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Prime Minister Worries About Thailand Image

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In the last 30 years, the Democrats havent won an election with overall majority even once.

Thailand has a multiparty system, no party has ever won overall majority until TRT in 2005. Don't remember exact numbers for 2000.

I think the key word is "won" and TRT would have done a hat-trick.

Sorry, but weren't the TRT found to be illegally buying votes? "Won" doesn't equate to "bought". And if Thaksin had an absolute majority, why did he feel it necessary to bring all the same old corrupt snouts to his shiney new TRT trough? The only hat trick Thaksin does these days is to pass one around.

So based generally on what's been said, what if we sent Abhisit to hang out in Dubai on taxpayer baht, then held new elections, and since Thaksin isn't here to "buy votes", then if he wins, that's it, right?

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http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/13...-thailand-image PM worries about Thailand image By: BangkokPost.com Published: 20/02/2009 at 10:07 AM Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Friday expressed concerns about Thailand's image as the red-shirt supporters plan to hold rallies during the 14th Asean Summit. He, however, said he is confident that the summit will serve as an opportunity for Thailand to restore confidence as it is serving as the host of the summit. The premier said he is not worried that the planned rallies of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) will make the Asean leaders to skip the summit.

A bit late to start worrying about Thailands Image Now (PAD) and the airport closure. I am afraid Thailand took a battering on the International playing field over that fiasco. Tourists wont forget that anytime soon.

The Red Shirt plans to hold rallies. Please Mr Abhisit don't get your Knickers in a twist about Plans to hold rallies.

Sit back and have A nice Thai Cocktail Relax and think, Maybe help the Hotels in Tourist areas would be a start.

Or bring down the Value of the Baht.

Now I am loosing it so time to go

Could not agree more in this comment - its a tad too late to worry about the image of the LOS as this was destroyed in the later part of last year with the PAD occupation of govt house and the airports around thailand - the effects have now been felt with the major downturn in the hospitality industry - there was a chance that many hotels would have survived the present financial impact on business but the airport closure that resulted in a huge amount of tour and FIT tourists had left these businesses flat -not to mention the reputation of the govt and the country - I think this comment by the PM is more to directed the locals in an effort to take the heat of the govt as to their inaction in bringing the leaders of the PAD to justice and to make amends over the damage they did to the country - remember the world press was full of the PAD protests every day for months - people never forget -- sure many tourists that had planned to spend their holidays here went to places like vietnam, malaysia and else where - the total cost of this will never be known but felt for a long long time -

Think he would be better served to worry about the supposed support for the convicted criminal ex PM who is jet setting round the world stirring up trouble - isn't about time a warrant was issued for his arrest and some effort put into bringing him back to justice, and don't forget the stupidity of the supporters for their recent voodoo and witchcraft merit making - what a joke this must appear to the rest of the world - or at least those who have any passing interest in Thailand which you can assume to be the ASEAN block for starters.

In a Democracy, even "supposed convicted criminals" can run for office, Mr. Aussie, that should be REALLY clear to you. If not then hit the history books.

And if I was illegally removed from office, through an illegal action, by the military, and any following government, which would be illegal, supported that outcome, then I'd be trying to do something about it too.

Maybe the courts should be convicting those that took that "illegal" action, and jailing them??? Or the same ones who took no action during the other illegal activities of the PAD??

Things that make you go "hmmm?"

Nobody (abroad) give a dam_n about the red shirts as long as they don't block the airport. I don't remember him to be so concerned when the PAD was putting Thailand on the headlines a few month ago ...

What foreigners really care about are the Rohingya refugees, Giles and Harry Nicolaides. But I believe Abhi comments are directed to a local audience, so far the Thai government has only show disdain to foreign institutions.

Partly right.

Not many people in the world give a fart about the protests.

Of course those who were delayed by the airport occupations do.


You really think that non-victims are really concerned by something that happened??

Very long time ago already, it is in the past, ok?

There are a myriad of other things about Thailand that worry tour-operators, tourists, investors & all.

And those worries are not really getting less.

And most certainly are not helped by the deepening economic downturn.

Sadly, it doesn't work that way. Have you ever heard of the 3/11 rule? It means that all of those unhappy customers will go back and tell an average of 11 other people of their bad experience. You have the luxury of living in Khon Kaen - good for you. The continuing huge reduction of tourist numbers in Bangkok since the airport takeover is obvious.

Also, people in Western countries are well aware that Thailand is not a true democracy and the government that seized power with the support of the judiciary and military powers of this country has no real legitimacy and will face protests until real elections are held. The impact of events like the treatment of the Rohingya refugees, Nicolaides arrest and the charges against the political scientist Giles Ungpakorn don't help either.

