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Maybe I have seen too many, but these vids of coyote girls are really pretty dull. Seriously, just girls wiggling around off-beat is nothing to get hot and bothered about unless you have a lack of experience.



Jeez man, what were you expecting?

Go-go bar experts swinging off poles or something?

This IS coyote dancing and maybe not your over-experienced ladies from the go-gos :o

Some of us on here can appreciate the female form without wanting it to be near-porn-a-like extroversion.

But too many people 'expect it' cause of the over-sexed hype that swims around peoples brains

This is thai-style. Very sweet and sexy enough for the bachelors and womanisers amoungst us (thai and farang). But not ludicrous filth or sleaze.

Live the dream and walk on by man :D

Jeez man, what were you expecting?

Go-go bar experts swinging off poles or something?

This IS coyote dancing and maybe not your over-experienced ladies from the go-gos :D

Some of us on here can appreciate the female form without wanting it to be near-porn-a-like extroversion.

But too many people 'expect it' cause of the over-sexed hype that swims around peoples brains

This is thai-style. Very sweet and sexy enough for the bachelors and womanisers amoungst us (thai and farang). But not ludicrous filth or sleaze.

Live the dream and walk on by man :D

Ok JimBob I will lay it out for you in plain language. :D And dude... I was not even thinking about "over-experienced ladies from the go-gos." (your words) Me thinks someone's mind only recently past the prepubescent stage. And when I said "lack of experience" I was referring to people who have never been anywhere or seen anything. Let's face it, there are millions of people in the world like that, just as there are a corresponding number of people who feel the same as me. :P

To expand a bit more on my comment... Seeing an attractive woman dance in synch to a nice beat can be nice, exciting (for some erotic) and fun to watch. Not for your Freudian slip of "near-porn-a-like extroversion" (your words), but to show that she at least has some rhythm. And I'll say it again, if someone has the experience of seeing dancers dancing in rhythm to music and then watch a girl wiggling off-beat, what would be expected? Praise or a rolling of the eyes :o as others comment on how great she is. C'mon laddie, demand quality in all parts of your life. :wai:

Seeing an attractive woman wiggle around off-beat is a little dull. It shows no pride in her work and a person showing no pride in their work is not to be praised. If the dancer put in a little more work and learned how to move to the rhythm that would be infinitely more enjoyable to watch.

If you are saying that 'Thai-style' coyotes just basically wiggle off-beat, then I would say that someone needs to provide them with some dancing lessons. Just having the girl wiggle around shows laziness on the video producer's part and the viewers should "walk on by" (your words) and call it a piece of lack luster work.

Let's have a protest against lazy coyote dancing! Just make a banner saying "Dance To The Beat Or Stay Off Your Feet!" :D

I remain your humble Coyote Dance critic,



JK, TWM probably wouldnt of said anything if you had posted some dancing boys for him :D

Thanks for your latest work....just remember you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time.

TWM, perhaps you might like to post your own video of something more your style? But if it involves dancing boys, please don't be offended if I dont watch. :o


Yeah some people are just born to be critical I guess.

I misread your intent on your response walkerman, but then that's what emoticons are for I guess :D

The go-go reference was aimed at you directly as I felt you're the kind of expat who is a sugar-daddy on the prowl who was hardened to night scene. :o

I await his videos of Thai ninja-lady dancers with earnest. :D

But at least this vid got a response, albeit from the walkerman.

I find this video section to be sleepy hollow for TV users at the best of times :D



Dont sweat it, I like lookin at ur vids, some more entertaining than others.

Maybe that walking dude could get a job as a film critic?


neverdie (btw, nice nick) and JK (I almost called you JimmyHat, but that would have been too rude),

Thank you for the prepubescent comments. It is accusatory, low brain power posts like yours which help to keep the overall IQ low on forums around the globe. In future, please at least try to be somewhat witty when attempting a snappy comeback. It shows that you are thinking. :o

Honestly, I do not believe I am hardened to the night scene. But some things are like eating ice cream everyday, sure it tastes nice and is fun to eat, but not all the time. Maybe that is the definition of being hardened(?) But I prefer to think of it as being somewhat cursed to be able to see through the fluff and see things as they are. Woe is me. :D

Have a good day/night depending on your GMT,

TheWalkingMan (sorry for the long nick)

neverdie (btw, nice nick) and JK (I almost called you JimmyHat, but that would have been too rude),

Thank you for the prepubescent comments. It is accusatory, low brain power posts like yours which help to keep the overall IQ low on forums around the globe. In future, please at least try to be somewhat witty when attempting a snappy comeback. It shows that you are thinking. :o

Honestly, I do not believe I am hardened to the night scene. But some things are like eating ice cream everyday, sure it tastes nice and is fun to eat, but not all the time. Maybe that is the definition of being hardened(?) But I prefer to think of it as being somewhat cursed to be able to see through the fluff and see things as they are. Woe is me. :D

Have a good day/night depending on your GMT,

TheWalkingMan (sorry for the long nick)


Thankyou kind sir, your nic amuses me too. However, what I find even more amusing is your very silly comments in relation to IQ levels & low brain power, something you seem to specialise in. For your information JK is a highly trained, accomplished & recognised doctor & I am a Professor of Gynecology. Having said that we are both well trained and experienced enough to spot a real krunt when one presents itself. :D

JK simply posted a short educational video, if you don't like it or have any reasonable comments about it.....please go slagg off elsewhere.

