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... As for the poor girls in the bars,they dont have to do it,they love it,easy money,having sex for them is easy.Look at all the chicks who work in supermarkets,711,family mart for 8000-10,000 baht a month,and they get by without short time....

It's not that simple.

The vast amount of women in their 20s and 30s from the poorer regions of the country have only a 6th grade education at best, since that's all that's provided by the government. Many of these regions have no industry other than rice farming, and only a limited number of jobs outside of farming - thus the need to leave home in search of work.

Nearly all "legitimate" jobs in Phuket require a 12th grade education. I would be very surprised if any of those girls working in the supermarket, 7-11 of Family Mart for 8-10,000 baht per month have only the basic government-provided education. A friend of my wife was in a bad situation and needed a job last year. We enquired all over Patong, and found that just to clean the rooms in a small hotel, or work in a small restaurant, a 12th grade education was required. The only job she could get was working in a bar, which lasted about 2 months before she returned home to care for her terminally ill father.

While I agree that some of the girls in the bars are there by choice (for whatever reasons), I think that a high percentage are there due to a lack of real employment opportunities available to them.

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DrDave,i have to disagree"that its just not that simple".............yes they have not gone on to finish school,but ive met many a b/g who have told me they went to Bangers and got a job in a factory but did not last,probably long hours and poor money,working in a bar was their choice.Why,cos its easy money,plus they have a good time with the other girls,dancing, drinking and the prospect of meeting a farang to take care of them.Many of them earn more than professional people who have gone to uni.Yes i know they have children back at the farmhouse that the grandparents take of etc.but do not kid yourself they are in the bar trade cos its the last resort(no pun intended)many of them have multiple farang sending money to their darling girls from back home thinking the girl is the "the one for them" while the girl is laughing all the way to the bank.There's an old saying"you can take the girl out of the bar but you cannot take the bar out of the girl" and its so true.How many farang when they meet the "love of their life" while on vacation,promise to send them money if they stop working in bar and go back to farmhouse only to find out later they are still working in said bar and never went home at all.

Dont get me wrong,i say good luck to them,and silly farang!I have met a few bar girls who in time have just become "mates" to me,and i can say in general i like them,but i do not believe these girls are forced into this profession because of no other choice.in general b/g's are lazy,like the easy money on offer,and enjoy the life style.There are other jobs out there for uneducated girls,how about working in a laundry?With the money the b/g's earn how quickly could they set themselves up in a noodle shop or street vendor trolley. I dont think so, cos its too much like hard work for little return.

Nearly all "legitimate" jobs in Phuket require a 12th grade education. I would be very surprised if any of those girls working in the supermarket, 7-11 of Family Mart for 8-10,000 baht per month have only the basic government-provided education. A friend of my wife was in a bad situation and needed a job last year. We enquired all over Patong, and found that just to clean the rooms in a small hotel, or work in a small restaurant, a 12th grade education was required. The only job she could get was working in a bar, which lasted about 2 months before she returned home to care for her terminally ill father.

Loads of straight jobs for someone who wants to work..

Sure they pay 8 - 10k usually.. but any education can find one in a day or two.. hel_l my GF was paid 12k to wait tables.. Plus tips that added up to about another 3k over high season months. 15k per month as a waitress starting salary.

Fact is work is work.. and drinking fuc_king and partying is despite its drawbacks, more sanuk then grafting in real job and keeping your knickers on. Dont get me wrong, I have, and do, know scores of these girls and think they are a blast, but 9 from 10 are there because its easier and or fun.. The others sadly are there trapped through kids or family commitment issues. Those ones are sadder stories but also usually involve getting pregnant early or making other poor choices in thier lives.

DrDave,i have to disagree"that its just not that simple".............yes they have not gone on to finish school,but ive met many a b/g who have told me they went to Bangers and got a job in a factory but did not last,probably long hours and poor money,working in a bar was their choice.Why,cos its easy money,plus they have a good time with the other girls,dancing, drinking and the prospect of meeting a farang to take care of them.Many of them earn more than professional people who have gone to uni.Yes i know they have children back at the farmhouse that the grandparents take of etc.but do not kid yourself they are in the bar trade cos its the last resort(no pun intended)many of them have multiple farang sending money to their darling girls from back home thinking the girl is the "the one for them" while the girl is laughing all the way to the bank.There's an old saying"you can take the girl out of the bar but you cannot take the bar out of the girl" and its so true.How many farang when they meet the "love of their life" while on vacation,promise to send them money if they stop working in bar and go back to farmhouse only to find out later they are still working in said bar and never went home at all.

