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Tv Members And Political Correctness


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Countries with highe female representation are

Sweden , The Netherlands, France and interestingly, since the genocide, Rwanda. Liberia is rising and both these Afrian countiries are making huge strides toward human rights since their genocidal male leaders have been overthrown

This can not be left.

One of the main instigators of the genocide iin Rwanda was a female cabinet minister-- the Minister for Families (Pauline Nyiramasuhuko). But not only that, she was also a member of the tribe that she ordered massacred! It has been analysed by Prof Zimbardo who conducted the famous Stanford Prison Experiment and who places situational forces above dispositions. She wiped out her own people to prove to the other cabinet members her loyalty and because she did not have the moral courage to say no. So maybe she was a person of bad character.... nope. She was a former lecturer on women's empowerment...

She gave the order: "Before you kill the women you need to rape them".

So would women do a better job? Would peace rein if they were in charge? Let's ask Nyiramasuhuko's female lawyer:

"when you do murder trials, you realize we are all susceptible, and you wouldn't dream you even dream you would ever commit this act. But you come to understand that everyone is [susceptible]".

All of you probably think you would never murder, would never commit genocide, never rape (male or female members of the forum)... you are wrong. You all would, except an astonishingly tiny percentage. Who are these people? They are non-group non-emotional (no mates and have no desire to join groups/gangs at school, but not loners[who are 'failed joiners'). So, for example, a married man is more likely to commit genocide than a 50-year-old bachelor. But I suspect this would mean women are more likely than man to commit horrific acts if power lay in their hands.

Happy days.

I do not know of tis particualr woman, why she was a murderer. Perhaps if more women had been in govt then , they might have been able to stop her.

I do know that within the last decade as the government of Rwanda has become more gender equal ( 50 % of women reps in govt being the point, not individuals ) It has become a more stable , peaceful nation.

Yes some women act badly , just like some men. Get it - EQUAL NOT BETTER .

AGAIN , please , my point is : 50 % female representative in Govt. leads to better nations.

No, I don't "get it". You're argument is self-contradictory and self-discrediting.

1. Women are equal with men but no better

2. Nations are better with better representation of women


Perhaps you just mean it seems better for nations to better represent their people. But no, you said more than that; you strongly implied it would lead to peace and better times. So... presumably you feel a mix of men and women would bring peace... why? Two problems at least:

1. women don't like women as their bosses

2. men get on better with other men in positions of power

But actually you suggest women are better than men:

"Perhaps if more women had been in govt then , they might have been able to stop her."

Presumably meaning men were less capable of stopping her. But women are no better you say. Eh?

The 1. and 2. above are brute truths. You may wish it were otherwise, but do not confuse your melodramatic wishes for reality. Asserting your dreams as reality will not make them come true.

Please stop this man-hating. And please stop writing syllogisms, it's tiring.

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What is the true meaning of Christmas?

Is it to indulge yourself in Christmas gifts and eating all day long?

Having some kind of tree in the house lighted up and underneath have some present's?

Having a good time with all the family together in one place?

I am asking you all to explain to me the true meaning of Christmas.

my view:

true Christmas is when the five inhabitants of my home (one dog and four humans) enjoy decorating a Christmas tree in our front garden and later on sharing a nice dinner.

for the record: none of us are Christians and four of us belong to three different faiths. can't speak for my dog though as he is very secretive concerning this matter. the only evidence i have is that he is neither a Muslim, nor a Jew nor a Hindu because because he loves pork and beef.

As usual when reading your posts, I had a great laugh. Thanks for that !

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Many people have a generalized belief that Thai women are docile and submissive. Those people have not met my wife. A husband and wife should be equals? I wish someone would tell my wife that. She does ask me about things but then does exactly as she chooses. My wife knows everything about everything. I think her self assurance came from having to take care of herself all her life. She is a seamstress and worked in a Dubai sweat shop garment factory for two and a half years to make enough money to build her house. If I were to leave tomorrow, she would have no problems taking care of herself.

