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Ten Days Until The End Of The World


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Sorry my computer skills not up to posting the link. In brief , scientists are going to fire up a machine in Switzerland in an attempt to create a mini big bang. There are fears that a black hole could also be created and then its hasta la viste everything. The article is in todays Telegraph ( U.K ) for those interested....time to party.

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The closest black hole is 1,600 light years from earth

Not for long according to some experts. If the CERN Atom smasher is fired up a minute black hole could be created right here on Earth which would quickly grow and consume everything.


Edited by Bangyai
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The closest black hole is 1,600 light years from earth

That's all? (gulp!!!!!)

Well, even if we were moving towards it at the speed of light (un-likely :D ), there is:

1. Nothing we could do about it. :o

2. We are not going to have to worry about it in our life time. :D

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There were similar fears before the first nuclear bomb went off- that it would ignite the atmosphere and destroy the world. I wouldn't normally say "trust the scientists," but given the amount of energy necessary to create a *real* black hole (usually happens during supernova explosions), I rather doubt that anything that we humans can put together would manage it, even if we were doing it deliberately.

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"CERN itself has admitted that mini black holes could be created when the particles collide, but they don't consider this a risk.
This is probably about the large hadron collider, right? According to calculations, it will be no more energetic than routine collisions of particles in our atmosphere, which so far have not destroyed the Earth, either.

Lets say that is true, that mini black holes are rutinely scattered around the atmosphere.

These small, and low mass black holes are relatively distant from each other and have perhaps little chance to attract and merge. No Big Problem.

The LHC could potentially create a small black hole 11,245/2 times every second, in a relatively confined space. This project is planned to go on for many years, presumably untill there is found to be some problem.

The whole idea of the LHC is to fill the area with energetic particles fired against each other, to ensure that these small particles will indeed collide, this also would mean that they would collide with the mini black holes (should they exist) and add to their mass/size/propensity for growing further.

 I am no luddite nor do I want to impede minds hungry for new knowledge, but the scenario i outline above does not seem illogical.

Edited by unomi
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The closest black hole is 1,600 light years from earth

Not for long according to some experts. If the CERN Atom smasher is fired up a minute black hole could be created right here on Earth which would quickly grow and consume everything.


Experts who wear tinfoil hats. Similarly qualified experts were predicting 150 years ago that the human body could not possibly withstand railroad speeds, and no doubt had quite a following of gullible believers.

Edited by cloudhopper
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I think the foremost issue here is who has been doing the maintenance on the asteroid, if it was QANTAS, then most likley a piece will fall off the underside and it will hit the moon instead.... but I beleive that airport is also closed with PAD protestors, so no worries mate!!


Edited by ozsamurai
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R.E.M. was wrong. It not the end of the world as we know it. Even the end of the thirteenth b'ak'tun of the Mayan long count calendar will not. Another will occur on December 20, 2012, followed by the start of the fourteenth b'ak'tun,, on December 21, 2012. Nor does it mean that Chastity Bono will elope with Amy Carter on that date.

Even Thai Buddhists might appreciate a calendar that begins August 11, 3114 BC.

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Black holes exist on earth at this moment. My (current) g/f is living proof of that. :D

Money keeps going in and is never seen again. She's insatiable. No matter how much you put in, there's always room for more. :D

If not stopped, she could (easily) consume the entire world's money supply (followed by the world's gold reserves, and all the som tam the planet can produce). :o

This could be an ELE (Extinction Level Event) ! Once she has consumed all the money, gold and som tam, who knows what could be next ? Not just mankind, but the entire planet could be at risk !

All this from a 38kg bundle of love and smiles ! :D

Fortunately for all of you, I have discovered a way of temporarily slowing her ravenous hunger. 4-5 shots of Tequila administered over a short time period seems to do the trick (for now).

If you value your lives, please petition the UN to place the entire nation of Mexico under special protection, and have the whole country produce nothing but Tequila. It seems to be the only way of guaranteeing the survival of the planet.

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