Dont get me wrong,i say good luck to them,and silly farang!I have met a few bar girls who in time have just become "mates" to me,and i can say in general i like them,but i do not believe these girls are forced into this profession because of no other choice.in general b/g's are lazy,like the easy money on offer,and enjoy the life style.There are other jobs out there for uneducated girls,how about working in a laundry?With the money the b/g's earn how quickly could they set themselves up in a noodle shop or street vendor trolley. I dont think so, cos its too much like hard work for little return.

100%... I know girls who walked out on a proper wage (30+ k a month) and proper job because it was real workload and no 'fun'.. I know BG's getting sent 50k a month to not be BG's and still they are in the clubs FL'ing.. I know a BG who just bought herself a brand new out the showroom chevy. All of them have money and are not the painted picture of hardship subsistence life.. And all of them will head back to a sweaty fat tourists hotel for a grand or two..

Go into club lime or where the real estate secretary hotties hang out.. They are even worse, they dont want a grand or two (well some do) they want a salary and a company car and then they put out..

Its the Thai way.. Mia nois.. Being a richer mans mistress etc etc.. A couple of years ago the Nation published a study where Thai teens declared they were quite happy to do sex work.. Look at the well off BKK students that put out for a new mobile phone.. Theres quite a few serious research papers that have discussed the socio economic situation, Thailand doesnt have the same moral stance as the west.


Fact is work is work.. and drinking fuc_king and partying is despite its drawbacks, more sanuk then grafting in real job and keeping your knickers on. Dont get me wrong, I have, and do, know scores of these girls and think they are a blast, but 9 from 10 are there because its easier and or fun.. The others sadly are there trapped through kids or family commitment issues. Those ones are sadder stories but also usually involve getting pregnant early or making other poor choices in thier lives.

No doubt about it, there are a lot of "high profile" girls in bars that are making a lot of money, and are there because for them, it's easy and fun. More power to them!

My point was that there's also a significant number of "low profile" bargirls - the ones at the other end of the spectrum. The ones who live above the bar, have been working several years and have nothing to show for it. I've gotten to know a few of these as friends over the years. They mostly started out thinking that they'd meet some farang that would give them a new life. They don't have to worry about paying rent, and make enough to buy food and clothes, and send a little money home each month. Over the years they get complacent, not seeking out any other type of employment when things don't work out, and eventually end up heading back home with their tail between their legs and nothing but the clothes on their back once their expiration date passes.

I think you're spot on with your comment about the reasons they ended up in the bar in the first place - poor choices or other issues dealt them earlier in life.

Its encouraging to know that someone with only 6 years of schooling can find a legitimate job for 8-10,000/month. Maybe we just weren't looking in the right places for my wife's friend. From what I saw, there were basically three choices for these hordes of women with only and elementary school education and minimal to no English skills - work on the family farm, get a job as a laborer on a construction site somewhere, or work in a bar/massage parlor. There are only so many laundries and noodle shops, and many are family businesses. Unfortunately, the supply of poor, uneducated girls looking for work far outstrips demand.


I know mroe than 10 girls with university degree, They all work coyote and have at least 5 boyfriends each that live in Asia. they jump around locations.. some of them know about the others, some dont..

it's just the thai way of life.

Theres a million women in the west who'd love doing that, same goes for men. They're just scared because of what the church put into our heads.

Personaly i don't agree with those views since im very possesive. but i certaintely get why they do that.

the only problem, is girls doing it simply for money with any disgusting thing that passes, at least the girls i know genuinely like the guys and they take good care when they stay with them.

it's just the thai way of life.

I strongly disagree with that statement. IT IS NOT A THAI WAY OF LIFE. The vast majority of Thai women (& men) are NOT involved in the sex trade. What we see in Bangla Rd (& Patters) in no way represents typical Thai life for the vast majority of Thais.

They mostly started out thinking that they'd meet some farang that would give them a new life.
Dave, totally agree with you.

