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Ten Days Until The End Of The World


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P' Gaiyaany

U r making a HOuchi of yourself here, ......just go to sleep or U can come home with me....hehe - somtom for brkfst, in bed? :D

LOL, I can't believed you just said that, back from the club and I was so hungry and had somtom and khaoniew and gaitot that was leftover from lunch. I know it's 4:00 a.m.

Okay, all the people in the USA check back here tomorrow. I got to get off TV and go to bed. :D

I will be sleeping by the time U R up and about, but I will be sure dreaming of YOU!!! :D

Okay, now you did it. I won't be able to sleep now. I'm gone for good this time. :o

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P' Gaiyaany

U r making a HOuchi of yourself here, ......just go to sleep or U can come home with me....hehe - somtom for brkfst, in bed? :D

LOL, I can't believed you just said that, back from the club and I was so hungry and had somtom and khaoniew and gaitot that was leftover from lunch. I know it's 4:00 a.m.

Okay, all the people in the USA check back here tomorrow. I got to get off TV and go to bed. :D

I will be sleeping by the time U R up and about, but I will be sure dreaming of YOU!!! :D

Okay, now you did it. I won't be able to sleep now. I'm gone for good this time. :o

Well go then, I just gave U a BIG BIG goodnite kiss, fun wan na ja :D

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P' Gaiyaany

U r making a HOuchi of yourself here, ......just go to sleep or U can come home with me....hehe - somtom for brkfst, in bed? :D

LOL, I can't believed you just said that, back from the club and I was so hungry and had somtom and khaoniew and gaitot that was leftover from lunch. I know it's 4:00 a.m.

Okay, all the people in the USA check back here tomorrow. I got to get off TV and go to bed. :D

I will be sleeping by the time U R up and about, but I will be sure dreaming of YOU!!! :D

Okay, now you did it. I won't be able to sleep now. I'm gone for good this time. :o

Well go then, I just gave U a BIG BIG goodnite kiss, fun wan na ja :D

Looolzzzzzzz this is hilarious right here. Dude u telling me u ate left ofver Somtum!!!! Damb bro. and what is this? Teacup actuality has something nice to to say?

OMG~~~!!!! it really is the end of the world..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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now 00:13 overhere still OK

Received mail from dutch TAX ,see a big black hole now and a lot of cleare space in my wallet

I think it is only 12:42 am near the Hadron Collider now.

Test is at 9:30 am so about 9 more hours yet :o

About 2:30 pm in Thailand I believe is the same time as test near Geneva

Edited by flying
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At what speed would a black hole consume earth?

in super slow motion, so that everything could coexist with it for hundreds of years, and you could stand on the edge, looking how it is getting slowly bigger and bigger?

or in a matter of minutes, so that dedicated housewifes could finish their dishes?

or in a fraction of a second? like, oops, a black hole and gulp, earth is gone?

It depends on the size of the black hole and whether you're a distant observer or the one going for the ride. For the former, it might seem instant. For the latter, if light is unable to escape a black hole, then time would slow down approaching the event horizon and would cease to exist once inside the singularity. Wouldn't matter though because you'd be vaporized long before getting anywhere near it. I'm not all that convinced black holes even exis.........


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P' Gaiyaany

U r making a HOuchi of yourself here, ......just go to sleep or U can come home with me....hehe - somtom for brkfst, in bed? :D

LOL, I can't believed you just said that, back from the club and I was so hungry and had somtom and khaoniew and gaitot that was leftover from lunch. I know it's 4:00 a.m.

Okay, all the people in the USA check back here tomorrow. I got to get off TV and go to bed. :D

I will be sleeping by the time U R up and about, but I will be sure dreaming of YOU!!! :D

Okay, now you did it. I won't be able to sleep now. I'm gone for good this time. :o

Well go then, I just gave U a BIG BIG goodnite kiss, fun wan na ja :D

Looolzzzzzzz this is hilarious right here. Dude u telling me u ate left ofver Somtum!!!! Damb bro. and what is this? Teacup actuality has something nice to to say?

OMG~~~!!!! it really is the end of the world..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only to P'Gaiyaany,...... but not to U tho

Couldn’t find any bimbo to fit your glass slipper?

Jealous, perhap? :(

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P' Gaiyaany

U r making a HOuchi of yourself here, ......just go to sleep or U can come home with me....hehe - somtom for brkfst, in bed? :D

LOL, I can't believed you just said that, back from the club and I was so hungry and had somtom and khaoniew and gaitot that was leftover from lunch. I know it's 4:00 a.m.

