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Just come back from a session in Bangla.

About the expected amount of customers for a rainy October.

The Jet Star Bogans were out in force. The street was privilged to watch a three way fight between Bogans which provided a much needed specticle as things were getting pretty slow.

If, like me, you can't stand the Jet Star riff-raff, it's easy to get away from them. It seems the the average Aussie Bogan is incapable of drinking in a bar that hasn't got at least two of the below:-

1. A sign that says "Aussie owned".

2. A bar that has Aussie, Kangaroo, Boomerang, or Billibong in the name of the place.

3. A conspicuous Australian flag.

4. Sells VB, that crowning glory of Aussie Boganism.

After all these`years, I still love Bangla between 6 and 9 O' Clock in the evening. People watching paradise.

PS. Looks like I stuffed up the title. Could any marauding mods change Bangle to Bangla, please.

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I am an aussie, living in pattaya and go to surf in phuket each year, you can love or hate the aussie's going to phuket,, but from what i see phuket,, the low season would be deader than a door nail,and NO money coming in to the place,and there are a lot of familys on hols,not just boys being boys.


I would be pleased if you could make a post with your picture instead of text. This time everybody could actually find the post funny and entertaining.

Still smarting, I see.


Phuket is the same as Kuta, Bali. Full of bogan Australians on 10 day package holidays that dont venture outside of Patong. They load themselves up with DVD's, designer rip-off's, sink copious amount of Sigha, eat the "best pad thai in the world man", then jump back on their Jetstar flight back home to tell their fellow bogans how much of an awesome cultural experience they had.....

PS. Looks like I stuffed up the title. Could any marauding bogan Aussie mods change Bangle to Bangla, please.

As requested SB.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


what makes anyone better than the next person just because they come from a particular country? i saw a lot of drunks down bangla during my time in phuket (and was one of them a couple of times) but not all of them were bogan australians. there were bogan brits, bogan swiss, bogan americans, bogan belgians, bogan everything.

then again, who am i to judge who is a bogan or not? most people behave completely different when on holiday and many of these people may very well go home to responsible jobs. they just want to let their hair down.

i now live in bali, and you think phuket is bad? man. being so close to australia, its a cheap holiday for many people who wouldnt normally have the opportunity to travel overseas.

between khao san rd, bangla, and kuta, i think ive seen it all!

huggy i requested you to stop answering me
But I hope you don't really think anybody listens to you?

You're rants are amusing to read, that's it.


I'm a sexpat and I love drinking together with any tourist from any country on this planet, as long as we share the same final common goal for the evening, to buy out a real thai girl from the bar. :o:D :D


Hate? Here in Phuket, no no no I cannot belive this, this cannot be true, ehhh? Here?

I see only happy faces and laughs when I'm out, we ring the bar bell, drink, eat, kiss and enjoy each other at most, where is this hate? na, eehhh come on, tell me?


Living on your 8000baht a month concrete floor trying to convince yourself a life of rice and chicken is forfilling because it provides you with an underaverage looking woman that doesnt speak much english.

Wow, that comment just cornered a whole population of Thais living under those conditions, nearly 50 million people just got despiced, by the poster.

I would be pleased if you could make a post with your picture instead of text. This time everybody could actually find the post funny and entertaining.

Hey PC. Can you do us all a favour and post a photo of yourself so we can avoid you like the plague if we see you out.Mind you it's probably it bit too scary for you down here in rough old Rawai.


Hi Starkey

Just go to a Phuket town gym for the rich, look for a young french adonias with fancy clothes, trying to get hooked with farang girls and hiphop thai girls.

That is him, stir at him and walk away, when you arrive back home, clean your eyes with Clorine (only this chemical will work for heavy duty shock treatment)


OC do not be bored now, lets party man. :o

SB's trolls are becoming boring. :D

He's done much better in the past.

That is why he needs to be cheered up man, we all get feed up with the local scenery sometime and start spew lava.

A short travel abroad or a real bang evening out with some real entertainers, that is my medicine. :D

they just want to let their hair down.

Ahh, perhaps that's where the problem lies. Many don't have any hair to let down.... :D

The real test of of survival skills is the ability to walk down Bangla;

- without stepping in someone's vomit or a filthy puddle,

- avoiding the sewer grates that send up the delightful aromas of Patong,

- having the brains to know that the creature with the brown teeth that grabs hold of your arm and says "ok we go your room now" is really a large deadly leach and not the soulmate you have always longed for.

- to understand that the guys standing on top of the truck blaring out tonite, tonite, boxing, muay thai, tonite, tonite, Bangla Stadium think it's just as retarded to do that as you do.

- to understand that the creepy little tailor tout that runs up to you and goes hello mate where are you from, come see my collection of fine imported european fabric really means hello sucker, I want to sell you an ill fitting suit that has paper tissue as liner and is made from recycled from Chinese waste fiber.

- the tasty looking sausage from the street vendor is of unknown origin and has been sitting there all day and has diarhea written all over it.

- and to recognize that what you think is a cute kitty cat in need of a pat is actually a large rat.

That is why I often cut through the Patong Beach Resort Hotel. Nicer walk, less offensive to the senses and if you are lucky, sometimes there is some nice eye candy walking about..... :o


If SB really went to Bangla (he has said he avoids the place) he found out October is not a good time.

All football teams in Australia (AFL and Rugby) have finalised their seasons and most head off on their "End Of Season" trip.

Phuket is a major destination these days for these teams, and for anyone who's been part of, or caught in the middle of, one of them would know it's not pretty. (Not quite as bad as the Brits heading into Europe for a soccer game, but nevertheless something to steer clear of.)


As an Australian who spent six years living in Patong I can only agree with Sir Burr. I came up this year with Jetstar, and when I entered the passenger cabin I raised the IQ average by 14%. They are the bogans who keep me away from Bali these days.

Suggest flying Singapore and hoping Jetstar goes broke or only flies Cheap Charlies/ Bogans to Bali.


Would anyone like a picture of PetitteChevre?

As fascinating as it would be to see what a personality like him actually looks like, it would be against TV rules to post a picture of another member and would possibly result in banning. :o

I guess our imaginations will have to suffice. The reality would probably be disappointing. :D


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