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PAD/DAAD/Unrest/Airport Closure/Goodbye Thailand/Resolution/PAD sponsors


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But similar things have happened elsewhere and for a myriad of reasons. Think twice before you start trashing Thailand and its ways.

what ways are those exactly?

Are you serious? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strike_action provides a few references.

The fairly recent Los Angeles dock workers strike, is another one that hurt a region economically.

Many deadly and viloent coal mine strikes.

There are too many large scale strikes with violent protests to list. I would not profess to be an expert. I leave it to the interested reader and the experts.


Hey the conversation was just starting to get good and you go to bed....what is this some kind of foreplay ??

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to the op . you will be back your just pssed of you cant come , if cambodia is your next choice well i have a feeling you wont be there long , you will be back ha ha ha .


The OP will find the locals happy and pleasant as many others have done recently , Cambodia is filling up rapidly , those i have spoken with say they wish they had come earlier , not much room for kangaroos though , there are enough traffic problems as it is . Jealousy will get you nowhere .

Dumb all may I ask why are you such a prolific poster here? nothing wrong with living in another country however 100% of your posts are anti Thai. Why do you bother?

I enjoyed TV long before i became a member , having spent 7 years of my life happily in Thailand , i happen to dislike people putting down others for no practical or logical reason , even more so when they post so much misinformation about other travel choices . My posts are not anti thai , they simply give another (Hopefully) unbiased side to a one way argument (discussion) , i feel this is fair and helpfull to the OP being uneccessarily denigrated and called all kinds of names .Should TV admin think that this forum is not at least a little more informative to these put down posters by my input , i think they would readily advise me of the fact . Should you in any way expect me to become a sheeple such as your honoured self , forget it , as i believe a discussion fails to be just that when the only responses come from the same side .

I bother because i care , just like all of the antagonist posting about PAD etc , Capish ?

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An industrial action is one thing thing that can be accepted, but somebody fireing a hand gun from the back of a pick-up truck is another thing.

yesterday ( Sunday) somebody was shot by police because he hand gun in a public place in the UK.

This is not a peaceful demonstration, this is a group of people( maybe this is the wrong word) holding a country to ransom.

If you want to put the airport closures into prospective lets think of the thousands of people who will be without work in the future, the same people will be without food, I do not care if you are yellow or red it is the common workers who will suffer because of middle/upper class f@*k wits. Will these people go hungry, I doubt it they will just look down at the working class as they do every other day.

FD :o

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I agree. It is a mess and I think the PAD is completely wrong and doing great harm to their country, their government, their King, their reputation, their economy, their own people etc. So much greed and corruption. This will be a giant step backwards for Thailand. But, as others have pointed out, Thailand is very resiliant.

A very short time ago I was ready to buy a place here and make semi-retirement plans. However, once they overthrew Thaksin, it was quite clear to me that there is no Civilian rule of law here. The military, as has often been the case is in charge.

It's a shame too. Lots of pretty good people here. I would have liked spending six months of each year here. But I won't move any money over here, or make any commtments.

I will be looking elsewhere, or working on my buddhism and just lowering my expectations and desires and wants.

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I agree. It is a mess and I think the PAD is completely wrong and doing great harm to their country, their government, their King, their reputation, their economy, their own people etc. So much greed and corruption. This will be a giant step backwards for Thailand. But, as others have pointed out, Thailand is very resiliant.

A very short time ago I was ready to buy a place here and make semi-retirement plans. However, once they overthrew Thaksin, it was quite clear to me that there is no Civilian rule of law here. The military, as has often been the case is in charge.

It's a shame too. Lots of pretty good people here. I would have liked spending six months of each year here. But I won't move any money over here, or make any commtments.

I will be looking elsewhere, or working on my buddhism and just lowering my expectations and desires and wants.

You told us you were going to bed......now ur back talking about ur buddhism and lowering your expectations....what next?

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I agree. It is a mess and I think the PAD is completely wrong and doing great harm to their country, their government, their King, their reputation, their economy, their own people etc. So much greed and corruption. This will be a giant step backwards for Thailand. But, as others have pointed out, Thailand is very resiliant.

A very short time ago I was ready to buy a place here and make semi-retirement plans. However, once they overthrew Thaksin, it was quite clear to me that there is no Civilian rule of law here. The military, as has often been the case is in charge.

It's a shame too. Lots of pretty good people here. I would have liked spending six months of each year here. But I won't move any money over here, or make any commtments.

I will be looking elsewhere, or working on my buddhism and just lowering my expectations and desires and wants.

You told us you were going to bed......now ur back talking about ur buddhism and lowering your expectations....what next?

You don't have to read the posts if you don't want to.

If you must know, I am taking a look at the stock market and getting ready to add a few more thousands shares of Etrade stock, ETFC to my current 19,000 shares. The stock price should pop soon as they get 800 million in TARP money from the government.

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I agree. It is a mess and I think the PAD is completely wrong and doing great harm to their country, their government, their King, their reputation, their economy, their own people etc. So much greed and corruption. This will be a giant step backwards for Thailand. But, as others have pointed out, Thailand is very resiliant.

