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These Gordamn Loud Speakers Are Doing My F#ing Head In!


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We get the loudspeaker most mornings at 5.30. Our house is in the middle of two Phu Yai Baans so we get two different speaches and music at the same time. :o

My Wife tells me that where she lived once they had the bell every hour all night. so that people would know the time.

They also are from the nightwatchman who clink and clack to let the inhabitants they are out patrolling :D

But in all seriousness village life sucks for peace and quiet, unless you are lucky and away from the noisy folk and objects.

Taking a coach trip is bad enough with the moronic TV shows and sketches they pump out at 100 decibels! Earplugs can't even drown out the din :D

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Put a resistor in the wire so no matter how far they turn up the dial it will be a muted bleep. They likely can find a cut wire but a doctored wire is likely beyond them

Play really loud bagpipe music. Most Asians hate bagpipes and I have a lovely collection. Peibroch funeral music is specially annoying.

Or just pay to have it moved.

Yes bagpipes, brilliant idea!!

I shall march up and down our Soi at 5am and practice.

That should get some attention.

Bagpipes, the original weapons of mass destruction.

Well, it is Christmas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thais seem to have a natural ability to filter out unwanted noise (as in "Can I have that money back that you borrowed?")

It doesn't seem to bother them, only seems to be an issue for Farang.

I've suffered with these loudspeakers in the past and thankfully the one near me doesn't work anymore.

Still have neighbours music at 5am occasionly tho. I don't know why they put a volume control on Hifis in Thailand, they only ever seem to use Off and Max!

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It's a nation wide problem and loud noise is prevalent everywhere you go from dept stores to supermarkets etc...

Numerous complaints have been made at the private school I work at concerning the loud noise made by the school.

The school expects the students to be quiet yet the Thai teachers and the loud speakers in the morning etc. reinforces the students to speak louder.

Thai administrators continue to deny the fact that loud noise affects students learning behaviors.

It is to my strong belief that the school I'm at is either totally ignorant or xenophobic to accept valid foreign research to prove this.

Logic is non-existent here. Sometimes I wonder whats the purpose is of hiring foreigners.

The Twilight Zone

I have built myself a little sanctuary in a small town near Lopburi.

Since coming back from Dubai last week the local government has put a loud speaker on the telegraph pole right outside our bedroom window.

I swear to Jesus Christ they start up at 5 in the morning and go on nearly all day long.

Not only that but some idiot comes around and rings a f#ing bell every hour in the middle of the night, all night long!!

The wife seems to be oblivious to all the racket...it's doing my head in.

Anyone else got this problem?

My sanctuary has turned into hel_l :o

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The curse of Village life.

They do my head in also, so I built my house on the edge of the village.

My first ever village trip was on Song gran, arrived at 0130 in the morning at the outlaws house, that was slap bang in the middle of the village. to find they had one of the trucks there with some huge speaker stack on, blasting out randomly all through the night.. great after an 8 hour drive from Pattaya.

Then one of the local low cow t***s turn up and stars harrasing the new Farrang.. I was just about to spark him about before he got taken away.

Great into to the Village...

I have often thought of getting some monster speakers and just start gobbing off randomly at night when they are all in bed, about 8.30. Or you could use it to say hi to all the rubber neckers staring at the Farrang in his house....

The pin trick is up my sleave now if i ever need it.


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We get it about 5:30 from the Wat across the street..

It starts with the same darn song every time, which seems to last about an hour, and after that a guy comes on and does his thing..

He frequently talks about donations to the wat.. or thats what I make out of it.. I would gladly pay them 2000 baht to move it.. I swear they have it aimed at my window... It sucks.

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Khrap... khrap.... khrap....hhahahh

I would also like to gob off at the constant voting vans driving around.... Bird Jet... bird jet... bird jet...

What would happen if one had a truck with huge speakers following the voting/selling vans all day drowning their noice by playing German march music or bag pipe songs at full blast? :o

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I do sympathize with the OP. I have exactly the same. Bought a new house. First 2 days nothing. First day off, Saturday , music loud as hel_l. Since than every day the khap and ka show with phone ins and freaking karaoke and dj numbnutts playing them good'ol country songs in the morning.

Seriously, they play it so loud so it prevents them from thinking. That's how politics works in Thailand. Just make sure you numb down the population.

What can you do? Get a private army in and lay a bomb carpet on the whole area around your house????

I'll again ask my question I asked in the other topic as well:

There is a law that banned all speakers/tannoys from a certain area. My question is does anyone know that law and what area or zoneing does it cover? amphoe allaywa? tambon allaywa?

Edited by frtiz
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In Buriram we get a bit of that. Not everyday I will admit but then it has no pattern. It seems like they stick it on if they remember or are sober enough.

Those voting trucks are a pain in the arse though.

Whilst I think paying to have it removed is probably the most sensible idea, I do like the "make it broken" approach. I hesitate to advise that though as there is always some little Sochai out there on the make to snitch on you and suddenly, a Bt1000 speaker will cost Bt100,000 !

As for the bells and neighbours playing all kinds of khrap way too early in the morning then you're probably going to have to find a more ingenious solution or buy double glazing and more insulation !