And I am convinced, these girls form the vast majority of the bargirls. The ones just doing it for the money with plenty of boyfriends are a minority. Most bargirls are just looking for somebody to take care of them, and will leave the business as soon as they can (unfortunately quite a few of them never find somebody to take care of them and end up with nothing).

it's just the thai way of life.

I strongly disagree with that statement. IT IS NOT A THAI WAY OF LIFE. The vast majority of Thai women (& men) are NOT involved in the sex trade. What we see in Bangla Rd (& Patters) in no way represents typical Thai life for the vast majority of Thais.

are you forgetting or not including the thousands of karoaki bars all over thailand that cater really exclusively to thai males(some of the hottest chicks work these places,far more attractive than what work in farang type bars) or the freelancers all over thailand,massage palours in every city that cater to the "extra's please clientele.The young girls back in rural areas that have had sex before age 14 with their brothers,cousins,uncles,fathers,their brothers friends.This is a sad fact of thai life.i also believe that the sex thing here in thailand is not a stigma as it is in the west.

The ones just doing it for the money with plenty of boyfriends are a minority. Most bargirls are just looking for somebody to take care of them, and will leave the business as soon as they can (unfortunately quite a few of them never find somebody to take care of them and end up with nothing).

Yes, I agree with that. Many ladies from the North East do try their luck here in Phuket to snag a 'rich' husband (or 2, or 3) to support their kids & mum/dad back home. Trouble is that after a few months working at the bar they become corrupted ... used to the party life, learn to drink, smoke, & worst of all... gamble. I always advise any newbies here looking for a live-in partner to look out for the brand new arrivals. Forget the corrupted hard core. Never works out.

Objective!?! you're a joker! To trash another mans' country the way you did with the language you used, is nothing short of being nasty, racist and just a bloody fool.

I'm racist against Aussies? My God, I hope so.

Oh....I'd better add one of these :D , or, the numerous humourless Dudley Do-rights might misunderstand :o

Hey Sir Burr.

Do us a favour mate. If you are not happy with these Aussie blokes tell them to come

up to Pattaya. There are plenty of Aust owned bars up here that would be more than happy to

help them out. Just tell them the beer and girls are cheeper :D

The ones just doing it for the money with plenty of boyfriends are a minority. Most bargirls are just looking for somebody to take care of them, and will leave the business as soon as they can (unfortunately quite a few of them never find somebody to take care of them and end up with nothing).

Yes, I agree with that. Many ladies from the North East do try their luck here in Phuket to snag a 'rich' husband (or 2, or 3) to support their kids & mum/dad back home. Trouble is that after a few months working at the bar they become corrupted ... used to the party life, learn to drink, smoke, & worst of all... gamble. I always advise any newbies here looking for a live-in partner to look out for the brand new arrivals. Forget the corrupted hard core. Never works out.

But doesnt that very statement mean that they are chosing to live like that, and enjoy it !!

Those are the ones who it doesnt work out with, because they like the high life and are a lot less likely to give it up for a stable home life.. They no longer want that.

it's just the thai way of life.

I strongly disagree with that statement. IT IS NOT A THAI WAY OF LIFE. The vast majority of Thai women (& men) are NOT involved in the sex trade. What we see in Bangla Rd (& Patters) in no way represents typical Thai life for the vast majority of Thais.

Ohh but I beg to differ...

Theres scores of serious studies, that show prostitution or even better being a kept mistress of one stripe or another are a lot more morally acceptable than poverty.. Screwing about in private to have a flash mobile in public is something no one will bring up even if everyone knows.

Thailand is a society that operates around the construction and presentation of positive images (phap-phot) and in which public exposure of a reality (khwam-jing) that contradicts these images, even when its truth is widely known, is often a source of scandal. In some cases, such as lese majesty laws relating to defamation of the monarchy, Thai law punishes those who damage the public image of a hallowed institution, even when the revelation may be generally known to be true. In Thailand truth is only occasionally a sufficient justification for publicly exposing an unpleasant reality. Those Thais who "buck the system", "make waves" or draw attention to the contradictions between public images and private realities, are often subjected to legal and extra-legal sanctions, and "going public" on a controversial issue can be a dangerous enterprise in Thailand. For example, Thai journalists writing about local political and business affairs for regional newspapers have historically suffered high assassination rates, with local "godfathers" (jao-phor), "influential figures" (khon mi itthiphon) and "dark forces" (amnat meut) allegedly with connections to the military, police, local government and business interests often dominating local affairs. Interpreting Thai politics, society and culture is therefore a complex and often tedious task of piecing together disparate facts, and there is often a disparity between what one needs to know in order to be an informed observer of Thai affairs and what it is possible to publish or say in public.

