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What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?

Ulysses G.

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What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?, What makes you SICK?

those are pretty strong words that I never felt in Thailand. However I can use the adjective; dislike towards some (mostly older but not all) farang I bump into in Isaan.

See them shopping with their (slapper looking, in her late 30s and 40s plus) Thai partner and her (ethnic Thai) kids tagging along. A woman that no decent, self respecting Thai man (or any sensible farang man abroad) would ever want to be seen with. They seem so oblivious to people glances, sneer and gossiping, looking around pleased with themselves while their partner help herself stuffing the trolley with groceries and kids' toys.

They just reinforce the notion, to Thais' mind, that all farang in Thailand are old fat, low standard, gullible walking ATM machines to be taken advantage of. Some of these human relics seem to congregate in Thai forums extolling the virtues of Thais, proudly stating that they're fully integrated into their host society and flaming anybody who dares criticise Thai women's virtue.

If they only knew, if they only knew ...... :o

I must admit that I dislike it when westerners post their mental drivel on web forums. What a horrible way to talk about women you don't know.

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I must admit that I dislike it when westerners post their mental drivel on web forums. What a horrible way to talk about women you don't know.

i am with you Garro!

Probably trolling if so naively offensive and provocative

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Working expats who think they are better than those just here chilling out

ice queen,dead right there,and probably from bk too.that guy who ranted on about women up country,sarge his name is,sounds a horrible individual and should be banned for that load of tripe.i dont live in isaan too so i dont see it but in thailand you say.

up to you

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wow chickenslegs,another hi-so racist.if i felt offended indead.why should you feel offended if some thai or farang speaks to you in another dialect,then walk off. you sound like a woman but i do know that some thai men are racist towards lower class isaan people.what if the isaan person was rich would that be ok.

snobssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss and horrible people you lot.

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and also chickenslegs so going to university and probably your rich parents paying to get a pass means you are better than some inteligent person who didnt have a chance because of money.

you realy make me want to be sick all over you.

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and also chickenslegs so going to university and probably your rich parents paying to get a pass means you are better than some inteligent person who didnt have a chance because of money.

you realy make me want to be sick all over you.

Hi hanibal7

I think you need to read the posts again.

I am not the person who walks away from the lo-so.

I am more likely to be the lo-so that the spoilt little hi-so walks away from.

No need for an apology.

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and also chickenslegs so going to university and probably your rich parents paying to get a pass means you are better than some inteligent person who didnt have a chance because of money.

you realy make me want to be sick all over you.

Hi hanibal7

I think you need to read the posts again.

I am not the person who walks away from the lo-so.

I am more likely to be the lo-so that the spoilt little hi-so walks away from.

No need for an apology.

i am sorry then if i misread what you said.just gets my back up abut the racism against isaan that seems to be here in bk and hi-so society

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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego. To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

and it's just not right that you don't have the dosh to build a "vast" house like them... isn't it? :D

Mmmmmm......does your arrogance stem from nationhood or is it a case that you have always assumed others think the same way as you?


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For me it is fat ugly Bastards that come here with a bit of cash and think they are gods gift cos a a Thai girl see's money and they are too stupid to realise what it is about. That is about 90% of people over fifty here.

People with huge red faces and drunkards noses sitting outside Mom and Pops market at 9 in the morning with the Chang breakfast.

Others with baldy heads with a pony tail and huge guts riding hogs thinking they are cool, even they must realise how ridiculous they look.

Farangs that come here and 'rent' a girlfriend and then moan they aren't getting the full manicure service for 1,000 Baht.

The list is endless and most of it our problem.

And we wonder why Thai's treat us with contempt.

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For me it is fat ugly Bastards that come here with a bit of cash and think they are gods gift cos a a Thai girl see's money and they are too stupid to realise what it is about. That is about 90% of people over fifty here.

People with huge red faces and drunkards noses sitting outside Mom and Pops market at 9 in the morning with the Chang breakfast.

Others with baldy heads with a pony tail and huge guts riding hogs thinking they are cool, even they must realise how ridiculous they look.

Farangs that come here and 'rent' a girlfriend and then moan they aren't getting the full manicure service for 1,000 Baht.

The list is endless and most of it our problem.

And we wonder why Thai's treat us with contempt.

Once they get married, move to the sticks, and start wearing a yellow shirt, then it is really annoying.

Did anyone mention Expats with Toyota Pick-ups or Fortuners?

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I hate it that they steal all the good looking women! Especially the nice one's in their 30's from Isaan.

Oh.. and I hate that they breathe!


Valerian, wishing I was the only jesus. Or atleast the first! :o

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someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

Edited by Sarge
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So many posts.

Might have been mentioned already.

I have some problems with the expats that show up in the gossip colums (my wife loves to look at those pics).

You see them desperately trying to pose for the photographers that covers various parties and some of the so call hotter discos/bars in Bangkok.