Dems got into power legitimately by coersing former govt parties to switch sides.

Beyond that I don't see how TRT election wins, or price of fish are related to this thread. Five years ago Thaksin was a an ambitious, risging star. Now he is a convicted criminal whose backroom dealings have been exposed for everyone to see.

Shit like that happens all the time here, he's not the first one, Asean members are not striving for his return.

The best remark that sums up their attitude came from Bush, of all people. I can easily visualise his chuckle - "He got caught, heh?"

Maybe the Thai people want an ambitious rising star that knows how to backroom deal.

Maybe it was Bush who taught him how to backroom deal. We all know he knows how to do it.

Who are you going to vote for? Oh yeah, you can't vote here.

Better be more concerned about the price of fish.

Or better yet, as somebody else put it, the broads, the beer and the bars. :o


I can understand the reds are so dangerous since they attacked politicians by eggs. The yellows only killed some people and sat at airports.

Recall the last TRT Government: illegal election, vote buying, they could not get the parliament filled like necessary by the constitution, the time of the caretaker government was expired. The last TRT Government was complete outside of the 1997 constitution.

You must have parroted five hundred times that the TRT and PPP Governments were illegitimate and that every single person who voted for them was bribed

Fact it: the governments both existed - they were both legally appointed by the King. They were not fictitious.

They were found guilty of cheating, so went phut.

Now. you can accuse me of having Alzheimers, Jdinasia can say i'm wearing blinkers. But people in general feel a sense of unease about what has happened. The haters of the Great Serpent haven't chipped away at that - over what, 250,000 posts ? (at a conservative estimate). In fact they say, 'we're not trying to persuade'.

In spite of having the Government that the western markets and media has prayed for for 10 years - Abhisit Vejajiva's. That media is still not happy. It feels a sense of unease too.

You can shrug and say 'Thats their problem. They must have Alzheimers'

That mentality means you'll all still be yapping on inanely for the next ten years with no resolution. As Plus has said more than once 'there is no other side of the argument to hear'.

Right enough.

Why don't they just have Thaksin pay a fine for the petty things he/his wife may or may not have done, give him back his money and citizenship, and let him come run in the next elections?

I'd say that would be good compromise that would certainly lead to finding out what the people want.

Other "thing(s)" will likely change in the next few years that will lead Thailand in a new direction anyway, if you know what I mean.

I'm sure the constitution will eventually clearly limit terms in office as well.

Quit pissing up a rope already everyone.

Cheese and rice!


I have just returned from meeting inverstors in the US and Japan. The issues that prevent investors from returning are surprising. 100% of them said they were worried about a repeat of the airport closure and used it as an example of the worst thing that could happen from an investor's point of view. All of them without exception noted that they were not concerned with human rights violations (which I found disgusting but not so surprising) but blocking the country's transportation system was killing the companies they had invested in.

Everyone noted that Thailand is such a small portion of their Asian investment that pulling out was not a problem. I noted that if they saw others making money in Thailand they would surely need to return and everyone agreed i.e. they would get out now but if the situation changed they would probably return (the lemming syndrome).

For most of the people on this forum who talk about red or yellow shirts hurting the country's image, the message is clear. Investors do not care about political shenanigans, do not care about corruption within government, as long as none of it hurts the profits of private companies (too much). If our British Prime Minister Nong Mark can stay in power and bring some stability and most of all keep the airport open, they will return. The country's "image" has no relevance to investors. Making returns does. Frankly, if Myanmar had a stock market, many would invest in it if there was money to be made.

Some Nelson Mandela that Thaksin dude, riiiight.

I can't imagine the UK or US letting Worldcom execs or Madoff running for President all the while slamming the judicial system, or better yet, while on the run from the police and hiding in Nicaragua.

But if you can imagine Thaksin as Nelson Mandela everything else is possible.

1st, I didn't compare Mandela and Thaksin personally, never even crossed my mind, I only referenced YOUR reference to "convicted criminal" and "politics", in which you are explicitly incompetent.

2nd. Nobody cares much what you can imagine. Corporate execs are often candidates for political office. Including George Bush and their many corporations. Your attempt to compare Thaksin to Madoff is also incompetent. (a.) Madoff hasn't be convicted (b.) There really is no other comparison (c.) If Madoff wanted to run for President, he could. .

***flame deleted ***


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I can understand the reds are so dangerous since they attacked politicians by eggs. The yellows only killed some people and sat at airports.

