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Barack Obama Elected President Of USA


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Alrighty then America spoke & obviously the majority as well as the electoral college proved that it was time to give the old clan the heave ho. Not only that but the congress is now Hopefully a little more unified so they can get on with the chore of picking up the pieces of the last administration. I never heard such sore losers.

<deleted>? Are you serious? So where are the calls from the losing side about Obama "stealing the election" like the losers (Dems) in both 2000 & 2004 were whining about? The Gore/Lieberman ticket was renamed after the election to Sore/Loserman, remember that one?

This election reminds me of going to a carnival and spending $10 to win a 50-cent doll.

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<deleted>? Are you serious? So where are the calls from the losing side about Obama "stealing the election" like the losers (Dems) in both 2000 & 2004 were whining about? The Gore/Lieberman ticket was renamed after the election to Sore/Loserman, remember that one?
Simple. This time it wasn't close. A popular margin of 8 million votes and an electoral college margin that some are calling a landslide. Even more significantly, Obama won states in ALL regions all over the country, including the DEEP SOUTH. He has redrawn the map. And we won't ever see a supreme court again like 2000. BTW, Loserman lived up to his moniker this time too ... with friends like that you don't need enemies. Edited by Jingthing
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Had I not voted against this communist I could never look in a mirror again.

I too voted with the 46%..... From here on out, those that voted with the majority will be complicit in what befalls the US in the future. The Democrats have controlled the House and Senate for the past two years, so they are responsible for much of the problems befalling the US now. The good news is that approx. 46-million people, in the US, already understand this.

#1. Obama is going to have to dig out of the darkest days in recent US history, and, in the future, you can blame him all you want, but he is the one with the shovel in his hands getting dirty, not you. Economic Group Policy of 2003 meant non-interaction and non-objection in International sales of flimsy American loan packages ("never mind those turds in the candy box") generated purely by President George W Bush as a "Less Government" measure, not congress. Get out of Iraq, Bush lies got the US in there in the first place, it's time to get out. Period.

#2. Bush family legacy, from Prescott Bush (GWB grandfather): Figure out a way to create loans to be paid off to weapons hardware manufacturers and support corporations, make them non-principle payoffs (interest only.) Grandchildren> etc. collect millions in interest payments forever (Browning 1919 BAR episode WW2) (General Dynamics payout deal Iraq Gulf War 1)

#3. The forced bailout of Wall Street and the banking system has created the most socialist society America has ever experienced in its entire history. George W. Bush at the helm.

Now what was that again about not voting communist? McCain would have been a disaster "My way or the highway" from the Vietnam era, all over again. Look where it got Nixon (=Loser). Same same McCain.

Obama represents a true light of hope for the entire world. Let the losers cry foul and drool in their beer. :D

Thanks to everyone that voted for Obama, now, let's ROCK! :o

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Had I not voted against this communist I could never look in a mirror again.

I too voted with the 46%..... From here on out, those that voted with the majority will be complicit in what befalls the US in the future. The Democrats have controlled the House and Senate for the past two years, so they are responsible for much of the problems befalling the US now. The good news is that approx. 46-million people, in the US, already understand this.

You guys are going to have to do alot more than create a blame machine if you hope to become a viable party again. Hint: the majority of Americans will never go for someone like Palin.

Why not? It worked for the Democrats in this election?

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Why not? It worked for the Democrats in this election?

If you don't know the answer, I am not gonna tell you. I personally hope your party shrivels up and goes away. I would like to see another third party that attracts the middle, that is not just mainly for white people and more and more white OLD people, that completely rejects the anti-science, xenophobic, cultural wedge fundamentalist issues that now define the R party. I don't want a one party system but the R party has lost its way.

Edited by Jingthing
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Had I not voted against this communist I could never look in a mirror again.

I too voted with the 46%..... From here on out, those that voted with the majority will be complicit in what befalls the US in the future. The Democrats have controlled the House and Senate for the past two years, so they are responsible for much of the problems befalling the US now. The good news is that approx. 46-million people, in the US, already understand this.

You guys are going to have to do alot more than create a blame machine if you hope to become a viable party again. Hint: the majority of Americans will never go for someone like Palin.

Why not? It worked for the Democrats in this election?

I think history will prove that you hitched the wrong mule to your reform wagon. My vote was not for someone as much as it was against someone. Now I will say goodnight and allow history to write the ending to this, as further escalation of this thread will serve no real purpose. :o

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bye bye W, bye bye Cheney and Rove and the rest of the big cabal of secretive self-enriching schemers. They can still try and manipulate behind the scenes - and do their worst to trip Obama up, but their power-abusing, secretive, days are waning.

