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Angelina Jolie Is In Chiang Mai


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AS she climbed aboard her private jet and wisked away while sipping champange and tasting lobster row..."Geebs, can we have some brazed kobe beef tips on the way out"... " Think we could adot another...I don't have a hilltriber yet"..

What was Varuka's line in Willy Wonka..." I want...I want it NOW"



Stroll on, what is happening to this site? Don't mind a bit of healthy banter either way but that righteous whine gets right on my tits!

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I told Angelina sweetie baby not to bring the ... other boyfriend with her! Anyway, I do not think my condo apartment could fit everyone who would like to see her ... and me! :o

BTW, good on AJ to put this story back in the news! Doubt that the despots of Myanmar will bat an eye though! And, Thailand/China/India, which greatly benefits from the situation!

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"Why that's just horrific"

AS she climbed aboard her private jet and wisked away while sipping champange and tasting lobster row..."Geebs, can we have some brazed kobe beef tips on the way out"... " Think we could adot another...I don't have a hilltriber yet"..

What was Varuka's line in Willy Wonka..." I want...I want it NOW"

There are are a number of issues entwined in the international "interventions" of the Professional Celebrities.

Adoption is one.

More generally, is being "well-intentioned" enough (as well as "famous", as the kids to whom cmsally referred aspired to be)?

What about realistic? Genuinely well-informed? How would people with busy careers making famous films really know what is going on in even one, let alone several, different foreign nations, and how to go about solving those nations' problems? Not just how to help, but also how to avoid possibly making things worse.

How does being a. part of the Celeb Scene and/or b. rich qualify anyone to take on these tasks?

Are people really getting lost in a Media Disneyland?

And, we must wonder, why don't more of these Celebs take an interest in their own "backyards" ....?

Edited by WaiWai
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The UN Ambassadors program is intended to use celebrities and other high-profile people to raise awareness of various social issues. It's one of the UN's few creative and effective ideas. No one is claiming that Jolie is an expert or that she has the solutions. She lends her name and noteworthiness to a cause so that people who would otherwise not know or care enough to take an interest in refugees might learn what is going on and even take action. It applies well to the yammering masses on ThaiVisa who probably wouldn't be discussing refugees at all if it weren't for Ms Jolie, her luscious lips, and well-placed tattoos. I can't see any point in resenting her because she has been successful making money, or because she has adopted a whole bunch of children from different parts of the world. If anyone here thinks they can do better, there are dozens of organizations and hundreds of thousands of refugees waiting for your brilliant insights.

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Thught I d just report that I bumped into Angelina in a little bar just off Loi Kroh last Friday, and within a few minutes she had a real dilemma, she loved my company and would have preferred to stay with me, but her Mobile just kept ringing and ringing, she said it was some boring bloke called Brad who had tickets for some film awards thing in London on Sunday, where she was up for some award, apparently shes in the movie industry, does anyone know what her job is? Is she a hairdresser or make up artist or something?

Anyway, the good news is she promised me she was going to London, but she was going to dump this Brad bloke and hightail it back to Thailand to spend much more time with me. She was not bad looking. About a 7 out of 10 I would say.

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I was the military liaison to USAID in Iraq, and as such, I spoke to many people who were with USAID or NGO around the world, and several had beenw orking when Jolie showed up.  ALl of these people were very dismissive of the normal Hollywood-type who flew first class to some corner of the world, stayed at a top hotle, then took an huge entourage to the camp in question where they posed for photos for ten minutes before rushing back to the hotel.  And all of this was at UN or NGO expense.

Jolie, on the other hand, pays her own way and spends time at the camps. At one paritcualr camp, after the bireifing, and after th photos, her car was ready to return when she told the driver to wait.  She spent the next 6 hours changing the diapers of the orphaned babies there.  No photos, no publicity. I know she spent several days at another camp, sleeping in a hammock.

Jolie might be a strange woman in many aspects.  But the stories I was told by people who would know show me she is genuine.  Hollywood star or not, I have to admire her.

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  • 1 month later...
Angelina Jolie is a dog! And she can't act either. But she DOES know how to poach other's husbands. You can have her!


Random-thread bumping is an art that you don't master yet. :D

Please condescend to teach us the art, oh great master . . . .

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But it is truth.

She is a dog and cannot act...and the worst of the worst..she has dissed her dad. Miserable kid!

I think that her and Vagonna are now engaged in a " adopt-off " seeking which one can adopt the most poorest kid on earth...next AJ will also be wearing a red string 'round her wrist as well...

