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Work Permit Query

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My dad wants me to stay here in Thailand and work for him while the economic crisis is happening, however I don't have any university qualifications (I only university last year) and we were told that it wasn't possible for me to get a work permit. But surely family business's are a major part of a lot of Asian cultures. A family friend whose family works somehow in government (I'm not exactly sure) said he could organize it but wanted a huge price and I don't know how legit he is...

Anyway, does anyone know a way for me as a young person with very little qualifications other than IB diploma to get a work permit here?

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You can get a work permit. But your fathers company will have to meet the requirements for you to obtain the work permit. IE: 4 Thai employees, registered capital and etc.

After that there is still the matter of your visa and extension of stay that has additional requriements.

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Generally speaking, the employer would need to prove that he was not able to find a Thai national with the necessary qualifications for the job but I believe the government department responsible for issuing the work permits rarely asks for this proof. The main thing is to tailor the job description to match your background and qualifications. If your father does need any help with this, better forget about the family friend and get a quote from a qualified law firm like Sunbelt Asia, a sponsor of this forum. I understand they have reasonable fees.



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