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My Son Is On A Cp Billboard On Yommarat


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Jokers, all of you.

I didn't scream and shout about this unlike some of the responses...

Nope I'm not a troll, that's sad. Nope I haven't had time to check the billboard - in Yommarat.

Someone suggested this pointless topic be closed, I second that, I didn't expect so many pointless responses or attacks.

Thanks to those who offered the few sensible responses.

Is it possible to request topics be closed? Don't want any of you to burst any more of your blood vessels :o

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I don't think you should be allowed to close the thread until you check the billboard and report back.

Unless you are a troll.

Of course whatever the result I'm going to be thrilled to my bootlaces.

Edited by Old Croc
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Was it your son?? what do you mean you don't have time to check it?? you spend enough time checking this post.......... :o

is this the picture??!

Seriously, it takes a bit of skill to retouch a lousy casting picture, I would be very surprised if it looked any good on a billboard size pic.

But....if you do want to persue it then get in touch with the casting agency or the agency that sent you to the casting, and IF they have used the picture without your consent then you have them by the balls so to speak.

Typically a shot like this, you might get about 20,000b for some little kid; and it would be worth it for them to pay as the cost of producing a large billboard is printing cost alone something like 150,000 - 400,000b depending on the size.

However, I pretty much refuse to believe and have NEVER heard of such a thing happening and that's after 3 years working fulltime in that industry and a further few years still dabbling parttime. You will get all manner of scams in modelling worldwide but I have yet to hear of a casting image being good enough to use for a billboard; most likely it is simply another look krueng kid that looks similar; in my own opinion most look krueng kids tend to look very similar anyhow - well the ok looking ones anyhow.

I am really quite against the parents who push their kids into this line of work (and there are a ton of farang/Thai parents shunting their kids to become the next Tata Young). Get a decent education, be bilingual and dabble is ok; but there is a reason why the look kreung has a reputation of good looks (and some certainly are) but completely brainless.


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I'm guessing the kid wasn't his and now he doesn't wanna look like a muppet for opening this thread?

too late for that.

To the OP: PM a mod that's online now to request closure of the thread... but as has been mentioned, to do so prior to providing verification because "no time" whilst still having the time to post seemingly endlessly on the thread will leave all posters with serious doubt as to the veracity of your posting.

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It's curious that you know CP so well, but don't even know where Yommarat is.

Is it? I come across CP products more than I come across Yommarat, sorry :D


people on this board can say some remarkably stupid things. i eat cp daily (it is almost impossible not to), but after 10 years in bankok i dont think i have set foot in Yommarat. do i arouse your suspicions too plachon?

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Yes I'm a troll.

I come here and post all kinds of trolling material just to get talked to like this, I thoroughly enjoy being talked to like this, isn't being a troll fun!

I spend about 3 minutes a day on thaivisa.com so to the guy who said 'Was it your son?? what do you mean you don't have time to check it?? you spend enough time checking this post' - Are you seriously telling me that to check this post would take the same amount of time to locate a billboard on a street in an area I've never been to?


I'm a troll, close this thread.

In fact, ban me. I love the people on here who have nice and helpful things to say but I hate the people who reply to honest peoples threads with abuse and mockery, shame on you.

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You really should not take it personally. This is an anonymous internet forum so people say a lot of stupid things. There's no reason to take it personally when idiots say idiotic things. Just don't worry about it.

Also, you need to tell the conclusion of this story. So, for it to be closed would make this whole thread completely pointless. If the mods think someone is breaking the rules they will delete their post. Otherwise I see no reason to close this thread.

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Yes I'm a troll.

I come here and post all kinds of trolling material just to get talked to like this, I thoroughly enjoy being talked to like this, isn't being a troll fun!

I spend about 3 minutes a day on thaivisa.com so to the guy who said 'Was it your son?? what do you mean you don't have time to check it?? you spend enough time checking this post' - Are you seriously telling me that to check this post would take the same amount of time to locate a billboard on a street in an area I've never been to?