A very short time ago I was ready to buy a place here and make semi-retirement plans. However, once they overthrew Thaksin, it was quite clear to me that there is no Civilian rule of law here. The military, as has often been the case is in charge.

It's a shame too. Lots of pretty good people here. I would have liked spending six months of each year here. But I won't move any money over here, or make any commtments.

I will be looking elsewhere, or working on my buddhism and just lowering my expectations and desires and wants.

I am sorry but I am not a Buddhist, but I live in Thailand, and have done so for more than 1 year, I know I am not expert.

I arrived back in Thailand last Tuesday at 4pm (yes I know I am lucky)

I work offshore and am 4 weeks in Thailand and 4 weeks at work. I have a wife here.

The problems just now will not stop me living in Thailand. I love being here, even with all its problems.

I have a rented apartment, so do not have any money invested in Thailand, but I have invested something more imporant, my heart.

I will not leave Thailand unless I am forced to.

I am not happy with the present situation, but what can I do, I only want to get on with my life and enjoy life with my wife.

FD :o

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I do not get involved in politics, esp. politics of another country. However, the PAD action of taking over the airports and completely stopping tourism will affect ALL of Thailand. I was planning to visit Thailand Saturday from America (my 5th visit) as I typically do yearly as I love the country and people.

However, this year I am forced to change my itinerary last minute and travel to another country. Obviously, changing a trip last minute is both a painful and costly process. That being said, I will more then likely go to Vietnam or Cambodia this year and annually going forward. Additionally, many of my friends who frequently travel to Thailand are doing the same.

Great move taking over the airports !! You lost me and thousands of others as tourists for a long time. I do not plan to go to Thailand for years (if ever again). Not for safety concerns, but for my FACE.

My vacation plans have been ruined and I vowed to myself not to return. Good luck Thailand....I sincerely wish the situation does get resolved and resolved peacefully. However, the action of the last few days will have a huge impact on the baht, the economy and ultimately the people of Thailand. I foresee the growing recession getting extremely worse and lasting for years. Thailand will go back to being a true Third World country. Confidence and perception of Thailand is dramatically declining..... and as we all know this takes years to get back (esp throughout the world community).

I understand your way of thinking after 8 years with an idiot in charge of your own country.

You are in a perfect position to judge others.

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I do not get involved in politics, esp. politics of another country. However, the PAD action of taking over the airports and completely stopping tourism will affect ALL of Thailand. I was planning to visit Thailand Saturday from America (my 5th visit) as I typically do yearly as I love the country and people.

However, this year I am forced to change my itinerary last minute and travel to another country. Obviously, changing a trip last minute is both a painful and costly process. That being said, I will more then likely go to Vietnam or Cambodia this year and annually going forward. Additionally, many of my friends who frequently travel to Thailand are doing the same.

Great move taking over the airports !! You lost me and thousands of others as tourists for a long time. I do not plan to go to Thailand for years (if ever again). Not for safety concerns, but for my FACE.

My vacation plans have been ruined and I vowed to myself not to return. Good luck Thailand....I sincerely wish the situation does get resolved and resolved peacefully. However, the action of the last few days will have a huge impact on the baht, the economy and ultimately the people of Thailand. I foresee the growing recession getting extremely worse and lasting for years. Thailand will go back to being a true Third World country. Confidence and perception of Thailand is dramatically declining..... and as we all know this takes years to get back (esp throughout the world community).

Wonder how we all tend to forget our own struggles for democracy but call ourselves the home of it. The people here are upset for all their struggle with it and when they fight for it people like you give them shit for it. Guess you all rather want a country where all suit you for "holiday purpose" and keep the democracy at your doorstep. Selfish yes I think so, wonder why people are pissed with the Western world who want it all but don't want anyone else to get it. Personally I lost a lot of income since I cannot go back to work but give me a break! You have no idea how the people here have had it obviously from your trips.

Yes go to Cambodia, another country known for democracy or Vietnam who still is the same commies you lost for some few years back.

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ahh thats what i like to see, a captalist working late into the night.......u are really clashing with that buddhism thing arnt you?

Not at all. I was using it as an example. It is obvious you are the type that likes to jump to hasty generalizations and seem to be looking for an argument. Sorry, not interested.

Best wishes to you

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I do not get involved in politics, esp. politics of another country. However, the PAD action of taking over the airports and completely stopping tourism will affect ALL of Thailand. I was planning to visit Thailand Saturday from America (my 5th visit) as I typically do yearly as I love the country and people.

However, this year I am forced to change my itinerary last minute and travel to another country. Obviously, changing a trip last minute is both a painful and costly process. That being said, I will more then likely go to Vietnam or Cambodia this year and annually going forward. Additionally, many of my friends who frequently travel to Thailand are doing the same.

Great move taking over the airports !! You lost me and thousands of others as tourists for a long time. I do not plan to go to Thailand for years (if ever again). Not for safety concerns, but for my FACE.