In everyday life, Thais rarely judge their actions by any abstract criterion of right or wrong, sin, or virtue. Instead, within the culture of maintaining positive images, they are much more concerned with how they appear to others and how they measure up to others' expectations. Thus, "rightness" and "wrongness" tend to be socially specific rather than morally abstract notions within Thai culture, being more closely aligned with notions of propriety than of sin.

I have yet to go to any Thai small city / large town that didnt have a fishbowl massage or a collection of 'karaoke' rooms or similar.. These dont see a western face for months or years on end..

Buddhism isolates desire and craving, of whatever character, as the roots of evil and the cause of the human suffering from which it seeks salvation. Nevertheless, there is a surprisingly pragmatic attitude to sexual activity among Thai laypeople—monks being strictly celibate. There is no self-disciplinary or self-denying attitude to sex among men in Thailand. Sexual impulses are commonly viewed as a "mood" or arom, a pent-up emotional state in need of release. The commercialisation of sex is also more prominent and more accepted, implicitly if not explicitly, in Thailand than in the West...

Most social discussion about sexuality is about heterosexual behaviour. . . . Decent girls don't flirt and don't encourage boys to flirt back, so gaining the attention of a boy is done circumspectly, often through a third party. Good boys want decent girls, and playing around with decent girls is [considered] bad. Prostitutes are not decent . . . but it is better to go to her when the mood needs satisfaction rather than defile a decent girl.

Rural and urban working-class Thais, who make up the overwhelming majority of the population, generally have much more liberal attitudes towards sex, explicitly valuing the pleasure of sexual activity. Among most ethnic Thais sexual desire is commonly regarded as a "mood" (arom) in need of release (rabai), and when a Thai man has a sexual mood, it is expected that he will act upon it to obtain sexual release. The idea of suppressing sexual desires, except for Buddhist monks who have renounced all worldly involvement, is not a part of traditional male sexual culture.

Food metaphors and the idea of "flavour" (rot-chat) are commonly applied to sexual enjoyment. Just as Thais enjoy variety in their food—eating the same type of food every day is regarded as boring (na-beua) and flat (jeut)—so, too, the quest for variety and novelty in sexual experience is valued positively. The cultural valuing of variety in food, sex and other sensory experiences can itself be used to justify experimenting with homosexuality. It is not uncommon for Thai men to justify their interest in homosexual sex in terms of seeking out a "new flavour" (rot-chat mai) of sexual pleasure or a desire for a "change of flavour" (plian rot-chat). "I'd like to give it a try" (yak lorng du) is also a common justification for having sex with another man, just as "Do you want to give it a try?" (yak lorng du mai) can be used as a non-threatening sexual request between masculine-identified males who do not consider themselves to be predominantly homosexual.

Nearly all "legitimate" jobs in Phuket require a 12th grade education.

Dont get me wrong, I have, and do, scores of these girls and think they are a blast,

Good for you mate, love your attitude !

DrDave,i have to disagree"that its just not that simple".............yes they have not gone on to finish school,but ive met many a b/g who have told me they went to Bangers and got a job in a factory but did not last,probably long hours and poor money,working in a bar was their choice.Why,cos its easy money,plus they have a good time with the other girls,dancing, drinking and the prospect of meeting a farang to take care of them.Many of them earn more than professional people who have gone to uni.Yes i know they have children back at the farmhouse that the grandparents take of etc.but do not kid yourself they are in the bar trade cos its the last resort(no pun intended)many of them have multiple farang sending money to their darling girls from back home thinking the girl is the "the one for them" while the girl is laughing all the way to the bank.There's an old saying"you can take the girl out of the bar but you cannot take the bar out of the girl" and its so true.How many farang when they meet the "love of their life" while on vacation,promise to send them money if they stop working in bar and go back to farmhouse only to find out later they are still working in said bar and never went home at all.