Just like your wife, my Thai wife is very self assured and independent so has no problems taking care of herself (and me also). She also asks me about things but is then kind enough to correct my answers to her questions. I have to admit that we are not equals as she is a far better person and human being than I could ever hope to be. I am very well educated but she is even more highly educated so I usually happily defer to her should we not agree on something. Despite her obviously superiority, I am still the boss in the family (when she lets me be) even if it is not politically correct :o !

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Some more signs about the development of "political correctness" into a totalitarian, fascist-style system:

DISCRIMINATION against dominant white males will soon be encouraged in a bid to boost the status of women, the disabled and cultural and religious minorities.

Such positive discrimination -- treating people differently in order to obtain equality for marginalised groups - is set to be legalised under planned changes to the Equal Opportunity Act foreshadowed last week by state Attorney-General Rob Hulls.

The laws are also expected to protect the rights of people with criminal records to get a job, as long as their past misdeeds are irrelevant to work being sought.

Equal Opportunity Commission CEO Dr Helen Szoke said males had "been the big success story in business and goods and services".

"Clearly, they will have their position changed because they will be competing in a different way with these people who have been traditionally marginalised," she said.

"Let's open it up so everyone can have a fair go."

Victoria's peak business body expressed concern yesterday about the need for the proposed laws, and questioned if they would undermine the right of companies to make legitimate business decisions.

At present, individuals or bodies wanting to single out any race or gender for special treatment must gain an exemption from VCAT.

Companies and public bodies accused of discrimination can only be held to account after a complaint has been made.

But the proposed changes go much further, allowing the commission to inquire into discrimination, seize documents and search and enter premises after attempts to bring about change have failed.

Businesses and individuals would be required to change their ways even if a complaint had not been received.

Action could be taken where an unlawful act was "likely to occur", not just in cases where discrimination has taken place.

The commission would also have real teeth to enforce its rulings via VCAT and, as a last resort, in the courts.

The changes, shown in a Department of Justice report by former public advocate Julian Gardner, would also:

EDUCATE people so they know their rights.

GIVE more protection to people with disabilities, requiring companies and public entities to reasonably accommodate their needs.

GRANT the homeless and people who act as volunteers better protection from discrimination.

Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry workplace general manager David Gregory said business supported the objectives of equal opportunity legislation.

"But I am concerned and curious about whether these changes mean the commission can second-guess the legitimate business decisions of individual businesses," he said.

The first raft of changes to the Equal Opportunity Act were introduced into Parliament last week.

Be warned - this sort of apartheid is now all over the Western world.


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Guesthouse most be the longest surviving troll in the history of TV.

Well done mate.

GuestHouse enjoys uniform respectability on this forum .

You're the troll and a most prolific one , as you only joined last week and have over 130 toxic tirades thus far..

I"d like to say I find it odd that the word " Girl" is used regularly to denote fully grown women.

It's as if the term "woman" is a bad word ..or the implication of of equal status is perhaps what's bothersome ?

It seems if women are considered sexually attractive then they must be " girls "

Women who CENSORED for a livling are always " girls "

Even the newspapers will call women in headlines , such as adult sporting teams " Girls"

but male athletes, unless under the age of 18 are always " Men " not boys .

Not "guys ", but men , so it's not just slang .

" This is about how language defines a role , and how women are still " Girls" unless thay are too old to be sexually desirable, (like what guys, over 35-40? )Then they can be" ladies " like the" Ladies" board on this forum .

Where we all hold our knees together, drink teas and discuss how we can help...children.

this is not slang talk it is about real chauvanism and how language is used to imply subjugation

We are girls or ladies or chicks or skirts or a myriad of other demeaning terms ..but never women.

Of course I know the sexist factor is way up there in this predominately male group on Thai visa , but every increment of (un) conciousness raised helps.

( Thanks GuestHouse. You're my favorite. )

"A genuinely liberal view of life translated into action, however, should be enough to ensure the vulnerable in society are not victimized." (Xangsamhua)

Yes so this is where TV members generally have a problem.