Koo, how do you think the Red-Shirts in Chiang Mai improve Thailand's image, when they disrupt and shut-down a Gay-Pride parade, organised by other local people ? It seems a very strange way to defend democracy, or fight for justice, to me. :o

I can understand the reds are so dangerous since they attacked politicians by eggs. The yellows only killed some people and sat at airports.

Koo, how do you think the Red-Shirts in Chiang Mai improve Thailand's image, when they disrupt and shut-down a Gay-Pride parade, organised by other local people ? It seems a very strange way to defend democracy, or fight for justice, to me. :o

Koo knows the truth, he's just running his normal line.

I can understand the reds are so dangerous since they attacked politicians by eggs. The yellows only killed some people and sat at airports.

Koo, how do you think the Red-Shirts in Chiang Mai improve Thailand's image, when they disrupt and shut-down a Gay-Pride parade, organised by other local people ? It seems a very strange way to defend democracy, or fight for justice, to me. :o

And I'd like to know where they get their eggs from? Sounds like they might be well past their expiry date. Some appear to be rock hard while others are exploding.

"Police threatened yesterday to take legal action against "red-shirt" protesters who threw rocks at vehicles leaving Parliament, causing damage and injuries. Windscreens and windows of several vehicles were smashed and several people, including a reporter, were injured." - The Nation

"A People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) guard was wounded in a bomb blast in the early hours yesterday near the group's makeshift stage in the Government House compound. The bomb blast was the third in recent weeks and went off near a camp where PAD guards were sleeping." - Bangkok Post


He appoints a minister whose job experience includes running the largest massage parlour in Thailand and then claims to be concerned about Thailand's image? If he isn't worried that Thailand's goverment might be seen to be supporting sex slavery then he must be worried that Thai business can't flourish without the valuable imput of a minister with extensive experience of the sex trade. I don't really understand how this could not damage Thailand's image unless the government of Thailand does not care when it is promoting sex tourism?


Politicians job is to lie, everywhere in the world. The international headlines about Thailand are human rights of refugees from Laos and internet censorship, nothing about red shirts. I'am happy that I stay here as a guest, it is not my job to be angry about politicians like I do in my country. Let them do their job and have a nice day, when it belong human rights I will go on the road with my Thai friends in a white shirt... :o


PM worries about Thailand image

By: BangkokPost.com

Published: 20/02/2009 at 10:07 AM

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Friday expressed concerns about Thailand's image as the red-shirt supporters plan to hold rallies during the 14th Asean Summit.

He, however, said he is confident that the summit will serve as an opportunity for Thailand to restore confidence as it is serving as the host of the summit.

The premier said he is not worried that the planned rallies of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) will make the Asean leaders to skip the summit.

wek hey lads weed bitter put on a gud show down in fuket this weeeknd ta make surr these tuther lads tink werr spond as a puund.

Me tinks therr woorried were a bunch o wanke_rs.


As far as I can see the red shirt's support what was a legally elected government overthrown by a movement backed by the judicery, who overturned election result after result until they could install their guy. The new government then places some of the yellow shirt's in power. Some democracy!! Now the government is are screeming foul when the red shirt's reciprecate their very own behaviour.

The international image of Thailand is just the hookers, mail order brides and gogos etc etc.

Nobody gives a rats about the politics, or which group of meanies is most unkind.

Sadly, I have to agree.

The PM's concerns are for local consumption only.

Anything he can do to discredit supporters of real democracy is fair game.

He would better serve the country by worrying about how to best combat unemployment and maintain a standard of living for the people of Thailand. But he's too busy looking over his shoulder.


The talking head that is Thailand's Prime Minister is articulate, well educated and is the perfect spokes model for power behind him. He says all the right things that the international community want to hear and puts a happy face on the Kingdom known as the Land of Smiles. The problem is credibility in all things controversial. I watched him on an interview with Bloomberg Voices a couple of weeks ago. Bernard Lo and others there to comment were at the very least stunned after the interview. The Prime Minister talked about democracy, the economy and political unrest, etc. All three commentators basically said after the interview that the Prime Minister seemed like a really nice guy but everything he said was BS. In fact you could see on Lo's face that he wanted to say just that. The bottom line is that he puts a good face on for Thailand but there is no substance and he is losing credibility fast. A coin operated Japanese robot could do the same job much cheaper.

Barack Obama has started a trend that may be, unfortunately, being duplicated here in Thailand.


I see the red shirts "love Chiang Mai 51" group have now stopped a gay parade because it would damage the reputation of the city. Wonder when we get the comparisons with facists for these self appointed protectors of the city.

Hardly the open minded socialists we have heard of. Not content with attacking demonstrating corn farmers they now show their homophobic colours.