Dont get me wrong,i say good luck to them,and silly farang!I have met a few bar girls who in time have just become "mates" to me,and i can say in general i like them,but i do not believe these girls are forced into this profession because of no other choice.in general b/g's are lazy,like the easy money on offer,and enjoy the life style.There are other jobs out there for uneducated girls,how about working in a laundry?With the money the b/g's earn how quickly could they set themselves up in a noodle shop or street vendor trolley. I dont think so, cos its too much like hard work for little return.

100%... I know girls who walked out on a proper wage (30+ k a month) and proper job because it was real workload and no 'fun'.. I know BG's getting sent 50k a month to not be BG's and still they are in the clubs FL'ing.. I know a BG who just bought herself a brand new out the showroom chevy. All of them have money and are not the painted picture of hardship subsistence life.. And all of them will head back to a sweaty fat tourists hotel for a grand or two..

Go into club lime or where the real estate secretary hotties hang out.. They are even worse, they dont want a grand or two (well some do) they want a salary and a company car and then they put out..

Its the Thai way.. Mia nois.. Being a richer mans mistress etc etc.. A couple of years ago the Nation published a study where Thai teens declared they were quite happy to do sex work.. Look at the well off BKK students that put out for a new mobile phone.. Theres quite a few serious research papers that have discussed the socio economic situation, Thailand doesnt have the same moral stance as the west.

Thailand doesn't have the same moral stance as the rest of Asia. Every Asian country I've been to has given 'that look' when I say I live in Thailand.

Nearly all "legitimate" jobs in Phuket require a 12th grade education.

Dont get me wrong, I have, and do, scores of these girls and think they are a blast,

Good for you mate, love your attitude !

Hmmm... subtle edit !!

Actually I am practically a married man these days and when I first moved here had a wife who I was totally monogamous with.. So my interactions are not as a punter or prospective boyfriend.. You generally get more truth out of them once they know your off the list..


You know something that has always amazed me is how quickly some Thai girls are able to make the mental jump into prostitution. I can swear, hand on heart, that i have known 4 girls, all with university degrees, working in decent 12-15k a month jobs as secretary/PA type stuff, who have turned tricks for money when they needed to.

One was behind on payments for her motorcy

One 'needed' a 12k mobile phone.

Others just wanted a bit of extra cash etc

I just dont understand how easy a decision it appeared to be.

No pressure of drug addiction/starvation etc - these are proper middle class girls with jobs who literally said, i need some money so i ll go to a club and shag a foreigner for cash.

I can only conclude that it is more culturally accepted here.

I have never encountered such behaviour in the west, apart from people driven by the misery of drug addiction.

I'm also in complete agreement with other posters who also have noticed how massage/karaoke bars etc etc are sprinkled throughout Thailand, catering almost exclusively to Thai clientele.

Can anyone post links to research papers so i can read up more on this subject?


guess everyone agrees with me for once.

When i learned karaoke bars in this country were infact a prostitution place. i was quite chocked, because the first time i drove around phuket town.. well.. i saw a karaoke for every 2 restaurants.

One of the circle has 9 karaoke within 4mins walking distance.

All with sexy girls on the logo and blacked down windows.

Thais are much more perverse and unstandard sexualy, for someone with the average value in the west, thais are 100x more disgusting than us from that perspective..

But it's always the white's fault, because thais keep it 'clean' and hidden.. Farangs just walk around, ugly, dirty screaming i have a hookerrrrr YEAH , holding her hand as a trophy.

DEfinately cou cannot trust a thai for a long time, with all the prostitution, cheating, having sex with your brother and cousins and and friends from school starting at 13yo(Much more common than people here might think), lies.

Seems like this country is acting like most westerner 14yo boys fantasy's, but untill a higher age and without thinking of the consequences. Thus becoming drunk, cheating and beating bastards that often gamble.

But thank god it is all hidden and we can safely hate the farang sex tourist who's more open about it.

You know something that has always amazed me is how quickly some Thai girls are able to make the mental jump into prostitution. I can swear, hand on heart, that i have known 4 girls, all with university degrees, working in decent 12-15k a month jobs as secretary/PA type stuff, who have turned tricks for money when they needed to.

One was behind on payments for her motorcy

One 'needed' a 12k mobile phone.

Others just wanted a bit of extra cash etc

I just dont understand how easy a decision it appeared to be.