Fascinating insight as to how you and the sisters have been oppressed by the English language. Delighted that Guesthouse impresses, having staked his camp as a pro-PC advocate though that is hardly surprising.

Come on we all know you are dying to let loose, come on it will be cathartic, yet again. We have been spared a good PC diatribe since moving here, please come forth and remind us of what we don't miss about our homelands.

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I always find it a bit ironic that when talking so many of the anti-PC mob will usually move onto the subject of how immigrants are getting away with murder back in their home countries; they blame all this on the PC crowd of course. These are often the exact same people who are critical about how little Thailand does for them as a minority. Many also make little effort to fit into Thai society, and scoff at westerners that do make this effort. These people often have no problem whinging and bitching when they feel their rights have been violated though.

Edited by garro
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I watched Robin Hood on BBC Entertainment, here in Thailand tonight. A member of his band is a Muslim woman.(?) Todays story was all about a chap the Sheriff of Nottingham imprisoned for helping Robin Hood by making saracen type bows, supposedly for his band to use.

What a load of PC tosh! I read the original stories when I was a kid, and there was never a member of the "merry men" who was anything other than white anglo saxon. As for the bows, if saracen bows were superior, how come the English Longbow was still used for 300 years or so after the time Robin Hood was supposed to have been around?

The BBC should not be allowed to interfere with traditional tales, just to make them fit into the PC fantasies it tries to project.

I'm half expecting a gay merry man next week, presumably dressed in Lincoln pink, instead of the traditional green.

No offence intended here to muslims, women or gays, just trying to illustrate how ludicrous the PC world is becoming - doesn't help anyone, in my humble opinion.

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The problem is that the anti-PC brigade miss 'the good old days' when you could openly call black people 'darkies' or 'coons' and call the disabled 'spastics'. They resent the fact that society wants to try and control the worst aspects of the darker side of their natures. They fondly remember the days when you could openly spit on your neighbor (or worse) because they looked or spoke different or because they went to a different church. They miss the days when being an ignorant bigot or racist wasn't frowned upon so much. Poor them. The world has gone PC mad.

Were that all being PC represented I'd have no problem with it, but it has been hijacked by certain persons ( usually of the female gender ) to advance stupid political policies, and relies on the desire by everyone else not to oppose them for fear of being PC uncorrect. Eg, the British home secretary is trying to eliminate ALL prostitution by criminalising the customer. The rational is that it is to combat trafficking, but overlooks the fact that most prostitution is by persons who CHOOSE to earn money that way. As most male MPs are afraid to speak out against this idiocy as they would look PC uncorrect, it will probably become law. The prostitutes collective has spoken out against it, saying that the police should deal with trafficking, and trying to eliminate prostitution will just drive it underground, making it worse for all women involved.

Incidentally, New Zealand, which is sickeningly PC, has legalised prostitution, and it has been a great success.

IMO, being PC is the last refuge of man hating women, and their spineless sycophantic male camp followers.

Surely it is not just down to the man hating women? Though they did, amongst other things, get wolf whistling banned and they contributed greatly to global warming by burning their bras.

What about the a-hole do-gooders who ban nursery rhymes like Baa, Baa, Black Sheep because they deem it racist??

Banning Christian services in some schools because the non-Christians outnumber the Christians? And that in the Christian UK with a Queen as head of a Christian church.

Seems to me that PC is pandering to the do gooders who shout loudest and twist things in their favour. A spade is a spade. A Binman is a Binman. Unless you are PC, of course.

Being small = verically challenged

blind = visually challenged

mute = vocally challenged

dish washer = utensil sanitizer

Ah, political correctness, you have to love it :o

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I am now in Europe visiting friends and family.

Couple of days ago I was in Germany.

The schoolchildren cannot have a traditional " Weihnachtsfeier " - Christmas feast - in school because it might upset children from other religions.

It's called " Winterfest " - winter feast - now. How does one explain to his/her child that celebrating the birth of Jesus is not PC.

