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Abhisit Urges Thaksin To Return Home

Jai Dee

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"Abhisit Urges Thaksin To Return Home"

For what? Does Abhisit miss Khun Thaksin? Does Abhisit want to learn more about those schemes Khun Thaksin did (30 Baht Health Care, Village Loan, SML)? He said those schemes were very bad but now when he is in government, he keeps them. He can't think of any better schemes. Does he think poor people love Khun Thaksin for that and he must do all that to make them love him? Copy but change names? I recommend he change his party name to Thai Rak Thai.

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Switch mine apply pretty evenly to Thaksin's situation and Koos little world too.

It is ignoring the facts and believing an dubious personal history against all evidence.

If Thaksin were to come home all his story line would unravel

like knitting thrown in a heard of kittens

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Blind obedience to a fantasy hagiography, and the applied irrelevance of facts;

a slippery slope to sycophancy, dysfunction, malaise and social irrelevance.

A shame.

But you have to admire the blind loyalty ! :o

If only its object were worthy of it. :D

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I admire those with strong loyalty to those deserving of it.

That implies sound judgment on the loyalists part.

I admire loyalty to those who have fallen from actual mistaken ideas,

but not from personal mendacities.

The former pick themselves up and do better,

the latter continue their mendacious path to ignominy.

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Democrats pushed Education reform law. The law called for child centered education, decentralisation to introduce flexibility and independence, developing of thinking skills, English language skills etc. etc.

Then Thaksin took over and the first thing he did was to reduce the number of school districts so that the old administrative clique could still have complete top-down control. Then his Education minister resigned, barely three months in office, then reform was burried for good. Thaksin administration paid only lip service to it, keeping old powers firmly entrenched and stiffling all development.

It was the TRT under Thaksin that decentralised the schools in the face of mass opposition so they compromised by giving teachers more time to transfer to other schools.

In comparison to what had gone before TRT education reforms were an improvement, and in comparison to Democrat policy at the time, visionary.

Only Democrats care that their children can get an equal opportunity up to high school. Under poor-loving Thaksin they were instead effectively banned from education, especially past secondary level.

The military abolished the minimum amount of education guaranteed to every Thai child after their coup in 2006.

Just a question, why don't more posters pick up your deliberate lies and falsehoods?

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  • 2 months later...
New PM Abhisit urges Thaksin to return home

New Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva urged on Thursday convicted ex-PM Thaksin Shinawtra to return home to face corruption trials.

Abhisit guaranteed that Thaksin will be treated honourably as a former premier. But every legal process will proceed according to law.


Source: The Nation - 18 December 2008


Thai PM urges Thaksin to return home to face charges

HONG KONG (AFP) — Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Friday called on ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra to return home to face corruption charges, but ruled out the possibility of granting him amnesty.

Abhisit, who visited Hong Kong after months of anti-government protests by Thaksin's supporters in Thailand, said he should face the consequences.

"He can expect justice from Thailand. He must accept the consequence of his actions," he said at the Foreign Correspondents' Club (FCC) in Hong Kong, the same venue Thaksin was due to speak at in early March.

The premier said his government would consider granting amnesty to members of the opposition parties as part of the reconciliation process to restore order for his country, but stressed that Thaksin would not be among them.

"We are talking about amnesty for what would be political violations. We are not interested in granting amnesty for criminal offences," he said.

"(Thaksin)'s been convicted. He's violated the law. He must accept responsibilities."

In March, Thaksin cancelled his trip to Hong Kong following pressure from the Thai government on Beijing. He eventually spoke at the FCC via videolink a few days later.

In April Thailand issued a warrant for the former premier's arrest accusing him of inciting violence, following the storming of an Asian summit by his supporters and subsequent riots in Bangkok which left two people dead.

Abhisit, who met with the Hong Kong's chief executive Donald Tsang Friday, said the two sides were working on an agreement to help extradite Thaksin should he touch foot on the territory again.

He said Tsang was "working on it and I hope to see a quick conclusion".

Thaksin remains a deeply divisive figure in Thailand; he enjoys wide support from the country's largely rural poor but is a hate figure for powerful Bangkok-based cliques in the palace, military and bureaucracy.


--AFP 15.05.2009

article here


Bangkok Post has the AFP content too, in a little bit shorter version.

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Khun Thaksin will come back but not now. Until the Constitution Law is from people and not from Army.

