting hooked up with a genuine hoe which isn't just going to try and rinse him for everything he has is pretty slim. It does happen though, so i've been told. :o

Edited by TopDogger
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Huey, you said it yourself " some people".

Definately not all, and yes there are genuine people out there.

Maigo 6 I am on planet Earth and no, I don't read works of ficton, unfortunately of late I have got into the habit of reading s--- from people like you. Fortunately there are some good intelligent posts too and that is why I will keep reading. I wonder why people like you are attracted to this, is it a way to express your self, vent frustrations, or maybe it makes you feel like a big macho man. Whatever, very little of what you say has any real intelligence behind it, more joke value than anything.

I'm not sure why you take it so personally lioness, he's not talking about you but about the P4P lifestyle. Are you familiar with it? Did you indulge in it, for how long? I know I have. I lived in Pattaya for 4 years, watched it, patronized it, saw the winners and losers in all shapes and sizes. You may not like it, but don't pretend like you know the nature of a beast you have only witnessed it movies.

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Lioness looks like you've hit a few nerves there. Good! Fiction or not a bit of guidance for the unwary it remains. The jaded

seen it all done it all lot maybe like to see others go down the same road

Hit a few nerves with reference to Private Dancer?

How can one possibly hit nerves with reference to a fictional novel ?

As for guidance, experience gives a lot of guidance, and to suggest that people do not travel great distances to exploit other human beings is just plain ole stupid and shows a decided lack of experience.

I think Lioness is confused, maybe English is his/her second language, but she/he's confused a little.

Mai pen rai....:o

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I'm not sure why you take it so personally lioness, he's not talking about you but about the P4P lifestyle. Are you familiar with it? Did you indulge in it, for how long? I know I have. I lived in Pattaya for 4 years, watched it, patronized it, saw the winners and losers in all shapes and sizes. You may not like it, but don't pretend like you know the nature of a beast you have only witnessed it movies.

I've lived in Pattaya since 1990, I have seen many things and experienced many things, not once did I ever seek out Private Dancer in all of those 18 years.

I'm quite sure that Lioness knows more than us guys though, after all, she has read a book. :D:D:o

I feel so macho now.... :D

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we had this same discussion on the ladies' branch and the general conclusion was don't say anything unless he is a really good friend, and then just hint to him he might want to read this board or various other resources about the culture. you could endanger your life by messing up the girl's scheme.

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we had this same discussion on the ladies' branch and the general conclusion was don't say anything unless he is a really good friend, and then just hint to him he might want to read this board or various other resources about the culture. you could endanger your life by messing up the girl's scheme.

Yeah Girlx, but the problem with reading boards like this is that in the majority of cases , The Farang is always good and The Thai is always bad according to the majority.

Myself excluded of course. I know different. :o

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This is not to say the tourist should not deal in multiple choice and a good holiday, fair play to them. Just please do not part with your last penny.

You have to get home sometime, nobody want farang in Thailand any more, and who want's to work all year to pay into the same lying system you left.

Fine if you work in Thailand and you're sorted or have made a sh_load of money somewhere else good luck to you, just don't pretend you have never been burned

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Fine if you work in Thailand and you're sorted or have made a sh_load of money somewhere else good luck to you, just don't pretend you have never been burned

If a guy has been through a messy divorce in UK or USA and been burnt, should Western women all be tarred with the same brush, does it make them all bad ?

Of course not, same goes for everywhere, people are people.

Deal with our own relationships and stay outta other peoples is my advice, let people make their own mistakes, they ain't kids, interfere and they won't like it at all.

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First of all ask the all important question. What did they do for money before your friend came along ? Who provided ? Now if the girl was working on her back and now she has stopped then he has an issue to deal with. If they have now stopped work or just want more cash for whisky and a plasma TV then he should just say no. If the girl was not sending anything then why start now ? If she was, why is she not sending it now ? Of course if she has stopped her normal work then he's in trouble.

If thinkgs start out this way tell your friend not to walk away, run.

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What's so odd about a sick grandma, pregnant cat... Sht happens and Farangs have money. I have no problem helping the in-laws on occasion. I would do the same in my home country if my wife was American and her poor American family, needed some financial assistance.

In the last year my wife's had large medical bills and I broke my wrist. If I were poor, it would have been difficult to stay a float. Why are poor Thais any different? If you have the means to help your Thai GF's family, why not do it.

I do agree with posters that think it is a bad idea to support the in-laws on a monthly basis. This type of welfare hurts more than helps. We all have seen Thai families become dependent and lazy because of the monthly money they get from a farang(s).

My Thai in-laws work probably more now than prior to me coming into their life. They know I'll help with unexpected medical bills and pay for education, but it is up to them pay for life's basic necessities.

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scotwumman, my sentiments exactly.

Huey, I don't take it personally, but I am well induced in how things work, I don't watch movies either I live in Thailand and am happy with my life here. I am well aware of the scams and cons, mostly these threads refer to Thai girls but it extends far wider than that. resident Farangs trying to rip off other Farang and so on.

To put everyone in the same basket is beyond comprehension. Not everyone is the same and some of us still have honesty and integrity. Once you get to the point of passing comments like some certain posters then it appears you have lost the battle and have become bitter, untrusting and so on, which in itself is sad, what a way to live a life.

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resident Farangs trying to rip off other Farang

Lioness, now here is something that is mentioned all too little on this board, I applaud you for bringing it up. :D

Often,, Thai related Forums make out Thai people to always be the villains.

I guess it's like that for many minority groups, we as Farangs are a minority group in Thailand, therefore anything that happens to us is percieved as happening to us just because we are Farangs.

Many Farangs complain that they are stopped by the Police in their car or Motorcycle just because they are Farang, the fact that 100 Thai people got stopped before they did, and 100 Thai people got stopped after they did at the same checkpoint, is missed.

When I was stopped in UK by the police was it because I was a white Englishman, or was it because I was a driver ?

It's the same in Thailand, Farangs are not victimized otherwise they would pack up and leave tomorrow if they had any sense, it's just that when things do go wrong, they are seen as going wrong cos they're Farangs.

What about all the things that went wrong in our lives before we even knew Thailand existed, can we somehow blame Thai people for that too ? :o

Happy New Year. :D

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What's so odd about a sick grandma, pregnant cat... Sht happens and Farangs have money. I have no problem helping the in-laws on occasion. I would do the same in my home country if my wife was American and her poor American family, needed some financial assistance.

In the last year my wife's had large medical bills and I broke my wrist. If I were poor, it would have been difficult to stay a float. Why are poor Thais any different? If you have the means to help your Thai GF's family, why not do it.

I do agree with posters that think it is a bad idea to support the in-laws on a monthly basis. This type of welfare hurts more than helps. We all have seen Thai families become dependent and lazy because of the monthly money they get from a farang(s).

My Thai in-laws work probably more now than prior to me coming into their life. They know I'll help with unexpected medical bills and pay for education, but it is up to them pay for life's basic necessities.

This sums up my own opinion and situation. We still get some opportunistic requests for money from different relatives but my wife has become quite good at rejecting these applications and as a result they are few and far between now.

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