In Belgium there was a row because Santa Claus (december 6 in continental Europe) wears a miter with a cross on it.

The cross had to go.

etc. etc. etc.

As I said before it's a one way street, and the end is not in sight, but hey who am I to complain? According to Garro only farangs that have adopted Thai lifestyle, and speak fluent Thai have the right to complain and I'm not one of them. But I also don't bitch about Thailand, it's their country, and I chose to live here, not become part of it.



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I remember a seminar I had at uni on the subject of "Human relationship management":

We had a cool teacher for this subject - he used to roll up ciggies and smoke them in class.

One day, as he walked into the room, he noticed one of the male students reading The Sun newspaper. He went ballistic.

He immediately stormed to the blackboard (it was a board, and it was black coloured) and divided it in two. He then went around the small class demanding that we each give a slang/derogatory word to describe women... at first, it was a bit weird, but we soon got into it (the class was about 50/50 male/female)... you can imagine, 18 year old students not only being allowed to swear, but being actively encouraged by a ciggy smoking teacher...

Round the class we went: "b**ch, c**t, sl*g..." etc... on and on, until he had written at least 50 words on the baord.. When we had ran out, he said "Right, now I want all to do the same, but this time for men." Well, I don't think we made it once around the 15 or so students. As we stuttered to an end, the list describing women measuring columns and columns, next to the single line in the mens heading, he pointed to the board and shouted out "That's why women will never be equal to men", he then grabbed The Sun newspaper off a desk, ripped it up and stormed out. End of a class 2 hour seminar after only 15minutes, happy days.

It's one of only two classes I can recall, 15 years later. (he taught the other too, about how to attract a woman).

Edited by Jim's_a_Thai_Fox
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I wonder how many people who are complaining about alleged exclusion of Christmas and Christianity by Political Correctness are actually Christian themselves (or indeed how many would on another day be complaining about Christians, Christianity and Christian Morality)?!

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I wonder how many people who are complaining about alleged exclusion of Christmas and Christianity by Political Correctness are actually Christian themselves (or indeed how many would on another day be complaining about Christians, Christianity and Christian Morality)?!

I don't, because that's utterly irrelevant.

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I remember a seminar I had at uni on the subject of "Human relationship management":

We had a cool teacher for this subject - he used to roll up ciggies and smoke them in class.

One day, as he walked into the room, he noticed one of the male students reading The Sun newspaper. He went ballistic.

He immediately stormed to the blackboard (it was a board, and it was black coloured) and divided it in two. He then went around the small class demanding that we each give a slang/derogatory word to describe women... at first, it was a bit weird, but we soon got into it (the class was about 50/50 male/female)... you can imagine, 18 year old students not only being allowed to swear, but being actively encouraged by a ciggy smoking teacher...

Round the class we went: "b**ch, c**t, sl*g..." etc... on and on, until he had written at least 50 words on the baord.. When we had ran out, he said "Right, now I want all to do the same, but this time for men." Well, I don't think we made it once around the 15 or so students. As we stuttered to an end, the list describing women measuring columns and columns, next to the single line in the mens heading, he pointed to the board and shouted out "That's why women will never be equal to men", he then grabbed The Sun newspaper off a desk, ripped it up and stormed out. End of a class 2 hour seminar after only 15minutes, happy days.

What drivel.

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Totally spot on Jims a thai fox. There will be those that deny it or deride it though but then they have probably never been discriminmated against in their life (except maybe on visa laws in thailand & now spend their time indignant at it :o )

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erm, it's only a tv show :o

Well, the BBC is undoubtedly the most distinguished broadcaster on the face of the planet. The make-up of the beeb - and its mandate - should be open to rigorous scrutiny. I don't give a stuff about how it presents a show about Robin Hood, but am deeply concerned with its "agenda".

I used to laugh about all this, I really did. I used to think it was just right wing paranoia. 12 years working for the UK government has made me see creeping, systemic political correctness as more of a threat to my liberty than just about anything else. The trouble with it is, where does it end? It provides a mandate for lawyers, snake-oil salesmen (tsk!) and other shiny-suited shysters to make a fortune at our expense.

