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US Considers Whether To Ban Entry Of Runaway Thaksin

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Thaksin banned in Japan..Thaksin banned from USA,,, England siezes $4.5 billion of Thaksins money...blah blah..

These bogus stories can't be found in any legit western news service as far as I know.

I do know the Bangkok Post and Nation will publish false news as propaganda for powerful people in Bangkok.

Enuff said, no?

And the Thai army shot JFK, started World War One and sunk the Titanic. Your delusions rival those of your square faced hero.

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Thaksin banned in Japan..Thaksin banned from USA,,, England siezes $4.5 billion of Thaksins money...blah blah..

These bogus stories can't be found in any legit western news service as far as I know.

I do know the Bangkok Post and Nation will publish false news as propaganda for powerful people in Bangkok.

Enuff said, no?

And the Thai army shot JFK, started World War One and sunk the Titanic. Your delusions rival those of your square faced hero.

It's not a delusion that those newspapers have published inaccurate and blatantly false articles though, including the aforementioned about the UK seizing Thaksin's funds. It's a sad fact.

Can someone explain how a democratically elected official ousted by a military coup does not qualify for political asylum? it seems rather open shut.

it sounds like the current thai government is "trading" to get these rulings.

Hitler was elected. However, the US did give asylum to Marcos, much to our shame. Maybe a lesson learned? The current PM is in power under Thai law. He will face elections soon enough.

you don't see any conflict of interest in a democratically elected official (the first to have served 2 terms in the history of Thailand) who was thrown out in the 17th military coup and is then found guilty by a court installed by those who threw him out as being grounds for political asylum? do you think he will receive a fair trial in a country where his opponents stormed and occupied an airport under the protection of the army commander?



The trial he had was open to the public,

his acts fit the charges made, and were a matter of public record.

He was found guilt of laws from pre coup.

He was found guilt during the time his OWN party had won a POST coup election,

and HIS hand picked successors were in charge of the country.

He was left free on bail to go as he pleased,

and even AFTER his wifes conviction, she was allowed to go overseas,

from which THEY both decided to not return.

She has returned and isn't in lock down is she?

He was taken out because he was becoming a great liability.

He was convicted so far on actions of his own doing,

that were part and parcel of the reasons he was taken out of office.

He had certainly equal conflicts of interest during much of his terms.

And he was elected twice, but did NOT serve 2 full terms.

The 2nd was cut short and then it was annulled as corrupted, which is clearly was.

And his partys were terminated TWICE for blatant law breaking

before and after the replacement elections.

He's had all the breaks and freedom he could rightfully lexpect and more.

And yet he thinks this isn't fair...

Delusions of a lot. His head is a land unto itself.

How many real mainstream countries have offered him asylum?

What countries have rescinded his visa rights?

These are NOT countries controlled by Thailand.

But they are countries that believe the courts so far gave him a fair shake.

and that he needs to come back and face the music like a man.

inaccurate and blatantly false articles though, including the aforementioned about the UK seizing Thaksin's funds. It's a sad fact.

Unless you have the official UK denial the story stands on its own legs, which are multiple anonymous sources.

inaccurate and blatantly false articles though, including the aforementioned about the UK seizing Thaksin's funds. It's a sad fact.

Unless you have the official UK denial the story stands on its own legs, which are multiple anonymous sources.

The false story that has been repeated in the Nation came from an article written in a Arabian newspaper.

The Bangkok Pundit simply wrote the author of the article and got the facts. Never happened.

The Nation repeated this false story again a few days later. Now, it is an urban legend.

The Nation has become the "FOXNews" of Thailand.

They have been riding Thaksins but for years.

Remember the "cracks" in the runways? Thaksin fault, right?

The only "crime" he has been "convicted" of is the land deal on Rachada.

He was Prime Minister while his wife bought property at public auction. It wasn't some secret backroom deal. It was in the papers while it was happening.

You see, the yellow team can over run an airport or government house and trash the economy but a redshirt can't cook on TV .


And of course Bangkok Pundit, a blogger, is the fountain of all accuracy right?

Yes Thaksin was convicted of Rachada purchase case because

It was open and in the papers,

and it also was

>AGAINST THE LAW< he knew that too. He ignored legal advice.

He ignored those facts from his 'ego' at being so powerful, at that time.

'It's just a little law for little people, no one wold DARE try and hassle me with it.'

It's good to be the boss, as long as it lasts. Good bosses have great retirements,

bad bosses.... get it in the end.

It only takes ONE conviction to be a convicted criminal.

Of course avoiding incarceration and being on the run,

might be considered crimes to add to his pending list in most quarters too.

Oh but it's only a 2 year sentence, not so bad, forgive him it's so small.

Well boyo, criminal convictions are still convictions.

Found guilty, and sentenced, but fled the country

to escape justice for a clear violation of an old law, in effect before his time in office.

You can't successfully white wash these facts with obsfucation.