Best of the best to Obama, and his new administration!

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bye bye W, bye bye Cheney and Rove and the rest of the big cabal of secretive self-enriching schemers. They can still try and manipulate behind the scenes - and do their worst to trip Obama up, but their power-abusing, secretive, days are waning.

Best of the best to Obama, and his new administration!

With you 100% on that one brahmbugers.

Unfortunately, President George W. Bush is NOT finished yet. He's working harder today than he has in his entire eight years in office, New York Times expose: "So Little Time, So Much Damage"

George Bush, right now today, is clearing the restricted civil liberties package, allowing the FBI free reign to infiltrate and coerce lawfully formed 'groups' of any kind (This means anybody that makes any phone call to anybody else, anytime, anywhere). Also, he is forcing EPA standards to allow dumping of toxic mine wastes in American valleys and streams. And, not only that, right now, right this minute, he is (completely illegally) trying to force doctors to deny abortions based on one staff person not wanting to be involved (objecting), then, opening this idea up to ALL hospital care in general. This is so unbelievably scary, and he is getting away with it. The beat goes on, and how to repair all of it? Why is Bush doing this stuff? The guy doesn't even have to balls to say he screwed up bigtime and now it's time to just go away with your tail between your legs. He just HAS to continue making it far worse. Help! Somebody help!

President Elect Barack Obama, you can't get here soon enough!

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President-elect Barack Obama is a highly intelligent man and he proves so by inviting some very important economic advisers, today, including:

Warren Buffett, former Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Roger Ferguson, former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson, as well as former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt among others, to talk about the future of America.

I applause that and it shows he's much more clever than just leaning on his present and previous advisers.

It also shows his shortcomings, like we all have some...., but above all that he's wise enough to realize he needs the top-of-bill advisers to try and recover from the present ongoing crisis.

Personally I think he might surprise us with many quick and fast, wise decisions in the months ahead.

So far he can't do very much but he will certainly let his voice heard during the upcoming meeting in Washington on November 15th when the world leaders will meet to discuss the world crisis.



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OK, time for another cornball post.


I am still feeling very, very happy about all this, even though what Obama inherits is a royal mess and the poorest economy in decades. Someone has to take over now, and I sure am glad it is him, and not the other guy and especially not that other gal :o .

I "betcha" Obama and Biden thank ALL of you who voted for him, gave him money, worked for him, blogged for him, etc. all of you who didn't vote for him but were too lazy to vote, and all the diverse peoples all over the world sending their support and wishes for success.


As you might imagine, usually whoever I vote for and support LOSES so please forgive my sappiness.


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One more point about racial identity in the USA. The census bureau by 2000 not only let residents to claim their own identity, but for the first time ever, allowed them to identify themselves as what kind of multi-racial mix they considered themselves. Many black leaders resisted this move, because historically almost all partially black Americans had identified themselves as black. When they had more choice, millions claimed they were biracial or multiracial. Therefore, the Hispanics (measured by cultural identify, not race) outnumbered those who said they were pure black. As I understand Obama, he was biracial but identified as black. A bit like Tiger Wood, who may be more Asian than black.

But this election oddly enough proves Martin Luther King's dream of Negroes not being thought of simply as Negroes (the term popular back then) but as Americans with equal chance to succeed. I read most of King's work and he talked about equality, not superiority.

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:oRevealed! how NObama won the election. His campaign was funded by the all powerful food industry with support from foodie writers (aka POFIEs - Politically Orientated Foodie International Experts). Here how they promoted him


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:oRevealed! how NObama won the election. His campaign was funded by the all powerful food industry with support from foodie writers (aka POFIEs - Politically Orientated Foodie International Experts). Here how they promoted him


Good source of antioxidants as well, kind sir.

Maybe this was meant as an attack, but brocolli is good and Obama is good and preventative health measures are good, I like it! Also indicates his interests in green environmental issues.

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President-elect Barack Obama is a highly intelligent man and he proves so by inviting some very important economic advisers, today, including:

Warren Buffett, former Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Roger Ferguson, former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson, as well as former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt among others, to talk about the future of America.

I applause that and it shows he's much more clever than just leaning on his present and previous advisers.

It also shows his shortcomings, like we all have some...., but above all that he's wise enough to realize he needs the top-of-bill advisers to try and recover from the present ongoing crisis.