Thankfully this debate is old hat. The argument has been won and people are seeing sense. Political correctness has run its course and its impact will lessen given the backlash which is coming.

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I wonder how many people who are complaining about alleged exclusion of Christmas and Christianity by Political Correctness are actually Christian themselves (or indeed how many would on another day be complaining about Christians, Christianity and Christian Morality)?!

For your information dear Guesthouse, I am a Christian, as is the majority of the people of my country.

I thought (my mistake) that this topic was about political correctness, and that's what my posts are about.

Maybe you don't like what I'm saying but if you want to talk about christian morality plse start another topic.

I will gladly stay out of that one.


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I wonder how many people who are complaining about alleged exclusion of Christmas and Christianity by Political Correctness are actually Christian themselves (or indeed how many would on another day be complaining about Christians, Christianity and Christian Morality)?!

For your information dear Guesthouse, I am a Christian, as is the majority of the people of my country.

I thought (my mistake) that this topic was about political correctness, and that's what my posts are about.

Maybe you don't like what I'm saying but if you want to talk about christian morality plse start another topic.

I will gladly stay out of that one.


You are right dear Ozestan, the topic of discussion is Political Correctness, and please be assured nothing you have said has 'offended me'. And don't fret, I'm not planning starting any more threads at the moment, this one is revealing so much that I find interesting, but do feel free to stay out of what ever posts you wish.

As an aside, we need to be careful when pointing the finger at Political Correctness where restrictions on religious practice in our schools, public buildings and state financed institutions is concerned. The separation of state and faith is something that enjoys a broad support, undoubtedly also from many people who regard themselves as anti-Political Correctness. (This separation may be enshrined in constitution, law or indeed culture) Likewise many hold that faith ought to be a private issue not forced into other people's 'space'. In both of these cases an individual, or organization might act to restrict public display of faith without having any PC Agenda.

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I watched Robin Hood on BBC Entertainment, here in Thailand tonight. A member of his band is a Muslim woman.(?) Todays story was all about a chap the Sheriff of Nottingham imprisoned for helping Robin Hood by making saracen type bows, supposedly for his band to use.

What a load of PC tosh! I read the original stories when I was a kid, and there was never a member of the "merry men" who was anything other than white anglo saxon. As for the bows, if saracen bows were superior, how come the English Longbow was still used for 300 years or so after the time Robin Hood was supposed to have been around?

The BBC should not be allowed to interfere with traditional tales, just to make them fit into the PC fantasies it tries to project.

I'm half expecting a gay merry man next week, presumably dressed in Lincoln pink, instead of the traditional green.

No offence intended here to muslims, women or gays, just trying to illustrate how ludicrous the PC world is becoming - doesn't help anyone, in my humble opinion.

I agree with you, I think it should be kept historical and the notion of a Muslim woman helping him like that is insultingly ludicrous.

But at the same time, why is it never a problem when Egyptians are played by white actors and actresses in any film involving ancient Egypt?..they where Black people. Its like they just can't get over the fact that Africans had built something so fascinating. So when they are shown by white media in films or print they make them look white, or claim aliens influenced them.

I mean its not like you see black people claiming Ancient Nigerians built Stone Henge. Give it a break.

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Very well put Garro. Anything taken to the extreme is usualy a bad thing, PC being no exception, However what basic PC means is respecting your fellow people.

Maybe that's what it is supposed to mean. But what it means in practice is that some small group of over-sensitive morons with some sort of editorial power have decided what to call minorities without asking those people themselves. About 15 years ago I read a poll in a magazine (US News & World Report) asking minorities what they liked to be called and all the PC terms scored very low. In other words, Blacks overwhelmingly prefered to be called black, American Indians simply "Indians", etc.

The only people I have ever heard voice having a problem with PC are thouse who wish they could call still call people that look like me the "N" word and not get their teeth knocked out. Bigots and shovansits the lot of them.

If that's true then you hang around with some real lowlifes.