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Sounds like a good plan get a monster truck with all the speaker and drive around the village playing...


They probally would not even notice... I just dont get out everything can be so loud and you can get on with your normal routine without complaining...

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Put a resistor in the wire so no matter how far they turn up the dial it will be a muted bleep. They likely can find a cut wire but a doctored wire is likely beyond them

Play really loud bagpipe music. Most Asians hate bagpipes and I have a lovely collection. Peibroch funeral music is specially annoying.

Or just pay to have it moved.

Great tip, :o

I didn't know abt Asians not liking bagpipes.


i dont know anyone who does like bagpipes

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Put a resistor in the wire so no matter how far they turn up the dial it will be a muted bleep. They likely can find a cut wire but a doctored wire is likely beyond them

Play really loud bagpipe music. Most Asians hate bagpipes and I have a lovely collection. Peibroch funeral music is specially annoying.

Or just pay to have it moved.

Great tip, :o

I didn't know abt Asians not liking bagpipes.


i dont know anyone who does like bagpipes

True! :D

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I have built myself a little sanctuary in a small town near Lopburi.

Since coming back from Dubai last week the local government has put a loud speaker on the telegraph pole right outside our bedroom window.

I swear to Jesus Christ they start up at 5 in the morning and go on nearly all day long.

Not only that but some idiot comes around and rings a f#ing bell every hour in the middle of the night, all night long!!

My sanctuary has turned into hel_l :D

Welcome to Thailand...one of the most noise polluted countries in the world :D

That bell-ringing fella is a new one on me, however :o

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A much more subtle approach is to push a sewing pin through the wire so it shorts then cut off the pin close to the sheath, almost impossible to locate :D

Beat me to it.

Yep, 'spike' it :D

If you can get to wires, yes, that's a great idea. The antenna pole where the speakers in my area are situated are on private property with 4 or 5 bloodthirsty doberman's :D:D keeping a close eye on it. Like someone tried before :o These things are so loud that probably even with double glazing it'll still wake you up.

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I have built myself a little sanctuary in a small town near Lopburi.

Since coming back from Dubai last week the local government has put a loud speaker on the telegraph pole right outside our bedroom window.

I swear to Jesus Christ they start up at 5 in the morning and go on nearly all day long.

Not only that but some idiot comes around and rings a f#ing bell every hour in the middle of the night, all night long!!

My sanctuary has turned into hel_l :D

Welcome to Thailand...one of the most noise polluted countries in the world :D

That bell-ringing fella is a new one on me, however :o

We get the 'bell ringing fella' too. I think it is a chinese thing. We live next to a Chinese temple (wat gin) and every hour of the night, sure enough we have a Thai guy stand outside in the street and bang a gong with a mallet in accordance to what hout it is. i.e, two am two bangs on the gong and so forth.

I used to live next to a church in the Uk so quite used to it. Not a problem.

It is the dogs barking that really gets on my wick. No matter where I've lived in Thailand there all always seem to be dogs barking in the night.

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I have built myself a little sanctuary in a small town near Lopburi.

Since coming back from Dubai last week the local government has put a loud speaker on the telegraph pole right outside our bedroom window.

I swear to Jesus Christ they start up at 5 in the morning and go on nearly all day long.

Not only that but some idiot comes around and rings a f#ing bell every hour in the middle of the night, all night long!!

My sanctuary has turned into hel_l :D

Welcome to Thailand...one of the most noise polluted countries in the world :D

That bell-ringing fella is a new one on me, however :o

We get the 'bell ringing fella' too. I think it is a chinese thing. We live next to a Chinese temple (wat gin) and every hour of the night, sure enough we have a Thai guy stand outside in the street and bang a gong with a mallet in accordance to what hout it is. i.e, two am two bangs on the gong and so forth.

I used to live next to a church in the Uk so quite used to it. Not a problem.

It is the dogs barking that really gets on my wick. No matter where I've lived in Thailand there all always seem to be dogs barking in the night.

The dogs are set off by the bell-ringer/gong-basher/loud music through a speaker type of selfish uncaring people around you , might have been a good idea when there was only one radio or gong in the forrest clearing , BUT THESE DAYS EVERY MUDDER CLUCKER AND HIS UNCLE HAS ONE OF EACH , sound is absorbed by the jungle , but REVERBERATES in the concrete jungle

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A much more subtle approach is to push a sewing pin through the wire so it shorts then cut off the pin close to the sheath, almost impossible to locate :D

Beat me to it.

Yep, 'spike' it :D

If you can get to wires, yes, that's a great idea. The antenna pole where the speakers in my area are situated are on private property with 4 or 5 bloodthirsty doberman's :D:D keeping a close eye on it. Like someone tried before :o These things are so loud that probably even with double glazing it'll still wake you up.

Good point. How about an air rifle pellet through cable?

Or perhaps cancel out the sound in your direction somewhat by acquiring the same horn, setting up a mic' in direct line with the original, feeding it to a PC so the sound can be analysed and reversed by some program, to be fed back to your horn and aimed at original. May not do much and would only really be effective with low frequencies, but could be a laugh trying and firing a dampener back at em. :wai:

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