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Arrested And Sentenced To Prison

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On Friday afternoon 4pm mother in law was arrested in Tescos charged with shoplifting.

Mother’s story was that she paid for a blanket worth 500 baht at the check-out but was told that the cosmetics worth around a 1000 bt had to be paid for at the cosmetics counter. Now she was in urgent need for the restroom and parked her trolley with the yet to be paid for cosmetics with the intention of coming back to pay for them.

She came back and the trolley was gone so went and found a security guard to ask him where the trolley was as she has some things left to buy at which point she was escorted to the office. (If she had intended to steal then why would she go out of her way to locate a guard and the trolley instead of just leaving as no one had approached her?)

She explained the initial unsuccessful attempt at purchasing the cosmetics at the counter and the later intention of paying after the restroom and offered to pay all that was in her wallet - 3000 bt but the police were called. Tescos kept the paid for blanket.

She was taken to Prakanong station where she was allowed to call my sister in law and explained everything. Family go down to the station but are told it is too late to see mother but 20K bail was possible. Family muster 20K together and return to cop shop who now say its not enough and the bail would be at least 60K.

Family return Saturday morning only to find out that she had already confessed and been sentenced by the court to 1 month in prison where she is today. Apparently the courts are open half day on Saturday. No chance for bail or get a lawyer and no notification that she was going to court.

Mother still pleads her innocence and seems she was persuaded by the police to confess after which she was led to believe that a fine would be payable but it would be all over quickly.

Is there anything that can be done now as she has “confessed” and been sentenced by the court?

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Sorry, I don't have anything helpful to add. Just wanted to wish you and your MIL good luck.

It's completely nuts.

Please do keep us updated.


Who is setting bail - the cops??

Is she going to see a judge?

This must be very trying for the whole family! Not every one has 60 grand lying about... Good luck to you all!


If she had made off with 50 billion dollars she would have been out on bail whilst investigation was carried out. Even if she had confessed freely under no duress, before going into incarceration where reported confession is always suspect.

And if she had been a convicted criminal of the magnitude of Ken Lay of Enron, she would have been out on bail even after conviction.

There's on rule of law for the poor (whether guilty or not), and an entirely different one for the rich (whether guilty or not).


So which side of the checkouts was the trolley?

Was any attempt to remove the trolley from the store made when she went to the loo? In the UK (I know, I know, we're not in Kansas Toto) if the 'stolen' property leaves the store (ie goes past the detectors/doors) security can detain the shoplifter (the loos at both our local Tesco stores are OUTSIDE the store). Attempts to pay at this point are rejected, followed by the police and arrest.

Why did she confess? Seems she was not in posession of the goods when aprehended, odd.

CCTV footage available?

If she is innocent I hope you can sort, if she is guilty she deserves all she gets, theft puts up the cost for the honest customers!

EDIT I will say that security at our Tesco can be a little 'enthusiastic', I've been 'reminded' about the case of Chang under the trolley whilst pushing it through the checkout before getting the checkout cutie to use the hand scanner (it always goes on the belt now).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Sadly she sounds rather guilty. But it's still sad and difficult for the family.

Thailand isn't a good country to have legal problems.

Does she have a receipt for the blanket?

This is a strange story indeed. Usually they'd settle for 3 times the cost.

She sounds guilty to me.

Why does she "sound guilty"? Beats me!!!


dam_n - she threw away her right of appeal by pleading guilty. Is it her first conviction? - for anything.

It happens a lot - every day - the cops are under huge pressure to move people through the system asap - meaning from staition cells to jail. I can just image the conversation between her and the cops....... something along the following lines:

"Listen ma'am - lets get this done with quickly - if you plead guilty you'll be through the system within a month" - in reality, yes - she'll be out in a few weeks.

If it is her first conviction (??) - and you are the sort who wants to pursue this on principal (hel_l, why not - I understand exactly how you feel), then I have little doubt a sharp lawyer will be able to find some or other grounds to get the matter taken back to court and quickly tear the cops case to pieces.

Start off by getting a sharp lawyer - they do exsist despite it been Thailand.

I should encourage my mother in law to shop at tesco more often

5555555, beat me to it!

But seriously, what a strange and rather <deleted> state of affairs :o

dam_n - she threw away her right of appeal by pleading guilty. Is it her first conviction? - for anything.

dIt happens a lot - every day - the cops are under huge pressure to move people through the system asap - meaning from staition cells to jail. I can just image the conversation between her and the cops....... something along the following lines:

"Listen ma'am - lets get this done with quickly - if you plead guilty you'll be through the system within a month" - in reality, yes - she'll be out in a few weeks.

If it is her first conviction (??) - and you are the sort who wants to pursue this on principal (hel_l, why not - I understand exactly how you feel), then I have little doubt a sharp lawyer will be able to find some or other grounds to get the matter taken back to court and quickly tear the cops case to pieces.

Start off by getting a sharp lawyer - they do exsist despite it been Thailand.

1st conviction. 60 yrs old. Police conveniently lost blanket not tesco - my mistake. if we go to tescos would they let us see cctv? Police member of family said he could have helped if he had been told before sat. Sadly wife and i werent aware until we got to bkk on sat and sister hadnt told him yet. Aggh! Nobody thought she would be sentenced within 17 hours.

Now she was in urgent need for the restroom and parked her trolley with the yet to be paid for cosmetics with the intention of coming back to pay for them.

Did she park the trolley outside the shop or inside the shop whilst she went to the restroom?

All sounds a bit fishy to me.

Does she have a receipt for the blanket?

This is a strange story indeed. Usually they'd settle for 3 times the cost.

She sounds guilty to me.