I'm a troll, close this thread.

In fact, ban me. I love the people on here who have nice and helpful things to say but I hate the people who reply to honest peoples threads with abuse and mockery, shame on you.

If your post is a genuine story and you can back it up with actual photos, it would have made for an interesting and thought-provoking thread...

As it is, it just sounds like something made up; a piece of whimsical fluff that you have thrown out to obtain attention.

Sometimes trolling threads can be quite entertaining, but this does not even come into that category.

Hope this helps with your next thread.

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Nah, many of you are complete jerks, plain and simple. Always ready to tear anyone apart. And what is this obsession with supposed trolling? Who are these masses of bridge dwellers that have nothing better to do than make up posts to "get attention"? Come on! Seems to me like liars always assume everyone else is lying too.

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Nah, many of you are complete jerks, plain and simple. Always ready to tear anyone apart.

Pot, Kettle & Black spring to mind?

A look at your last posts, although there haven't been many seem to put you in the same group unfortunatly.

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I'm not waving my feathers around :o I'm just asking what should I do next, has anybody come across this kind of thing before?

Nothing helpful to say, say nothing at all.

And yes you are right, hi-res images don't come without photo shoots, I'm aware of that, that's why I'm mentioning it...

Something very similar happened to my son, he had a photo shoot, we knew which magaizine he would be in, we purchased those magazines and put them away for safe keeping.

Then maybe a year latter we stumbled on a book with him on the front of it.... What did we do about it...? We giggled with glee, bought several books and put them away for safe keeping.

It happened also another time when I found a picture of me on a box of MAGNUM condoms!

Edited by Dakhar
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This was an excellent troll topic it had all the elements for outrage on Thaivisa. 1) Farang baby 2) Scheming Thais! 3) Indignant farang 4) Media

Also, the OP's hilarious unproven assertion and lack of follow through only wound up the audience even more. It was a total lead on and then cliffhanger. A dry wank if you will.

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This was an excellent troll topic it had all the elements for outrage on Thaivisa. 1) Farang baby 2) Scheming Thais! 3) Indignant farang 4) Media

Also, the OP's hilarious unproven assertion and lack of follow through only wound up the audience even more. It was a total lead on and then cliffhanger. A dry wank if you will.

A dry wank if you will. :o:D

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Nah, many of you are complete jerks, plain and simple. Always ready to tear anyone apart.

Pot, Kettle & Black spring to mind?

A look at your last posts, although there haven't been many seem to put you in the same group unfortunatly.

Really? Quote me then. Show me the posts you are referring to. Other than this post saying alot of people on here are jerks I dont recall anything else.

**Meh, just went to check all my posts and didnt find a single example of tearing people apart and certainly not for little to no reason whatsoever like the people I was referring to. I do however have a "tone" when I post and sometimes try to be funny but no I do not rip into people. Tease sometimes though, but thats light hearted and obviously not the same thing as the rampant negativity on these boards.

Edited by Sabum
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Nah, many of you are complete jerks, plain and simple. Always ready to tear anyone apart.

Pot, Kettle & Black spring to mind?

A look at your last posts, although there haven't been many seem to put you in the same group unfortunatly.

Really? Quote me then. Show me the posts you are referring to. Other than this post saying alot of people on here are jerks I dont recall anything else.

**Meh, just went to check all my posts and didnt find a single example of tearing people apart and certainly not for little to no reason whatsoever like the people I was referring to. I do however have a "tone" when I post and sometimes try to be funny but no I do not rip into people. Tease sometimes though, but thats light hearted and obviously not the same thing as the rampant negativity on these boards.

I actually agree with you on the guys here so ready to rip someone apart. The OP could/should of asked this question after finding out if it was his son but the abuse isn't/wasn't needed towards him.

But calling them jerks is surely adding to the problem?

