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My Mum uses it because she has a bad back, I have but wouldn't again as I didn't find it much different from economy and I think EVA economy is pretty good anyway.


I would say It's definitely worth the extra on the 11+ hours to the UK!

I've flown Elite twice a year since 1997 and only once in economy .... never again, I couldn't get my ar$e in the seat. :D Did I need that 2 hr massage when I arrived in BKK.

If you can afford it ...go for it. :o


Is that Evergreen class you're talking about?

I too want to know. Is it only 2-wide seat aisles like business class or what?


I'm looking at flying in December LON-BKK and they want over £1700 in elite.. So no it's not worth the difference anymore.

I'm looking at flying in December LON-BKK and they want over £1700 in elite.. So no it's not worth the difference anymore.

1700 Sterling?!!!!!!! For elite/evergreen? That can't be right. I'm booked evergreen deluxe from Seattle to BKK late Oct. for $1340US (725 sterling). If they are really quoting 1700 pounds from Heathrow, then no, not worth it.


we have used it regularly for our yearly trips back to blighty.

it was excellent on the 747 jumbo jet , quiet private cabin in the front of the plane , good seat spacing.

on the planes they use now for that route , airbus?, it's not so good. the seats are over the wings , restricted views , some windows are actually blocked up and there is no view at all. the cabin is tighter , although the seats are larger than economy..... (and horror of horrors , some of the cheapskate cattle classers actually come through the curtain and use our toilets !!! and boy , does their shit stink !!)

prices much higher now , we paid about 850 ukp each in the summer , 2 or 3 years ago it was 480 ukp.

food pretty poor , and considering the large premium paid over an economy ticket , i didnt think it represented good value this time , and after we have used our airmiles for an upgrade next time , we shall try and find another airline for our trips. with the money saved we should be able to afford a cup of coffee at heathrow when we land.

unless in business or first , air travel sadly isnt what it used to be.


I've flown the elite premium economy once, and it was good. My job paid for it. I've flown economy on EVA on about 5 LAX-BKK r/t trips, and I find it fine also. For me the difference in ticket price will keep me in economy. I'm 5'8" and or normal weight. It might be different if I was tall or obese, but I'm neither, thus I'll sit a bit further back and save $$$'s to spend on vacation.

I'm looking at flying in December LON-BKK and they want over £1700 in elite.. So no it's not worth the difference anymore.

1700 Sterling?!!!!!!! For elite/evergreen? That can't be right. I'm booked evergreen deluxe from Seattle to BKK late Oct. for $1340US (725 sterling). If they are really quoting 1700 pounds from Heathrow, then no, not worth it.

That's what the web page quoted me yesterday, but I found a more normal price elsewhere. I'd like to use them to fly to Australia, but you can't get a price for the whole trip. I think their flights aren't coordinated.

I just checked again and found the same for travel 5-28 Dec. And you can't choose BKK-BNE at all. They'd be perfect for the Kangaroo route.


Our last 2 trips, November last year and this April, we flew LHR-BKK economy on EVA, at around £480-£490 each time. Their new plane isn't bad, and unless you're oversize I don't find it uncomfortable enough to warrant paying for elite, or whatever they call it. You don't get there any quicker. The food is dire on the way out, not bad coming back.

For this November they're showing at over £650, so I'm not booking at that price at the moment. If there aren't any offers later on, we'll be going on an indirect flight.

I would use EVA evergreen everytime if they had a night flight to the uk ,but they dont so its peasant class on Thai...

That's my other gripe.. Only fly in the day and Thai don't have premium economy..

I'm looking at flying in December LON-BKK and they want over £1700 in elite.. So no it's not worth the difference anymore.

WOW!! I'm flying October £540 in elite, booked early and it went up £60 while I was on the phone.

Always enjoyed EVA.

Best Food I ever had was on Eithiad.


I read on another thread that the figures for tourists coming and going from Thailand are down a lot from last year. Given the current political situation and fare increases its likely that even fewer people will be flying to Thailand in the near future. This being the case if you are already booked on an EVA Air economy ticket the chances are that the plane won't be so full and you might be lucky enough to get a row to yourself like the old days.


Hopefully, people will start cancelling (especially families I hope) and they'll have seats to fill quickly.

As for the political upheavals, I think it would be a fascinating time to be there as long as they weren't shooting people in the street and there wasn't an 8pm curfew.


I have the Eva freq. flyer card, and if the price of the elite seat isn't too much higher..and you have enough miles, it's worth paying extra, because maybe you can use the miles to upgrade to 1st class ticket at the airport.

I have the Eva freq. flyer card, and if the price of the elite seat isn't too much higher..and you have enough miles, it's worth paying extra, because maybe you can use the miles to upgrade to 1st class ticket at the airport.

Good Tip.

Thank You


I always fly Eva Air BKK-LHR-BKK in Elite Class or use Miles to upgrade to business. Its well worth the extra money to fly Elite class rather than economy class iMHO.

