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Pattaya's Finest? A Letter In Pattaya Mail

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail: July 4th-July 10th Edition

Pattaya’s finest?


I have been holidaying in Thailand for a number of years now on a regular basis and am in Pattaya at the moment.

I was stopped by police behind Big C supermarket, near Subway, for no apparent reason. They asked, “Where you come from and licence?” I presented my international licence which was kept by the police and I was given a ticket.

I asked what the ticket was for and was given no reason, the police then suddenly “no speak English”, but could tell me “go Soi 9 for pay”.

The following day I went to Soi 9 police station, waited in line along with many other farangs, when I was eventually called to the desk to face my fictitious traffic misdemeanour.

The desk clerk pointed to the board behind him what my offences were! Reckless driving and no pink slip. 600 baht was asked for. I protested to no avail and was pointed in the direction of one of the English speaking police volunteers, who was about as much help as an ashtray on a motorbike. I realised I was not going to get my licence back without parting with 600 baht.

Surely the police in Pattaya could spend their time in a more productive manner rather than targeting westerners at the end of every month to boost their revenue.

If they can make up fictitious driving tickets, it just makes me wonder what else goes on.

They say “crime does not pay” seemingly not the case for Pattaya’s finest.

John Erthwaite

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Similar thing happened to me on the way to Nong Nooch with my girlfriend a few years ago, officer said i was riding in the wrong lane when i clearly wasn't. 500 baht on the spot, no ticket or reciept. Thieiving scumbags!

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Hmmmm, makes me wonder.

If it was a scam, why didn't the officer ask for a "fine" on the spot, instead of sending this guy to soi 9 ? The officer isn't likely to be getting a cut from the 600 baht that way.

And maybe this guy was driving recklessly. But like happens so often, people that get caught with their hand in the cookie jar will rarely admit that they were doing anything wrong. It's always someone else's fault. Everyone else is doing it, why can't I ? Oh you're just picking on me because I'm a farang (not because I may have cut someone off, or made a dangerous U-turn in traffic or a dozen other things that everyone seems to do everyday, that could be considered reckless).

Is the "pink slip" that was referred to reference to the Insurance sticker/decal ?

Does this guy own the moto, or was he renting it ? If it was his moto, did he have insurance ? If he had been caught "driving recklessly and without insurance back in his home country, I doubt he would have got away quite so lightly).

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UK International Licence = £5.50 = 364 Baht.

Which can only be obtained at AA office or Post Office in the UK. Round-trip flight = £800 = 53000 baht

The guy is on holiday so why would he make a round trip to get a new licence?

If he is caught driving without a licence the spot "fine" is likely to be less than 600 Baht anyway.

But, likely as not, as kerryd says this is only his take on the proceedings. The world's prisons are full of innocent folk.

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The guy is on holiday so why would he make a round trip to get a new licence?

OK, point taken. I just assumed it was another newbie resident-tourist visa-running whiner. Certainly sounded like one, beating their gums about Pattaya's finest.

I have been holidaying in Thailand for a number of years now on a regular basis and am in Pattaya at the moment.

Oops, really does sound like one after all.

Whatever next... the baht bus mafia? The dirty sea water? Too many ladyboys?

Edited by NanLaew
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I have been driving in Pattaya for 7 years - never been stopped, touch wood. I was on the back my Thai partners bike 2 times though and the Police tried to stop us, one time we did a u-turn rather quickly and left him trying to run after us, (ha ha) and the other time we just carried on rather quickly. When we venture to Bangkok though, we always pull over for them, and pay them 200 bt for there pocket money.

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail: July 4th-July 10th Edition

my offences were . . . Reckless driving and no pink slip

What is the "no pink slip" offence? I never carry any pink slips of any sort, so I guess I'm liable.

The police volunteers implicitly condoned this corruption . . . why?

Thing to do in case like this if you want to fight is to take photos w/ your cellphone of the cop and in the police HQ you can use as evidence to take to higher-ups and the press. But I think most of us wouldn't want to fight it, which is what the police also count on. It's good he wrote to the Pattaya Mail anyway. Maybe exposure will help. (We can always hope.)

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As it was an International License he should have told them to keep it and just get a new one back home.

...Which costs more than 600 baht...

£7 actually from the AA. However, principles are priceless :o

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Similar thing happened to me on the way to Nong Nooch with my girlfriend a few years ago, officer said i was riding in the wrong lane when i clearly wasn't. 500 baht on the spot, no ticket or reciept. Thieiving scumbags!

