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PAD Lay Siege On Government House, NBT TV Station


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I agree totally that people who are found "Selling" their votes should be stripped of that priviledge. Many people the world over have lost their lives for the right to vote only to have scenarios where that right is being taken advantage of and abused. The question is though how to police it, a problem which has put us in this mess in the first place.

Also, sure politicians can buy votes by way of populist policies that they do not/cannot fulfill. Although it would hardly be fair to blame the voter for that if they voted for what they thought where the right reasons.

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This thread is becoming littered with personal attacks and flames.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion... and just because yours may not agree with someone elses does not give you the right (on this Forum) to attack them. Please re-read the Forum Rules to which you all agreed to abide by when you joined the Forum.

ThaiVisa is a discussion forum... and it would be appreciated if you could contribute to the discussion of ongoing events in a civil manner... without resorting to insults.

Public Warning: the next flame will result in suspension of posting rights.

Please take heed.

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...I'm all for one-person-one-vote democracy as long as that one vote cannot be bought...

Now I understand, you are indeed democratic, but of course the rural poor should be deprived of their voting rights, since they are selling their vote. In a way, you could say that vote buying is part of democracy...

You don't understand 'democracy'! a sold or bought vote is null and void. that's the law and no deprival. therefore this puppet regime is illegal and resistance is a civil right and duty.

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It is not a secret that PPP is paying foreigner to make postings.

you also see many new members who only post anti-pad

Do you need a work permit for that ? :D

(ps: I've got some free time on my hands. Where do I sign up and how much are they paying ? Is the PAD paying more for the same thing ?) :o

//edited to change PPP to PAD :D

there is actually an office out of Hong Kong that employs deadbeat enligsh teachers and english speakng chinese to spend all day trolling on comments and forums about Tibet, Taiwan and other CCP projects. I met a brit in a bar in HK last month who got drunk enough to tell me what he did. He said also they had numerous proxies that they used. they have google alerts set for a number of terms such as "free tibet" "Taiwan Independence" and so on - so whenever anybody writes on of these terms, they check out the site and then sometimes refute with comments.

This same office is hired by Thaksins groups to clean up the wikipedia articles and troll the forums including this one.

I will see if we can find their number - maybe its good work for some?

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It is not a secret that PPP is paying foreigner to make postings.

you also see many new members who only post anti-pad

Do you need a work permit for that ? :D

(ps: I've got some free time on my hands. Where do I sign up and how much are they paying ? Is the PAD paying more for the same thing ?) :o

//edited to change PPP to PAD :D

there is actually an office out of Hong Kong that employs deadbeat enligsh teachers and english speakng chinese to spend all day trolling on comments and forums about Tibet, Taiwan and other CCP projects. I met a brit in a bar in HK last month who got drunk enough to tell me what he did. He said also they had numerous proxies that they used. they have google alerts set for a number of terms such as "free tibet" "Taiwan Independence" and so on - so whenever anybody writes on of these terms, they check out the site and then sometimes refute with comments.

This same office is hired by Thaksins groups to clean up the wikipedia articles and troll the forums including this one.

I will see if we can find their number - maybe its good work for some?

Please try to find!!

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By the way, I don't believe that anyone on here who's vocally supportive of the current gov't has any good intentions whatsoever for my country. At a glance, they all seem to be the usual who have always been overly critical of my country, the people and the culture. Funny that almost all of them appear to support this PPP-led gov't. Funny indeed.

Well my friend many falangs living here, including myself, DO very much support you and your people and have very good intentions and wishes for your country. I personally am appalled at the apparent rape of democracy I see here and understand fully why the PAD are protesting I hope FOR and not as reported AGAINST democracy. The current Government you have here right now seems to have been elected by vote buying and rigging from all I read and are apparently puppets of Thaksin who appears from his actions to be guilty as charged of both fraud and corruption in the extreme. So as I see it PAD are understandably trying to get them out of power as a first move as they feel democratically they are in power by fraud. Then I hope PAD would arrange for a fair and true election to be held ASAP, so this in the long term is fighting FOR democracy not AGAINST it. I just hope so much that no blood is spilled over it though. I live here as a guest and love Thailand where I have chosen to retire so of course I want to see the best for your country not only for me and my family here but for its good people too.