A family member of mine is quite ill in the UK so I have been checking the Eva Air flights every day since about 2 weeks ago in case I have to leave to go to the UK in a hurry.

Two weeks ago when I first started checking, all flights for the next 2+ weeks were full in Elite Class.

When I tried their website yesterday, every flight I tried, had at least one seat available.

I tried every day they fly from 4th September - 15th September and there was availablity.

I was very surprised by this, most unusual, but it adds to the growing evidence of a downturn in tourist activity for sure!

Being selfish, its quite useful for my current situation as I need to 'book and go' in a hurry.

Edit: I just went onto their website and the date I may have to go to the UK is 4th Sept. Out of interest to see how full the plane is, I put in that I wanted 4 seats - no problem lots of empty seats then. Mind you total cost would with taxes would be THB 237,200, so nearly 1000 pound a seat - ugh!!!! To answer the OPs question I am no longer sure this IS worth it. I will go and have a look at a few other airlines before I book this!!!


I think it's worth the extra money even for a small person. It's not as crowded, and you get better food. The seats recline more than economy which is important to me.

I have the Eva freq. flyer card, and if the price of the elite seat isn't too much higher..and you have enough miles, it's worth paying extra, because maybe you can use the miles to upgrade to 1st class ticket at the airport.

I think that you will find that EVA don't have first class...LHR to BK... They have business class and its ok although the 'shell seats' don't completely go flat. Everything else is ok..

Evergreen, although its got a new name now, have seating arrangement 2-4-2 across the aircraft. We always used to use westeasttravel.co.uk as a booking agent. Worth a try.

At 6'1" 220# yes it is worth it to me.

6' 1" and 220? dam_n man, cut down on the beers and consider eating vegetarian 80% of the time. That helped me get from 210 to my current 195. I'm also 6'1.

I used to travel Eva but have since switched to Cathay Pacific. No complaints with Eva.


The old Evergreen Deluxe was the best bargain in the skies. Essentially when they upgraded the old planes they put business and first upstairs but left the old business in the front of the plane as was and called it Evergreen Deluxe thus you got an old style business seats for about 25% over the economy price.

On the new planes Economy is good and Elite is marginally better for about 35% more. Just not worth it in my humble opinion BUT it is always booked solid they so they must be doing something right.

As an Eva Gold Card holder I can reserve a seat in Economy so I reserve the best seat by the emergency exit and get a better seat than Elite at a lower price. I have to pay for business about 1 in 4 to maintain by gold card status plus I have been upgraded to Business 4 times.

I am 6'1" and at 120 kilos thought I was seriously overweight and am on a strict no beer and exercise diet to get me down to 100. Just goes to show.


I used Evergreen last year from LHR-BKK and while the seats were wider than in Economy, I found they had less padding, so my rear end suffered (I'm only 8st. so don't have a lot of inbuilt padding!). Overall I didn't think it worth the extra money.

Will fly Etihad via Abu Dhabi in a couple of weeks.

The old Evergreen Deluxe was the best bargain in the skies.

Couldn't agree more. Curiously they have now put Economy Class upstairs in the area where the first/business class used to be on the old 747's. I suspect they are an option between Economy and Elite that you can get for 'free' if you are lucky. The seats are the same size it seems, but it seems more 'cosy'.

I think the service and 'feel' of all flying is deteriorating though. The latest Eva Air Jumbo feels very 'small' inside, not like the Jumbo's of old when you could hang aroung the exits and do some exercise etc... Oh well - progress I suppose!

You are very luck be a Gold member, I have now dropped to Silver member and the service is not as good. Although I still have a lot of airmiles, I am finding it difficult to upgrade to Business class as the allocation is all gone. Never had that problem when I had the Gold card, they even phoned me then to tell me the seat was now available.


Hi there, Wiley One

I'm a retired 30,000+ hrs airplane driver and an air transportation operations consultant, am still doing a couple hundred thousand miles a year and always also take an airline's operational standards into account when looking to travel. And for my money, on those criteria there is no better ride available than EVA's "L" / "DeLuxe" Class. Definitely the best value long distance aeroplane ride on Earth. EVA's operational, maintenance and stewardess standards are impeccable and it sure is wonderful to walk into one of its aircraft after a month or so in Los Angeles and be instantly back in Asia.

The best First and Business Class offerings are, of course, another story. (And much much influenced by how much whoever is paying is willing to front up!)


Hi All

I read th ereply from Tarquin and I need to confirm a pount he made. He said he was/is a gold card member an dtreservesa seat by the emergency exit - THIS CANNOT BE DONE - even if you are a gold card member. I have a very good friend who works for EVA at LHR an deven he cannot reserve me this seat - NO WAY - NO HOW - Sorry tarquin.

I must say that EVA are the best. Excellent in economy in the more modern 777 but alas this aircraft only serves LHR 6 months per year - EVA only have 2 and the other 6 months they use the older 747 and the 777 goes to the US route - still very good an dI love them!!

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