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It would truly be an intersting thing to see a UFO here. Some kids really are fascinated by these things...so much so that a subculture has been built around it back where I'm from. Here it seems the Thais are more interested in dead spirits coming back to life...from different lives. The concept of aliens from another planet seems unthinkable to them...my guess is it's because they've never had a Space Program.

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* A UFO is any flying object that hasn't been identified as a natural or man-made entity

* Some people think these objects are alien spacecraft, although there is no conclusive evidence yet

* UFOs have occurred in all shapes and sizes, but most often they are round, cylindrical, cigar shaped or triangular

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I just depends what you are taught and exposed to. If no one teaches them about dead spirits they wouldn't see them either. In the same way if no one taught them to be Buddhist or Muslims to follow Islam they wouldn't do it. We should just stop teaching them this stuff. Thats my opinion anyway. I'm sure that you all agree. :o

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Some time ago I kept on having the same dream over and over again, that I was from another world, the planet Krapton.

Last week I visited immigration for my visa extension and the officer stamped my passport with the words, Alien must leave kingdom within 12 months. That proved it.

Na nooo na nooo, FG go home.

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Riza, It is only the Govt paid debunkers who claim no conclusive evidence of UFOs/aliens. I have 2 excellent sightings, one over France at 25,000ft, (we were at 32,000ft), a formation of 5, witnessed by all 4 of us in the cockpit of the East African Airways Super VC10. in 1971, and one at Nairobi Airport. We carried a UFO report form in our nav. boxes for each flight, due to the many airline pilots sightings. No sightings in Thailand. Go to www.theyfly.com for a reality check. And where do you think you came from? Surely if a chimp in ten million years is still a chimp, and doesnt turn into a blond 6 foot German traffic cop, then???

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I just depends what you are taught and exposed to. If no one teaches them about dead spirits they wouldn't see them either. In the same way if no one taught them to be Buddhist or Muslims to follow Islam they wouldn't do it. We should just stop teaching them this stuff. Thats my opinion anyway. I'm sure that you all agree. :o

Are you suggesting we should only teach things proven to be true?

As for UFOs I remember a well documented sighting on the Nulibor in Australia. The area is very isolated with a long straight highway joining east to west. A lot of ppl arrived at petrol stations etc. all telling similar stories shortly after the incident. It seemed impossible that it could have been set up.

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When we lived in Georgia, close to the Floridian border, my former husband used to watch UFOs galore. They always flew across our roof after he finished his eleventh bottle of beer.

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I see them every day - by the thousands. A bit odd - but my father married his sister.... :o

I see ghosts but don't think that it has anything to do with the local made lao kao

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Nah it’s the Chinese :o

A CHINESE company has developed a prototype flying saucer that can hover in the air and be controlled remotely from afar, state press said today.

The aircraft is 1.2 metres in diameter and is able to take off and land vertically and hover at an altitude of up to 1000 metres, Xinhua news agency said.

The unmanned disc is driven by a propeller and can be controlled remotely or sent on a preset flight path, it said.

Its top speed is 80km/h, it added.

It took the Harbin Smart Special Aerocraft Co Ltd 12 years and 28 million yuan ($4.36 million) to develop the prototype craft, which is designed for aerial photography, geological surveys and emergency lighting, the report said.

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has anybody out there witnessed UFOs in Thailand...

:o Never saw a UFO in Thailand.....but once when I was about 10 years old I saw one in Massachusetts. For at least 30 years I didn't know what I had seen. Was cigar shaped (roughly) by the way. Then I saw a photo on a recently declassified USAF site about the SNARK, a USAF missle from the 50's and 60's that was no longer in use and had been declassified. Bingo, there my UFO was. I lived about 30 miles northwest of Westover Air Force Base when I was a child, and it has now been revealed that Westover was one of the places where the then secret SNARKs were tested. (They could have carried nuclear weapons, but were very inaccurate, so they were never actually deployed as a weapon system.)

By the way there is a verse about the SNARK that goes:

I launched a SNARK into the air

it flew away, I know not where

The SNARK was kind of an early cruise missle, but had a tendency to get lost in flight.

And that's my UFO story.


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I thoght USA had monopoly on UFOs.


This is true...actually, a group of about 30 of us saw one quite clearly being chased by 4 US fighter planes while in the mountains around the Mojave desert in the late 1970's.

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I have seen a very starnge Unidentified Flying Object in Thailand yes, i'm not saying it was an Alien Spacecraft but it was kind of like a V Shape, like you'd see a flock of Geese ( it wasn't Geese though :o ) & it was simply nothing i could expalin & still can't..

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