In May my moped was lifted by the police from the top of bach road legally parked in a bike bay, and a bike taxi driver as witness, went to police station spoke to aussie interpreter, he said argue and get your bike back next week or just pay 500 fine plus 100 for lifting the bike and you get it now has anyone seen how many bikes are in that compound up by exite, some been there that long they have weeds coming up through them!!!!!

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UK International Licence = £5.50 = 364 Baht.

Which can only be obtained at AA office or Post Office in the UK. Round-trip flight = £800 = 53000 baht

There is no such thing a an international driving license, what is being quoted as being available at a UK Post Office is a International Driving Permit (IDP), this document is a translation of a driving licenses in many languages (but not Thai), and is only valid when presented with the original license.

Personally I would never drive in Thailand because:

  1. I do not know the laws of the road.
  2. I if as a non Thai should I be involved in an accident which was not my fault I still would be held responsible.
  3. The police if not corrupt, they are incompetent.
  4. The local standard of driving is so bad that there is now chance in the forseeable future of it ever being acceptable by any civilized countries standards, and I really think that we in the UK should make anybody with a Thai driving license demonstrate their ability to control a motor vehicle in a safe manor be for allowing them on our roads.

Driving in Pattaya is so bad I would not even cross most roads unless I really had too.

I have to drive, particularly motor bikes I would suggest carrying a mobile phone at all times, have a few numbers of Friends (even the receptionist at your hotel) who can translate and ask them to ask the police what you have done wrong, heard a story of a couple of policemen stopping a friend on a bike, he phoned the tourist police, he said he had never seen two policemen back down so fast.


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Here on Koh Samui they never check if you have driving license.

The only time you might get caught for not wearing a helmet is around pay day.

To much business in renting out motorbikes here and the local police don't want ruin some relatives business.

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As it was an International License he should have told them to keep it and just get a new one back home.

...Which costs more than 600 baht...

As someone else noted, only 7 Quid (441 Baht) and he'll have to get a new one anyway as they're only valid for a year.

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As it was an International License he should have told them to keep it and just get a new one back home.

...Which costs more than 600 baht...

As someone else noted, only 7 Quid (441 Baht) and he'll have to get a new one anyway as they're only valid for a year.

The AA/RAC will post the permit to you for an extra fee I seem to remember the total was £15. This is way cheaper than the flight to the UK. And actually if this permit is produced to the police here they are not interested in any License issued by DVLA. Nor are they interested in any 'locally' issued license in any home country...only the permit.

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UK International Licence = £5.50 = 364 Baht.

Which can only be obtained at AA office or Post Office in the UK. Round-trip flight = £800 = 53000 baht

There is no such thing a an international driving license, what is being quoted as being available at a UK Post Office is a International Driving Permit (IDP), this document is a translation of a driving licenses in many languages (but not Thai), and is only valid when presented with the original license.

Personally I would never drive in Thailand because:

  1. I do not know the laws of the road.
  2. I if as a non Thai should I be involved in an accident which was not my fault I still would be held responsible.
  3. The police if not corrupt, they are incompetent.
  4. The local standard of driving is so bad that there is now chance in the forseeable future of it ever being acceptable by any civilized countries standards, and I really think that we in the UK should make anybody with a Thai driving license demonstrate their ability to control a motor vehicle in a safe manor be for allowing them on our roads.

Driving in Pattaya is so bad I would not even cross most roads unless I really had too.

I have to drive, particularly motor bikes I would suggest carrying a mobile phone at all times, have a few numbers of Friends (even the receptionist at your hotel) who can translate and ask them to ask the police what you have done wrong, heard a story of a couple of policemen stopping a friend on a bike, he phoned the tourist police, he said he had never seen two policemen back down so fast.


incorrect there as an international driving license in the UK and its totally legal you can get it from thr RAC

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They do ask for cash but it is the bullshit excuse this poor excuse for a copper made up to boost his "sales" figures which takes the piss.

On the other hand I was stopped 3 times in about 10km on the way to Buriram the other week in my truck and didn't have to hand over anything. I caveat that on the basis that at the first checkpoint I was following another vehicle at about 140 or so and had been for many miles and they could have him first whilst i had time to slow down.

Fines for speeding (Bt100 or so) I can live with.

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UK International Licence = £5.50 = 364 Baht.

Which can only be obtained at AA office or Post Office in the UK. Round-trip flight = £800 = 53000 baht

There is no such thing a an international driving license, what is being quoted as being available at a UK Post Office is a International Driving Permit (IDP), this document is a translation of a driving licenses in many languages (but not Thai), and is only valid when presented with the original license.