The other cases await his appearance in court, and so for the moment languish,

but just because he skipped town, doesn't suddenly make the cases

null and void or lacking any substance. They are just not adjudicated yet.

And just like Pokymon got off for her part in Rachada,

he could get off for parts of his other cases not proved.

This is one reason why the other countries are taking the Thai Courts

seriously, they let her off because there wasn't a case, but convicted him,

and convicted her when there WAS a case, but didn't try dragged him into that one.

A real kangaroo court would ignore such niceties, denie bail and just lock'm up quick fast.

But there are cases he clearly wishes NOT to see the light of day.

It's very doubtful he skipped because of Rachada alone.

Where there's smoke there's fire.


Give it up on Samak cooking, it was a proper bust, again ego run amok.

He WAS talking politics during the cooking too. Not just cooking.

Essentially free airtime for his political point of view.

No wait they PAID him. Free airtime and a paycheck to talk politics....

Paid by a 'TV concessionaire' production company owing it's livelyhood

to regulators Samak controlled directly. Paid to talk politics on government regulated airtime.

When it clearly was stated by HIS lawyers this was not legal by the laws.

He ignored legal advice again, cause he's 'The Big Man'

Sure the other side wanted to 'get him', but he made it EASY for them.

The false story that has been repeated in the Nation came from an article written in a Arabian newspaper.

The Bangkok Pundit simply wrote the author of the article and got the facts. Never happened.

There were far more sources for the Nation's story than Arabian paper. In fact it took Thanong nearly a month to put it together.

No one would officially go on record saying that the UK freezed his assets unless there's official UK confirmation, that's natural.

ate='2009-02-09 05:58:03']If you read this news in the Thai press, then be skeptical. The local press have a disinformation campaign against Thaksin for years.

Thaksin was the landslide winner of several legitimate democratic elections. The country prospered.

A military junta took over the country at gunpoint, stole his money, ousted him and railroaded him in a court stacked by the Yellow shirts.

He is a role model as far as the USA goes.

Last month, the Nation stated that G Britian had confiscated 4.5 billion $ from Thaksin. They repeated this a few days later but the story is false.

An epic struugle is underway in the Thai gov in preperation for the death of you know who.

Do not believe anything you see in the Thai Press.

I am much more inclinced to believe the Thai Press then you. That load of BS you are slinging is getting everything terribly dirty.

Feel free to point out the inaccuracies in my post.

With pleasure. Thaksin/TRT won two legitimate democratic (as far as any election here is) elections, not the "several" to which you refer. TRT & his subsequent nominee-parties appear to be winning a declining percentage of the Thai vote over the past several years.

Thailand prospered, especially in the first years of his first government, when the global economy was also booming.

The military coup was totally-peaceful, because it was widely welcomed, as a way out of an impossible situation.

The courts legally froze Thaksin's local assets, nobody stole them, they are held pending the outcome of court cases which he refuses to return to permit to progress, and the Thai courts won't allow to proceed in-absentia. Pretty unfair ?

The judges in the courts hearing these cases were not PAD-members or "yellow shirts".

I defer to your opinion, if as you claim, he is currently viewed as a role-model in the USA. Would you agree that Noriega & Sadam Hussein were viewed similarly in their time ?

False or loosely-based stories, in the Thai or international press, often emanate from Thaksin himself, or spokesmen who are later claimed to have been misquoted or misinformed. Co-incidence or what ?:o


"And of course Bangkok Pundit, a blogger, is the fountain of all accuracy right?"

Well, he did write the author of the story and the author wrote him back.

A clear case of the local press being used to smear Thaksin.

Now you know.


It's not the araibian news editor who blocked Thaksin's assets, he won't go on record as saying that there's such a freeze. Officially the freeze doesn't exist, and so do various anonymous sources providing all the details of what has happened with Thaksin's money.

If you want to prove that Thanong completely fabricated the story you have to do better than arabian denial.


astral posted

And why not.

There cannot be one rule for the rich and another for the rest of us.

Obviously you do not live in Thailand.

As the US does not comment on such matters and Thai pols and press are notorious for BS statements and public relations gimmiks and gimcrack.

That said the US paid Thaks and T to "render" terror suspects, but that was Bush and Co. and Bush and Co were also very PO'd at Thaksin for his statements in the week after 9/11. However they realized by these statements all it would take is cash and ... of course the Democrats in power in Thailand won't touch that one. :o

And why not.

There cannot be one rule for the rich and another for the rest of us.

What do you mean, there CANNOT be? Don't you mean, there SHOULD NOT be?

In case you haven't caught on, there has always been a set of laws for the rich and another (much worse) set of laws for the rest of us -- not just here but everywhere.


US Ambassador Eric G. John this morning dismissed a rumour that Washington has revoked the visa of fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Which is not the same thing as making Thaksin feel entirely comfortable in visiting the US. For all he knows, this is a trap to extradite him. As an American, I am entitled to an opinion on this one. Thaksin: go home and face the music. Rodeo Drive will still be there for you after you face justice.