And I reckon Pitt is eventually gunna save NewO'lans from itself.

Freaks is what they are...freaks.

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I much prefer Jennifer Aniston to Angelina Jolie.

Aniston is pretty and feminine and nice, where Jolie is the attention seeking, slut type. All of the adopting children and "good works" is a con job in my estimation.

Something is wrong with Brad Pitt.

Both Jenifer and Angelina have great qualities and I'm available anytime for either one of them. :o

Why do you think that the adopting and 'good works ' is a con? It might well be, but it also might be a genuine act on her part....what leads you to think that it is a con?

Angelina is well fit, I'd rather do her than Aniston any day.

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Angelina Jolie is a dog! And she can't act either. But she DOES know how to poach other's husbands. You can have her!


Random-thread bumping is an art that you don't master yet. :D

Please condescend to teach us the art, oh great master . . . .

Well, I just did that.

Serenpidity2 bumped the thread at 10:30. Almost 5 hours later, nobody had reacted.

At 15:10, I decided to take over. 40 minutes later, I've generated 3 replies (and counting).

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..and hopefully after my post it will die away again.

I not skilled at the art of thread bumping, but I have done it. Usually because I have weighed up whether i should create a new one or not, and then, after consideration I bump because i have something USEFUL to add to the old thread.

..but anyway, i fell into MH's cunning trap and im now guilty of bumping a well-worn and raggedy old thread. Ooh la la!

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Random-thread bumping is an art that you don't master yet. :D

Please condescend to teach us the art, oh great master . . . .

Well, I just did that.

Serenpidity2 bumped the thread at 10:30. Almost 5 hours later, nobody had reacted.

At 15:10, I decided to take over. 40 minutes later, I've generated 3 replies (and counting).

Such a kidder you are, oh great master! You almost tricked me with that little one, but, not having been born yesterday, I was able to draw on my - admittedly rather limited - well of experience to bring up a bucket of memory that had floating in it a tiny but all-important datum, namely that the random bumping of a thread is only possible after at least one day, and ideally several more than that, has passed since the last posting on that thread. So, in this case, you enlivened a randomly bumped thread, but you did not yourself engage in random-thread bumping, and you have not, yet, condescended to teach us that art, despite my sweet and humble request. S'il vous plait, Monsieur Hulot!!!

Edited by Rasseru
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I much prefer Jennifer Aniston to Angelina Jolie.

Aniston is pretty and feminine and nice, where Jolie is the attention seeking, slut type. All of the adopting children and "good works" is a con job in my estimation.

Something is wrong with Brad Pitt.

Both Jenifer and Angelina have great qualities and I'm available anytime for either one of them. :o

Why do you think that the adopting and 'good works ' is a con? It might well be, but it also might be a genuine act on her part....what leads you to think that it is a con?

Angelina is well fit, I'd rather do her than Aniston any day.


Angelina Jolie isn't attractive [at least to this expat] she can't act worth a farthing, she has no class and is probably a lousy lay to boot. She THINKS she's beautiful but the fact is she really isn't. There are hundreds of Hollywood actresses that could run rings around her.

Jennifer Aniston, on the other hand, IS a classy lady. And I do mean a lady! Pitt cheated on her and Angelina did the same. If you like shallow females then Angelina Jolie is your babe. I personally don't care for predatory females. Lets not forget that Brad Pitt is a pretty shallow guy too. I'm not surprised they aren't married - that's Hollywood - which is not the best role model.

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Angelina Jolie is a dog! And she can't act either. But she DOES know how to poach other's husbands. You can have her!


Random-thread bumping is an art that you don't master yet. :D

Please condescend to teach us the art, oh great master . . . .

Well, I just did that.

Serenpidity2 bumped the thread at 10:30. Almost 5 hours later, nobody had reacted.

At 15:10, I decided to take over. 40 minutes later, I've generated 3 replies (and counting).


I don't exactly know what "bumping the thread' is supposed to mean but I was reading ALL of the comments on the thread and decided to put my oar in. I hope that's OK. The reason I'm late is there is this thing called an International Date Line. Are we only supposed to make the "next" comment from the prior comment? If so then this forum won't last too long. I thought it was to share ideas, comments and thoughts rather than to stick,chronologically, to being the "next" comment. If I've transgressed my apologies. But Angelina Jolie is still a dog.