Having said all of that, it has been a real pleasure to share this time with you.

Anyway, back on topic, JK, is that the only video you have to present to the jury tonight?

neverdie (btw, nice nick) and JK (I almost called you JimmyHat, but that would have been too rude),

Thank you for the prepubescent comments. It is accusatory, low brain power posts like yours which help to keep the overall IQ low on forums around the globe. In future, please at least try to be somewhat witty when attempting a snappy comeback. It shows that you are thinking. :D

Honestly, I do not believe I am hardened to the night scene. But some things are like eating ice cream everyday, sure it tastes nice and is fun to eat, but not all the time. Maybe that is the definition of being hardened(?) But I prefer to think of it as being somewhat cursed to be able to see through the fluff and see things as they are. Woe is me. :wai:

Edit - I wanted to say that I hope the Mods do not close this because of our banter, however, if you wish to throw in the towel, feel free to do so.

Have a good day/night depending on your GMT,

TheWalkingMan (sorry for the long nick)


Thankyou kind sir, your nic amuses me too. However, what I find even more amusing is your very silly comments in relation to IQ levels & low brain power, something you seem to specialise in. For your information JK is a highly trained, accomplished & recognised doctor & I am a Professor of Gynecology. Having said that we are both well trained and experienced enough to spot a real krunt when one presents itself. :D

JK simply posted a short educational video, if you don't like it or have any reasonable comments about it.....please go slagg off elsewhere.

Having said all of that, it has been a real pleasure to share this time with you.

Anyway, back on topic, JK, is that the only video you have to present to the jury tonight?

Wow so much brain power and such weak comments. You know, my kid sister went to UCB and another went to Vanderbilt something or another, both smart as a whips in class but a dumb as a posts when it came to life. And they are involved in healthcare too. Not sure why I thought of that when reading your post, but for some reason it came to mind.

Thanks for the comments, but I thought that this thread had ran its course. Nice to see educated people taking everything in stride and enjoying the gentle jibes. BTW, you lost it when you had to defend yourself by stating your academic credentials. You really should have come back with latin or something from The Bard. But you can always dial 411 and ask, "Who cares?!" Sorry, that was tacky... I think it was a Dangerfield crack or a comedian from the 70's (am I a geezer? :D ) ... But your comments made me a bit misty for those halcyon days of Junior High School when jibes and jibs were flying back and forth. Although yours come across at the level of "Your mama wears combat boots." But I guess I should give you points for trying. :o

Have an absolutely fantastic week, I know I will.

Wait... that was an educational video? Dang... If you are from the states then I am sad. But if you are not, then I will say... of course! :D


TheWalkingMan (do you know where this nickname came from? a free beer if you can guess in 3 tries)


Oh its not so bad walking man. Have seen worse. Although I could do a sexier dance even in my jammies. :o


:o:D:D You qualify my posts as poor, I kept them low level because I new I was communicating with a simpleton. I only stated our qualifications after you insulted our IQ levels, having said that you have now changed tact & are suggestion that whilst we obviously have high IQ's we 'dumb as posts', I can understand why you would want to critise us, just two friends in a forum discussing the lighter side of life....I guess we deserved to be attacked. Also, you know my mamma is sexy in her combat boots, so whatsya point?

As for the beer TWM (I think you nic has nothing to do with walking....more like wxxxing....but, I don't want to upset the mods, so I'll leave it at that).

For your information I am not a septic & I don't partake in killing my brain cells with the liquor, so I will pass on your kind offer.

Anyway, it would be nice to stay on topic, perhaps you have a video you would like to post in direct response to this topic.....perhaps one of your family playing their banjos and dancing in tune to your hillbilly roots?? :D


Enough of the arguments thanks folks. :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Yup the dancing is definitely off beat !

However looking at the size of the bottle of Jack they are drinking im not surprised :o

Also why is the guy humping a bike ?

Yup the dancing is definitely off beat !

However looking at the size of the bottle of Jack they are drinking im not surprised :D

Also why is the guy humping a bike ?

Stiggy, that seems to happen a fair bit at these types of bike fests. Maybe he realises the girl is too much trouble :o .....lets face it the bikes easy to turn on, you only need a key - then its a quick flick of a button :D

Oh its not so bad walking man. Have seen worse. Although I could do a sexier dance even in my jammies. :D

prove it! :o

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