Personally I would never drive in Thailand because:

  1. I do not know the laws of the road.
  2. I if as a non Thai should I be involved in an accident which was not my fault I still would be held responsible.
  3. The police if not corrupt, they are incompetent.
  4. The local standard of driving is so bad that there is now chance in the forseeable future of it ever being acceptable by any civilized countries standards, and I really think that we in the UK should make anybody with a Thai driving license demonstrate their ability to control a motor vehicle in a safe manor be for allowing them on our roads.

Driving in Pattaya is so bad I would not even cross most roads unless I really had too.

I have to drive, particularly motor bikes I would suggest carrying a mobile phone at all times, have a few numbers of Friends (even the receptionist at your hotel) who can translate and ask them to ask the police what you have done wrong, heard a story of a couple of policemen stopping a friend on a bike, he phoned the tourist police, he said he had never seen two policemen back down so fast.


incorrect there as an international driving license in the UK and its totally legal you can get it from thr RAC

I beg to differ...

I googled RAC and International Driving License and the only thing that came up was the International Driving Permit as detailed in my original post.

Quote from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Driving_Permit

"An International Driving Permit (IDP) allows an individual to drive a private motor vehicle in another nation when accompanied by a valid license from their home country. "

The only International Driving License I know of can only obtainable down Khao San Road. :o

(also worth reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Drivers_License)


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The AA/RAC will post the permit to you for an extra fee I seem to remember the total was £15. This is way cheaper than the flight to the UK. And actually if this permit is produced to the police here they are not interested in any License issued by DVLA. Nor are they interested in any 'locally' issued license in any home country...only the permit.

I've even shown them an expired IDP and they were quite happy.

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Got caught a few months ago on the Pattaya Tai - 2nd Road intersection; friend on the back wore no helmet (kept it in his hand; <deleted>!).

The officer (there were 2 of them) grabbed for my keys, but I was prepared and got them in my hand already. "No, no, this is my bike, so I keep the keys!"

The BIB said that it is dangerous to drive without a helmet, and I said that's the problem of my friend. It's his head!!

He laughed and gave me a pre-written ticket with the message: "Pay at Soi 9!" I refused and said: "Oh come on, I not pay there. Pay here is better!"

Answer: "Up to you"

I said that I would come back in a minute, and that's what I did. I left, walked a few meters out of sight of both of them, put a 100 baht note in the prepared note from the police guy.

I went back to the 'crime scene' and was spotted by the BIB. I waited another minute and than the BIB disappeared in some kind of small t-shirt shop. I followed and gave the BIB the receipt.

"See you, na!"

The BIB 'shouted': "Up 2 you, na!!

I said, ok ok and off I went.

Everyting took place in a pretty 'old guys' tone. Not one offending word and sometimes even a friendly clap on the shoulder.

Edited by farangtingtong
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  • 3 weeks later...
Got caught a few months ago on the Pattaya Tai - 2nd Road intersection; friend on the back wore no helmet (kept it in his hand; <deleted>!).

The officer (there were 2 of them) grabbed for my keys, but I was prepared and got them in my hand already. "No, no, this is my bike, so I keep the keys!"

The BIB said that it is dangerous to drive without a helmet, and I said that's the problem of my friend. It's his head!!

He laughed and gave me a pre-written ticket with the message: "Pay at Soi 9!" I refused and said: "Oh come on, I not pay there. Pay here is better!"

Answer: "Up to you"

I said that I would come back in a minute, and that's what I did. I left, walked a few meters out of sight of both of them, put a 100 baht note in the prepared note from the police guy.

I went back to the 'crime scene' and was spotted by the BIB. I waited another minute and than the BIB disappeared in some kind of small t-shirt shop. I followed and gave the BIB the receipt.

"See you, na!"

The BIB 'shouted': "Up 2 you, na!!

I said, ok ok and off I went.

Everyting took place in a pretty 'old guys' tone. Not one offending word and sometimes even a friendly clap on the shoulder.

You are a smart one, in any traffic situation in the LOS, if you remain polite and not beligerant the Thai cops are easy on you. The BS that is posted about the Royal Thai Police on TV is usually from some farang in the wrong who gives them <deleted>.

That shows them disrespect. In any other country,

including your own, if you show disrespect to a peace officer you can expect a negative experience.

In Thailand, if you get pulled over, WAI first to the officer ( respect) and say you are sorry ( learn the Thai word) things will go much more smoothly for you. My 2 baht. chock dee

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UK International Licence = £5.50 = 364 Baht.

Which can only be obtained at AA office or Post Office in the UK. Round-trip flight = £800 = 53000 baht

Or by post, as I did, +50 Baht.

Did I read this correctly, he did not live in Thailand, so would already have a return ticket.

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