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I want to start this post by stating that I am a british guy with tattoos on 50% of my body. I dont take no shit from nobody. I read each and every post in this 22 page THREAD (not post). I went to the place in question after viewing the subject on facebook (thx to posters here). I confronted the subject and clocked him after he gave me some lip. Last I checked he was sprawled on the ground with a bloody nose. The last thing I will tolerate is a farang being rude to thai coffeeshop employees. I want to thank the OP, other posters and the thaivisa moderating team for getting me worked up into a frenzy to do this dirty deed I am sure satisfies many. thank you all.

You sound abit soft to me. I would of used all the furniture in the place and brought the whole shop down on him. But usually I just flex and they run away, some even get hopitalised by the sight of my arms :o


I want to start this post by stating that I am a british guy with tattoos on 50% of my body. I dont take no shit from nobody. I read each and every post in this 22 page THREAD (not post). I went to the place in question after viewing the subject on facebook (thx to posters here). I confronted the subject and clocked him after he gave me some lip. Last I checked he was sprawled on the ground with a bloody nose. The last thing I will tolerate is a farang being rude to thai coffeeshop employees. I want to thank the OP, other posters and the thaivisa moderating team for getting me worked up into a frenzy to do this dirty deed I am sure satisfies many. thank you all.

Thanks for doing what needed to be done snake, but do you think that a bloody nose was sufficient? Who knows how many people have had to stand up and eat breakfast because of this guy? :o

C'mon, was ANYone there today?

Not at the Golden Hour of 10am! :D However, I walked past around 12.45pm and saw DA INFAMOUS SEAT. Not exactly sure what the attraction is as I'm sure when the coffee machine is being operated there would be a bit of noise and steam..... anyway, I digress!

There was a foreign man sat on DA SEAT!!!!! :D It could well have been one of TV members taking advantage so he could later post on here and regale all and sundry of how "he sat on the 'throne!'" Perhaps he was keeping it warm for the GOM! :o

Anyway, sounds from Mr Irristable's post (who apparently recognised the GOM!!!), that the GOM is probably aware of this thread now. So for all you Mission Impossible types still stratagising how to scale the elevators/escalators, remember the motto of the Scouts and Girl Guides and BE PREPARED!!! Da Da da dah, da da dah etc etc

Cheers, Andiamo :D


Man if this is where the Internet is heading - with Big (or pisqueek) Brother watching your every fart then it's time to start wearing a balaclava every time you go out for lunch!

Guest Bellini
...I can confirm that this counter is long enough for 4 (or even 5- I can't remember exactly how many there were) stools...

I wish I were in Bangkok just now, instead of Milano, and could go for a drink at this café tomorrow morning.

Excellent…. good on ya. :o These guys are all over the world. I love winding them up. I’m normally a nice guy, but for them…………

I ones I’ve encountered are usually ex military expats. They act as if they’re living in the colonial past and look down their noses at anyone or everyone.

They deserve everything they get.

I'm not only ex-military but retired military (from the US Navy) and i take issue with that stereotypical statement. I've always treated foreign nationals with respect and dignity. Don't lump ex-military expats into one group, it shows ignorance and narrow-mindedness


I concur, as a retired USN veteran and a someone who has been in Southeast Asia since 1986 (Both military and civilian), I find that peopel taht make that assumption are the ones who have left their home country for the first time and are now experts in expat lifestyles in asia. Ignorrance and narrow-mindedness is an understatement.



As an ex serviceman myself who has worked 35 years in the military and as a civilian in a military environment I fail to see why you both take offence at my comment. The majority of that time was and still is spent living and working in foreign countries. That includes my first visit to Thailand in 1984 whilst working in another S.E.Asian country.

Can you honestly state you have not met someone act in that manner either in the mess or elsewhere. I seriously doubt it.

Guest Bellini

I have a confession to make. I did not read the whole thread. I jumped in only yesterday at what was then the last page, found it amusing, went back a little and read from about post #400 onward. Just now, I went and read the original post that CarlBkk made and something occurred to me.

Carl says in the title of his thread that the man he talks about is the grumpiest ex-pat in Bangkok he has ever met. I do not wish to read the other 400 posts which I skipped and hope somebody can give me the answer. Did any poster take the thread title as a challenge to report about another ex-pat who might be considered even grumpier? Has a contest been started for the grumpiest ex-pat?

C'mon, was ANYone there today?

Not at the Golden Hour of 10am! :D However, I walked past around 12.45pm and saw DA INFAMOUS SEAT. Not exactly sure what the attraction is as I'm sure when the coffee machine is being operated there would be a bit of noise and steam..... anyway, I digress!

There was a foreign man sat on DA SEAT!!!!! :D It could well have been one of TV members taking advantage so he could later post on here and regale all and sundry of how "he sat on the 'throne!'" Perhaps he was keeping it warm for the GOM! :o

I went there arround 12,20pm and GOM was there, I recognized him from the picture, he left arround 12,40pm =u=

Guest Bellini

Does he always wear a pink shirt?