No pressure of drug addiction/starvation etc - these are proper middle class girls with jobs who literally said, i need some money so i ll go to a club and shag a foreigner for cash.

I can only conclude that it is more culturally accepted here.

I have never encountered such behaviour in the west, apart from people driven by the misery of drug addiction.

I'm also in complete agreement with other posters who also have noticed how massage/karaoke bars etc etc are sprinkled throughout Thailand, catering almost exclusively to Thai clientele.

Can anyone post links to research papers so i can read up more on this subject?

Well, in the west, you else had 0 friends or lived in a religious gated community.

Go to a highschool, ask any boys, even the REALLY good looking ones that bone all the cheerleaders.

They prob have a job at mcdonalds.

Ask him if he'd bone some normal looking older lady or even a little ugly but acceptable(many girls sleepoing for toys will still choose their mates since theres a bunch of average looking guys too, not just disgusting ones) for a nintendo Wii, ps3, payment on his new mustang, sick cellphone or whatever other toys.

I ASSURE you, there's not 1 straight boy that would say no

Girls will want to, but they'll be scared to be sluts. those who arent are alrady at 16 in 21+ clubs trying to get some macho losers to take them out and buy them stuff because those awesome macho guys living off 16$*/hr jobs for the rest of their lives can buy them anything for sex.

Can anyone post links to research papers so i can read up more on this subject?

Years ago I stumbled over a superb research paper, in PDF form, really quite well written with great insight not only to prostitution but to related aspects of Buddhism, fatalism, moral attitudes, etc etc etc..

Not only did I find it once, it came up in searches since then a few times.. Today because of this thread I was trying to find it but I have no idea what kind of oddball kink I must have been looking for that google threw it back at..

Thais are much more perverse and unstandard sexualy, for someone with the average value in the west, thais are 100x more disgusting than us from that perspective..

Bwahahahaa 10/10, that is some class fishing.

Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to because you are farking hilarious dude.

Well, in the west, you else had 0 friends or lived in a religious gated community.

Go to a highschool, ask any boys, even the REALLY good looking ones that bone all the cheerleaders.

They prob have a job at mcdonalds.

Ask him if he'd bone some normal looking older lady or even a little ugly but acceptable(many girls sleepoing for toys will still choose their mates since theres a bunch of average looking guys too, not just disgusting ones) for a nintendo Wii, ps3, payment on his new mustang, sick cellphone or whatever other toys.

I ASSURE you, there's not 1 straight boy that would say no

Girls will want to, but they'll be scared to be sluts. those who arent are alrady at 16 in 21+ clubs trying to get some macho losers to take them out and buy them stuff because those awesome macho guys living off 16$*/hr jobs for the rest of their lives can buy them anything for sex.

But that is the whole point. People in the West may well 'say' that they will do X,YZ to get money but i dont know anyone who has actually done it.

Saying it, particularly when you're a boy is one thing. Actually doing it so you can get the latest phone is another thing.

I never ever met a girl in the west who even so much as hinted at me giving them money or toys in exchange for sex. Nope. Never.

The point i was trying to make is that making the jump to prostitution is a serious mental leap. Girls in Thailand seem to have no problem getting their legs over that particular hurdle.



you certainely do not understand how much of a whore the girls around 20-30yo which are decent looking are in the west.

Most of my friends who hang out a lot in bars all have a click of 20 girls 20 guys, and usualy those clicks all sleep together, plus every now and then they sleep with a bar tender or some random dude..

Whores are just more upfront here.

You know something that has always amazed me is how quickly some Thai girls are able to make the mental jump into prostitution...

A friend of my g/f came to bkk to get a job at Pat Pong. She was fresh off the farm. She stayed at my condo for one night. She was drab looking, incredibly shy and hardly spoke any English, but she was tall and fairly attractive. In the morning we all went off to the bar in Pat Pong that my g/f knew was looking for staff. She got the job, with board included.

The next time I saw her - about two months later - she was confident, bright, new hair style, wearing new clothes, had a new phone, spoke passable English and was the most "popular" girl in the bar. :o

Quite sad really. Still, plenty more on the farm.

you certainely do not understand how much of a whore the girls around 20-30yo which are decent looking are in the west.

Most of my friends who hang out a lot in bars all have a click of 20 girls 20 guys, and usualy those clicks all sleep together, plus every now and then they sleep with a bar tender or some random dude..