Come on - they don't put old women in prison for nothing. They must have proof.


you are dave9988's cohort I can see. You clearly make up your mind about something before you have given it any consideration or seen any real evidence. The police here will do anything to expedite a confession, sadly once that is done (normally coercion and threats with the promise that nothing will happen anyway), there is very little recourse to the person concerned. Neeranam, could your mother or grandmother have done that? Don't be too quick to jump on the old dear. Justice is a word here, not a principle.


Normally in Tesco the toilets are inside the building, is that the case here? If so you need a Lawyer fast and he/she must demand the CCTV, and the return of all the evidence (Blanket etc) If she only purchased the blanket at 500 baht, then that is a fairly unique amount for a one off item, you know the time she was at the tills, have tesco inspect the till rolls for that amount at that time, the scanner will also have registered the blanket. Find out who was on that till and have the lawyer question them. You need to do all this tomorrow ..24th. A lawyer may charge about 10-20K for this, just get your wife to tell the story on the phone and get a quote before the lawyer knows there is a farang involved. Even if she must stay in, if a Lawyer visits her in prison she will receive much better treatment from the guards. Good Luck.


Sadly I think the confession is everything.

It's the last thing you do guilty or not.

Is there the slightest chance that BILLY BULLSH*T is in town?, as it is very difficult to steal something that has yet to leave the premises.


sounds fishy. Where is the girl who told her to pay later, why isn't it settle with the usual 3 times or more payment of the value.

Something in the story seems to be wrong.

Sadly I think the confession is everything.

It's the last thing you do guilty or not.

Is there the slightest chance that BILLY BULLSH*T is in town?, as it is very difficult to steal something that has yet to leave the premises.

Old woman, suffered the worst embarrassment already in Tesco, taken to a police holding cell (have you seen one), occupied by many other prisoners, absolutely terrified, feeling wronged, upset and wondering what her family will think. Told by police that she could go down for 1-5 years, however as it was such a small crime, plead guilty, the judge will go easy on you, probably let you off with a 500Baht fine and you can go back to your family. Plead not guilty and he will give you 1 year minimum, as a certainty. What will she do? (not what should you an educated street-wise westerner do), she will plead guilty. Good for the police stats and the rest of it nobody cares about. Countless Farangs in jail here under similar circumstances.

it is very difficult to steal something that has yet to leave the premise

agreed, in UK, Austrailia, NZ, Germany etc etc (where you don't have Thai security guards working 12-16 hours a day for 350 baht, desperate to pounce on anyone to brighten the day up and maybe get them a bonus or a pat on the back), places where it is also very easy to get a refund if Tesco sell you something that is s**t quality! Try that here! You will win .... eventually.

Maybe some just see the bad in everybody, and I try to see the good. Why would the OP come on an anonymous forum and not give the details as he believes them when he is asking for help and advise?


Sorry if a repetitive question.

But why did she leave the trolly unattended (yes I know the Loo)? Who would do that? It does sound unlikely. However, if it can be confirmed that she then went to find the security and asked the security where her trolly is, then she may have a case. Bear in mind in thsi country poor people go to jail for minor infractions - even first offence - part of the political-economy social control theory. Unlike the rest of 'the people' of course who flee the country or take over airports (see? I am unbiased).


I've nothing to say about Tesco security until a few weeks ago. We went in, did a bit of shopping - paid our dues and left. Went upstairs, bought an icecream etc etc - all the time the security gates were beeping.

When we got home, and i was ready to try on my newly bought - (dunno how to put this) - jesus creepers, we found the magtag still attached.

All i'm saying, in my case, is that "alarm bells were ringing Willy" - with no Spetsnaz response.. sad story, hope things turn out ok and safe.

Sadly I think the confession is everything.

It's the last thing you do guilty or not.

Is there the slightest chance that BILLY BULLSH*T is in town?, as it is very difficult to steal something that has yet to leave the premises.

Old woman, suffered the worst embarrassment already in Tesco, taken to a police holding cell (have you seen one), occupied by many other prisoners, absolutely terrified, feeling wronged, upset and wondering what her family will think. Told by police that she could go down for 1-5 years, however as it was such a small crime, plead guilty, the judge will go easy on you, probably let you off with a 500Baht fine and you can go back to your family. Plead not guilty and he will give you 1 year minimum, as a certainty. What will she do? (not what should you an educated street-wise westerner do), she will plead guilty. Good for the police stats and the rest of it nobody cares about. Countless Farangs in jail here under similar circumstances.

it is very difficult to steal something that has yet to leave the premise

agreed, in UK, Austrailia, NZ, Germany etc etc (where you don't have Thai security guards working 12-16 hours a day for 350 baht, desperate to pounce on anyone to brighten the day up and maybe get them a bonus or a pat on the back), places where it is also very easy to get a refund if Tesco sell you something that is s**t quality! Try that here! You will win .... eventually.

Maybe some just see the bad in everybody, and I try to see the good. Why would the OP come on an anonymous forum and not give the details as he believes them when he is asking for help and advise?

What will she do?

Telling she did not steal anything.

I've nothing to say about Tesco security until a few weeks ago. We went in, did a bit of shopping - paid our dues and left. Went upstairs, bought an icecream etc etc - all the time the security gates were beeping.

When we got home, and i was ready to try on my newly bought - (dunno how to put this) - jesus creepers, we found the magtag still attached.

All i'm saying, in my case, is that "alarm bells were ringing Willy" - with no Spetsnaz response.. sad story, hope things turn out ok and safe.

How many times have you heard car alarms going off and nobody paying attention. It reminds me of the the horn honking while driving in China, you just tend to ignore it after hearing it so often.

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