Okay, all the people in the USA check back here tomorrow. I got to get off TV and go to bed. :D

I will be sleeping by the time U R up and about, but I will be sure dreaming of YOU!!! :D

Okay, now you did it. I won't be able to sleep now. I'm gone for good this time. :o

Well go then, I just gave U a BIG BIG goodnite kiss, fun wan na ja :D

Looolzzzzzzz this is hilarious right here. Dude u telling me u ate left ofver Somtum!!!! Damb bro. and what is this? Teacup actuality has something nice to to say?

OMG~~~!!!! it really is the end of the world..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only to P'Gaiyaany,...... but not to U tho

Couldn't find any bimbo to fit your glass slipper?

Jealous, perhap? :(

Ummm its cool yo~~ I don’t like dudes

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Wow only 30 minutes away. I wonder if it will be like the aloha airlines accidental roof removal & business class seats the people were sucked out & ingested in to the jet turbine several years back?

Kind of like the pole shift theory.........sure it will probably happen but in whose lifetime. not to worry cause it's :o

Maybe next time they can predict a Black Labrador for my dog. He would be stoked & something would be black! :D

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As I said before, the collisions that will potentially create black holes won't take place for a few weeks. September 10 is just when they switch it on, so to speak. They will be sending things around, but no collisions until about October. So, you all have at least 20 days to live.

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As I said before, the collisions that will potentially create black holes won't take place for a few weeks. September 10 is just when they switch it on, so to speak. They will be sending things around, but no collisions until about October. So, you all have at least 20 days to live.

My understanding is that the collisions that could potentially create mini black holes probably won't happen until next year, maybe Feb or so, when they run the system at or near maximum power. The plan is to gradually increase power over time.

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Well we're still here in La Bong....

Just seen the following on yahoo:

Physicists are set to go ahead with a Big Bang experiment despite warnings it could destroy the universe.

I love the way they word it, made me laugh, what can you do??

Sounds like something from the Hitch-hikers Guide!!!

Edited by enyaw
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......is there time to make another cup of coffee - or will I be able to enjoy many as we slip along the accretion disk for a while before our atoms are torn apart and mashed together. :o

Surely a black hole is a sphere - but just looks like a hole?

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Another take on the "The End of the World" by US Columnist Mike Baker......... :o

If you’re reading this column in the middle of the week then it’s a pretty good bet that the world hasn’t ended. So that’s nice. Perhaps I should explain.

Unbeknownst to those of us who aren’t physicists, for the last 14 years a bunch of geeks with shovels have been busy digging a tunnel underneath France and Switzerland that ultimately could result in the end of the world. Apparently, when you allow really smart people access to heavy machinery, slide rules and about 14 billion dollars, they come up with an experiment that could either explain the Big Bang theory or, possibly, create black holes that will swallow the earth in a fiery maelstrom of universal death and destruction.

One outcome could revolutionize the way the scientific community understands particle physics, while the other would at least signal the end of the depressing mortgage crisis. To be fair to the big brains that have cooked up this mother of all science fair exhibits, there's realistically only a teensy-tiny chance that what they’re doing this week could return us all to cosmic dust particles. A particle physics expert interviewed earlier this week by the PWB science intern said that nobody involved actually believes they’ll destroy the world, saying “ ... it (world destruction) is a remote possibility I suppose, who knows, maybe," adding that “ ... wow, that would really suck, wouldn’t it?”

I first learned about this bit of scientific hijinks the other day during our regular Monday morning staff meeting here at the PWB command center. Bobo the talking intern, apparently serving as the intern representative, mentioned the impending experiment and asked what the office policy was in the event of global destruction. I consulted the HR handbook and announced that it would not be considered a paid holiday and sick leave policies would be in effect.

I suppose some details are in order. An outfit called the European Organization for Nuclear Research, also referred to as CERN, has created something called the Large Hadron Collider 300 feet below the Swiss-French border. Sometime early in the morning of Wednesday, September 10, some guy named Henri will pull the lever and a beam of protons will shoot out around a 17-mile long racetrack. The protons, futilely chasing a mechanical rabbit, will supposedly race around the Collider at really fast speeds until they create conditions similar to the moment just before or after the Big Bang.