The only fair truly democratic way if all sides are big enough to accept it, is to invite in a large outside independent and respected international observation team from the UN or similar to monitor new elections and ensure that any vote rigging or buying of votes results in severe penalties for those responsible with imprisonment and a ban from politics for life. This is the only sure way, as monitored from within Thailand there will always be cries of corruption and biased observers. Everyone who truly values democracy and freedom has nothing to fear and must surely support this idea. Then and ONLY then will you see proper democracy with the TRUE will of the people electing their Government of choice, not political crooks gaining valuable votes from those who desperately need and have to take every 500 Baht they can get for their families in the rural areas. Only after such fair elections will you truly have a DEMOCRATIC Government of the people that we should all recognise, whether it will be PPP or PAD or Democrats or any other elected party. Then you may see true democracy as long as the elected Government then do just what they said they would do when canvassing for votes (i.e. their manifesto) and no hidden agendas for which the Monarchy should then intervene as they would be non constitutional agendas. People also more from ordinary areas of life, not just the rich elite ruling classes, should stand for election too, ordinary working folk who are capable of holding office and who should get the support of their people to represent them in their true interests (i.e. proper democracy at work). Remember true power is given by the people not brought with money as a lot of the currently very sick world seems to think.

I just know none of that will likely happen as it is chasing ideals that most folk most likely want but we never seem to get. If you want to cure the worst of the current problems you are seeing here then it really SHOULD HAPPEN though. As anyone who does not support this ideal shows their true colours as a probably corrupt person and an opposer of true democracy IMHO. As for me well I am just a guest here and an observer of course but I sincerely wish Thailand, and all its honest folk who wish it well, the very best of luck and prosperity for the future.

Edited by rayw
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It is not a secret that PPP is paying foreigner to make postings.

you also see many new members who only post anti-pad

Do you need a work permit for that ? :D

(ps: I've got some free time on my hands. Where do I sign up and how much are they paying ? Is the PAD paying more for the same thing ?) :o

//edited to change PPP to PAD :D

there is actually an office out of Hong Kong that employs deadbeat enligsh teachers and english speakng chinese to spend all day trolling on comments and forums about Tibet, Taiwan and other CCP projects. I met a brit in a bar in HK last month who got drunk enough to tell me what he did. He said also they had numerous proxies that they used. they have google alerts set for a number of terms such as "free tibet" "Taiwan Independence" and so on - so whenever anybody writes on of these terms, they check out the site and then sometimes refute with comments.

This same office is hired by Thaksins groups to clean up the wikipedia articles and troll the forums including this one.

I will see if we can find their number - maybe its good work for some?

The more posts I read on subjects like this, the more I believe it. Can't help but question if it's actually worth it or not though, no matter how much a "poster" gets paid. I highly doubt anything I read on this forum will change my opinion on Thaksin being the most money-hungry #$Q@ imaginable, ready to run Thailand into the ground just to line his own pockets.

My opinion on Samak will never be much higher either, although at least he has comedy value (not including his murderous history obviously).

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Chamlong Claims Former ISOC Chief Will Replace Him as PAD Leader

UPDATE : 28 August 2008

PAD leader Chamlong Srimuang took the stage at Government House and made a surprise announcement, claiming that the former Internal Security Operations Command deputy director will replace him as PAD leader if he's arrested.

Chamlong said he was called away to answer a very important phone call from a high ranking military general. He then revealed that the man he's referring to is General Pallop Pinmanee, former deputy director of the Internal Security Operations Command. He said General Pallop will be replacing him as PAD leader if he's arrested.

Interesting if true...

Edited by onethailand
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It is not a secret that PPP is paying foreigner to make postings.

you also see many new members who only post anti-pad

Do you need a work permit for that ? :D

(ps: I've got some free time on my hands. Where do I sign up and how much are they paying ? Is the PAD paying more for the same thing ?) :o

//edited to change PPP to PAD :D

there is actually an office out of Hong Kong that employs deadbeat enligsh teachers and english speakng chinese to spend all day trolling on comments and forums about Tibet, Taiwan and other CCP projects. I met a brit in a bar in HK last month who got drunk enough to tell me what he did. He said also they had numerous proxies that they used. they have google alerts set for a number of terms such as "free tibet" "Taiwan Independence" and so on - so whenever anybody writes on of these terms, they check out the site and then sometimes refute with comments.

This same office is hired by Thaksins groups to clean up the wikipedia articles and troll the forums including this one.

I will see if we can find their number - maybe its good work for some?

The more posts I read on subjects like this, the more I believe it. Can't help but question if it's actually worth it or not though, no matter how much a "poster" gets paid. I highly doubt anything I read on this forum will change my opinion on Thaksin being the most money-hungry #$Q@ imaginable, ready to run Thailand into the ground just to line his own pockets.