Also if I must quote you here are 4 of your comments that people may easily take offence to. Even if you typed them in a light hearted manner, people read things often very differently to how you ment them.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Been here for just a short bit have you?

Voices? Do most people marry because they feel sorry for them?

sorry to Pattaya people but it DOES attract the scum of the country. Pattaya is going to have more of the kind of people that would murder

you are not savvy enough to even gain any benefits from upgrading

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Nah, many of you are complete jerks, plain and simple. Always ready to tear anyone apart.

Pot, Kettle & Black spring to mind?

A look at your last posts, although there haven't been many seem to put you in the same group unfortunatly.

Really? Quote me then. Show me the posts you are referring to. Other than this post saying alot of people on here are jerks I dont recall anything else.

**Meh, just went to check all my posts and didnt find a single example of tearing people apart and certainly not for little to no reason whatsoever like the people I was referring to. I do however have a "tone" when I post and sometimes try to be funny but no I do not rip into people. Tease sometimes though, but thats light hearted and obviously not the same thing as the rampant negativity on these boards.

I actually agree with you on the guys here so ready to rip someone apart. The OP could/should of asked this question after finding out if it was his son but the abuse isn't/wasn't needed towards him.

But calling them jerks is surely adding to the problem?

Also if I must quote you here are 4 of your comments that people may easily take offence to. Even if you typed them in a light hearted manner, people read things often very differently to how you ment them.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Been here for just a short bit have you?

Written because I agree with him and his viewpoint but realise that nothing will be done about it.

Voices? Do most people marry because they feel sorry for them?

This is in a thread Im trying to give him advice, whether its good advice I dont know but I am trying to help him. It was an honest question though.... many people marry for the wrong reason.

sorry to Pattaya people but it DOES attract the scum of the country. Pattaya is going to have more of the kind of people that would murder

I stand by that one, lived there myself and go there 3 times a week for work. Its not a nice place.

you are not savvy enough to even gain any benefits from upgrading

Dont see the problem here..... the whole sentence refers to not having to bother upgrading the iphone as its not needed to use all the functions.

Maybe calling alot of people jerks isnt right... thought it was a pretty mild thing to say but some of the posts against people here are truly hideous. And the worst part is, there seems to be no reason! Thats what gets me I guess.....

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Maybe calling alot of people jerks isnt right... thought it was a pretty mild thing to say but some of the posts against people here are truly hideous. And the worst part is, there seems to be no reason! Thats what gets me I guess.....

Oh I agree with you on that, Some guys get all the help they need.... some get attacked. Although sometimes, when the comments are constructive it makes good reading. The others are plain BS

I guess my point to you was that some of the things you had written seemed to fit into the same group. But like I also said it depends on how they were read. With your explanations they seem reasonable, without they could be taken in a different way.

Back to the topic in hand, Has this poor chap found out if it is his son yet? At least then he can give the middle finger to all those 'jerks' if it is.

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It's curious that you know CP so well, but don't even know where Yommarat is.

Is it? I come across CP products more than I come across Yommarat, sorry :D


people on this board can say some remarkably stupid things. i eat cp daily (it is almost impossible not to), but after 10 years in bankok i dont think i have set foot in Yommarat. do i arouse your suspicions too plachon?

Frankly, yes. It is a well known medical fact that eating too much CP food can decrease your brain size and ability for sound judgement, making one liable to jump to conclusions about one's offsprings being the next luk kreung star on the basis of unsubstantiated claims by over-excited "friends" in the genuine world of kiddy advertising. It has also been proven in clinical trials to make one unable to reach for a map or look up on the Net a well known road in Bangkok, that even country bumpkins (mercifully devoid of CP junkfood liberally laced in GM ingredients) who visit Bangkok once in a blue moon have heard of, like Silom or Sukhumvit. :D

Reminds me of the kids who know every character in Pokemon, but fail to be able to identify simple animals in picture tests. :o

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