Shall we view a photo to spice up the discussion? Hope the photo is on-topic as we're talking about Khun Thaksin.


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Khun Thaksin will come back but not now. Until the Constitution Law is from people and not from Army.

Shall we view a photo to spice up the discussion? Hope the photo is on-topic as we're talking about Khun Thaksin.


Interesting photo of a 'man of the people'. Did DL formerly have a career as a 'song-and-dance' performer ? :)

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koo, do you have something new from Thaksin?

but okay, with Abhisit , now after more than 100days (how many exactly?) in office, we still get the same head line: "Thai PM urges Thaksin to return home ". will that impress Thaksin somehow? if i follow the forum discussions here, i gain the impression that really nobody cares about what Abhisit have to say and did said. even if Abhisit talks about Thaksin, zero response in the TVforum.

anyway, after his talk at the FCC in HK, Abhisit gave an interview to the South China Morning Post. for the video: click here

it's also on youtube:

In his first foreign trip since pro-Thaksin protestors forced the abandonment of the Asean East Asian Summit in Pattaya last month, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva spoke about the challenge of national reconciliation and progress on an extradition agreement with Hong Kong.

worth to read is also the report of a Blogger who attended the event at the Foreign Correspondents' Club: Thai PM Meets the Press in Hong Kong

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but okay, with Abhisit , now after more than 100days (how many exactly?) in office, we still get the same head line: "Thai PM urges Thaksin to return home ". will that impress Thaksin somehow? if i follow the forum discussions here, i gain the impression that really nobody cares about what Abhisit have to say and did said. even if Abhisit talks about Thaksin, zero response in the TVforum.


I trust the majority of the TV posters agree Abhisit is doing the right thing... so they do not comment on Abhisits statements even when it comes to Taksin.

Most important is to bring this country back on track and that is a more important matter than Mr. Taksins wellbeing!

Of course he will talk from time to time about Taksin but do you really think he will tell the world about his plans how to bring him back?

So what do you expect? The forum should "advise" Abhisit how to bring a fugitive back to the country? Come on...

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koo, do you have something new from Thaksin?

The only news I have is that Khun Noppadon said Khun Thaksin has more than 2 passports and does not travel with fake passports like people said.

Khun Noppadon said if Abhisit and his people want information, just ask him to save time and money instead of sending people to overseas Embassies to ask.

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It was the TRT under Thaksin that decentralised the schools in the face of mass opposition so they compromised by giving teachers more time to transfer to other schools.

The first Education Minister in Thaksin's first cabinet resigned after three months, partly because Thaksin's relative was pushing for bigger school districts so that bureacracy can still keep schools under full control.

In the latter years, when they forced schools to become indendent, the objection was that the local governments were not strong enough, which is Thaksin's legacy of subverting decentralisation for five years in all areas, not just education.

The military abolished the minimum amount of education guaranteed to every Thai child after their coup in 2006.

Even if that is true, which I really doubt, what has it got to do with Democrats who have finally enacted free education policy, on a scale far bigger than TRT?

Just a question, why don't more posters pick up your deliberate lies and falsehoods?

I don't know. Maybe because my versions usually check out to be right?

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Democrats pushed Education reform law. The law called for child centered education, decentralisation to introduce flexibility and independence, developing of thinking skills, English language skills etc. etc.

Then Thaksin took over and the first thing he did was to reduce the number of school districts so that the old administrative clique could still have complete top-down control. Then his Education minister resigned, barely three months in office, then reform was burried for good. Thaksin administration paid only lip service to it, keeping old powers firmly entrenched and stiffling all development.

It was the TRT under Thaksin that decentralised the schools in the face of mass opposition so they compromised by giving teachers more time to transfer to other schools.

In comparison to what had gone before TRT education reforms were an improvement, and in comparison to Democrat policy at the time, visionary.

Only Democrats care that their children can get an equal opportunity up to high school. Under poor-loving Thaksin they were instead effectively banned from education, especially past secondary level.

The military abolished the minimum amount of education guaranteed to every Thai child after their coup in 2006.

Just a question, why don't more posters pick up your deliberate lies and falsehoods?

Many posters do pick up on misleading information. They just tend now to comment on such matters in one of the many private forum and email-exchange groups that have popped up during the past year or so. You can't debate openly with elitist cum political cultists.

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