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Surapong and two other cabinet members to be suspended from duty


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Urgent: Supreme Court accepts lottery case for trial

BANGKOK: -- The Supreme Court's Criminal Tribunal for Political Office Holders decided Monday to proceed with the trial in the lottery case against former members of the Thaksin Cabinet.

The court scheduled the first hearing on September 26.

The court's decision will cause three members of the Samak Cabinet, including Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Surapong Suebwonglee, to be suspended from duty.

-- The Nation 2008-07-28

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A deluge of court cases, decisions upcoming

BANGKOK: -- Don't blink! This coming week could be regarded as crucial for the country as one high-profile court case after another against key politicians will be popping up over the next few days.

Starting today, the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders is scheduled to announce whether it will accept to hear the two-and three-digit lottery case.

The lawsuit was filed by the now-defunct Assets Examination Committee (AEC) against the Thaksin Cabinet, including former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and 47 former ministers, accusing them of malfeasance for issuing the July 8, 2003 cabinet resolution to implement the two-and three-digit lottery.

The court decision will have far-reaching political consequences because among the accused are three current ministers: Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Surapong Suebwonglee, Labour Minister Uraiwan Thienthong and Deputy Transport Minister Anurak Jureemas.

Tomorrow, the Constitution Tribunal will hear a petition filed by a group of senators seeking the disqualification of Deputy Commerce Minister Virun Techapaibul for allegedly violating the Constitution for holding shares exceeding the legal limit of 5 per cent.

Both sides are summoned to give testimony at 9.30am.

The case to be tried on Wednesday is nothing short of gigantic when

the Supreme Court's Criminal Division of Political Office Holders is scheduled to announce the decision on whether to accept the Exim Bank loan case.

Thaksin is accused of abusing his position to order a one-billion-baht increase in the amount of loans to Burma, allegedly for the benefit of his family's satellite and broadband businesses. A total of four billion baht was extended to the Burmese government to improve its infrastructure and telecom sector in 2004. This came with the condition that the Burmese government purchase materials from the Shinawatra family's Shin Corp.

On Thursday, the Criminal Court will issue a verdict at 9am on the tax evasion case against Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra and her adopted brother - Banaphot Damapong, and Kanchana Honghern, her personal secretary.

The Attorney General filed the suit accusing the three of intentionally avoiding tax payments through fraud totalling Bt546 million for the sale of 4.5 million shares of Shinawatra Computer and Communications Plc worth Bt738 million. They were accused of violating Article 37 (1) (2) of the Code of Revenue and Article 83 and 91 of the Criminal Law.

-- The Nation 2008-07-28

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Supreme court accepts lottery case

BANGKOK: -- The Supreme Court accepted Monday to hear the two-and-three-digit lottery case filed by Assets Examination Committee against the Thaksin Cabinet, including former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders announced the decision at about 10am. The initial schedule for the announcement was 2pm.

The court scheduled the first hearing on September 26.

The lawsuit was filed by the now-defunct Assets Examination Committee (AEC) against the Thaksin Cabinet, including Thaksin and 47 former ministers, accusing them of malfeasance for issuing the July 8, 2003 cabinet resolution to implement the two-and three-digit lottery.

Among the accused are three current ministers: Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Surapong Suebwonglee, Labour Minister Uraiwan Thienthong and Deputy Transport Minister Anurak Jureemas.

The Constitution stipulates that a minister has to suspend his duties if a court accepts to hear a criminal court against him. However they argued that the case happened in the previous government.

-- The Nation 2008-07-28

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DPM Surapong to announce his political future tomorrow afternoon

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Surapong Suebwonglee (สุรพงษ์ สืบวงศ์ลี) will announce his political future after the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions receives the two- and three-digit lottery case.

The minister says he will announce his political future this afternoon after his meeting between the parliamentary committee on finance and budget. He also says he will request the Constitutional Court to review the status of ministers who were charged in the lottery case as the existing laws do not clearly state whether they should stop working.

However, the deputy premier affirms he will attend the Cabinet meeting tomorrow and discuss the case with the other three alleged ministers.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 July 2008

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Thai court to hear lottery case involving ministers

Thailand's Supreme Court agreed on Monday to hear accusations that the cabinet of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra breached lottery laws, putting the positions of three current cabinet ministers in jeopardy.

The court will go ahead with a case looking at whether 47 ministers in the Thaksin government violated the law when they launched a lottery scheme in 2003, a judge said in court. The first hearing is due on September 26.

"The charge is in accordance with the Supreme Court's procedure," said Judge Roongroj Ruenrerngwong, reading out the ruling as the other eight judges on the panel looked on. "Therefore it has agreed to hear the case."

Finance Minister Surapong Suebwonglee, Labor Minister Uraiwan Thienthong and Deputy Transport Minister Anurak Jureemas, who were in the Thaksin cabinet, may have to resign as a result.