Someone said earlier that people should go easy on this guy because he could have obsessive compulsive disorder. I agree. In fact, I'd say don't ridicule him, befriend him!

What if he's like the Dustin Hoffman character in "Rainman" and potentially really good at gambling? I know the Chiang Mai TV people are trying to raise money to take care of cats in a temple up here - this could be GOM's calling! Just one week with GOM in Macao and then imagine all those happy kitties. hel_l, we could even let him buy his own stool if there was something left over.

I'm afraid I can't get down to BKK in the near future. Would someone mind up-ending a large jar of matches on the counter in front of this chappie, and ask him how many there are .... you know, to test this theory?

Let's know how you get on. Cheers


Unfortunately I was out of BKK on a tour for the weekend, a little R&R... its taken me a few hours to read the upadates to our 'little' story.. but now I have some words of wisdom to add. Having been involved in this thread as well as showing up every morning, it affected the way I dealt with multiple problems with Thai tou hotel staff on the problematic tour. It definately made me not want to be a GOM, even though we missed half of the tour, were charged like a wounded bull etc.. etc.... so even if this thread serves nothing more than that we all take a look at our own actions as ex-pats, then it is well worth while and the more that read it the better!!!

As to GOM, I'm back in town and I'll be back at the cafe, see ya all there... the chicken quiche was great..... :o


People I would not like a night out with. :o:D:D

1. jandajoy

2. t.s.

3. boiled egg :D:D

I may need counselling to come to terms with this, cant we go for a swift half? as i think people that give a <deleted> about some rude man in a nation of 65 million are No.1

Excellent…. good on ya. :D These guys are all over the world. I love winding them up. I’m normally a nice guy, but for them…………

I ones I’ve encountered are usually ex military expats. They act as if they’re living in the colonial past and look down their noses at anyone or everyone.

They deserve everything they get.

I'm not only ex-military but retired military (from the US Navy) and i take issue with that stereotypical statement. I've always treated foreign nationals with respect and dignity. Don't lump ex-military expats into one group, it shows ignorance and narrow-mindedness


I concur, as a retired USN veteran and a someone who has been in Southeast Asia since 1986 (Both military and civilian), I find that peopel taht make that assumption are the ones who have left their home country for the first time and are now experts in expat lifestyles in asia. Ignorrance and narrow-mindedness is an understatement.



As an ex serviceman myself who has worked 35 years in the military and as a civilian in a military environment I fail to see why you both take offence at my comment. The majority of that time was and still is spent living and working in foreign countries. That includes my first visit to Thailand in 1984 whilst working in another S.E.Asian country.

Can you honestly state you have not met someone act in that manner either in the mess or elsewhere. I seriously doubt it.

I was only in uniform for 22 years, and have spent the last 5 working as a civilian in a military environment (Afghanistan), and I've got to say that the the ex-military expats I've encountered have been pretty decent guys. I haven't met any with a "colonial" attitude, or that act any differently than the rest of the expat crowd.

The people I have met/seen that do have that kind of attitude are (usually) tourists, are (usually) "older", and (usually) don't take much prodding to reveal their racist stripes. I try to avoid those kinds of people.

That's not to say that all older tourists are like that, the same as it wouldn't be fair to say that most ex-military expats are like that. Of course, if you normally hang out with that kind of crowd, it may seem like a lot of them have that kind of attitude. Birds of a feather tend to flock together.

If you were to start socializing with a large crowd of (ex) accountants, or (ex) librarians, or (ex) dentists, I'm sure you'd find after awhile that it seems that a lot of them exhibit the same kinds of attitudes.

As for the grumpiest ex-pat in Bangkok. Just wait until this summer when I bring dear old dad over for a visit. He won't be an "expat" (not yet), but he's sure to be one of the grumpiest farangs ! If GOM is still around then, maybe I'll get dear old dad to sit next to him. :o

(Grumps hate anyone grumpier than they are !) :D

Just a little story, which is continuing each and every day. If the person I'm talking about is on this board I welcome his reasons.

Emporium, Friday morning 10am, food floor, Oriental coffee/cake shop. I went in there for breakfast, all seating is on stools in the window and there were only 2 other customers in there and plenty of seating. Ordered my food, sat at the stool and read the paper. 10 mins later I head some raised voice behind me in a "complaining" sort of way, then this guy in shorts/shirt, 50ish, blonde/grey hair, glasses grabs another paper and slams it down next to me. He slams his phones down and mumbles. I was staring him by this point wondering why someone can be so dam_n unpleasant to staff and in front of people at that time in the morning, and if he had glanced up I would have asked him why he was having such a bad day.

Anyway, out of the corner of my eye I noticed that he sharply and quickly pushed my bag further towards me when he had the space for 4 seatings. Soon after the waitress brought his food and again he did some Italianesque gesticulating and mumbling, which I couldn't hear. But I could hear him on the phone (again speaking fairly rudely in Thai then English). This was a businessman who had the manners of a chav.