Personally I think he might surprise us with many quick and fast, wise decisions in the months ahead.

So far he can't do very much but he will certainly let his voice heard during the upcoming meeting in Washington on November 15th when the world leaders will meet to discuss the world crisis.



Yes, what a brilliant man - and honest too! As one who is definitely in the know pointed out, look at how he is supporting his platform of CHANGE:

His Transition Committee looks like a reunion of the Clinton Administration. The Chairman, John Podesta, was Clinton's Chief of Staff. He presided over the outrageous last minute pardons and his style is strictly inside-the-beltway and make-no-waves.

Then there's Carol Browner, Clinton's competent former EPA Administrator who became the consummate Washington insider. She's Madeline Albright's partner and recently married mega-lobbyist and former Congressman Tom Downey. During the uproar over Dubai taking over U.S. ports, Browner brought Downey to meet with Senator Chuck Schumer to plead Dubai's case. Downey was paid half a million dollars to push Dubai's position. He's also a lobbyist for Fannie Mae, paid half a million to try to cover their rears on the subprime mortgage mess. Is his change?

Federico Pena was Clinton's Secretary of Transportation and of Energy. The President felt he was unduly soft on Air Florida after their crash and lost confidence in him. Now he's back as a Transition Committee member.

Bill Daley, Clinton's former Secretary of Commerce and the brother of the Mayor of Chicago, is the epitome of the old Democratic establishment. Clinton appointed him to the Fannie Mae Board and his son worked as a lobbyist for the agency. Aren't these the kind of folks that Obama ran against?

Larry Summers, President of Harvard and former Clinton Secretary of the Treasury is not exactly an outsider either. He's also alienated more than a few with his bizarre suggestion that women may be genetically inferior to men in math and science.

Susan Rice, Assistant Secretary of State under Clinton advised John Kerry and Mike Dukakis. Does that tell you enough?

Obama has named one of his big bundlers - Michael Froman, an executive at Citigroup. Is this supposed to symbolize change?

Obama's choice of a spokesperson for the transition is also surprising; hers' is definitely not the face of reason and new politics. Stephanie Cutter is the brash and combative former Clinton, Kerry, and Ted Kennedy mouthpiece. The liberal DailyKos.com once described Cutter as "a moron to the nth degree" when she tried unsuccessfully to force the New York Times' Adam Nagourney to treat her unsolicited email criticizing Howard Dean as "background" without mentioning her name.

Speaking of brash, Rahm Emmanuel, the new White House Chief of Staff, makes Cutter look timid. Rahm is also a former Clinton White House staffer - and a very obnoxious one. He spent his White House years leaking to the Washington Post whenever he didn't like what the President was doing. Even Bill Clinton stopped trusting him. Any hopes of Obama keeping his commitment to reach across the aisle would go right out the window with Rahm's appointment. Instead of extending a hand to the opposition, it would be like raising just one finger. And Rahm's strident demeanor laced with the 'f' word in every sentence will do little to elevate the bipartisan dialogue in Washington.

Christopher Edley, another member of the transition team, is Dean of the Berkeley Law School. He's a former member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission under Clinton and his wife, Maria Echaveste was Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff.

Transition committee staffer Christine Varney was a Federal Trade Commissioner under Clinton and worked in the White House.

Throughout the early debates, Obama criticized Hillary as part of the inside-the beltway establishment that needed to go. But now he's reaching out to these exact same folks. Some change.

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Lol venture ---- you are talking about the people that are on the transition team right?

(and the CoS ---that you make a few odd claims about)

You don't want people that know Washington on the transition team? You aren't talking about the cabinet after all!

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Lol venture ---- you are talking about the people that are on the transition team right?

(and the CoS ---that you make a few odd claims about)

You don't want people that know Washington on the transition team? You aren't talking about the cabinet after all!

So when you are seeking to CHANGE everything, lets have everyone from the past be involved. BTW, his choice of Chief of Staff is permanent - not just for the transition. My claims are not odd. They are factual. Look it up. Rahm Emmanuel is certifiable. He sent a dead fish to a Democrat that he determined was disloyal. http://sify.com/news/fullstory.php?id=14793238.

Great choice Obama! Let's see what you can do next week

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Normally TV doesn't allow discussion of non-Thai events (especially politics) but obviously the US Presidential elections are exceptional and threads have been allowed to run to reflect this fact. The election is now over and the result is known and the threads are degenerating into the usual flames.

Thread closed.

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