My opinion on Samak will never be much higher either, although at least he has comedy value (not including his murderous history obviously).

why not? sounds like a nice job....others go as mercenary in Iraq or repair the waste water installations....in both cases I would prefer to write silly postings....

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He added that the government decided to shift the official function "116 Days: From Mothers' Day to Fathers' Day," which was planned to be held at the Government House this Saturday, to Suan Amporn.

Interesting in that it comes out after Sondhi had already stated that the Government House venue was never the plan in the first place.

LOL. ditto. Back footed.

Anyone ever see a announcement of this function

BEFORE Samak announced it this week?

There is this.


Bangkok (Thailand), August 17 (CityNewsR): Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej spoke today during his weekly talk show that on the 30th of August a ceremony will mark the 116 days from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day project.

For the ceremony His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn will travel to the Government House and hand out a flag bearing the insignia of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen as well as the national flag to governors from every province. The governors will return with the flags and conduct their own rallies within their province and finally return with the flags to present to His Majesty the King on December 3rd. The project is to symbolize the unity of the nation’s citizens.

Congratulations, Cedricmiller, for finding that report!

So then, Sondhi first made the announcement that HRH The Crown Prince was not coming to the Government House venue and then Samak decided to follow it? :o

It's rather a lose/lose situation for Samak either way...

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I agree totally that people who are found "Selling" their votes should be stripped of that priviledge. Many people the world over have lost their lives for the right to vote only to have scenarios where that right is being taken advantage of and abused. The question is though how to police it, a problem which has put us in this mess in the first place.

Also, sure politicians can buy votes by way of populist policies that they do not/cannot fulfill. Although it would hardly be fair to blame the voter for that if they voted for what they thought where the right reasons.

i agree mostly. just two thoughts:

1. the scam is not the responsibility of the poor uneducated rural voter! it is first and foremost the rich vote buyer we have to go after. go after 500 rogues instead after 53 million voters. if crimes against democracy would be treated as terrorist acts, our friends in homeland security and the cia could provide ample support and advice how to go after terrorists and waterboard them until they admit everything. but somehow our big brothers seem to be totally uninterested to change corruption. they have learned that doing business with some corrupt politician is much easier than dealing with some upright decent servants of the people.

2. don't blame the voters who are constantly fed and kept stupid with propaganda, useless advertising, soap operas and gameshows. blame the government (sic!) for spending peoples money for arms, soldiers, anti-terror-wars instead for education. and eliminate the slavish mentality. legalize honesty!

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So then, Sondhi first made the announcement that HRH The Crown Prince was not coming to the Government House venue and then Samak decided to follow it? :o

It's rather a lose/lose situation for Samak either way...

Right now it's a lose/lose situation for Thailand, dont you think ?

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By the way, I don't believe that anyone on here who's vocally supportive of the current gov't has any good intentions whatsoever for my country. At a glance, they all seem to be the usual who have always been overly critical of my country, the people and the culture. Funny that almost all of them appear to support this PPP-led gov't. Funny indeed.

It is not a secret that PPP is paying foreigner to make postings.

you also see many new members who only post anti-pad

ThNiner.....what can I say?

Firstly, there are actually very few posters here who are fanatical supporters of the present government, what they are is total opponents of PAD and its political philosophy, and now the illegal thuggery being unleashed by PAD.

Secondly, I would say that many of those posting here who are critical of PAD actually have a deep love and affection for Thailand and its people, they just don't want to see it go the way of Burma. However much I may disagree with some of the PADistas on this forum, I would NEVER accuse them in those terms.

Thirdly, from your language in this and other posts, I have my doubts as to whether you are actually a Thai. If I'm wrong, I apologise in advance, but have others cottoned on to the odd phrase or two, duh?

Then, dear h90, you are so obviously drifting off into cloud-cuckoo land that i just give up with you.

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This is THE point


Cambodia, Thai border talks postponed due to Bangkok protests

By Deutsche Presse Agenture

Phnom Penh - Informal talks between Bangkok and Phnom Penh over disputed border areas were halted abruptly and scheduled formal talks postponed indefinitely amid political tension in Thailand, a Cambodian official said Thursday.

Defence Ministry Secretary of State Neang Phat said the Thai delegation arrived Wednesday in Siem Reap, 300 kilometres north of Phnom Penh, and the two sides had talked amicably before formal talks scheduled for Friday were abruptly cancelled.

