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The Grumpiest Ex-pat In Bangkok


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The GOM is full of his own self importance, maybe his is an exec or CEO but that does not give him the right to belittle other people in private let alone in a public place.

As far as I am concerned he is getting some of his own medicine, perhaps he will think a bit more about his own actions in future. Being a good exec or CEO also requires generating respect from ones subordinates and colleagues something his present actions seem incapable of doing.

Maybe this is for his own good, just wish I could be there to witness his awakening!


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So what if he's being bullied? What sort of PC world are we living in where someone can be rude to that many people and be considered a victim? This thread I find funny, but to be quite honest if he got the xxxx kicked out of him I wouldn't lose sleep.

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The GOM is full of his own self importance, maybe his is an exec or CEO but that does not give him the right to belittle other people in private let alone in a public place.

As far as I am concerned he is getting some of his own medicine, perhaps he will think a bit more about his own actions in future. Being a good exec or CEO also requires generating respect from ones subordinates and colleagues something his present actions seem incapable of doing.

Maybe this is for his own good, just wish I could be there to witness his awakening!


How does that expression go?

People in glass house shouldn't throw stones.... I don't know, but it's something like that.

I look forward to the next post in a month or whatever when some bored twit takes umbridge over some attitude or approach that you demostrate in public. The full wrath of the mighty "THAI VISA FORUM committee of what's allowed or not allowed" will fall upon you and life will never be the same. LOL

It really does sum up the attitude of so many of the people on this forum. So reminiscent of school days long past. I'd refer you to another thread about "what you hate about expats" or something like that. It kind of sums up the arrogant exclusivity of the Forum genre.

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Jandajoy, you really need to chill, If you have read this thread so many times as you say.Then you can see that this man is acting like a nob,Its his place and he will have it .

Nope its not its anyones ,He is a grown man not some little 5 year old child .If anyone is being bullied, its the staff in the shop by him ,and the other folks who happen to sit in his seat.And then get a gob full of him or some nasty stares.

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If the shop was really that bothered about a guy who likes to sit in the same seat everyday and is rude, Isn't it up to THEM to decide if they want to say "I'm sorry your not welcome here" ?

The way that this post is going there will be snipers with guns, bombs under his seat and hidden spy cameras.

Seriously guys, If you hate the grumpy old git so much have you not got the balls to point out his rudeness to him face to face ?

He probably does not even realise that he's offending anyone and wouldn't the world be a boring place if we were all the same ?

If something or someone really bothers the way that you exist at least have the common decency to tell the guy face to face instead of this turning this post into a frenzy where some fool will get "so important" that they do something silly.

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I know I'm going to get absolutely flamed for this but..............

You people are gross. A bunch of arrogant, self satisfied, better than thou, egotists.

OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

You may have read my post on page 2 or 3 where the OP said the guy is a dick head or something along that lines and I totaly agreed that the OP is a total dick head or whatever the term was. I do not understand the motivation here and am surprised that such a "Jack Ass" thread is still active. A business man has a routine and gets upset when it is broken. How much money has he spent in the last year to keep this routine and how much time or money will the OP spend in the following months once he has run the GOM away? So who wins?

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I'm sure GOM is here , reading everything , and he will not show up tomorrow.

But lets play with him just for a few days , he deserves it.

If I was having a breakfast there I would complain to the staff, I just hate rude people.

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But lets play with him just for a few days , he deserves it.

Well said! For people, to be this rude, especially to a Thai woman and CHILD. This person deserves this. If I was in Bangkok, I would be there for the entertainment.

A few hours to go. Can't wait to see what happens. I hope there are pictures.

Good luck guys, I'm with you in spirit. :o

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I know I'm going to get absolutely flamed for this but..............

Having read the entire topic a couple of times I have to say that this so reminiscent of school.

We find a weirdo.

He's got a bit of a personality issue.

We find it amusing.

We all gang up in what ever way we can to confront, embarrass, abuse, humiliate, and probably enhance this persons own sense of ill-being.

You people are gross. A bunch of arrogant, self satisfied, better than thou, egotists.

OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

If your objective is to alter the guys behaviour ,the OP could, if he'd had the courage, done it quite simply, by talking. Not just once maybe but how ever many times the OP thought it neccessary. Given that we're assuming the OPs right to condemn this man.

