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Halloween Will Be Thailand's Biggest Holiday


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Halloween will be Thailand's biggest holiday! (soon) It has already started.

And why not?

It is fun for all ages. (sanook)

It involves ghosts. (pee)

It involves socializing, drinking and eating. (ngan-liang)

It is non-controversial. (except for the lunatic fringe)

I cannot imagine a more perfect fit for one holiday and one country!

Happpy Halloween!

-NG :o

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Halloween will be Thailand's biggest holiday! (soon) It has already started.

And why not?

Because it's horrid much the same as Songkran. Another excuse for noise, disruption, and people making fools of themselves. And anyone who doesn't wanna join in the "fun" will be castigated as an old fart and told to leave Thailand, etc.

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Halloween will be Thailand's biggest holiday! (soon) It has already started.

And why not?

Because it's horrid much the same as Songkran. Another excuse for noise, disruption, and people making fools of themselves. And anyone who doesn't wanna join in the "fun" will be castigated as an old fart and told to leave Thailand, etc.

JSanookPack is the lone exception, methinks.

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Halloween will be Thailand's biggest holiday! (soon) It has already started.

And why not?

Because it's horrid much the same as Songkran. Another excuse for noise, disruption, and people making fools of themselves. And anyone who doesn't wanna join in the "fun" will be castigated as an old fart and told to leave Thailand, etc.

JSanookPack is the lone exception, methinks.

No he isn't.

And you can add the "full moon parties" to the list of events that have been corrupted by the loonies. :o

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  • 11 months later...

I must back-up NaiGreg...

The Spirit is Huge, it is kind of a release for some...

It's good for the economy too, as it appears to be growing bigger every year.

As an American, Halloween is my favorite holiday of all time. The month long horror movies, the house decorations..the trick or treating getting bags of free candy...the theme parks changing into "scare parks",...the zombie marches, and costume parades....

Brings back Great memories when i was younger -

Dressing up as a dummy, laying against the tree in front of my house, the adrenaline rushing through my body as the younger kids where approaching, trying my hardest to stay as still as possible with my heart pounding through my chest in anticipation of the eruption of horror I was about to unleash on the soon to be tramatized children......and then, of course the shear terror as one kid jumped into the air, screaming....

Man, I will never forget those moments !

Happy Halloween !


Edited by stevo
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Halloween, the celebration of All Saints Eve (All Hallows Eve). This is essentially a Christian concept, albeit it has been perverted awfully over the years. But, I cannot for the life of me see what it has to do with Thai animist beliefs.

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I suppose it all depends if you live in a city with a lot of (whispered quietly) Americans around.

Out in the sticks few people even celebrate Christmas though there is a Muser Christian village just up the road and I suspect if I asked around in the village they would think I am bababobo.

However if you do celebrate it, enjoy it.

Just mind that the dogs don't think you are the treat.

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Halloween will be Thailand's biggest holiday! (soon) It has already started.

And why not?

Because it's horrid much the same as Songkran. Another excuse for noise, disruption, and people making fools of themselves. And anyone who doesn't wanna join in the "fun" will be castigated as an old fart and told to leave Thailand, etc.

JSanookPack is the lone exception, methinks.

No he isn't.

And you can add the "full moon parties" to the list of events that have been corrupted by the loonies. :D

Agreed... :)

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Brings back Great memories when i was younger -

Dressing up as a dummy, laying against the tree in front of my house, the adrenaline rushing through my body as the younger kids where approaching, trying my hardest to stay as still as possible with my heart pounding through my chest in anticipation of the eruption of horror I was about to unleash on the soon to be tramatized children......and then, of course the shear terror as one kid jumped into the air, screaming....

So that was you!

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Funny how the western stuff is imported to Thailand but stripped of any of it's religio-social (if there is such a term) significance so that it's a money making sanuuk kind of thing. But the west imports nothing, doing all it can to degrade such festivals and wipe them from the calender.

Thailand : Land of Nostalgia.

Can't see the Thais going in for apple bobbing though.

Next : Guy Fawkes night. Now there IS an excuse for gross stupidity!

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With SE asians I am afraid it is anything will go as long as it involves time off work , when they get a day off they seem to quickly stretch it into a week or more , halloween should suit them well however , Ghoulies and Ghosties and long legged Beasties and things that go Bump in the night . Small minds on a rampage !!!!!!!!!1

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Halloween will be Thailand's biggest holiday! (soon) It has already started.

And why not?

Because it's horrid much the same as Songkran. Another excuse for noise, disruption, and people making fools of themselves. And anyone who doesn't wanna join in the "fun" will be castigated as an old fart and told to leave Thailand, etc.

JSanookPack is the lone exception, methinks.

No he isn't.

And you can add the "full moon parties" to the list of events that have been corrupted by the loonies. :)

Well here you go. You can have the full moon party and halloween all rolled into one...


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Ducking apples and All saints still a national holiday in Catholic Europe are a veneer over the pre christian samhaon of the Kelts a sanok living tribe who went on holiday frm Turkey Salzkammergut and until many were sent to deveop drinking skills for Aborigenes chose of all the places they ghd lived Aegean S Fnace Spain etc to settle down in 7 wonders of the world








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I predict the prediction will be wrong, but then again you never know as look what happened in the UK, halloween is a pretty big event yearly now thanks to those over the pond.

Had an excellent night 4 or 5 years ago though in Thailand, Bangkok Khoa san road was just a sea of people dressed up and having fun, went to Gullivers and had a great night and the bar were handing out all sorts of freebies to customers, I'd recommend to people around the area on halloween to give it a try and enjoy the fun..


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Halloween will be Thailand's biggest holiday! (soon) It has already started.

And why not?

It is fun for all ages. (sanook)

It involves ghosts. (pee)

It involves socializing, drinking and eating. (ngan-liang)

It is non-controversial. (except for the lunatic fringe)

I cannot imagine a more perfect fit for one holiday and one country!

Happpy Halloween!

-NG :)

Except the locals don't like anything to do with Ghosts.

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It is non-controversial. (except for the lunatic fringe)

I cannot imagine a more perfect fit for one holiday and one country!

No, it is controversial amongst devout Muslims, Christians and Buddhists. Maybe to an atheist they can be called the 'lunatic fringe.'

There is no country that can compare to how America celebrates Halloween - it's the the biggest holiday of the year in the USA. You can't have Halloween unless you have the spook houses, autumn fall leaves and decorated houses everywhere. No country can outdo us for Halloween. Any attempt to imitate what we do can be seen as pitiful as a Thanksgiving turkey dinner in Asia. :) It's just soooo not the same!

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