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First proper frost of the year in Bristol this morning. Very cold outside.

Bl**dy cold in London too! :D !

Same in Manchester. It's the first time Mrs BoJ has seen frost, her eyes lit up, she loved it and she can't wait to see the snow now. But it's alright for her, she was looking at me, scraping the ice off the car window and smiling, whilst she was in the house with the Central Heating turned up full bloody blast :o

Oh well, back to LOS next month :D

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Slightly overcast this morning but no rain in Pattaya.

You wanna swap? :D

No way mate... balmy overnight lows of 22 deg... day time highs of 34 deg... and you've got what?

I may be a bit thick sometimes... but I ain't stupid!!!


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Hello to everyone in a warm country!!!!!!!!  Anyone want to swap?


This is my car windscreen at 10am this morning :D

That don't look like no Tuk Tuk, Daleyboy. Has it not arrived in the post yet? :D

Hey, that my friend is a upper class tuk tuk, with doors and a hard top.

In fact that is a pile of <deleted> that i am fighting with the garage to take back. I think a tuk tuk would be more reliable and it wouldnt be any colder because the heater doesnt work in the car :o

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Like the photo Daleyboy - made me shiver just looking at it! Anyway its absolutely pi@sing it down here in Samui, just wathched the road outside my window go from normal to flood situation.

Looking forward to the ride home on the bike :o

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Turps?  :o

White spirit. Or pure alcohol, used for cleaning paint brushes and the like. Sometimes purple in colour to reminds us not to drink it. I do believe it makes you go blind :D but that could be an old wives tale, a bit like something else that makes you go blind.

Anyway we had our first snow of the year last night. For once the weathermen were correct, they said snow by Friday. Heres what it looks like, i bet all you lot in Thailnd are really jealous. A house swap can be arranged, i have a 3 bed house on the outskirts of Bristol. Anyone wishing to do a house swap, i am looking for ANYTHING IN A HOT COUNTRY

I will leave the wife for your cleaning needs, but beware all she will do now is moan about how cold she is even though the heating is turned up to 30c, but dont worry the moaning will only last until next July. :D

View out of my back door at 830am


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Mind you, you haven't seen the rain we've just had in Phuket! :o

I just got back from Phuket. The drive to the airport was complicated by a frigg'n MONSOON. The streets in Patong were flooded and the road construction around Tesco didn't help any. The road up and down the mountain was essentially a river, with falling rocks as a bonus.


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Turps?  :o

Spiritus Veni Methylatus :D around the world for a dollar and a half :D


Flammable Yes

Distinctive odour Yes

Funny colour Yes

Tastes like shit Yes

Removes paint Yes

Father in laws moonshine

Flammable Yes

Distinctive odour Yes

Funny colour Yes

Tastes like shit Yes

Removes paint Yes

Looks like they are one and the same, but i have to say if i had the choice it would without a doubt always be the turps :D

Edited by daleyboy
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Just realised no-one here seems to have mentioned the big fire. This seems the right thread to have an intellectual discussion about it. or would it be off-topic? :o

Me? I slept right through the bang (too much wine the night before), and I'm only 30km away. Any thai visa members in Herts?

Just looking outside so wait a mo.

It's not raining, so no particles from the fire falling on Belsize Park tonight, and the Council haven't been round to sweep the leaves up yet.

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