But this frenzy is appalling. It's a tad like the tv shows that are so popular now. You know the ones;

small child falls of bicycle.

man falls over

ladies dress falls off

dog jumps on kid

etc etc etc

Brilliant tv for dumb assed wasters.

Is what you're doing any different.

I sense that the pack has smelt blood, and for no other reason that that there is nothing better to do, we'll all attack.

You sound to be describing yourself here :o Get a sense of humour, man!!!

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Staff bullying is not an alegation; There are 4-5 staff members who have confirmed, that they are sick of this treatment from him, unfortunately, they, being the end of the stick are unable to sacrifice their job over something like telling GOM to take a hike. They are stuck everyday, serving his self-important self, dredding the days when something beyond their control sets him off and threatens their jobs!!

To quote yourself

The whole point is that the arrogance and ego of a selected few (GOM) dominate the actions and intercourse of the many through manipulation and propogation of blame and guilt(STAFF).

GOM is the bully, and the only way to prevent a bully is by presenting a united voice against this kind of action.

I'd wager if we looked, we would find many GOM's in Thailand, in fact all over the world in ex-pat communities. I have been an expat myself for over 20yrs, not that this adds any weight to anything nor making me better than any, but it does mean that I have seen GOM's most of my life, and I applaud the crowd here, who until now prefer inaction, for standing up against someone who is ultimately ruining a peaceful society, leaving a bad impression of the foreign community.

This is a forum, so of course there will be a few jokes thrown around about, but do you seriously think any of that is actually going to happen??

I am not as articulate as you with your $5 words, I worked dam_n hard for many years to get where I am now, but I did not and do not condone stepping on or belittling self percieved 'lower class' people to do it. This world would best be served if the people that pratise this are singled out and are reminded that it is not acceptable, no matter which country you live in.

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Staff bullying is not an alegation; There are 4-5 staff members who have confirmed, that they are sick of this treatment from him, unfortunately, they, being the end of the stick are unable to sacrifice their job over something like telling GOM to take a hike. They are stuck everyday, serving his self-important self, dredding the days when something beyond their control sets him off and threatens their jobs!!

To quote yourself

The whole point is that the arrogance and ego of a selected few (GOM) dominate the actions and intercourse of the many through manipulation and propogation of blame and guilt(STAFF).

GOM is the bully, and the only way to prevent a bully is by presenting a united voice against this kind of action.

I'd wager if we looked, we would find many GOM's in Thailand, in fact all over the world in ex-pat communities. I have been an expat myself for over 20yrs, not that this adds any weight to anything nor making me better than any, but it does mean that I have seen GOM's most of my life, and I applaud the crowd here, who until now prefer inaction, for standing up against someone who is ultimately ruining a peaceful society, leaving a bad impression of the foreign community.

This is a forum, so of course there will be a few jokes thrown around about, but do you seriously think any of that is actually going to happen??

I am not as articulate as you with your $5 words, I worked dam_n hard for many years to get where I am now, but I did not and do not condone stepping on or belittling self percieved 'lower class' people to do it. This world would best be served if the people that pratise this are singled out and are reminded that it is not acceptable, no matter which country you live in.


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OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

Just what I was thinking - sad.

Its not the only entertainment, it just happens to be this weeks different entertainment.

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By the way....I can at the drop of a hat let off really loud and somewhat stinky farts after a can of good old SPC baked beans.

Thinking to have a can the night before a visit and then sitting next to him.

Yes Jandajoy, I know this is childish and highly immature, but I bet we have more fun watching cartoon network than you do.

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By the way....I can at the drop of a hat let off really loud and somewhat stinky farts after a can of good old SPC baked beans.

Thinking to have a can the night before a visit and then sitting next to him.

Yes Jandajoy, I know this is childish and highly immature, but I bet we have more fun watching cartoon network than you do.

My wife and I have both put reminders in our phones to log on and check the developments at 10 AM, I condone the proposed actions by TV members attending this AM and I do not think that putting this GOM in his place publicly is the wrong thing to do. Wish I were in Bangkok at the moment so that I too could attend the coffee shop and participate in some behaviour modification therapy on this bloke.

There are a few people on this forum that seem to set themselves up as the "morals police" to them I say, "lighten up" there is no harm in the actions proposed. Just maybe, the guy will take a long hard look at himself and realise what an A##hole he has been. Spare a though for the long suffering, poorly paid staff at the coffee shop, I'll bet the pri#k never leaves a tip either!