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The reason I'm late is there is this thing called an International Date Line. Are we only supposed to make the "next" comment from the prior comment? If so then this forum won't last too long. I thought it was to share ideas, comments and thoughts rather than to stick,chronologically, to being the "next" comment. If I've transgressed my apologies. But Angelina Jolie is still a dog.

Hi Khun Serendipity2,

You are forgiven for being late because you were on an International Date, which we hope went very well for you, and did not run up any surprise-huge-tabs at a karaoke parlour or wherever : we are assessing you only a shambolic 25 satang tardy-fine, payable by Pay-Pal.

Comments here are done according to principles of "quantum mechanics" which allow you to super-pose yourself independent of the usual social fiction of space and time. You are correct the forum will not last too long, but you would also be correct if you said that it has lasted, and will last, for eternity. Either answer will get your kibble-bowl refilled.

For the crime of confessing to unnecessary guilt and apologizing, you are assessed another twenty-five satang fine. "Sticking chronologically" is a capital offense, however, we currently have a promotion going on where all capital crimes are forgiven in advance, so don't worry about that.

I have not had the privilege of encountering Angelina Jolie in her dog-body, but I am a very novice practitioner of FEAR (Farang Esoteric Angst Ridiculousness), so I can only express my admiration for your advanced abilities. If in the future I could meet her dog-body, and, at the same time, manifest my dog-body, wouldn't it would be like so bitchin' gnarly if we could do doggy things like sniffing each other's butts ? Thoughts like that really help me make it through the nights of poison sweat here.

By the way, I used the pronoun "We" several times in this message, which is very presumptuous, and I do want to emphasize that I am no-one, absolutley no-body, in TV; I am so far from being a "Moderator" that you might call me an "Immoderator," if you need to call me rather than just bark to get my attention.

regardez, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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I much prefer Jennifer Aniston to Angelina Jolie.

Aniston is pretty and feminine and nice, where Jolie is the attention seeking, slut type. All of the adopting children and "good works" is a con job in my estimation.

Something is wrong with Brad Pitt.

I couldn't agree with you more! Jennifer is a warm, classy and friendly woman and she's not full of herself. Angelina is the antithesis of warm and friendly and classy. She and Brad deserve each other and Jennifer didn't deserve to be treated by these two.

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I imagine if you see a crowd and some paparazzi, then she will be in the middle of it.

I also imagine it cant be easy being followed around everywhere you go.

Have always liked her work and admired her more when she became a UN ambassador. I wish her luck in her work and hope she gets a little peace and quiet.

As for "any lucky guy seen her"..according to many westerners on TV, all western women are completely and utterly repulsive and undesirable (to put it mildly), so why would any of them be interested in seeing the talented and beautiful Ms Jolie-Pitt? :D


Talented and beautiful? As they say, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" but talented she ain't. She can't act which is supposedly where her fame came from. I"ve seen two movies with the "beautiful and talented" Angeline Jolie in them. The first, a remake of the classic "Gone in 60 seconds" was a joke. The other was so bad I can't remember the name [ity was "Hackers"] but she weighed a great deal more in that movie that her anorexic self does today. She CAN'T ACT. So what other talents do you perceive? She's probably a bum lay.

The ONLY reason Angelina Jolie is a Goodwill Ambassador of UNHCR was that then-President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton sucked up to Hollywood. Sorry eek but Angelina Jolie is no babe but she knows how to ring every dime out of her fame. The average Thai lady is much sexier and has a lot more class. As for western women, most are overweight, over-value themselves in the meatmarket and come with 9 yards of attitude. Why do you think expats become expats? :o

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The ONLY reason Angelina Jolie is a Goodwill Ambassador of UNHCR was that then-President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton sucked up to Hollywood. Sorry eek but Angelina Jolie is no babe but she knows how to ring every dime out of her fame. The average Thai lady is much sexier and has a lot more class. As for western women, most are overweight, over-value themselves in the meatmarket and come with 9 yards of attitude. Why do you think expats become expats? :o

Perhaps to get away from the narrow-mindedness and blatant sexist attitudes that seem to now dominate here these days. Can one really refer to it as an ex-pat culture anymore in places like BKK and CNX when the population of non-Thais, espec ially westerners has become so large? Or did you all become the neo-sahib ex-pats because even the over-weight and over self-valued western women would not come within 9 yards of any of you? Or is there another reason that so many here trash this woman for her looks, her personal social life, and other unconnected doings in spite of well-intentioned efforts at the refugee camps. I don't here any of you making similar snide remarks Bono.

Actually quite embarrassing that this thread for male chauvinist losers would be resurrected.

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