"We had prepared all the documents," Phat said. "Then a call came and they asked for the meeting to be delayed. They didn't say why but we can assume. This is Thailand's business, not ours."

Phat was referring to the ongoing anti-government protests in Bangkok by the Thai opposition People's Alliance for Democracy movement, which escalated Tuesday.

Phat said no new date had been set for a resumption of joint talks over border areas around the newly listed UNESCO World Heritage site of Preah Vihear temple, as well as the Ta Moan temple complex 150 kilometres to its west.



Like every day, let me remind you that the worst is not the fake democracy or the real corruption.

Or course, I'd be sad if police shots PAD or if PAD fights with PPP BUT the main point is to avoid the war with Cambodia.

Sondhi wants it clearly (you can check his stances). Even if not in charge PAD is able to create the condition of the war. Cambodian population has nothing to do with all of this mess.

Nothing is worst than a war.

What do we learn right now in Nation? The Thai gvt is so weak and afraid by PAD that the envoys cannot even discuss with their Cambodian counterparts. If they had done, you imagine already the Sondhi's shouts "traitors! Preah Vihear is Thai, let's go to take it back by force".

The situation is VERY dangerous. What if PAD tell tomorrow: "Let's take our SUV and run to Preah Vihear to make a yellow march / walk"?

You and me know that it means blood somewhere. Just hope it will not be the blood of the innocent Khmer.

You can list all the faults of Sondhi and Samak, the fact that one of them wants the death of thousand innocents (it cannot be avoided if war) makes THE difference.

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It occurs to me that if PAD prevails and goes through with the military appointed government plan that Sondhi described to CNN, then Bangkok must remain under martial law indefinitely. The current government is recognized world wide as the legitimate government (rightly or wrongly). Another government appointed by the military will once again be condemned by the international community and cause further loss of foreign investments and export opportunities. I also fear that this type of demonstration targeted against a government appointed by the military, would not be treated so delicately.

Would not it be more practical for the protesters to be demanding improved voting procedures to prevent vote buying? I think in most countries, SECRET BALLOT kills the incentive to pay people for their vote. The protesters seem convinced that they would win in a fair election, so it seems their efforts would best be directed at ensuring fair elections.

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You don't understand 'democracy'! a sold or bought vote is null and void. that's the law and no deprival. therefore this puppet regime is illegal and resistance is a civil right and duty.

Sure I probably don't understand jack shit, of course people who claim that the current government is there just because of vote buying, have an even lesser understanding.

Of course to render a vote null or void, there is something that is called a burden of proof. Something you cannot possibly provide.

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Errr, may I ask you to think a bit further and try to investigate the differences in voting for someone because of their policies/"promises" and voting for that person because your family has just received 2,000 from him and pretty much knows jack about the guy and the consequences of the election?

How would you possibly know that these people don't know jack about the guy or party. That's the dangerous thinking. You seem to think that just because you might have more money, or an education, that these people are stupid and cannot be trusted with the right to vote.

It's thoughts like that, which make me sick.

Edited by sjaak327
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He added that the government decided to shift the official function "116 Days: From Mothers' Day to Fathers' Day," which was planned to be held at the Government House this Saturday, to Suan Amporn.

Interesting in that it comes out after Sondhi had already stated that the Government House venue was never the plan in the first place.

LOL. ditto. Back footed.

Anyone ever see a announcement of this function

BEFORE Samak announced it this week?

There is this.


Bangkok (Thailand), August 17 (CityNewsR): Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej spoke today during his weekly talk show that on the 30th of August a ceremony will mark the 116 days from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day project.

For the ceremony His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn will travel to the Government House and hand out a flag bearing the insignia of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen as well as the national flag to governors from every province. The governors will return with the flags and conduct their own rallies within their province and finally return with the flags to present to His Majesty the King on December 3rd. The project is to symbolize the unity of the nation’s citizens.

Congratulations, Cedricmiller, for finding that report!

So then, Sondhi first made the announcement that HRH The Crown Prince was not coming to the Government House venue and then Samak decided to follow it? :o

It's rather a lose/lose situation for Samak either way...

Incorrect, what Sondhi said is that there was no ceremony planned at Government House on saturday, in which he lied.

See post 1299 in this thread (bold is from me):

copy/paste from the nation:

Sondhi claims Kowit lied over royal ceremony at Government House

Sondhi Limthongkul, a leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy, claimed Thursday that Interior Minister Kowit Watana lied about the royal ceremony to be chaired by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn at Government House.