Thailand's stock market, which has fallen more than 20 percent since anti-government street protests started on May 25, gave up small gains and turned lower after the news.

"The court decision has put more pressure on the current government as it might lose the ministers, which could affect the government's projects," said UOB KayHian Securities analyst Kosin Sripaiboon.

The military overthrew Thaksin in 2006 and set up a committee to probe accusations of abuse of power and wrongdoing against him and his cabinet. The lottery case is one of several the anti-graft committee recommended the courts should pursue.

The three ministers were not immediately available for comment, but Surapong told reporters on Friday he would not step down right away in the event of an adverse ruling and would ask the Constitutional Court to rule on whether he had to quit.

The anti-graft committee accused the Thaksin cabinet of breaking the law when launching a new lottery project in 2003, and also said that lawmakers from ruling parties were siphoning money from the lottery, charges Thaksin denies.

The Supreme Court's decision dealt another blow to the six-month-old government of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, who has already lost two ministers after court verdicts this month and faces a series of other cases.

The street campaign to oust him is led by a coalition of activists, royalists and businessmen who accuse his government of trying to protect Thaksin from graft charges.

Samak has blamed the current crisis on the 2007 constitution, designed by the coup makers who overthrew Thaksin, which gives judges more oversight in the political arena.

He has vowed to amend the charter when parliament reconvenes in August.

Source: Reuters - 28 July 2008

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DPM Doctor Surapong says no clear pressure to cease duty if Supreme Court takes 2 and 3 digit lottery case

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Doctor Surapong Suebwonglee (สุรพงษ์ สืบวงศ์ลี) revealed that if the Supreme Court today takes on the 2 and 3 digit lottery case, he will have to await his legal teams suggestions on legal ramifications of the event as there have been no clear indications that he would have to cease from his duties immediately.

Doctor Surapong stated that the matter differs from if the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) were to take on the case, in which they have clear guidelines for suspension of duty. The DPM said that he has not yet discussed the matter with his legal team but said that he is in no rush to forward his case for clarification by the Constitution Tribunal.

Doctor Surapong said that he would hold a press conference to clarify the matter later today.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 July 2008

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Maj.Gen.Chamlong says ministers alleged in 2-3 lottery case should cease working

Leader of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), Maj.Gen.Chamlong Srimuang (จำลอง ศรีเมือง), says today (July, 28th) that three ministers alleged in the two- and three-digit lottery case should stop working immediately after the court receives the case.

Maj.Gen.Chamlong also says the government can request the Constitutional Court to rule whether the three ministers should quit their jobs and PAD will discuss the matter again before arranging a campaign to pressure the government.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 July 2008

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Surapong to continue working

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Surapong Suebwonglee said Monday that he would continue working as the finance minister despite the court's decision to accept a lawsuit against him.

He said the Council of State would be asked Tomorrow to rule if he could hang on to the position after the Supreme Court decides to proceed with the trial of the special lottery case.

-- The Nation 2008-07-28

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. The DPM said that he has not yet discussed the matter with his legal team but said that he is in no rush to forward his case for clarification by the Constitution Tribunal.

No, obscurity serves the people much better in these situations.

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I dont know what the law says but sometimes it is better to just do the right thing. It would be a good move by the ministers involved to announce they are removing themselves from duty. Yuthand Aprirak both did so in different circumstances and gained kudos with the public. Lets hope this standard is maintained.

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I dont know what the law says but sometimes it is better to just do the right thing. It would be a good move by the ministers involved to announce they are removing themselves from duty. Yuthand Aprirak both did so in different circumstances and gained kudos with the public. Lets hope this standard is maintained.

Some people have ethics and a bit of class. They are the ones who do the right thing under the circumstances.

Others have no class, can't spell ethics and will hang on to whatever position they have with not an ounce of shame.

Surapong belongs in the 'others' category, along with most of his cohorts in this government. :o

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Attorney Generals Office will not represent defendants in lottery case

Deputy Spokesman of the Attorney General's Office Kemchai Chutiwong (เข็มชัย ชุติวงศ์) stated that after the Supreme Court agreed to take on the 2 and 3 digit lottery case, executives of the office met to decided whether attorney's within the office would represent defendants in the case.

The meeting concluded that since the case was filed by the Assets Examination Commission in the name of the government, the Attorney General's Office, which is also a government agency would have a conflict of interest to represent the cases defendants.

The office has thus decided to not allow its personnel to take part in the case.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 29 July 2008

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Abhisit calls on three Cabinet members to stop clinging to office

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva on Tuesday urged the three Cabinet members involved in the lottery case to uphold the law instead of trying to cling to office.

"Politicians often think they are indispensible to the country when in fact they are dispensible," he said.

Abhisit said every politician should not put their individual interests above their obligations to uphold the judiciary and the political system.

He reminded Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej that he would fail to restore confidence if he allowed the three to carry on their job.

Source: The Nation - 29 July 2008

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