I stayed for an hour and assumed this guy might have just lost a big contract/been cheated on/got locked out of his condo or something equally as bad. Oh no. As I went to pay he quickly summoned another waitress and again fairly loudly gesticulated towards my plates, but not quite loudly enough for me to hear from the counter. All waitresses looked uncomfortable with this guy and I was in two minds whether to go up to him to ask him why he was taking it out on people.

Then came the reason: he liked to sit in my spot every day. Yes, that's it. He was absolutely devasted and blatantly rude because he was a businessman regular and I was in his regular seat, so he was mad at the girls for not reserving it..and mad at me (or any other) that would be ONE seat further up than himself that day.

I had to laugh in both disbelief and suppessed anger at hearing this, at which point he STILL didn't turn around or make any eye contact. Maybe he was too important. The amazing this is, there is no way he would have acted like this at home...he would be hated wherever he went and probably banned. Embarrassingly for me, I think he's English.

On Monday it happened again. Got there 10am for their superb breakfast and coffee. A middle-aged ex pat couple were in the middle seats and so I sat in "his" place which was in the corner next to them.

Sure enough, just 2 minutes later I head a commotion behind and the women next to me turn around and then asked me why he was so upset. He made his feelings quite clear by loudly stating to all around him that "that place was reserved" before slamming down his paper and storming out before anyone could comment. The couple were amazed when I told them the story.

One hour later I was still there and sure enough he came back with his little gf/wife. As soon as he saw me he went mad again with the nearest waitress saying that he'd told her 4 times to keep that place reserved for him. The security guard came into vision. At this point I called him to come over and talk to me about it instead of the staff but he stormed off again.

I called the waitress over to apologise for HIS rudeness but said that I would be sitting wherever I wanted. She took it in good humour and said it nearly happens every day with this workaholic guy that likes his own way.

A repeat performance again this morning. He had called the manager beforehand to lay out his breakfast in "his" spot before he arrived. When I got there I chose to sit there and the staff were very amused to move his food.

5 mins later I heard him say "I give up with you!" loudly to the manageress before stomping off quickly.

10 mins later he telephoned the cafe from downstairs and asked the manageress to go down and speak to him! She came to warn me that she will be saying that she can prepare his breakfast but cannot prevent other customers sitting in that seat, and that I chose to sit there. She was worried that he may come up and argue with me...to which I asked her to tell him to come and see me.

10 mins later she came up without him and told me that he was going to complain to Oriental Hotel top brass that he was a 5-year regular and that he wanted that place reserved for him every morning and lunch (including weekends), so the manageress (very polite girl) was worried. She said he didn't wish to talk to me, but only to the staff and they should set the rules. I sense a coward.

No matter how long it takes he waits at another cafe downstairs and comes up get his place, which is most likely what he did when I left at 11am.

Yes, I'm winding him up. He is one of the rudest most openly aggressive expats I've met here and he's a bully. I will be asking him to complain to me if he has a problem with where I'm sitting, but at the moment there are only two ways he'll be able to reserve a stool in the corner: get there before it opens, or offer some explanation to me and an apology to the staff with some admittance that a stool in a cafe cannot be reserved for a morning coffee customer.

I just felt like telling this and maybe someone has met this guy, or maybe some want to. It's the windowed cafe next door to Piri Piri on 4th floor. In front of the till there are stools at the window. Go and sit there in the corner next to the coffee machine and participate in some entertainment you may normally see on a stereotyped TV comedy sketch. He may soon realise it's game over for the stool reservation plan.


Well I think he is an IDIOT and should Be BANNED from that Establishment if he has to be so rude,mean and ugly he should NOT BE ALLOWED TO EAT THERE! He is giving all Farangs a bad name and reputation by his stupid senseless actions! SHAME SHAME SHAME ON HIM!!!


Remember, no pictures!

We need to keep this thread open.

Does he always wear a pink shirt?


no, today dark blue

Unfortunately I was out of BKK on a tour for the weekend, a little R&R... its taken me a few hours to read the upadates to our 'little' story.. but now I have some words of wisdom to add. Having been involved in this thread as well as showing up every morning, it affected the way I dealt with multiple problems with Thai tou hotel staff on the problematic tour. It definately made me not want to be a GOM, even though we missed half of the tour, were charged like a wounded bull etc.. etc.... so even if this thread serves nothing more than that we all take a look at our own actions as ex-pats, then it is well worth while and the more that read it the better!!!

As to GOM, I'm back in town and I'll be back at the cafe, see ya all there... the chicken quiche was great..... :D


BINGO. Wise words. :o


You know what I really appreciate about tv?

They have the most tolerant admins.

That this thread has continued so long is really unbelievable.

Hi admins and thank you!


Somebody get a description of this PR*CK and I will find out where he eats dinner and we can all go there too. Maybe an evening with his "wife /girlfriend :o would be a bonus!!!!

:o No comment, except to say, I really don't think the subject of this thread is all that unique in LOS.
I do agree Kat, certain amount of arrogance and entitlement seems to be in the air with types like the GOM. :o

The irony in that comment is almost too delicious to bear. That the poster is so palpably oblivious makes it even the sweeter.

God, you guys are just so pitiful.

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