But Sondhi told the crowd at the rally site inside Government House that he had checked with the Royal Household Bureau and learnt that the Crown Prince had no plan to chair any ceremony at Government House on Saturday.

The Nation

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

If this is confirmed it raises the stakes immeasurably. To date the involvement of powerful military figures has been very limited at PAD rallies. This guy even though retired is powerful.

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Boonsang urges all parties not to use force

(BangkokPost.com) - Supreme Commander Boonsang Niampradit said Thursday that political unrest should be solved through talks, not violence.

Gen Boonsang said the government may ask for help from academics and thinkers in order to help find solutions.

He also called on all parties not to use force in solving this problem, adding that prolonged problem is better than violence.

The Supreme Commander added that the situation is not yet considered as 'crisis', and that soldiers will stand on people's side and will not stage a coup.

-- Bangkok Post 2008-08-28

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It occurs to me that if PAD prevails and goes through with the military appointed government plan that Sondhi described to CNN, then Bangkok must remain under martial law indefinitely. The current government is recognized world wide as the legitimate government (rightly or wrongly). Another government appointed by the military will once again be condemned by the international community and cause further loss of foreign investments and export opportunities. I also fear that this type of demonstration targeted against a government appointed by the military, would not be treated so delicately.

Would not it be more practical for the protesters to be demanding improved voting procedures to prevent vote buying? I think in most countries, SECRET BALLOT kills the incentive to pay people for their vote. The protesters seem convinced that they would win in a fair election, so it seems their efforts would best be directed at ensuring fair elections.

The PAD movement started 3 month ago, because the government wanted to change that parts in the constitution which shall prevent vote buying. Did you follow that.....party get dissolved--no problem we have 2 new parties standby (they can change party easily)....Premier or Minister get kicked by the court....no problem just re-elect him....

So PAD is trying what you suggest, just their target is to keep/protect the current laws. There is no way PPP would ever change the laws to be harder....

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Chamlong Claims Former ISOC Chief Will Replace Him as PAD Leader

UPDATE : 28 August 2008

PAD leader Chamlong Srimuang took the stage at Government House and made a surprise announcement, claiming that the former Internal Security Operations Command deputy director will replace him as PAD leader if he's arrested.

Chamlong said he was called away to answer a very important phone call from a high ranking military general. He then revealed that the man he's referring to is General Pallop Pinmanee, former deputy director of the Internal Security Operations Command. He said General Pallop will be replacing him as PAD leader if he's arrested.

Interesting if true...

Oh sweet, this goes from the absurd to the ridiculous.


Return of the Young Turks I guess and also these are the people that surrounded Sonthi. I suppose Saprang is in here somewhere.

So much for my theory that all the big egos had been put away in a locked box somewhere.

They are obviously still all out and kicking.

Now if the Thai people would just turn away in disgust and not play their power games for them - or maybe that's too much wishful thinking.

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

If this is confirmed it raises the stakes immeasurably. To date the involvement of powerful military figures has been very limited at PAD rallies. This guy even though retired is powerful.

He was the one who ordered the crackdown at Krue Se Mosque. And his driver was arrested with 67 kg of explosives found in his car - driving around near Thaksin's residence.

Pallop is a staunch anti-Thaksin critic and a close friend of Chamlong - so as you have pointed out - this has raised the stakes immeasurably.

Edited by onethailand
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Boonsang urges all parties not to use force

(BangkokPost.com) - Supreme Commander Boonsang Niampradit said Thursday that political unrest should be solved through talks, not violence.

Gen Boonsang said the government may ask for help from academics and thinkers in order to help find solutions.

He also called on all parties not to use force in solving this problem, adding that prolonged problem is better than violence.

The Supreme Commander added that the situation is not yet considered as 'crisis', and that soldiers will stand on people's side and will not stage a coup.

-- Bangkok Post 2008-08-28

What does that mean? I understand: No violence.

But what does that mean: "soldiers will stand on people's side and will not stage a coup."?

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He added that the government decided to shift the official function "116 Days: From Mothers' Day to Fathers' Day," which was planned to be held at the Government House this Saturday, to Suan Amporn.

Interesting in that it comes out after Sondhi had already stated that the Government House venue was never the plan in the first place.

LOL. ditto. Back footed.

Anyone ever see a announcement of this function

BEFORE Samak announced it this week?

There is this.