Honest to God, I’m not making this up. Scientists all over the world will be holding their breath in anticipation. Many of the European scientists will be smoking while holding their breath. And sipping coffee from tiny little cups. Somewhere outside Chicago, scientists working at something called the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, will be hosting a pajama party for folks to watch the flipping of the switch. There will be webcasts and remote satellite hookups and even a live broadcast on Eurovision.

Did I mention that one possible outcome is the death of mankind? Never mind, it’s a really cool experiment. Life’s a series of risks anyway. I’m not going to get all surly and begrudge all those physicists their fun. Who am I to rain on their pajama party?

Thousands of scientists from around the world have been involved in building the Collider and, at roughly 8 billion dollars, it reportedly is the most expensive experiment ever. At least that’s some consolation. How irritating would it be if the world ended because of an experiment that didn’t cost much?

For those PWB readers who must know, the Collider is set up to accelerate protons to energies of 7 trillion electron volts, an amount referred to by one expert as “ … a heck of a lotta’ juice.” After revving up these little proton fellas and shooting them around the track for a while, they all smash together in a big proton pileup. The scientists, most of whom will be wearing 3-D goggles and rubber gloves, will then learn the mysteries of the universe.

Apparently, what the smart guys and gals hope to learn is what exactly happens when the Collider reaches temperatures and energies equal to those just after the Big Bang. I once put a tomato in the microwave and set it on high for five minutes to see what would happen. It's a similar effort.

The Collider will — if all goes well — shed light on some theories referred to as the Standard Model. This is not the same as the Super Model, whose theories are rarely discussed within the scientific community. It seems that the Standard Model provides insight into the crazy world of particle physics, but fails to explain what was going on during the exact time when the universe came on the scene.

Once they flip the switch and the protons get up a head of steam, it appears to be anybody’s guess what might happen. There have been a few naysayers who predict calamity, chaos and destruction. These folks, referred to by the traditionally upbeat physicists as “nerds,” have predicted that the experiment could generate unexpected consequences that could destroy the world.

Personally, I can’t imagine being destroyed because a bunch of bright bulbs just had to answer some burning theoretical questions. If the doomsday predictions are right, I am going to be really irritated. The NFL season has just started, I’ve just had the house repainted and I bought a new television and sprung for the extended warranty package. What a load of crap.

On the other hand, it does beg the question, what would you do if the world was about to end because of a super proton smash up? We played this game yesterday in the PWB offices and most of the answers were decidedly vacuous. No surprise there.

But now I turn it over to you. Let us know: If the lights were going out in 24 hours, how would you spend your remaining time? Send your thoughts and comments to [email protected].

Til’ next week — if there is one — stay safe.

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I'm surprised this non-Thai subject hasn't been sucked into mods black hole of non-conformity and closed because it has nothing to do with Thailand. lol

black holes and the end of the world would have a dramatic impact on thailand and everyone in it. it would probably be the most important event to ever happen to thailand (the end that is).

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I'm surprised this non-Thai subject hasn't been sucked into mods black hole of non-conformity and closed because it has nothing to do with Thailand. lol

black holes and the end of the world would have a dramatic impact on thailand and everyone in it. it would probably be the most important event to ever happen to thailand (the end that is).

How about this as a 50/50 answer to both of the above. If and when it happens and Thailand disappears, it would then be relevant, at which time come back and tell us where we went.

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I've just been watching a news report on this. Reporter said the cost for just electricity was running at €15,000,000 per annum.

I will just wait til the other set of Euro dickheads start prattling on about what "we can do about carbon footprint reduction" and other <deleted> to tax us and burden us with guilt for fuc_king up the world.................and mention this to them !!!!! :D

The above figure was before they powered up the Large Hadron Collider. Reminds me of that other hypocrite Al Gore, going round the world in a private jet, to tell us what pricks we are for wasting resources :o


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I've just been watching a news report on this. Reporter said the cost for just electricity was running at €15,000,000 per annum.

I will just wait til the other set of Euro dickheads start prattling on about what "we can do about carbon footprint reduction" and other <deleted> to tax us and burden us with guilt for fuc_king up the world.................and mention this to them !!!!! :D

The above figure was before they powered up the Large Hadron Collider. Reminds me of that other hypocrite Al Gore, going round the world in a private jet, to tell us what pricks we are for wasting resources :o


Not to be a nitpick but, isn't that spelled proctodeumprobe? :D

Edited by Dustoff
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