Most of these guys act like some sort of local superstars, when they in fact are just another cheap D.J or Embassy Brat.

Or a teacher, or office worker, which are good and honest jobs, but still not in the the same salary range as Tom Cruise, etc.

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(To put my comment into context, let me preface by saying I'm a farang woman)

The only thing that used to bother me about expats was that I'd be out in an area of Thailand where there were few farangs, or way out in the outskirts where westerners were a rare sight. When I'd see a westerner, I was completely ignored. I could be way off base, but isn't it polite for a nod of acknowledgement or eye contact? Any and all western women I encountered in such situations eye contact was made and we, at the very least, acknowledged one another. Sometimes we even smiled and said hello.

Yes, for some reason the westerners who treat each other as invisible bothered me, and part of it could be that the very sight of a western female was a cloud in their sunny day and preferred not to let it wreck their fantasy bubble.

amyji, I know exactly what you mean. I was sitting down with this french man and his thai wife and adorable daughter with some of my other thai friends, having dinner, etc. He didnt give me any eye contact and avoided talking to me completely (he spoke very good English, so the language wasnt an issue.) I don't like it when people are rude to each other in general, and I think it's odd that expats (or non expats who are just tourists, etc,) go out of the way to avoid/not talk to anyone who is the same race, ethnicity as themselves. Are you talking about the western men specifically though? I've had some western women not acknowledge me as well...but I do find that western men go even more out of their way not to talk to western women...but that may just be because there are more expat western men in Thailand in general. The only time I ignore someone is when they act arrogant and just do everything for the attention, or when they are rude, etc.

Yes, I think we ALL know what Amyji is talking about. I think it's even funnier when they don't give you outright hostile looks, but go out of their way to crane their necks the other way, as in "I will not look or make eye contact with a farang woman, I will not look or make eye contact with a ...... " :o Incredibly transparent and fooling no one.

Not that I mind, with guys like Steveromagnino running around Bangkok. :D

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I live in a UK university town whose university has lots of Asian post-grad students. They're to be seen walking down the local high street at most hours of most days. I've never seen any of them acknowledge each other in the way that farangs seem to be expected to do in Thailand. Why do some people think that being a farang requires you to speak to complete strangers?

Edited by cophen
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Supprisingly I have a gripe that no-one else has! Maybe it's only me! I HATE it when a farang goes everywhere without his shirt on...
Been thru most of this thread including PrbkkPr's alphabet failed to see:-

Ignorant, disrespectful slobs roaming around town or in a bar parading their ugly shirtless upper body in public...

I hate it when a member doesn't read through a thread carefully, and then posts the same as someone else did the previous day.


Gee some people must have a dull and boring life to have the time to correlate every post in a 7 page thread looking for similarities :o
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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego. To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

and it's just not right that you don't have the dosh to build a "vast" house like them... isn't it? :D

Mmmmmm......does your arrogance stem from nationhood or is it a case that you have always assumed others think the same way as you?


not applicable because i built what you call a "vast" house albeit not in the "sticks" and neither am i married to a Thai lady :D in my [not so] humble view it is arrogant and unwarranted to associate bad taste with a big home provided the design of the home does not show bad taste. :D

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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

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someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

The reason why people 'jump the gun' at your last post was because of your disturbing attitudes towards Thai women. I couldn't care less what you say about westerners.

Edited by garro
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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

So you don't have any friends/work colleagues Thai or Expat?

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someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

The reason why people 'jump the gun' at your last post was because of your disturbing attitudes towards Thai women. I couldn't care less what you say about westerners as none of it applys to me.

look my point was about those farangs I see in the provinces and most of them are coupled with women coming from the lower echelon of society (as themselves they are). Most of them have kids from previous (failed) marriages/relationship with Thai men. It wasn't a sweeping statement about all Thai women. Now, if you chosen to believe that, and came galloping with your shiny armour to defend their honour, it says more about yourself than anything else. Disturbing may be your state of mind.

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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

So you don't have any friends/work colleagues Thai or Expat?

i don't. of course i have some friends who live abroad but they can't be called expats as they live in their native country.

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Sarge said;

See them shopping with their (slapper looking, in her late 30s and 40s plus) Thai partner and her (ethnic Thai) kids tagging along. A woman that no decent, self respecting Thai man (or any sensible farang man abroad) would ever want to be seen with.

You don't have to be no knight in shinning armour to see that these comments are appalling.

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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

So you don't have any friends/work colleagues Thai or Expat?

i don't. of course i have some friends who live abroad but they can't be called expats as they live in their native country.

No man is an island entire of itself.. why not join up to an internet based community where you can share and discuss likewise interests, may I suggest an expat forum even, a place where you will be regarded as an esteemed member given your years and experience of surviving in a foreign country, who knows maybe you will strike up a friendship or two with associated members?

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