Who said I "HANG OUT" with such backwards scum? I simply said that bigots are the only people I have ever heard voice serious complaints about PC.

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I watched Robin Hood on BBC Entertainment, here in Thailand tonight. A member of his band is a Muslim woman.(?) Todays story was all about a chap the Sheriff of Nottingham imprisoned for helping Robin Hood by making saracen type bows, supposedly for his band to use.

What a load of PC tosh! I read the original stories when I was a kid, and there was never a member of the "merry men" who was anything other than white anglo saxon. As for the bows, if saracen bows were superior, how come the English Longbow was still used for 300 years or so after the time Robin Hood was supposed to have been around?

The BBC should not be allowed to interfere with traditional tales, just to make them fit into the PC fantasies it tries to project.

I'm half expecting a gay merry man next week, presumably dressed in Lincoln pink, instead of the traditional green.

No offence intended here to muslims, women or gays, just trying to illustrate how ludicrous the PC world is becoming - doesn't help anyone, in my humble opinion.

So you get equally upset when non-Jews star in the nativity play? I doubt there were many Anglo-Saxons in Bethlehem so white people in nativity plays is obviously PC gone mad. Is the religious leanings of the characters that important in Robin Hood? Would you be upset with an atheist playing Friar Tuck? The tale of Robin Hood contains universal themes, and the fact that they can incorporate a Muslim into the story just shows how similar we all really are. If it upsets people too much there is always the classic movie channels which mostly use white Anglo-Saxons.

Of course, now your going to reply that you are only upset because they are trying to re-tell the story with a Muslim character, but all stories need to change over time otherwise they become stale. If they didn't need to change we wouldn't need new books or movies.

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So you get equally upset when non-Jews star in the nativity play? I doubt there were many Anglo-Saxons in Bethlehem so white people in nativity plays is obviously PC gone mad. Is the religious leanings of the characters that important in Robin Hood? Would you be upset with an atheist playing Friar Tuck? The tale of Robin Hood contains universal themes, and the fact that they can incorporate a Muslim into the story just shows how similar we all really are. If it upsets people too much there is always the classic movie channels which mostly use white Anglo-Saxons.

Of course, now your going to reply that you are only upset because they are trying to re-tell the story with a Muslim character, but all stories need to change over time otherwise they become stale. If they didn't need to change we wouldn't need new books or movies.

Garro - I suppose that next, you will be advocating a white golliwog ??

Point of order - in my school nativity play we had no jews, so we had to use C of E characters. They pulled it off though, no one noticed !

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I wonder how many people who are complaining about alleged exclusion of Christmas and Christianity by Political Correctness are actually Christian themselves (or indeed how many would on another day be complaining about Christians, Christianity and Christian Morality)?!


I would imagine that most people who complain about the exclusion of Christmas to be Christians, just as I would imagine people complaining about not being able to wear skullcaps at school or in the military are Jews, people who complain about not being able to wear veils at school are Muslims, and people who complain about not being able to wear patkas at school or as members of the police force are Sikh. People complain about things that affect them. I have not heard of too many Christians complaining about having to work on Eid ul-Fitr, after all.

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I watched Robin Hood on BBC Entertainment, here in Thailand tonight. A member of his band is a Muslim woman.(?) Todays story was all about a chap the Sheriff of Nottingham imprisoned for helping Robin Hood by making saracen type bows, supposedly for his band to use.

What a load of PC tosh! I read the original stories when I was a kid, and there was never a member of the "merry men" who was anything other than white anglo saxon. As for the bows, if saracen bows were superior, how come the English Longbow was still used for 300 years or so after the time Robin Hood was supposed to have been around?

The BBC should not be allowed to interfere with traditional tales, just to make them fit into the PC fantasies it tries to project.

I'm half expecting a gay merry man next week, presumably dressed in Lincoln pink, instead of the traditional green.

No offence intended here to muslims, women or gays, just trying to illustrate how ludicrous the PC world is becoming - doesn't help anyone, in my humble opinion.