Bangkok (Thailand), August 17 (CityNewsR): Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej spoke today during his weekly talk show that on the 30th of August a ceremony will mark the 116 days from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day project.

For the ceremony His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn will travel to the Government House and hand out a flag bearing the insignia of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen as well as the national flag to governors from every province. The governors will return with the flags and conduct their own rallies within their province and finally return with the flags to present to His Majesty the King on December 3rd. The project is to symbolize the unity of the nation’s citizens.

Congratulations, Cedricmiller, for finding that report!

So then, Sondhi first made the announcement that HRH The Crown Prince was not coming to the Government House venue and then Samak decided to follow it? :o

It's rather a lose/lose situation for Samak either way...

Incorrect, what Sondhi said is that there was no ceremony planned at Government House on saturday

So he just happened to guess absolutely correctly that Samak would change the venue and did so just before the decision was made? :D

Edited by sriracha john
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Boonsang urges all parties not to use force

(BangkokPost.com) - Supreme Commander Boonsang Niampradit said Thursday that political unrest should be solved through talks, not violence.

Gen Boonsang said the government may ask for help from academics and thinkers in order to help find solutions.

He also called on all parties not to use force in solving this problem, adding that prolonged problem is better than violence.

The Supreme Commander added that the situation is not yet considered as 'crisis', and that soldiers will stand on people's side and will not stage a coup.

-- Bangkok Post 2008-08-28

It seems everyone is urging calm and promising not to use force. Why does that worry me?

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He added that the government decided to shift the official function "116 Days: From Mothers' Day to Fathers' Day," which was planned to be held at the Government House this Saturday, to Suan Amporn.

Interesting in that it comes out after Sondhi had already stated that the Government House venue was never the plan in the first place.

LOL. ditto. Back footed.

Anyone ever see a announcement of this function

BEFORE Samak announced it this week?

There is this.


Bangkok (Thailand), August 17 (CityNewsR): Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej spoke today during his weekly talk show that on the 30th of August a ceremony will mark the 116 days from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day project.

For the ceremony His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn will travel to the Government House and hand out a flag bearing the insignia of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen as well as the national flag to governors from every province. The governors will return with the flags and conduct their own rallies within their province and finally return with the flags to present to His Majesty the King on December 3rd. The project is to symbolize the unity of the nation’s citizens.

Very good, thank you, I had not seen it.

That's why i asked.

I certainly approve of the theme of the flag ceremony also.

Though my approval is certainly irrelevant.

For the person who doesn't like my writing style.

I write so that I can see my ideas the most clearly.

I find many others writing styles hard to read and quite irritating,

but don't see the need to comment.

I feel there is no compunction to fit words in a space like newsprint,

nor as in a historical book, and I see no reason to risk being unclear

to fit some style, or to fit some preconceived stereotype of how writing should be.

If you don't like it scroll past it.

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

If this is confirmed it raises the stakes immeasurably. To date the involvement of powerful military figures has been very limited at PAD rallies. This guy even though retired is powerful.

Where is that guy? Is he at the mob? I can't imagine the anti-riot police is beating that guy or shoot a rubber bullet on him.....

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He added that the government decided to shift the official function "116 Days: From Mothers' Day to Fathers' Day," which was planned to be held at the Government House this Saturday, to Suan Amporn.

Interesting in that it comes out after Sondhi had already stated that the Government House venue was never the plan in the first place.

LOL. ditto. Back footed.

Anyone ever see a announcement of this function

BEFORE Samak announced it this week?

There is this.


Bangkok (Thailand), August 17 (CityNewsR): Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej spoke today during his weekly talk show that on the 30th of August a ceremony will mark the 116 days from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day project.

For the ceremony His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn will travel to the Government House and hand out a flag bearing the insignia of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen as well as the national flag to governors from every province. The governors will return with the flags and conduct their own rallies within their province and finally return with the flags to present to His Majesty the King on December 3rd. The project is to symbolize the unity of the nation’s citizens.

Very good, thank you, I had not seen it.

That's why i asked.

I certainly approve of the theme of the flag ceremony also.

Though my approval is certainly irrelevant.

For the person who doesn't like my writing style.

I write so that I can see my ideas the most clearly.

I find many others writing styles hard to read and quite irritating,

but don't see the need to comment.

I feel there is no compunction to fit words in a space like newsprint,

nor as in a historical book, and I see no reason to risk being unclear

to fit some style, or to fit some preconceived stereotype of how writing should be.

If you don't like it scroll past it.

I like your writing style!

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