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I condone the proposed actions by TV members attending this AM and I do not think that putting this GOM in his place publicly is the wrong thing to do. Wish I were in Bangkok at the moment so that I too could attend the coffee shop and participate in some behaviour modification therapy on this bloke.

There are a few people on this forum that seem to set themselves up as the "morals police" to them I say, "lighten up" there is no harm in the actions proposed. Just maybe, the guy will take a long hard look at himself and realise what an A##hole he has been. Spare a though for the long suffering, poorly paid staff at the coffee shop, I'll bet the pri#k never leaves a tip either!

Sounds like you are the 'morals police', no?

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I know I'm going to get absolutely flamed for this but..............

Having read the entire topic a couple of times I have to say that this so reminiscent of school.

We find a weirdo.

He's got a bit of a personality issue.

We find it amusing.

We all gang up in what ever way we can to confront, embarrass, abuse, humiliate, and probably enhance this persons own sense of ill-being.

You people are gross. A bunch of arrogant, self satisfied, better than thou, egotists.

OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

If your objective is to alter the guys behaviour ,the OP could, if he'd had the courage, done it quite simply, by talking. Not just once maybe but how ever many times the OP thought it neccessary. Given that we're assuming the OPs right to condemn this man.

But this frenzy is appalling. It's a tad like the tv shows that are so popular now. You know the ones;

small child falls of bicycle.

man falls over

ladies dress falls off

dog jumps on kid

etc etc etc

Brilliant tv for dumb assed wasters.

Is what you're doing any different.

I sense that the pack has smelt blood, and for no other reason that that there is nothing better to do, we'll all attack.

Are you the GOM? :o:D:D

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i've never watched a thread like this before. TV members should start setting up more activities like this all over Thailand.

I can picture the coffee shop being packed in shoulder to shoulder by TV members and the GOM showing up in disbelief that he doesn't even have enough room to make it inside.

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It's so easy to knock the guy and find fault. Many people have such fetishes but they disguise them better than the guy who didn't get his favorite seat.

The longer I stay in Thailand, the more of a grump I become in some situations. I was in an AIS office trying to get a simple biz matter dealt with. None of the 13 girls and 2 katoy in there could speak more than 2 words of English. First they avoid me when I walk in the door. In their eyes, I'm like the storm trooper in Star Wars - everyone fears them. Then I find a worker girl who is brave enough to deal with me. She gets sidelined and hands my biz off to a katoy. He/she gets sidelined and goes to newer customer. I go back to the original girl and she's with another newer customer - all these new customers are Thai who came in the shop several minutes after me. Concurrently, all the other service personnel are doing nothing but staring in to space or fiddling with their phones (playing digital games?). I find the manager in the back room (doing nothing) and ask her to assist. She comes out and can't get any of the service girls or katoy to deal with me. It's about that time that my OCD and/or fetish is about to kick in. I consider taking the brochures and strewing them all over the floor. I don't. I leave.

I"m the kind of guy who goes to neighbor's yards and hushes their barking dogs up. Thais have no idea how to discipline their pet dogs. Perhaps they think "it's a dog's nature to bark, so why should we, as another species try to affect their nature?" Except these dogs bark about every 40 minutes around the clock - 24 hour shifts. There are also farang-owned dogs on my street but (surprise!) the farang dogs don't bark incessently.

Thais have a thousand little fetishes that they are no less obsessive about than the man who wants his chair. The difference is: Thais know how to control their fetishes - until they can't control themselves, then they go ballistic (there's no middle ground). It's either appear calm or go completely ape-sh!t

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The longer I stay in Thailand, the more of a grump I become in some situations. I was in an AIS office trying to get a simple biz matter dealt with. None of the 13 girls and 2 katoy in there could speak more than 2 words of English

Don't tell me that you can not speak a bit of thai, at least enough to be understood !!!

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Keep the wank*r from his seat, teach the lad a lesson and make it known why! The illusion of self importance must be broken, no offense this is not bullying, but teaching the lad a valuable lesson that he can't have his own way. Normal people do not go ape shi*e over losing a seat in a restaurant. THERE ARE NO ASSIGNED SEATS OR RESERVED SEATS.

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