So you get equally upset when non-Jews star in the nativity play? I doubt there were many Anglo-Saxons in Bethlehem so white people in nativity plays is obviously PC gone mad. Is the religious leanings of the characters that important in Robin Hood? Would you be upset with an atheist playing Friar Tuck? The tale of Robin Hood contains universal themes, and the fact that they can incorporate a Muslim into the story just shows how similar we all really are. If it upsets people too much there is always the classic movie channels which mostly use white Anglo-Saxons.

Of course, now your going to reply that you are only upset because they are trying to re-tell the story with a Muslim character, but all stories need to change over time otherwise they become stale. If they didn't need to change we wouldn't need new books or movies.

I am sorry, but that is not a good analogy. If the story of Robin Hood was being filmed in Egypt for viewing in the Arab market, no one would complain about Arab actors playing the roles or the language being spoken by Robin and his Merry Men being Arabic.

But for the BBC, filiming a show in the UK, to change a very traditional tale to introduce a highly unlikely character is a different situation. There is no need for that in as far as the production of the show. It is most likely merely a ploy to broaden the appeal of the show to more people of different backgrounds.

WHile I am not going to get too upset about it, I do understand WeeGB's view on the matter.

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I watched Robin Hood on BBC Entertainment, here in Thailand tonight. A member of his band is a Muslim woman.(?) Todays story was all about a chap the Sheriff of Nottingham imprisoned for helping Robin Hood by making saracen type bows, supposedly for his band to use.

What a load of PC tosh! I read the original stories when I was a kid, and there was never a member of the "merry men" who was anything other than white anglo saxon. As for the bows, if saracen bows were superior, how come the English Longbow was still used for 300 years or so after the time Robin Hood was supposed to have been around?

The BBC should not be allowed to interfere with traditional tales, just to make them fit into the PC fantasies it tries to project.

I'm half expecting a gay merry man next week, presumably dressed in Lincoln pink, instead of the traditional green.

No offence intended here to muslims, women or gays, just trying to illustrate how ludicrous the PC world is becoming - doesn't help anyone, in my humble opinion.

So you get equally upset when non-Jews star in the nativity play? I doubt there were many Anglo-Saxons in Bethlehem so white people in nativity plays is obviously PC gone mad. Is the religious leanings of the characters that important in Robin Hood? Would you be upset with an atheist playing Friar Tuck? The tale of Robin Hood contains universal themes, and the fact that they can incorporate a Muslim into the story just shows how similar we all really are. If it upsets people too much there is always the classic movie channels which mostly use white Anglo-Saxons.

Of course, now your going to reply that you are only upset because they are trying to re-tell the story with a Muslim character, but all stories need to change over time otherwise they become stale. If they didn't need to change we wouldn't need new books or movies.

I am sorry, but that is not a good analogy. If the story of Robin Hood was being filmed in Egypt for viewing in the Arab market, no one would complain about Arab actors playing the roles or the language being spoken by Robin and his Merry Men being Arabic.

But for the BBC, filiming a show in the UK, to change a very traditional tale to introduce a highly unlikely character is a different situation. There is no need for that in as far as the production of the show. It is most likely merely a ploy to broaden the appeal of the show to more people of different backgrounds.

WHile I am not going to get too upset about it, I do understand WeeGB's view on the matter.

Ok, I actually think it was a fair enough example, but for the sake of argument I'll go along with you. What about West-Side story? Did you find that offensive? It is a retelling of Romeo & Juliet after all. As I said in the last post stories need to change and be updated to make them interesting.

A main argument of the anti-PC crowd is that immigrants don't want to become part of the larger culture. When efforts are made though to make them feel part of this culture the same people accuse the liberals of pandering to them with cires of 'keep Robin Hood white' and the like.

On a side issue, the story of Robin Hood is not just about Anglo-saxons. It is actually the story of a the struggle between the Anglo-Saxon and their Norman rulers; so perhaps having a Muslim character is very 'now' - after all, both these cultures were immigrants to the British Isles.

Edited by garro
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