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Good Bye Flying; Hello Sailing?


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It looks like the era of cheap and easy international air travel might be over. Not too keen on the idea of alternative fuels for aircraft (biodiesel?? :o).

I'd like to explore the options for sea travel, especially as I hope to have a bit more time on my hands before long. Does anyone have information about sea travel other than the cruise variety? For example, I understand that one can get quite nice accommodation as a passenger on a cargo vessel. I wouldn't mind doing this, initially to Brisbane or an Australian eastern seaboard port.



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I understand that one can get quite nice accommodation as a passenger on a cargo vessel. I wouldn't mind doing this, initially to Brisbane or an Australian eastern seaboard port.



Quite correct. There are limited berths on a lot of cargo lines, you only have to write to them for details. I would suggest P&O as your first try.

Untill the early 70's I had never flown Internationally, but had been round the world many times, all by ship. I worked for a Greek shipping company doing the UK Australia run and loved it. If you have six weeks up your sleeve, it's the only way to travel :o

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I did a google search and found cargo ships with berthing to be dam_n interesting. some of the cargo ships only have a few berths but very nice, meals with the officers swimming pool ect. have a look the price's are fair .... You may have to head to Korea , Singapore, Taiwan or China as there are very few that start in Thailand.

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It looks like the era of cheap and easy international air travel might be over. Not too keen on the idea of alternative fuels for aircraft (biodiesel?? :o ).

I'd like to explore the options for sea travel, especially as I hope to have a bit more time on my hands before long. Does anyone have information about sea travel other than the cruise variety? For example, I understand that one can get quite nice accommodation as a passenger on a cargo vessel. I wouldn't mind doing this, initially to Brisbane or an Australian eastern seaboard port.



:D There used to be a daily list in the classified ads in Bangkok Post or the Nation of cargo ships that took passengers. Not as common anymore now due to thr Roll On Roll Off (RORO) container ships that are used now. Not much space for passengers, the profit is in the containers, not people. Minimum crew also as much of the ship is computerised. Don't need a lot of crew to opearte one of them. Might be still possible to find some ships that take passengers. It isn't as cheap as you think anymore. Be prepared to have a LOT of free time, as nobody in the crew will probably have time to bother with you (too busy). I guess the best place to find one would be out of Singapore. Also ports in Malaysia or Indonesia. Think the cargo business out of Bangkok is a thing of the past, but I could be wrong, It might be worthwhilw checking the shipping news in the classified ads of any English newspaper in Bangkok. In the old days of the "hippie trail" (Europe across Asia thru India or vice versa) a lot of young women would end up in Singapore with no money to get home. Many of the cargo ships then would provide "free passage" to say Australia for a willing young woman. I'll leave it to you to figure out how she paid for the passage.


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I understand that one can get quite nice accommodation as a passenger on a cargo vessel. I wouldn't mind doing this, initially to Brisbane or an Australian eastern seaboard port.



Quite correct. There are limited berths on a lot of cargo lines, you only have to write to them for details. I would suggest P&O as your first try.

The P&O that you remember no longer exists. The only ships they run nowadays are ferries. All the others are gone. They started to go downhill shortly after I started working for them in 1980 :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have tried several times to find cheap ways to sail to asia from the USA. Every thing I run across tells me the old days of booking a cot on a tramp steamer is gone. Most carg lines I looked into are now upscale and charge many times what plane fares are. I could not find anything cheap at all, and I am more than willing to trade off some time for money. That is part of traveling, the journey.

In this day and age of 911 and immigration checks, I suspect it is not that easy to just hop on a ship and go from country to country. If anybody knows firsthand any way to get a bed on a ship from the USA to Asia, hopefully all the way to Thailand, please post some information.

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The P&O that you remember no longer exists. The only ships they run nowadays are ferries. All the others are gone. They started to go downhill shortly after I started working for them in 1980 :o

I was with P&O on the Bay Boats in the 80s and early 90s. Mainly on the UK - Far East with maybe a trip a year down to Oz and NZ.


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Numerous container ships can carry passengers both from West Coast USA and Europe to China, Singapore and Malaysia but not to Thailand. Not cheap, upwards of US$130 per day. In USA cotact Freighterworld.com, UK try The Cruise People Ltd, and possibly ''The Internet Guide to Freighter Travel''.

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