Whores are just more upfront here.

Your confusing having non paid sex they want to have with sleeping with someone twice thier age and that they are not attracted to for what amounts (even here) to a couple of nights wages.

you certainely do not understand how much of a whore the girls around 20-30yo which are decent looking are in the west.

Most of my friends who hang out a lot in bars all have a click of 20 girls 20 guys, and usualy those clicks all sleep together, plus every now and then they sleep with a bar tender or some random dude..

Whores are just more upfront here.

Yet again little goat you spew the most abject rubbish. What a sad life you must have experienced.

you certainely do not understand how much of a whore the girls around 20-30yo which are decent looking are in the west.

Most of my friends who hang out a lot in bars all have a click of 20 girls 20 guys, and usualy those clicks all sleep together, plus every now and then they sleep with a bar tender or some random dude..

Whores are just more upfront here.

Yet again little goat you spew the most abject rubbish. What a sad life you must have experienced.

Yes, and if I remember correctly, all TWENTY TWO years of it :o


Twenty three, I believe.

Course.....at twenty three you know everything. It's only with a bit more time and experience do you realise that you don't know much at all.

Oh to be twenty three again and live in a black and white world full of certainties (sigh).

guess everyone agrees with me for once.
Where did you get that conclusion? After reading through the posts that is certainly NOT my conclusion.

I have taken the Liberty of submitting your weak ass English to Word 97 of all things. I had it correct the mispellings and fixed the sentence fragments. Now, I can understand it much better. Proper English is better when you practice. It is the main language. French is dying. Again, Microsoft Word 07. Cheers.

guess everyone agrees with me for once. No one has had time to read your post.

When i learned karaoke bars in this country were in fact a prostitution place. i was quite chocked, because the first time i drove around phuket town.. well.. I saw a karaoke for every 2 restaurants.

One of the circle has 9 karaoke within 4mins walking distance.

All with sexy girls on the logo and blacked down windows.

Thais are much more perverse and substandard sexually, for someone with the average value in the west, Thais are 100x more disgusting than us from that perspective..

But it's always the white's fault, because Thais keep it 'clean' and hidden.. Farangs just walk around, ugly, dirty screaming i have a hooker YEAH , holding her hand as a trophy.

Definitely you cannot trust a Thai for a long time, with all the prostitution, cheating, having sex with your brother and cousins and friends from school starting at 13yo Dude, you ought to consider dating another girl. Sounds like your girlfriend is a skank.(Much more common than people here might think), lies.

Seems like this country is acting like most westerner 14yo boys fantasy's, but until a higher age and without thinking of the consequences. Thus becoming drunk, cheating and beating bastards that often gamble.

But thank god it is all hidden and we can safely hate the farang sex tourist who's more open about it.

Just when I thought you had a good point, you had to burst your own bubble. Dude, your perspectives are so off that it frightens me that they allow you to live here much less post here.

I have been too MANY countries that have far worse prostitution than Thailand. Oh, and hey, I love the Beaujolais Festivals but are you kidding?

I have gotten freaky-Rocco-nasty with French Chicks in South France, 3 wai , 4 wai!!! , but Thai women are way more reserved than that. You are a confused stinky little goat. The only difference is the cost of living in the particular country. I will mention countries in a moment, but I need to say that Thai's are 100x cleaner and more conscience of hygiene that French Women. Hairy is dirty.

(do you know that last sound a pubic hair makes before it hits the ground?)

Dude, my girlfriend worked in an Internet Cafe when I met her. She was very young and didn't speak English. She would slice your throat open if I asked her too. Just an example of course. Not actually. I am trying to say that I trust her with my life, and she loves me more than I have ever been loved by anyTHING else.

Thai people are some of the most incredible people in the world. When they go to work, they work, on their terms. Fishing, chopping fruit, Lawyers, Doctors, and even Bargirls. I know girls that haven't had a DAY OFF in months, and never a complaint. It is slow, but THIS IS THAILAND. I love it here and wouldn't change a thing, except for

religious comment deleted.

I love the commerce here. I hate the Lri Sankin Tailors

Macro-Sociology - means that someone has to dig the ditches, birth the babies, and carry the garbage!!!

I wish I could download a slap to your computer, so it would slap you when you logged on.



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