I am sure that we can all agree on condemning this group and calling for action against them.

I see the red shirts "Love Chiang Mai 51" group

Not content with attacking demonstrating corn farmers they now show their homophobic colours.

I am sure that we can all agree on condemning this group and calling for action against them.

Wanna bet? :o

I see the red shirts "Love Chiang Mai 51" group

Not content with attacking demonstrating corn farmers they now show their homophobic colours.

I am sure that we can all agree on condemning this group and calling for action against them.

Wanna bet? :o

You may be right. I await any socialist grouping within the red shirts to denounce this and demand the LCM51 facist group are kept away form their pro-democracy rallies. Wonder how the denying of the right of free speech to anyone LCM51 dont like fits with other red shirt groups calls for greater freedom of speech and criticism of government over this. They need to distance themselves from this bunch of lunatics pretty quickly if they dont want to be seen as overt hypocrites

LCM51 has been linked to murder, attacking other red groups, attacking farmers, attacking a university meeting, and now this. I wonder what the authorities have done so far to stop this reign of intimidation on any people in CM that have the temerity to disagree with these boot boys. Must be brave to do that I guess.

Their leader Phetchawat Watthanaphongsirikul is not exactly in hiding. Should be easy enough to arrest him. Wonder how the investigation into the murder of the old man by this group is going?

Edited to add: Wonder how the out gay members of red groups will feel about this latest act of intimidation?

I see the red shirts "Love Chiang Mai 51" group

Not content with attacking demonstrating corn farmers they now show their homophobic colours.

I am sure that we can all agree on condemning this group and calling for action against them.

Wanna bet? :D

You may be right. I await any socialist grouping within the red shirts to denounce this and demand the LCM51 facist group are kept away form their pro-democracy rallies. Wonder how the denying of the right of free speech to anyone LCM51 dont like fits with other red shirt groups calls for greater freedom of speech and criticism of government over this. They need to distance themselves from this bunch of lunatics pretty quickly if they dont want to be seen as overt hypocrites

LCM51 has been linked to murder, attacking other red groups, attacking farmers, attacking a university meeting, and now this. I wonder what the authorities have done so far to stop this reign of intimidation on any people in CM that have the temerity to disagree with these boot boys. Must be brave to do that I guess.

Their leader Phetchawat Watthanaphongsirikul is not exactly in hiding. Should be easy enough to arrest him. Wonder how the investigation into the murder of the old man by this group is going?

Edited to add: Wonder how the out gay members of red groups will feel about this latest act of intimidation?

Even disrupting... of all things, a Flower Festival, too... :o


Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Friday expressed concerns about Thailand's image as the red-shirt supporters plan to hold rallies during the 14th Asean Summit.

After Suvv airport and Goverment house occupation, the comedy of the PM busted for hosting a cooking show, Rohingya beat downs for tourists, all of which made international headlines, someone needs to tell Ab, not to worry ... the damage is already done.


seems some of you just want free speech for the gays, surely the people who turned up to protest against the gay march have the same freedoms and rights to express their opinion.

Why do people feel the need for gay marches anyway, I don't recall ever going on a straight march or shouting about my straightness. I don't care if someone is straight or gay, I don't see how it affects me either way, so why march? is it to raise awareness? is it to get new recruits? is it a celebration?

it puzzles me,


What goes around comes around. The only people who are justified to protest against today's red shirt movement are the people who stand against the PAD last year. All others, especially those who supported the criminal activities of the yellow shirts, have lost all credibility.

And it’s so funny to see those PAD supporters recycling our posts from last year, they really have no shame !

What goes around comes around. The only people who are justified to protest against today's red shirt movement are the people who stand against the PAD last year. All others, especially those who supported the criminal activities of the yellow shirts, have lost all credibility.

And it’s so funny to see those PAD supporters recycling our posts from last year, they really have no shame !

recycling your posts?

Nah, most people on here understand the basics of parliamentary democracies enough never to recycle your posts PierRot

And it’s so funny to see those PAD supporters recycling our posts from last year, they really have no shame !

Or perhaps they just have a sense of humour ? :o

seems some of you just want free speech for the gays, surely the people who turned up to protest against the gay march have the same freedoms and rights to express their opinion.

Why do people feel the need for gay marches anyway, I don't recall ever going on a straight march or shouting about my straightness. I don't care if someone is straight or gay, I don't see how it affects me either way, so why march? is it to raise awareness? is it to get new recruits? is it a celebration?

it puzzles me,

Nothing wrong with anyone protesting. Its about the violence and intimidation.

Apparently the march was aimed to raise HIV awareness amongst young people.

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