US Ambassador Eric G. John this morning dismissed a rumour that Washington has revoked the visa of fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Which is not the same thing as making Thaksin feel entirely comfortable in visiting the US. For all he knows, this is a trap to extradite him. As an American, I am entitled to an opinion on this one. Thaksin: go home and face the music. Rodeo Drive will still be there for you after you face justice.

Isn't that russian weapon dealer still in thailand?

That might be a good exchange deal with USA.


For those earlier in the thread debating US policy toward ousted dictators, The Shah's Last Ride by William Shawcross is pretty interesting. Obviously a much more high profile and politically sensitive case given events at the time, but nonetheless and interesting look inside what actually goes on in these types of cases. Lots of backroom dealing, preening and posturing on all sides. The one thing that's true is that you can't believe what anyone says publicly concerning the goings on.

For those earlier in the thread debating US policy toward ousted dictators, The Shah's Last Ride by William Shawcross is pretty interesting. Obviously a much more high profile and politically sensitive case given events at the time, but nonetheless and interesting look inside what actually goes on in these types of cases. Lots of backroom dealing, preening and posturing on all sides. The one thing that's true is that you can't believe what anyone says publicly concerning the goings on.

Google "Red Siam"; believe it!

It's not the araibian news editor who blocked Thaksin's assets, he won't go on record as saying that there's such a freeze. Officially the freeze doesn't exist, and so do various anonymous sources providing all the details of what has happened with Thaksin's money.

If you want to prove that Thanong completely fabricated the story you have to do better than arabian denial.

Like I said, The Nation newspaper is the FOX news for Thailand.

If you want to believe the propaganda, be my guest.


The parallel between the two is quite invisible.

Style and substance both absurdly different.

And Fox's perceivable bias is much greater.

I can't stomach watching Foxnews for more than 5 minutes,

but can easily read The Nation as one SEGMENT of information retrieval.

Every newspaper gets something badly wrong periodically.

The Nation said their mea culla,

but you still harp on it like it was never said, only the mistake.

And really that story makes so little difference in the big picture, why even bother.

Like I said, The Nation newspaper is the FOX news for Thailand.

Which way are they slanted?

Have a look at today's "Burning issue" bashing of ISOC.

It's not the araibian news editor who blocked Thaksin's assets, he won't go on record as saying that there's such a freeze. Officially the freeze doesn't exist, and so do various anonymous sources providing all the details of what has happened with Thaksin's money.

If you want to prove that Thanong completely fabricated the story you have to do better than arabian denial.

Like I said, The Nation newspaper is the FOX news for Thailand.

If you want to believe the propaganda, be my guest.

Reds say that of the Nation group and Yellows say that of Matichon group. Basic rule read everything you can especially that you disagree with and then form your own opinion, and dont start with any assumption at all or try to fit things to story..That is the hard part and one that journalists do badly too.




Thaksin, minister not banned : US Embassy

By The Nation

Published on February 11, 2009

The American ambassador yesterday denied reports that ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra had been banned from entering the United States.

Ambassador Eric G John said US authorities had no plans to rescind Thaksin's entry visa.

He also dismissed as groundless a rumour that Commerce Minister Porntiva Nakasai's US visa had been revoked.

The envoy said the US Embassy rarely commented on individual cases but he had to make the denial publicly in order to ensure fairness for the two persons.

John was speaking after his meeting with the Democrat Party's chief adviser, Chuan Leekpai, at the party's headquarters. Also present at the meeting were party spokesman Buranat Samuttharak and Kiat Sitthee-amorn, who is tipped to become the new trade representative.

The meeting lasted more than one hour, during which John and Chuan discussed the country's problems, according to the Democrat spokesman. Among the topics discussed were Thailand's political problems, insurgency in the deep South, and unsolved political-related cases like that of missing lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit.

He said the US envoy told Chuan the US authorities had no policy encouraging or discouraging any individuals, including Thaksin, from entering the United States.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said yesterday he believed Thaksin's foremost concern was not safety but how to evade his two-year jail term if he decides to end his exile and return home.

"I cannot verify whether Thaksin is coming back home, although the government is ready to ensure his safety," Suthep said.

The Democrat secretary general said it appeared Thaksin's supporters were trying to deflect the real point of the issue.

"This is an attempt to deflect from the truth. People could be mistaken that Thaksin is being persecuted. In fact, Thaksin is a fugitive escaping legal action at home," Suthep said.

In October, Thaksin was sentenced to two years in jail by the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders in connection with his wife's purchase of a coveted state-seized land plot at a price far lower than the market value. Thaksin did not appeal the verdict.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva insisted yesterday the government had no intention of trying to prevent Thaksin from entering the country.

"Actually, we want him back into the justice system. His Excellency decided to leave the country by himself. Thailand has never prevented him from re-entering the country. He is a Thai citizen and has the right of entering the country. And when in Thailand, he has the duty as a Thai citizen to follow the due course of the justice system," the prime minister said.

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