My vacation plans have been ruined and I vowed to myself not to return. Good luck Thailand....I sincerely wish the situation does get resolved and resolved peacefully. However, the action of the last few days will have a huge impact on the baht, the economy and ultimately the people of Thailand. I foresee the growing recession getting extremely worse and lasting for years. Thailand will go back to being a true Third World country. Confidence and perception of Thailand is dramatically declining..... and as we all know this takes years to get back (esp throughout the world community).

Wonder how we all tend to forget our own struggles for democracy but call ourselves the home of it. The people here are upset for all their struggle with it and when they fight for it people like you give them shit for it. Guess you all rather want a country where all suit you for "holiday purpose" and keep the democracy at your doorstep. Selfish yes I think so, wonder why people are pissed with the Western world who want it all but don't want anyone else to get it. Personally I lost a lot of income since I cannot go back to work but give me a break! You have no idea how the people here have had it obviously from your trips.

Yes go to Cambodia, another country known for democracy or Vietnam who still is the same commies you lost for some few years back.

You make some good points, but the main thing is the Thai people defied democracy when they did not stop the military from overthrowing Thaksin. Good or bad, the Thaksin elections were fairly democratic. He pissed some people and factions off, so they kicked him out. That is not a democracy. Impeachment or some other means in the constitution should have been used.

The Thai people now have a mess because the did not stand up to the military two years ago. Shame on the major countries that did not protest the action more either.

I am all for democracy, and some times civil disobedience can be arguably warranted. But this PAD thing is not an example of a fight for democracy.

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Putting aside the inconvenience and manipulation, and governing mess, let's just mention that bigger countries have had similar shutdowns.

In the USA, the Air Traffic Controller Strike nationwide back in the 80s. Took a while to sort that out.

New York city and some other major citites had mass transit strikes.

Europe has had several major hiways shutdown.

So protests do happen. Of course with Thailand, the airports are quite a choke point as so much travel is channeled through them.

Go ahead shoot the other foot too!

I'm looking at 50000bt out of my bank account, your donation gratefully received.

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I just read that the Canadian Govt is trying to get medications to older tourist stranded at the airports.

I wonder how long before a govt goes in to retrieve its citizens? Then all h_ll will break loose.

Thailand please wake up...PAD please wake up.....Who wants to live in a country that gets its way through throwing a tantrum.

Why would all hel_l break loose? I am sure you have a good reason for saying this, but I can't work it out. Can you please elaborate?

Why??? Ok.... If someone is holding your family as prisoner?

This is eventually how the other governments of the world will see this.

Eventually enough ears will be twisted. They do not need to hold a gun to the stranded passengers heads they are in fact holding them prisoner against their will.

Like I said want to close Thailand? Fine close to incoming but you cannot hold foreign citizens against their will. Canada already has mentioned many older tourist stranded without medication refills.

If tourist god forbid start expiring all hel_l will break loose very quickly.

You think the other embassy's will not call in planes to remove their citizens from a hostile environment?

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While we can debate till we're blue in the face whether Thailand needs western money, what this protest is saying is that they don't really care if they have it or not.

I do not know & do not really care but does this mob really speak for 70 million Thai's?

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Here’s a scenario all of you TV folks can pick apart:

1. Tomorrow, Tuesday, the Supreme Court will decide that the PPP is guilty of spending money where it should not have in order to get elected, and, therefore the PPP has to disband.

2. Khun Somchai, the now leader of the PPP, will then by order of the court have to relinquish his position, and since he was/is a judge and has a gentle demeanor, he will do so.

3. Then a court-appointed commission, with approval by the army, the police, and the PAD, and other powers will take over the reins of the government.

4. There will be no election since if there were to be one, the results would be the same as the last three times, and that would not be acceptable to all the powers concerned (minus all those people in Isan and the North – but never mind them).

5. The PAD and their friends win, everybody goes home from the airports, and a five-day cleanup of the trashed main airport begins which means that the airport will be open inside ten days from now.

Then it will be congratulations all round to all concerned, and life will return to normal just like we all want it to.

Walt http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/style_images...icons/icon1.gif

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Your assumption is that this judgement is going to be ruled against the government.

Maybe it will, maybe it won't, from what I have read it's highly likely but it's not a foregone conclusion, is it ?

Hi UKRules,

How else can the people who are important be happy?


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Hookers Of Eden Socialists ....HOES :o

Flag ....pink cross on a pink background ??

A cross? I would think a hole, or maybe a slit, would be more appropo for an asian country .

I was halfway sympathetic to PAD I wish more Americans had stood up to the current BushCo. But the black shirt are just a little too reminesent of another political security force, and I"m sure we are getting but trickle of information about their violent lawlessness.

I see the PAD-oephiles as a little too comfortable in their retirement visa or play- businesses with Thai personal slaves cooking, serving , cleaning the house endlessly - and the ALL IMPORTANT sexual component. What if that all comes crashing down ?

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Unfortunately doesnt mean the right to illegally occuppy govt buildings and airports. Hence the PAD are criminals. :o

If the laws of the land are unjust, then it most certainly dose. During the civil rights movement in the USA, MANY people illegally occupied both civil and govt buildings in an attempt to do away with illegal and immoral segregation laws. Why should Thai's deny themselves of that option when their govt is run by a convicted criminal via proxy?

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